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Newslinks for 3/23/2001

Children encouraged to report SUSPECTED guns or drugs
Submitted by: Melissa

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Two incidents -- one tragic, one heroic -- prompted Indianapolis officials today to republicize a hotline for students who SUSPECT that guns or drugs will be brought in school or have heard a threat of violence. (emphasis mine!)

Students, teacher wounded in San Diego-area school shooting
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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An 18-year-old high school student opened fire at his San Diego-area school Thursday, wounding a teacher and three classmates, before being shot by a police officer who engaged him in a running gun battle, authorities said.
It's a good thing someone was there with a gun besides the suspect.
You may want to remind your critters that Kalifornia is a virtual HCI paradise.

Gun Sense
Submitted by: Melissa

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"Most who have spent any amount of time afield or along a firing line develop a sort of sense about people they feel safe around and will continue to join in hunting or shooting activities.

They are people who understand common courtesy, exhibit self control, are respectful of others, and instinctively practice safe gun handling. They have a keen understanding that the things they hold in their hands are not to be pointed at anything they don't want to shoot or kill."

Students: Teacher Threatened To Shoot Us
Submitted by: Melissa

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A Los Angeles high school teacher threatened to shoot her students when they wouldn't quiet down. The teacher has been suspended. But a member of her class told CBS2 News that school officials aren't treating the case with the same sobriety they would a student threat. "I think people have under-reacted," he said. "If I made a statement like that, I would go to jail."

MI's New CCW law triggers boom in gun sales
Submitted by: Melissa

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Handgun sales have dramatically increased, months before the state's controversial new concealed weapons law takes effect.

MA Judge backs police chief in keeping man's guns & permit
Submitted by: Melissa

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Police confiscated the weapons and the card when a woman received a restraining order from Ware District Court against Kulig in 1997. The woman allowed the restraining order to expire, but police kept the weapons. Kulig filed a Hampshire Superior Court lawsuit against Ware Police Chief Dennis M. Healy, but a judge is backing the police chief's refusal to give back his guns and permit.

Maine concealed gun permit law challenged
Submitted by: Melissa

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Maine should join Vermont in dropping the concealed firearms permit requirement, speakers told the Legislature’s Criminal Justice Committee on Monday. The “dramatic shift in public policy” was opposed by state police and the Maine Chiefs of Police organization.

Submitted by: Claremont Institute

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"America's Founders believed that limited, constitutional government, and the free society it gives rise to, demands the highest kind of civic education and civic virtue among its citizens. We agree. Unfortunately, civic education today is in a state of decline. ... The Claremont Institute has produced a new multimedia website to meet this need. is dedicated to the life and lessons of our first president, George Washington."

NH Committee votes 17-1 to kill gun control bill!
Submitted by: Melissa

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A legislative committee voted 17-1 Wednesday to urge the House of Representatives to kill a gun control bill. The vote came less than 24 hours after 400 people opposed the bill at a public hearing.

Indiana Law Would Protect Gun Manufacturers From Lawsuits
Submitted by: Melissa

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Indiana State Senator Richard Meeks (R-LaGrange), who authored one of the bills, said the legislation is based on his favorite passage from the Indiana Constitution, which states, "The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the state." Meeks said lawsuits blaming gun manufacturers for the actions of a third party are wasteful, and his legislation aims to stop such lawsuits.

Scandal-Plagued Miami PD Still Haunted by 1996 Shooting
Submitted by: Melissa

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Five years after a state's attorney cleared them of any wrong-doing, five veteran Miami police officers have been indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly conspiring to cover up their roles in the fatal shooting of a 73-year-old Miami man.

Santana High Received Federal Funds to Curb Bullying
Submitted by: Melissa

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Santana High School, the Santee, CA, high school that was the site of the latest major school shooting, received federal funds in 1998 to address an "onerous culture of bullying."
Another waste of taxpayers money.

Los Angeles Council OKs Gun Limits
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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The Los Angeles City Council gave preliminary approval tonight to measures that ban the sale of small, concealable handguns and that require fingerprinting of gun permit applicants.

DA opposes burglar's house arrest request
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Armed with a knife, Dion Rosenberger broke into a Hilltown family's home in 1997 and was thwarted by a 19-year-old with a gun. Prosecutors asked a judge to deny the burglar's request to serve the rest of his sentence at home.

Cop disarmed in bank heist
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"A man wielding an AK-47 robbed a Wells Fargo bank in northwest Denver on Wednesday, disarming an off-duty officer and slipping through a police dragnet."
Sheesh... need we say more?

Father pleads guilty in kindergarten gun case
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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"Under their plea agreement with prosecutors, the parents will perform community service, including speaking out about firearm safety. They could have faced up to three years in prison."
The government got what they really wanted... another basically good person is now disarmed for life.

Man faces suspects accused of attacking him after getting ride
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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If I'd had a trigger lock, I'd be dead," he said. "If my pistol had been in a gun safe, I'd be dead. If the bullets were stored separate, I'd be dead. They were going to kill me."

Another CA school shooting
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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Apparently the gunman chose a bad time -- there was a cop in the building when he opened fire. No one dead, and the wounded include the alleged gunman. Yet, liberals will undoubtedly continue to oppose having armed persons in schools, despite the obvious differences between this and the Santee incident.

Storm Troopers vs. Free Speech
Submitted by: Melissa

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"Despite media proclamations of "the public's right to know" and frequent invocations of the First Amendment, there has been a deafening silence from the national media over the storm trooper tactics used on college campuses against student newspapers that carried a paid advertisement by David Horowitz, outlining the case against reparations for slavery." -Thomas Sowell

No Magic Bullet
Submitted by: CrossEyed

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These are complex and challenging problems - and they will not be solved with the magic bullet of yet more gun control.

Oklahoma City blast now linked to bin Laden
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Reporter says FBI refused to accept evidence of foreign terror connection."
You may recall that Clinton tried to link the NRA to this.

I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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