Michigan anti-gunners got their signatures, but it isn't the end
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The group 'People Who Care About Kids' [yeah, right!] say they have over 200,000 valid signatures to force a referendum on the new concealed carry law.
But even with enough valid signatures, they'll likely face a legal battle to get the issue on the ballot. Legislators added a $1 million appropriation to the concealed-weapons bill shortly before approving it. In theory, appropriations bills cannot be overturned by referendum. Both sides say they are prepared to fight a court battle. |
Second Amendment Sisters' Rally in Virginia, May 13
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On Sunday, May 13, the Second Amendment Sisters (SAS) will hold a rally supporting the basic human right of self-defense. The rally will be held from 11:00am to 3:00pm on the Capital Square grounds in downtown Richmond, Virginia. |
This is America
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"What we are enduring today at the hands of our own government is far more oppressive than our founding fathers had to endure, yet we are Americans. And, because we are Americans, we will always live in peace. There will never be another war on our own soil. There will never be anyone raiding our homes, and if we just keep giving, maybe one day our Government will find a way to feed, clothe and control us all." -by Shonda M. Ponder |
Pistol-Packin' Polyester (Anti-Gun Editorial on the SAS)
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"Because what this country really needs now is more bored undereducated bitter terrified badly dressed pasty hate-spewin' suburban white women from lost Midwestern towns with names like Frankenmuth all carrying firearms and somehow thinking they're aiding the species." -By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist |
Four Years After Dunblane...
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"Britain's gun control laws, introduced after the Dunblane massacre in 1996, have proven to be a disaster. There are now an estimated three million illegal firearms in the UK, perhaps double the number of four years ago, and the only effect the knee-jerk political reaction that led to the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 has had is to shut down legitimate gun clubs. ..." --Peter Woolrich |
McCarthy Seeks to Close "Gun Loopholes"
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"Yesterday, McCarthy sent a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft asking that the Justice Department retain data from background checks so it can be used to track those who use false identities and straw purchases. McCarthy also wants gun sellers to be given more training and states more money to link their databases to a federal network that can make it easier to check those with criminal records." |
'The Predator'
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"I am the guy your mother warned you about. You believe I am only found lurking in the shadows, but I am a master of disguise. I can be anyone, anywhere. I can be the quiet employee in the cubicle down the hall; I can be the cute hunk at the bar. I can be your neighbor. I can be your ex. It really doesn't matter because when I strike I will become the monster of your worse nightmare." -by Clint Cook |
Bush Would Sever ABA's Role in Screening Judges
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"President Bush's legal advisers have told the American Bar Association that they want to end the group's nearly half-century role as a semiofficial screening panel for judicial nominees, lawyers involved in the discussions said." |
"Firearm Deaths a Public Health Emergency"
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A coalition of 13 medical associations that include over 600,000 physicians, approximately 2/3 of the doctors in America, called on the medical profession, lawmakers and the public at large to consider handgun injuries a public health emergency. The coalition, joining together as 'Doctors Against Handgun Injury' (DAHI) bases its policy recommendations on a public health analysis of handgun injury sponsored by the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) and funded by the Joyce Foundation. |