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IL: Anti-gun activist arrested after firearm found at home
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"A Springfield woman who began lobbying against gun violence after her son was shot to death in 2002 was arrested last week when police allegedly found an illegal gun and drugs in her home."

"Annette 'Flirty' Stevens, however, said Monday she's innocent, and the arrest is an attempt by police to get her to give up information about unsolved crime in the city."

"The handgun, which had a scratched-off serial number, and drugs allegedly were discovered Friday morning inside Stevens' home in the 2500 block of South 15th Street. ..." ...

"Jonathan Lackland, Midwest regional director of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the march's partner organization, said he was shocked to hear about Stevens' arrest."

IL: Illinois Anti-Gun Activist Arrested; Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Says 'Welcome to the Party'
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" 'Annette Stevens may now understand why so many law-abiding people are fed up with the kind of gun laws that are promoted by the Million Mom March and other extremist gun control organizations,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. ..."

"In the kind of Draconian anti-gun society Stevens and her cohorts are trying to create... it wouldn't matter if she were innocent as she claims. Under the laws her group supports, gun owners are essentially considered guilty until they prove themselves otherwise. ...There are thousands of local and state laws across the country that the Million Moms support, none of which have done anything to prevent a single crime. All they do is chip away at the gun rights of law-abiding citizens."

Assault weapons battle rejoined -- Feinstein fights to reinstate law that expired after 10 years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California Sen. Dianne Feinstein renewed one of Washington's long- running and most bitterly fought battles Friday, saying she will introduce legislation seeking to reinstate the federal assault weapons ban that expired in September after 10 years."

"Gun control has been a signature issue for Feinstein since she arrived in the Senate in 1993. But the odds she faces to pass the weapons ban in the current Congress are probably steeper than they were in 1993, when the Senate narrowly approved the ban, or last March, when it passed 52-47 before dying in the body."

"November's election increased the 100-member Senate's number of Republicans from 51 to 55, and there are at least four new solid votes against Feinstein's proposal." ...

'50 Caliber Terror' Website Launched to Warn of Terrorist Access to .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles in the United States
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"On February 28th, Freedom States Alliance launched the website to inform the public that terrorists can buy .50 caliber sniper rifles in the United States easier than a person can buy a handgun."

"Because .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles pose a threat to shooting down civilian airliners on landing or take-off, Freedom States Alliance, a group of state organizations, is working to limit their availability to the military and law enforcement personnel."

CT: Mere threat of gun sends thugs running
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"A quick-thinking great-grandfather fought off two knife-wielding men as they tried to rob him in his own home." ...

"On Sunday night Dunn says a man came to his door and asked to use his phone because his car broke down but once inside, the man never dialed the phone, he just stood there with the phone to his ear and his hand at his side." ...

"...a second man came to the door. Both had knives." ...

"He told his wife,'Mary, run upstairs run up and tell David to come down with the gun.' "

"That sent the men running before this great-grandfather could finish his move." ...

"I will not open the door to anybody at nighttime, plus they will be greeted with a good old shot gun in my hands."

CT: Guilty plea in taxi passenger shooting
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"A former cab driver has pleaded guilty to a weapons charge for fatally shooting a passenger who had slashed his throat with scissors during a robbery."

"The case of John Lutters, 46, of Seymour, had reached the State Supreme Court after a judge ruled that the taxi driver did not need a gun permit while on the job."

"The prosecution had acknowledged that Lutters acted in self-defense and called the killing justified, but continued to pursue the weapon charge." ...

"What this case stands for is that you need to have a permit to carry a weapon when you are in the public sphere," prosecutor Jack Doyle said. "The law is to protect the public from individuals carrying weapons without the proper training or without permits to carry them."

MA: Lowell school worker agrees to position car to hide gun message
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"Lincoln School administrators have reached a compromise with an employee whose car carries a controversial novelty plate on the front bumper."

"The compromise aims to protect the employee's First Amendment rights while reducing the chance that students will see the plate, which reads 'Fight Crime Shoot First.' "

"Principal Sandra Dunning said she met with the employee and they agreed the car should be pulled into its parking space nose-first to reduce visibility." ...

"The late-model, red Ford Mustang was pulled in tight against a snowbank toward the rear of the school parking lot yesterday. It was difficult for anyone to read the plate without climbing a snowbank."

Note: What will they do when the snowbanks melt??

CO: Chuck E. Cheese patron hit with stun gun after loading up on salad
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"Police found themselves in the crosshairs of public criticism after officers used a Taser stun gun to subdue a man accused of pilfering from a salad bar at a Chuck E. Cheese's pizzeria packed with families and young children."

"They beat this man in front of all these kids then Tased him in my sister's lap ..."

"Police responded to Chuck E. Cheese's after a manager complained that a patron had refused to show proof that he had paid for food. ..."

KY: Gun Found At Kentucky Airport
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"Security officials at Louisville International Airport retrieved a firearm from the luggage of a police trainer." ...

"Stewart said he brought the gun to work earlier that day to practice at the police firing range. He said he forgot the gun was in his bag because it was hidden underneath other personal items." ...

"Federal authorities have not yet said whether he would be charged. Stewart has been training the Louisville police force for a year. He served as captain for the Washington, D.C. police and later retired. He also served as chief of police in Ormond Beach, Florida."

FL: Teen Injured Seeking Thrill In 'Garage Jumping' -- Parents blame Garage
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"Tim Bargfrede told Local 6 News that he was following friends when he attempted to garage jump and did not make it to the other side. Bargfrede fell six stories and was knocked unconscious on impact."

" 'I just didn't make it,' Bargfrede said."

"Bargfrede survived the 80-foot fall but was injured." ...

"Since Bargfrede fell, the City of Orlando erected a partial fence."

"The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life."

The garages need to take responsibility? Perhaps the Bargfredes need to take responsibility for not teaching their son that jumping from buildings is a dangerous idea.

"Your Papers, Please"
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"Under the law, the REAL ID Act proposes to make state driver's licenses the equivalent of a national ID card, but makes state participation in the plan 'voluntary' in order to maintain the fiction that it is not."

"But, any state that opts out of the plan will, in so doing, will automatically make 'non-persons' out of its citizens, since the federal government will no longer accept any other form of ID."

"Without a federally-approved driver's license, US citizens won't be able to fly or take a train. They won't be able to drive except in their own state. In essence, no one will be able to travel domestically unless they are carrying federally approved 'papers'."


Gun Grab Revival
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"Surging firearms sales after 9-11 briefly disarmed gun control efforts, but anti-gun lobbyists are now exploiting fears of terrorism to renew their attacks on the Second Amendment." ...

"In the immediate aftermath of September 11th, many Americans, shocked by the fact that men armed with simple box-cutters had managed to cow entire planeloads of unarmed passengers and flight crews, began purchasing firearms in record numbers. Increased interest in firearms for self-defense prompted some analysts to declare gun control dead. Pro-gun commentator Michael S. Brown, for example, exulted that 'gun shops are crowded with liberals seeking security in gun ownership.' But reports of gun control's demise are premature, to say the least. ..."

NV: Lawmakers consider legalizing short-barrel weapons
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"Gun owners asked lawmakers to legalize a class of short-barreled rifles and shotguns on Tuesday, saying Nevada's gun laws have slipped behind federal statutes and ban antique and collector's weapons." ...

"Nevada's gun law bans ownership of all short-barreled guns that aren't federally licensed. However, the federal law permits ownership of short-barreled guns considered relics or curios, so it doesn't have a process for licensing them."

Zero tolerance policies on the right track but needs change
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"Zero tolerance policies in public schools have been thrust into the spotlight. Recently, an 11-year-old girl in Pensacola, Fla. was suspended from school for 10 days because she drew a picture of a bomb. She made no verbal or written threats against the school."

"Many states have adopted a similar statute that approves a zero tolerance policy for drugs, weapons and threats. Unfortunately, there are no clear-cut rules regarding what constitutes as a threat. ..." ...

"While you may think that these are extreme examples, they are in fact the norm as many public schools are now reporting thousands of criminal incidents, issuing hundreds of citations and making hundreds of arrests under the Zero Tolerance Policy."

NC: Store manager talks about shooting
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"That manager said he is still waiting to hear from the District Attorney, but said police told him it’s a clear case of self defense."

"The store clerk pulled out a gun and shot at the suspects, critically injuring one and killing another."

"The robbers started shooting and then the clerk grabbed a gun and fired back, said witness Ramon Lopez."

"One of the robbers was hit and fell in the doorway. The others - at least one of whom was hit by gunfire - took a car at gunpoint in a parking lot next door and then fled. 'The [clerk] did a good job. He saved us,' Lopez said. 'He saved my kid. He saved our lives.' "

UK: Gang culture threat 'overblown'
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"Gang culture is seen as a problem by one in five of England's secondary schools according to a report by the education watchdog Ofsted."

"It comes amid concern over levels of disruption and even violence in the classroom and playground."

"Stories of weapons checks and drug tests at schools do little to alleviate fears."

"But criminologist Simon Hallsworth thinks Britain's political parties are fuelling a 'moral panic'."

Defensive Carry
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"I am asked almost daily by officers and military personnel what they should carry and how they should carry it. First of all you have to ask yourself if you will carry your defensive hand gun all of the time? The gun you carry is always better than the one you leave under the seat of your vehicle, on the dresser or some other unreachable location."

"If you will not carry it religiously do not buy it. I have had several individuals come up to me and tell me how much better there 44 mag is than my Kimber 45 ACP. Then I ask them if I can see it? They proceed to tell me it is in the car or at home. My response is always then I guess mine is better than yours because I have mine with me and you do not."

Canada: Police and Martial Arts Company Team up to Educate Women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the blustery weather on the radar, the calendar tells us spring isn't far off. But with the prospect of bike paths and parkways re-opening in the coming weeks, Ottawa police say now's the time for women to think seriously about self-defence."

"Ottawa Police Sergeant Cori Slaughter says the women self defence program teaches women about domestic assault, stranger rape and date rape, safety in your car and in your home."

"Slaughter says, for the most part, Ottawa is a safe city but anytime a high profile murder or assault case makes the headlines, interest in such programs spikes." ...

OH: Evaluation: First 270 days with Ohio's Concealed Handgun License Law (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Attorney General's office has released data on the final quarter of concealed handgun license issuance in 2004 (Oct - Dec)."

"---->Concealed Carry Licensure Statistics Report – 4th Qtr 2004 (.pdf)"

"It has also issued an annual report for 2004 (April – December). This is the report which is required by Ohio law."

"---->Concealed Carry Licensure Statistics Annual Report – 2004 (.pdf)"

"OFCC's overall assessment:"

"Despite unnecessary restrictions, OhioCCW is a success!"

"OFCC has already documented several licensed citizens who have defended their lives when violently attacked. Most instances of armed self-defense never make headlines." ...

OR: Lock, stock and plenty of gun legislation
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"Given the red state/blue state divide in the Oregon House and Senate, a lot of the gun legislation introduced this session could end up dead on arrival."

"But there has been a flurry of bills during the past few weeks, ranging from exempting firearms dealers and makers from most civil lawsuits to a bid for a so-called 'assault weapons' ban."

"Given the makeup of the current legislature, the only value to arise out of most of the bills is likely in fund-raising campaigns, ironically much of those generated in the camps of the opposition."

Parker vs DC: The Government's Motion (Blog)
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"Yesterday, I noted that the Parker attorneys had filed their motion with a suggested disposition for the case. Today, the attorneys for the District of Columbia have filed their motion. It is pretty much what I expected; they want the case dismissed on standing grounds and claim that Seegars is both controlling precedent and indistinguishable. They are frantically backpedaling from the statements pointed out in the Parker motion, hoping to reduce the impact of their threatened prosecution to a non-specific, general intent to enforce the law."

TX: Texas seals reciprocity deal with South Carolina
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"Governor Rick Perry has signed a concealed handgun reciprocity agreement with South Carolina."

"The agreement allows licensed gun-carrying Texans to have the same or similar privileges in those other states that they have in Texas to legally carry such weapons."

IA: Students suspended after discussing bringing a gun to school
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Two Sioux City middle school students have been suspended for allegedly making threats about a bringing a gun to school.

School officials say the West Middle School students, both boys, were heard making threats last week. No gun was involved.

Officials have told the boys' parents that further threats or similar behavior could result in long-term suspension or expulsion.

South Africa: Over 10 000 guns handed in since start of gun amnesty
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"Over ten thousand guns have been handed over voluntarily to the police since the start of a gun amnesty on January 1, the Ministry of Safety and Security said today. This included 7881 licensed firearms and 2787 unlicensed weapons. Close to 5400 rounds of ammunition were also taken from the public. ..."

"The amnesty entailed indemnity against prosecution for possessing firearms and ammunition illegally but did not absolve anyone from crimes committed with such weapons. The firearms and ammunition handed in was being processed by designated police officials and disposed of through normal destruction procedures."

TX: Civil rights group protest the use of tasers after death of suspect
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"A local man's death has prompted a protest against Tasers by the American Civil Liberties Union."

"Joel Casey, 52, died soon after a deputy constable shot him three times with a taser last week. Casey had resisted arrest on a warrant served by the constable."

"The ACLU is pushing for a change in the use of Tasers, saying they have not stopped police officers from killing suspects."

SC: Former Marlboro officer charged with hoarding seized evidence
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"A former Marlboro County Sheriff's Office lieutenant has been arrested and charged after police say they found at his home jewelry and marijuana that had been seized as evidence in a sheriff's investigation."

GA: Store owners acted in self-defense
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"Two Oglethorpe County shop owners acted in self-defense when they shot and killed a pair of would-be robbers in January, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Monday after a month-long probe."

How the author rebuilt a trusted but well-worn AR-15 into a new tactical tackdriver
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"You haven't shot Trusty. I picked up this rifle for a song back in the very early 1990s. Trusty was assembled on an Essential Arms lower. I say 'assembled' because Essential never made rifles; the company only made lowers. And then it went out of business. I picked it up for a song because it was 'defective.' The previous owner had tried to assemble it himself, didn't know what was wrong when it wouldn't work and figured he'd fix it by drilling the gas port larger. Since there is almost no problem that an AR can be heir to that is fixed by drilling the gas port."

UK: Handgun found in city river
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"POLICE are appealing for information after a gun was hauled out of a river near a popular beauty spot."

"They believe the replica handgun, found in the River Taff yesterday, may have been used for some sort of crime before being abandoned."

"A specialist search unit from South Wales Police retrieved the imitation firearm after it was spotted by a member of the public."

"Detective Sergeant Stuart Wales said: 'I suspect that it has been used in some sort of illegal activity'."

NY: Jury Deliberates in Police Shooting Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jury deliberations are expected to continue today in the case of City police officer Bryan Conroy. He's on trail for the shooting death of Ousmane Zongo, a West African immigrant."

"Judge Daniel Fitzgerald instructed jurors that to convict Officer Conroy of second degree manslaughter they would have to find beyond a reasonable doubt that he acted recklessly and not in self-defense. The judge also cited state law that permits use of physical force to make a felony arrest and deadly force if the officer perceives he is in danger of being physically attacked."

"... But prosecutors counter Conroy immediately pointed his gun and that Zongo was shot as he fled what he perceived was an armed aggressor. ..."

AZ: Domino's Pizza robbed
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"A worker at a Flagstaff pizza parlor was robbed at gunpoint early Sunday morning. The masked bandit made off with approximately $1,000 in cash and checks without hurting anybody."

"...Officers met with a store employee who told them that he had been counting the day's receipts at the desk. A fellow employee had taken out the trash."

"While he was counting, the employee heard the front door open. He told officers he assumed it was his fellow employee and continued counting without looking up. When he did look up, he was met with the sight of a masked man pointing a black, semiautomatic handgun at him demanding the money."

Note: Dominos Pizza has an employee disarmament policy. In 1995 they fired an employee for daring to protect himself against a robber.

WA: Eh, Who Needs Parenting?
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Say someone under 17 plays one of those "violent" games and then goes out and commits a crime that can be somehow linked to the game. Well, HB 2178 makes the people who dreamed up the game, and the ones who sold it, liable."

Substitute "violent video game" manufacturers and sellers with "firearms".

But Mr. Schram did get one thing right;

"As I see it, the only problem with lawmakers legislating the end to personal responsibility is: What will become of people who take no personal responsibility?"

KABA Note: This is most surprising coming from an ardent gun banner such as Schram.

CA: Father: Accused deputy is taking a stand
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"The father of a Marin sheriff's deputy who faces tax evasion accusations said the state and federal governments are illegally withholding taxpayers' income."

"James Allen of Rohnert Park said his son intentionally chose to face legal charges to draw attention to what he believes are invalid government actions. He said he believes the 16th Amendment, which gives the government the right to collect income taxes, is not legitimate." ...

"Matthew Allen is part of a 3,000-member class action lawsuit filed in Washington D.C. to try to force the government to answer questions about the income tax codes, James Allen said."

"Matthew Allen surrendered to authorities in Sonoma County in January and turned in his badge and gun. ..."

[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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