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Newslinks for 3/20/2001

Kids, Guns and Parental Responsibility
Submitted by: Skypod

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She has talked for an hour about accountability. She has cast much blame. She is not quite through. She looks at a photo of her daughter, Paige Ann, gunned down a few days after turning 12. She cannot absolve herself. "I never told her," Herring says, her voice low, "if guns were fired at her, hit the ground. I feel bad. I never told her that. Who would have thought?"

MA Attorney General doesn't like Cellucci School Safety
Submitted by: Skypod

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Attorney General Thomas Reilly thinks it's a bad idea to impose harsher penalties for students found guilty of bringing a gun to school, which is the intent of a bill proposed last week by Gov. Paul Cellucci. "My emphasis would be on a more balanced approach that emphasizes prevention."

MI School Principal Fearful of Gun Business Opening Nearby
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The potential that guns could be going in and out of the vicinity of the school is a frightening thought for parents," said Rick Muniz, principal of Longfellow Elementary.
Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Maine Shooting Ranges Feel the Heat as Suburbs Move Closer
Submitted by: Skypod

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Lois Crawford is circulating a petition calling on the town's Board of Selectmen to address the noise from the range. She is also concerned about the effect that lead bullets may have on the groundwater.

Legally, there may be little Crawford or the town can do. The gun club is protected by a state law that exempts ranges from having to comply with local noise-control ordinances.

Following the path of the MI Anti-Gunners
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The possible fly in the anti-CCW petitioners' ointment is a provision in the Michigan Constitution that prohibits public referenda on appropriations approved by the Legislature."

Proposed California Law Seeks Fingerprint for All Gun Buyers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A top Democrat in the California legislature is pushing for a new gun control measure that would require gun buyers to provide their fingerprints when purchasing a weapon.

Majority Leader Kevin Shelley's (D-San Francisco) bill would establish a licensing system and require all first time gun buyers to provide the state with a thumbprint. A similar bill has been introduced in the California senate by Sen. Jack Scott (D-Altadena).

American Doctors about to Prescribe Gun Control
Submitted by: Clifford J. Petersen

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"We are neutral politically, academically and intellectually" yet the group "also plans to engage more traditional methods of lobbying, ... to push for mandatory background checks of buyers at gun shows, limits on the numbers of guns a person can own and a cooling off period on gun purchases ..."

This is politically Socialist, academically uninformed and intellectually dishonest.

With guns prohibited, Chinese prefer bombs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Good example of the substitution effect.

Defending Gun Shows - Your freedom’s at stake.
Submitted by: Skypod

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Dave Kopel: "Dismayed by the meager political accomplishments of Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI), former HCI board member Andy McKelvey (the billionaire owner of has founded his own gun-control group, which he calls "Americans for Gun Safety." You might expect that a group called Americans for Gun Safety would promote successful gun-safety programs, such as the NRA's Eddie Eagle accident-prevention program, which has been lauded by the National Safety Council..."

AZ Rally Backs Gun Show Promoter
Submitted by: Gary Taylor

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Here is the updated link to the Arizona Daily Star article on the protest rally.

Man Rescues His Neighbor from Attacker
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Update on yesterday's story about a man who chased off a criminal who was beating his neighbor unconsious.

Student should have been allowed to draw gun... with a pen
Submitted by: Skypod

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If children can't express themselves in HARMLESS WAYS like drawing pictures, what is left for them? Ritalin? Ulcer medicine?

New Orleans police singing 'Confiscated guns, aweigh!'
Submitted by: Skypod

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Two years after drawing fire for trading confiscated guns to a firearms dealer, the city plans to melt down about 800 confiscated weapons for a ship's anchor.

The guns have been waiting for owners to step forward and claim them. But only one owner has, and the Police Department has decided to get rid of the rest of the weapons, said Lt. Marlon Defillo, a police spokesman.

To a Survivor, Guns are the Answer
Submitted by: Skypod

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State Rep. Suzanna Hupp doesn't like to advertise the fact. But if you press her, she won't deny it - yes, she does carry a loaded gun when she's on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives. She feels safer.

"I try to obey the law," she said in an interview. "But when it isn't convenient, or when I feel like I should (have a gun), then I carry. I never want to be in that position ever again."

Illinois Gun Rights Advocates Victories
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Gun control activists had a losing week as most of their proposals floundered in the Illinois House. Pro-gun activists, led by the National Rifle Association, had a string of victories. Most notably, legislation that would allow people to carry concealed handguns will be debated on the House floor in the next few weeks."

MO Gov. Holden supports another vote on concealed guns
Submitted by: Skypod

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When he campaigned for governor last year, Holden said he was opposed to concealed weapons. He said Thursday that he was willing to look at whatever was offered by the Legislature.

"We've got to protect the safety of citizens and ensure the protection of law enforcement," Holden said. "It's a difficult issue for people in different parts of the state to address. I'm trying to work with all parties to try to find some common ground."

Pro-Gun Group Targets Women
Submitted by: Skypod

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(Another article on the successful women's shooting day with the Second Amendment Sisters!)

SAS organizers hope more weekends like this one will change the perception of gun owners. "We're everyday working people. We're mothers. We don't love our kids any less because we carry a firearm," said SAS state organizer June Fellows.

Happenings Monday at the Minnesota Capitol: GUN PERMITS
Submitted by: Skypod

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Following a testimonial from a lawmaker who said he was once denied a permit to carry a gun in public, the House Civil Law Committee passed a bill to make those decisions less discretionary.

On a 7-4 party line vote, the GOP-dominated panel sent the bill to the Judiciary Finance Committee.

Second Amendment Sisters Encourage Women To Shop and Shoot
Submitted by: Fed Up

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"I used to think the issue was so cut and dried. How could anyone be against gun control?" said Bednarnyk, 34. "But if you ever need a gun, it's too late to go back and get one."

War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. — John Stuart Mills

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