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Newslinks for 3/23/2002

OH: Conceal-carry gun bill political hot potato for Taft
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Denounced as perpetuating a culture of violence and praised as affording personal protection, a bill to allow Ohioans to carry hidden handguns is half way home in the legislative process."

"But, the lopsided 66-27 vote by which the Ohio House of Representatives passed the measure Thursday marked merely the first - and easiest - step toward making Ohio the 45th state to allow concealed carry."

OH: 'Coalition Against Gun Violence' on Passage Of Concealed Weapons Bill
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Ohio House Assembly passed a concealed weapons bill today, overstepping the wishes of law enforcement officials and the vast majority of Ohio citizens to keep Ohio safe and not allow hidden and loaded guns in public places. 69% of Ohioans do not want lawmakers to make it easier for concealed weapons to be carried in public according to an Ohio poll by the University of Cincinnati last year."

CO: Cop off streets after kicking suspect
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Denver Police Department on Thursday took a veteran officer off the streets and condemned his actions after he was caught on videotape kicking a handcuffed suspect in the crotch after a chase through northwest Denver."

"In this case, one of our officers acted in a very inappropriate manner, and he will have to be dealt with," police spokesman John White said.

FL: Reason for police shooting statistics (Letter)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Your recent article on a possible federal inquiry into police shootings stated that a disproportionate number of blacks are shot by police. Although blacks are only 20% of Miami-Dade County's population, they represent 47% of police shootings over a 22-year period."

58 Senators Ask President To Reverse Ban On Firearms For National Guard
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A group of senators numbering more than half the membership of the U.S. Senate is asking President Bush to reverse a decision that prevents National Guard troops called to border security duties from carrying firearms for self-defense."

"The effort is led by Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Christopher Bond (R-Mo.), the co-chairs of the Senate's National Guard Caucus."


OH: Concealed gun bill restrictive, some say
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A bill to let Ohioans get permits to carry hidden guns is opposed by some gun-rights advocates as too restrictive."

"The House passed the bill Thursday on a vote of 65-27."

"Jim Ramm, a former Reynoldsburg police officer, said any bill that requires permits to carry concealed weapons violates the Second Amendment guarantees to the right to bear arms."

MD: Anti-Gun 'Educational Fund' Claims Victory in State House
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A coalition of 'gun safety' advocates united in support for handgun licensing claimed a major victory today after successfully stopping regressive legislation that would have permitted convicted criminals to buy firearms in the state."

Joyce Foundation Funds Hopkins Research Center
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Joyce Foundation has awarded the second installment of a two-year, $600,000 grant to support a leading gun-violence research center."

"The award, given to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., will provide continuing support to the Bloomberg School of Health's Center for Gun Policy and Research. The award was made under the foundation's violence-prevention program area, and was initially announced in 2001."

NJ: Irvington sued over arrest of schoolboys playing with paper gun
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Irvington and its school board violated the constitutional rights of a schoolboy by arresting and suspending him for playing with a paper gun, according to a lawsuit filed by his father."

"Even in this era of zero tolerance, no child should be subjected to the kind of treatment my client was subjected to," William Manns, lawyer for Jaquill Shelton, told The Star-Ledger of Newark in Thursday's editions."

Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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Thank you to everyone who helped put pressure on Columbus Ohio to pass concealed carry reform. The legislation passed today, with one anti-gun amendment introduced to ban CCW in "mental" hospitals. All others were defeated.

Identifying the 'Axis of Evil'
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Bush was instantly transformed into a military and political genius who knew exactly how to halt all terrorism on Earth. Bush is given credit for running the so-called "war against terrorism" with mainstream media having Bush "doing a great job" in the war effort. The term "war" is used as loosely as any word can be used since "war" has never been declared. In fact, Congress should be shackled for allowing US personnel to be used for hostilities in other lands unless lawfully done."

NC: It Takes A Village Idiot (to destroy a family)
Submitted by: T.E.Slusser

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"Meet Yinka and Vanessa Fasinro. They are a couple like any you might know. They live in North Carolina, often characterized as a bastion of conservative living. Take a few minutes and walk along with me in their shoes. The ones they are wearing right now - today. Learn how their lives are being vandalized at this very minute by our - that's as in yours and my - legal system. This is just another in a flood of CPS nightmare stories washing through American society."

TX: Readers opinions on 'zero tolerance' expulsion case
Submitted by: serinde

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Letters to the Editor about a recent story, Expelled student allowed to return:

"Zero tolerance is such a cop-out."

"Now, since you've broached the subject of schools, violence and humans not using their brains, why don't you do an article on the fact that there is a federal law banning guns within a thousand feet of every school?"

ME: State wants to give moose permits to NRA
Submitted by: serinde

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"Animal rights and anti-gun groups have expressed shock at a proposal backed by legislative leaders that would give 10 valuable moose permits to the National Rifle Association."

"The plan calls for the organization to sell the permits valued at tens of thousands of dollars at auction and turn over half the proceeds to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife."

"The NRA could use the rest of the money to 'provide grants in support of its mission.'

Man kills wife, then shoots himself
Submitted by: Merc

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"Victim calls 911, but officers arrive too late."


CA: Lode teen brings BB gun to class
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"The boy involved is one of the school's better students and has a good attitude. It was just a dumb mistake," Curran said.

When asked how the school would deal with the student, Curran said, "I believe the legal aspect would take precedence over anything we could do at the school."

CA: Man faces third strike after fight
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"A 20-year-old Modesto man faces the possibility of at least 25 years in prison after his gun fired while he and his girlfriend fought on a Modesto street corner Thursday morning," police said.

"The man already has two felony convictions on his record," police spokeswoman Gina McWilliam said.

(When guns are outlawed...)

CA: 5 shootings, 8 wounded, 1 week in Merced
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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MERCED -- "Police say five shootings in and around the city in less than a week, with eight people wounded, does not indicate gang warfare."

(How gun control laws work in the People's Republik of Kalifornia.)

Gun Owners - Learn This Lesson!
Submitted by: Brian Puckett

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-- THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GUN OWNERS NEED TO DO! If you get on a jury and there's a non-violent gun law violation, REFUSE TO CONVICT! No need to say WHY you're not convicting (2nd Amdt) which might cause a mistrial or disqualify you. Simply say NOT GUILTY, clam up, and sit there until the defendant is acquitted.

KABA NOTE: This article, while about medical marjuana juries, exemplifies what gun owners must do with 'gun crime' juries.

UK: Evil knife-gun hits Britain
Submitted by: Anonymous

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By MIKE SULLIVAN, Crime Editor

"POLICE fear a terrifying new weapon is on the streets of Britain — a combined knife AND gun. The GRAD .22 has a toughened 6in blade — and the firing mechanism of a pistol hidden in its folding handle. FIVE bullets can be fired in quick succession from the concealed barrel."

(Where do I get one of these cool toys?)

Also at ThisLondon

Sarah Brady, Gun Criminal?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Move over, Rosie O'Donnell: The newest "celebrity" anti-gun hypocrite is Sarah Brady."

"Ms Brady "bought her son a powerful rifle for Christmas in 2000 - and may have skirted Delaware state background-check requirements," the New York Daily News reported Thursday."

Team aims to reverse campaign bill
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A high-powered legal team including former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr yesterday vowed to fight new campaign-finance regulations in federal court as unconstitutional restrictions on free speech."

"No election law reform, none, is worth violating the First Amendment," said Floyd Abrams, lead co-counsel with Mr. Starr on the team assembled by Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican."

CO: Just say 'Enough!'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Elected officials who serve their allotted eight years in the state Senate or House of Representatives must have heard everything there is to say on concealed weapons."

"Year after year they listen to the arguments, and year after year they divide hopelessly on the central issue: Should Colorado impose a statewide standard for issuing concealed-weapons permits?"

"What Colorado lawmakers should do is quit arguing and pass a law."

Sarah Brady may have violated state and federal anti-gun laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Gun-control advocate Sarah Brady bought her son a powerful rifle for Christmas in 2000 - and may have skirted Delaware state background-check requirements, the New York Daily News has learned.

Brady reveals in a new memoir that she bought James Brady Jr. a Remington .30-06, complete with scope and safety lock, at a Lewes, Del., gun shop.

"I can't describe how I felt when I picked up that rifle, loaded it into my little car and drove home," she writes.

Also at

S&W Stock Rebounds, Despite Consumer Boycott
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"17 months after gun maker Smith & Wesson Corp. laid off more than a hundred workers from its Springfield, Mass. plant in the middle of a consumer boycott, the company's new owners this week watched their stock hit an all-time high."

"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. is the new name of the company since an American firm, Saf-T-Hammer Corp. purchased the British-owned Smith & Wesson last May."

CA: Group will fire away, keeping tradition alive
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Fiesta Association is sticking to its guns even as the debate over firearms has heated up in town the past few months."

"The annual "Hoos'Gow Day" will go off as usual today. Guns blazing and firing blanks, a posse will saddle up as "deputies" and vow to throw anyone in jail who doesn't have that Old West spirit."

"The tradition will continue," said Tom Ostenson, association president. "As we like to say, 'The legend will live on.'"

UK: Britain To Fight Crime By Sending Criminals Home
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Faced with increasing public fear of crime and an overcrowded prison system, British officials have hit upon a controversial solution -- releasing some prisoners early to serve out their sentences under house arrest."

"Burglars, fraudsters and low-level drug dealers will be eligible for freedom two months before their prison terms are up under plans announced Thursday by Home Secretary David Blunkett."

Canada: man who registered soldering gun not concerned about jail
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Manitoba man who successfully registered his soldering gun as a firearm to protest new federal gun laws says he is not concerned he could go to jail."

"I don't think they would be foolish enough to want this thing to drag out for a year or two, because it could if they charged me," Brian Buckley said from his auto body shop in Oak Lake, 250 kilometres west of Winnipeg. "I won't plead guilty."

TX: Student to Return to Class After Zero-Tolerance Expulsion
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Before returning to his first class since being expelled for having a bread knife in his truck, Taylor Hess will take one extra measure of caution. "I'm definitely going to check my pickup truck," Hess said Thursday with a laugh, "before I start my normal routine."

"The 16-year-old honors student has been attending a local alternative school for two weeks, since a security guard found the 10-inch knife in the bed of his truck. He will return Friday to L.D. Bell High School in Hurst."

Lockheed, Oerlikon team on naval gun
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Lockheed Martin of the USA and Switzerland's Oerlikon Contraves have completed a teaming arrangement to build and market Oerlikon's 35mm Millennium Gun system."

MD: Warrants often issued improperly
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Clerks for nearly half of Maryland's 24 circuit courts have been improperly issuing arrest warrants without the involvement of a judge, in a practice that could form the basis for hundreds of appeals by criminal defendants."

"The discovery was made by the state attorney general's office, which recently surveyed all of the court clerks after a complaint that one had erred in issuing a warrant."

EU drafts list of US products in retaliation over steel tariffs
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Sources have said the EU hit list includes steel, textiles and citrus products. The Wall Street Journal-Europe said Friday Harley Davidson motorcycles, recreational guns and ammunition would also be targeted."

Israel: Gun permit wait shortened for settlers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Interior Ministry yesterday announced it is making it easier for Judea and Samaria residents and business owners to acquire firearms."

"The ministry said in light of the security situation, business owners will be able to receive gun permits immediately and new residents will only have to wait three months. Until now, only someone who has lived or worked in Judea and Samaria for at least six months was eligible to receive a firearms permit."

The 'For Your Own Good Police' Are Coming After You
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The real reason for the attack on smokers is that many people are offended by the tobacco odor. Unfortunately, in their quest to eliminate tobacco fumes, Americans are willing to trade away constitutional principles and rule of law."

Guyana government weighs gun amnesty
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Guyana government on Thursday said it is considering an amnesty for persons who surrender illegal firearms, in an effort to curb the flow of guns from neighboring South American countries."

"Security Minister Ronald Gajraj's plan to have persons surrender illegal guns and ammunition without prosecution followed concerns raised by the Guyana Police Force about an increase in gun-related crimes."

OH: (another view) 800 pound canary craps on Ohio
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"That's right. The 800 pound canary known as the NRA did today in Ohio what it's done to so many other states in the last few years. The NRA came to Columbus and dropped a load of prime 'guano' on the Citizens of Ohio in the form of HB274." -- PeoplesRights.Org

KABA NOTE: This detailed information about HB274 registering gun owners in a .pdf document. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. Download the latest FREE version, or copy and paste URL INTO THIS FORM

Canada: New 'anti-cruelty law'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"About 75 owners and their four-legged friends marched and barked near the Centennial Flame in support of proposed bill C-15B, which would update Canada's 110-year-old animal anti-cruelty legislation."

"Because the bill also contains changes to the Firearms Act, Smith said, the Alliance has dredged up the gun control debate."

Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. — LORD ACTON

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