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Newslinks for 3/21/2001

Medical Privacy Petition Deadline: 1PM ET MAR.30
Submitted by: Melissa

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Sections 164.502 & 164.506: I want to be the one to decide who can have access to my medical information.

Section 160.310: I strongly object to an governmental agency accessing my medical information without my consent or warrant.

Section 164.512: I strongly object to 3rd parties having access to my medical information without my written, informed, noncoerced consent.


Submitted by: Melissa

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"Our group is 180 families," says NYCHEA president Sono Kuwayama, an East Village artist who home-schools three. "We do a lot of things with the group: soccer, gymnastics, field trips, things like that."

Whether religious or secular, home-schooling is undoubtedly countercultural. But Kuwayama thinks it's an advantage to help kids "avoid that herd mentality" - something their parents have to face constantly from uninformed critics.

Sheriff Bill Masters' Speech to the Pro Second Amendment Committee
Submitted by: Melissa

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" prepared to stand up, even if in voice only, to enforce the principles of liberty and responsibility. One does not exist without the other. Let us regain our lost responsibilities of educating our children, providing for our families, and defending ourselves."

FL ALERT: SB134 & H449 to Stop Suits against Gun Manufacturers
Submitted by: Melissa

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The "Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence" opposes Senate Bill 134 by Sen. Charles Bronson & House Bill 449 by Rep. Paul Bense. These bills would prohibit Florida cities/counties from suing gun manufacturers.
Contact your FL legislators to SUPPORT these bills.

Minnesota Gun Permit Plan Advances In House!
Submitted by: Melissa

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The Minnesota Civil Law Committee passed Boudreau's 'Shall-Issue' concealed carry permit bill Monday and sent it to the Judiciary Finance Committee.
Contact your MN Judiciary Finance Committee and tell them also to SUPPORT her bill!

VPC to Testify at House "Special Investigation" of NICS
Submitted by: Melissa

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I hope the House listens with a jaundiced ear. The "Violence Policy Center" (VPC) is just about the most anti-gun organization out there. They've said themselves that nothing less than a complete gun ban is what they are after. How can anyone take what they say as unbiased "fact"?

GA Pawn Shop Offers Reward for Stolen Guns
Submitted by: Melissa

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Cherokee Pawn shop is offering a $3,000 reward for information that leads to the conviction of the thieves who stole 59 handguns from the Alpharetta Highway store March 10.

Seventh-grader promotes study of gun policies
Submitted by: Skypod

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"If there is a gun in the building and it goes off, what if the kids are too hysterical and don’t listen to their teachers, or if the teachers get shot and they have to depend on themselves?" 13-year-old Ashley McDaniel said.

School board members did not publicly respond to McDaniel’s request.

Deterrence: Concealed-Carry States Have Reduced Crime Rates
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Six years ago, [Virginia] passed a measure making it easier for residents to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons. ... Crime decreased. Violent offenses across the state fell to 316 per 100,000 residents in 1998 - the lowest rate in 10 years. In Richmond, the homicide rate declined 42% from 1995 (the year after the city set a new record for murder), to the lowest level in 20 years. Overall crime in the state declined 24% from 1991, to the lowest level since 1975. by A. BARTON HINKLE

"Why Do You Love Your Guns?"
Submitted by: Melissa

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"Summary: The interests of gun owners are often trivialized. Understanding why people value their guns might help foster constructive solutions for curbining violence." by Karen Olson

Bigot Is as Bigot Does
Submitted by: Melissa

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"The massive campaign of indoctrination and intimidation has been largely successful. The voices of dissent are silent. If you say something liberals do not like, you are guilty of hate speech. People live in dread that liberal inquisitors will hound them into submission, and ruin their reputations and careers if they utter a forbidden word or express an ideologically incorrect idea." -Linda Bowles

1 Killed, 2 Hurt in County Shooting
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Business owners guarding against burglars fire on men; criminal charges possible.

Shooting Shows Teens Need Limits & Guidance
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Opinion article on being better parents.

Study Finds Capitol Faces E-Mail Crisis
Submitted by: Chuck Markley

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Attention Activist E-Mailers! If you frequently communicate your wishes to your representative and Senators via Email, you need to read this. If you want to be sure your voice is heard, it's time to pick up the phone or the pen.
KABA Note: FAXING is also a very effective way to make sure your message is delivered and read!

"Gun Town" Sees Less Crime - But "More Accidents"?
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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A recent news article about Kennesaw, Georgia. One minor accident in the last two months, and Fox says there's "More Accidents"? Bah!

Hope They're Right about Free Speech & the Supreme Court
Submitted by: Melissa

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"...the federal courts have repeatedly upheld the right of citizens to associate freely for the purpose of combining their resources to express their political beliefs in a timely manner. Repeatedly, the courts have rejected efforts to regulate these issue-advocacy rights protected by the First Amendment. There is no reason to believe that the Supreme Court will treat the free-speech-quashing instruments of McCain-Feingold any differently." -Editorial, The Washington Times

New Site: "Doctors Against Handgun Injury"
Submitted by: Melissa

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"We believe that efforts to reduce the deaths and injuries caused by handguns should be examined from a perspective based in science and rooted in the established principles of public health policy. Those principles and that perspective have been effectively applied to other epidemics and the lessons we have learned are clear."
The epidemic is doctors like these who'd rather see their patients dead than able to defend themselves.

Gun Permit Applications Jump after News Article
Submitted by: Melissa

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"Last month, the Daily News ran a story about how some people with gun permits do crazy and dangerous things. In the days after the Feb. 13 article, the number of people applying for permits jumped sharply."
Wonder why? If people believe the news, they'd believe that they'd better get a permit quick, to protect themselves from all those "crazy gun owners" out there.

A Gun Owners Responsibility
Submitted by: Melissa

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"As gun owners we need to understand that whenever we allow a firearm accidents to occur, we are fueling the flame of public opinion against guns. As gun owners, we must do all we can to limit the number of accidents caused by firearms." by Clint Cook

Los Angeles "Urged to Outlaw Small Handguns"
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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The Los Angeles Police Department is in support of the measure, noting a survey that found the weapons were the most popular among criminals. Pacheco, a former deputy district attorney, also supported the proposal and said he would go further.

Asked if a federal ban on "assault weapons" would reduce crime, Gwen Fitzgerald of Handgun Control Inc. says, "Let's pass the law and find out." --REASON magazine, May 1991 ("Gun-Shy Judges" by Jacob Sullum)

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