DC: Gun Advocate Emily Miller To Leave Fox 5 Station
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David WIlliamson
Website: http://keepandbeararms.com
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Emily Miller, the chief investigative reporter for Washington, D.C.'s Fox 5 (WTTG) is leaving the station following the expiration of her two-year contract with the outlet.
Miller became known during her tenure at Fox 5 for using her role a reporter to advance a pro-gun agenda, leading the station to eventually disclose after criticism that she was "a proponent of Second Amendment rights." Controversy also arose surrounding the revelations that she had largely fabricated her story of being a "home invasion" victim, which she said propelled her into pro-gun advocacy. |
TX: UH Task Force- Ban Guns in All But One Residence Hall
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David WIlliamson
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A task force at the University of Houston is recommending that guns be banned in all residence halls on campus except one and allowed in classrooms.
In its draft proposal on implementing the state's new campus carry law, the group also suggests banning concealed weapons at sports venues, laboratories and mental health clinics. |
AZ: House Approves Pro-Gun Bill
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David WIlliamson
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The House has passed a pro-gun bill that would let Arizona join with other states to make themselves exempt from any new rules that would curtail the public’s Second Amendment rights.
Republican Rep. Bob Thorpe sponsored the proposal that would establish Arizona as the first in an interstate compact that other states could join. The compact would nullify and repeal any current or future law that impedes Second Amendment rights such as mandatory background checks. |
MS: BB Guns Become a Problem at Some Jones County Schools
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David Williamson
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The Jones County Sheriff’s Department and the Jones County Superintendent of Education held a joint press conference on Tuesday about their concerns of BB guns being brought onto area school campuses. It is a major concern because in the last couple of weeks. There were two separate incidents where elementary students on one occasion, and a middle school student on another occasion, brought BB guns that look like real guns to school. |
AK: University of Alaska Eases Stance Against Bill Allowing Guns on Campus
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David Williamson
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The University of Alaska has softened its position on a bill allowing guns on campuses after most, but not all, of its concerns about the bill were addressed.
Fairbanks Republican Sen. Pete Kelly’s Senate Bill 174 aims to lift a Board of Regent regulation against concealed carry on university campuses and got its first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. |
NE: Proposed OPD Outdoor Gun Range in Front of City Council
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David Williamson
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A desperate need or a neighborhood nuisance, both sides sound off on a proposed police gun range looking to be built in northwest Omaha. Tuesday, the city council heard both sides on a proposal to allow firearms to be discharged at the training facility.
A $2.5 million outdoor gun range has its sights on the Police and Fire Training Center at HWY 133 and Rainwood Rd. There would be 20 lanes at 50 yards, and 4 lanes at 100 yards for firing weapons |
SD: No Concealed Carry in the State Capitol and Courthouses
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David WIlliamson
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The Senate Judiciary Committee today killed a bill allowing concealed pistols in the State Capitol and South Dakota courthouses with an enhanced permit.
Secretary of State Shantel Krebs spoke for the measure saying her staff has concerns. Krebs says sometimes tensions can run high in her office when clients aren't satisfied with staff or their answers. She asked the committee to support her staff's Second Amendment right to conceal-carry and protect themselves in the Capitol. |
AZ: Coyote Hunt, Gun Show on Tap for Sportsmen This Weekend
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David WIlliamson
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With the awesome weather that we have been seeing here in Mohave County, there is no reason for area sportsmen to stay home this weekend.
There is plenty to do, whether you want to do your part at reducing the coyote population in antelope country, or you want to attend a local gun show where there will be many things to see and do or maybe even buy the firearm you've been looking for. |
Should Gun Manufacturers Be Sued Every Time an Individual Commits a Crime with a Gun?
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David Williamson
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Could you imagine being a business owner, selling a legal, functional product, and being sued every time an individual who buys your product uses it to commit a crime?
Should a rope manufacturer be liable when someone is hanged by that rope? Should a knife manufacturer be liable when someone is stabbed? Could a restaurant be sued when someone eats their perfectly safe food but dies of a heart attack or diabetic shock? |
ID: Town Puts Up Warning Sign “This is Not a Gun Free Zone”
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David Williamson
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Is an armed society a polite society? A small town in Idaho sure seems to think so. According to NBC 4, the town of Greenleaf, Idaho recently put up five signs at its borders, proudly proclaiming that the area is “Not a gun free zone.” According to the city council, which raised money to install the signs through private donations, the signs are there to warn criminals that residents are armed.
OH: Butler County Pastors Talk Packing Heat
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David Williamson
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The fatal shooting of a pastor at his Dayton church and the shooting incident at Madison Junior Senior High School have some members of the local faith community calling for religious leaders to have a more active role in stopping gun violence. |
MO: Lawmakers Looking To Ease Concealed Carry Restrictions
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David Williamson
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Missouri lawmakers are considering several proposals to make it easier to carry a concealed gun.
A House panel heard testimony Monday on whether to allow people to conceal their guns without a permit in places where they would otherwise be allowed to carry openly. Another proposal would allow people applying for a concealed carry permit to complete part of their safety training online. |
WV: Guns and Women- Local Gun Sales
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David Williamson
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"A lot of first time buyers. We see that a lot with women," said ATR Performance owner Josh Pyle. "That has been something on the uprise here recently."
For ATR performance owner Josh Pyle, business is good. |