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Newslinks for 3/23/2005

That church shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The bloodbath is sure to evoke new cries for gun control in America. No doubt some so-called 'Christians' will even embrace this draconian, freedom-destroying solution to random or planned violence in this country."

"But let me tell you why this is exactly the wrong prescription."

"There were about 50 to 60 people attending the service at the Church of the Living God that day."

"All they could do was plead with the murderer to stop. All they could do was pray he would stop."

"Ratzmann even dropped a magazine and reloaded another."

"If just one other member of that congregation were carrying a gun, lives would have been saved."

"And that's the real answer to this kind of murder and mayhem." ...

Frequent Fliers Call for Better Air Security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI concluded in a recent report that the nation's airlines were still vulnerable to terrorist attacks despite the government's expenditure of more than $12 billion on security enhancements."

"The news comes as no surprise to many frequent fliers who responded to a BizClass inquiry last week. The travelers -- routinely subjected to intense scrutiny at the checkpoints -- say they have little confidence in security procedures. Although they are already forced to remove their shoes, endure inspection by hand wands and accept other forms of screening, many passengers said they didn't think the measures went far enough." ...

Listen Up (If You Can) -- Why shooters should always use ear protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Take the roar of a motorcycle running full-throttle for 40 hours straight, condense it into a split second, and you’ve got a good approximation of the sound energy generated by an average gunshot. Now multiply that millions of times for each of the pistol, rifle, shotgun, AK-47, and innumerable other deafening rounds he’s been exposed to over the past 50 years, and it’s a wonder David Petzal can hear anything at all. Petzal, a longtime Field & Stream editor who prefers to be identified as 'a cranky old deaf bastard,' first started shooting when he was 14. By 1956, he was shooting .22s in competition; in 1960, he bought his first .44 magnum revolver." ...

Gun Control Group Seizes on Shooting to Advance Agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The [Brady Campaign] said the teen's attack on his school cannot be viewed as an isolated incident."

"'In recent months, we have seen horrible shooting attacks in shopping malls, office buildings, courthouses, the homes of judges, private hunting lands and it seems like every other kind of place we like to believe is safe,' Barnes said."

"In its press release, the Brady campaign criticized federal lawmakers for letting the 'assault weapons ban' expire."

"The Brady Campaign also complained about 'limited law enforcement investigations of gun sellers'; laws mandating the immediate destruction of gun-sale records; and a pending bill that would 'make it impossible for victims of gun violence to seek justice against reckless gun sellers in the courts.' (That pending legislation is intended to shield gun makers from groups that want to bankrupt them.)" ...

Tons of Guns
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"A killing spree is once again ravaging America. On February 24, an estranged husband walked into a court in Tyler, Texas, and killed his ex-wife and a bystander with an AK-47 rifle, wounding his son and three others. On February 28, a Chicago judge returned home to find her husband and mother shot dead. In early March, a defendant in an Atlanta courtroom fatally shot a judge, a court reporter, a deputy and later, a federal agent. A day later, Terry Ratzmann began spraying bullets in a church service in Wisconsin, killing eight people, including the pastor. That same weekend, in Philadelphia, ten people died in homicidal shootings, among them three children. Just yesterday, a day of violence in Northern Minnesota claimed ten more lives, including eight in a horrific high school shooting."

"In response to this savage surge in violent crime, at least a few states are logically trying to crack down on gun violence, the Los Angles Times reported on Monday. Thirteen states are considering banning assault weapons or strengthening an existing ban. Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Washington may follow California's lead and outlaw .50 caliber rifles. Arizona, Illinois, Iowa and Washington favor closing the ridiculous 'gun show loophole' allowing gun buyers to escape background checks." ...

Tragic School Shooting in Minnesota Highlights Importance of PAX's Life-Saving 1-866-SPEAK-UP Hotline
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"PAX/Real Solutions to End Gun Violence mourned the death today of 10 students in Red Lake, Minn., who died in the nation's worst school shooting in six years. In an effort to stop such tragedies, PAX has established 866-SPEAK-UP, an anonymous hotline where students can report weapon-related threats at school. The group will also be launching a public service announcement television and radio campaign to empower students to stop weapon-related violence before it occurs." ...

School gun massacre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "America has the most liberal gun laws in the western world and shows little sign of changing."

"President Bush's administration is heavily backed by the National Rifle Association, the pro-gun lobby group which opposes even the most limited restrictions on buying firearms."

"They claim the right to carry any weapons is constitutional and have long opposed measures including background checks on people buying guns, limitations on sub-machineguns and attempts to have childproof locks on handguns."

KABA Note: There are background checks on people buying guns, there are strict limits on "sub-machine guns" and trigger lock laws at best have no effect on crime or accidents.

Guns Not to Blame in School Shootings
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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... "When a shooting does occur at school, you can count on the media to lend a helping-hand to their anti-gun buddies in congress by isolating the gun as the cause of the crime. The media wants you to view the blood, suffering, and loss and come to the conclusion that the crime never would have occurred if the child did not have a gun."

"What the media blatantly fails to recognize, however, is that teenagers used to bring guns to school on a regular basis at a time when school shootings did not exist." ...

We Can't Shoot Our Way Out of Problems: Minnesota School Killings Show Gun Culture Out of Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Executive Director Josh Horwitz said yesterday's shooting rampage at a school in Minnesota is 'the latest sign that the gun culture has run amok' and called for a dialogue on the role of firearms in America."

"'Six years after the Columbine shootings started a national debate over gun violence, the use of guns to settle routine disputes is no longer considered unusual,' Horwitz said. 'We have to face the fact that we can't shoot our way out of trouble.'" ...

"'The National Rifle Association has been quick to argue that these cases do not point to any problem that more guns could not solve,' Horwitz said. 'The message that more guns will solve our problems has been promoted relentlessly by the NRA and other elements of a fringe culture ...'" ...

Brady Campaign: America's Gun Violence Epidemic: White House, Congress Must Stop Feeding Culture of Death; In Latest Chapter, 10 Dead in Greater Minn., Toll From Multiple Shootings This Year is Going Through the Roof
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"The bloody attack on a Native American high school yesterday can't be viewed as an isolated incident. Though the motivations of the young killer are as of yet unknown, his rampage becomes another entry on a growing list of news reports on horrific gun violence and reports on the ready availability of ever-deadlier weapons." ...

MN: Deadliest School Shooting Since Columbine at Red Lake High School
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"Citizens for a Safer Minnesota (CSM) expresses our sincere condolences to the families affected by the tragic shooting at Red Lake High School near Bemidji, Minnesota. 'We share their pain and send our deepest sympathy,' said Rebecca Thoman, M.D., Executive Director of the St. Paul non-profit dedicated to reducing gun violence."

"'Every time a child uses a gun in a violent act, we must ask, where did the child get the gun? Eighty percent of the time, the answer is from his own home, or the home of another family member or friend,' Dr. Thoman said. 'Our national experience, tragically, shows that not only do guns fail to keep us safe, but accessibility to firearms is the single factor that transforms a routine conflict into a tragedy,' Dr. Thoman added."

MN: Teen who killed 9 claimed Nazi leanings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A troubling profile of the teenager who shot dead nine people emerged on Tuesday — one of a Native American who allegedly described himself as a 'NativeNazi' and who other students said was regularly picked on for his odd behavior."

"The teenager, identified as Jeff Weise, stormed into Red Lake High School on Monday afternoon and allegedly shot to death an unarmed guard, a teacher and five students before killing himself." ...

"The FBI said Tuesday that Weise used guns and a bullet-proof vest owned by his grandfather, a local police officer, and drove to the school in his grandfather's squad car." ...

PA: Stu Bykofsky: Dear Mr. Mayor -- Why Philadelphians Want To Carry Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DEAR Mayor Street:"

"You wondered aloud last week why Philadelphians feel a need to carry guns - legal guns, using a city-issued 'carry permit.'"

"'For what?' you asked. 'Why are they carrying? They're not hunters.'"

"No, Mr. Mayor, but some of us feel like the hunted."

"Following a single weekend that rang up 11 homicides you asked, 'For what?'"

"The reason some of us want to carry legal guns is because some neighborhoods are swarming with criminals packing illegal guns."

"We carry guns for self-defense because police can't protect us from a homicidal maniac on the street or a rapist breaking in through a bedroom window. Police respond only after a crime's reported, mostly arriving in time to draw a chalk outline around the body." ...

NY: Painful Lesson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Brooklyn student sneaked a loaded gun into school in his backpack yesterday and then accidentally shot himself in the thigh when the weapon went off in an English class, police said."

"Howling in pain, the 15-year-old boy then tried to hide the .45-caliber pistol by handing his bag to a pal, who attempted to run away with it in the pandemonium that followed, according to officials and students."

"The wounded teen is a special-ed student at New Utrecht HS who transferred to the Bensonhurst school — considered one of the safest in the city — three days ago, officials said." ...

South Africa: 7 killed over long weekend [one in ND by a cop]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A spate of murders on the Eastern Highveld of Mpumalanga left seven people dead over the long weekend, said police."

"Captain Malcum Mokomene said on Tuesday that a stray bullet in Vosman killed a 19-year-old man on Friday. He was walking behind a policeman who dropped his pistol, accidentally firing it when picking it up."

"The man, who was shot in his chest, died on the way to hospital. The police officer was arrested and was due to appear in court soon." ...

OR: Burglar foiled by store owner, sheriff's deputies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A burglar managed to hold onto his ill-gotten gains for a little over a mile before the holes his victim put in his getaway car stopped him cold in his tracks." ...

"Dressed in black and wearing a black ski mask, Graham was reportedly seen holding a tire iron and taking money from the cash register. Poage yelled at Graham, who ran out of the store and got into a green 1996 Pontiac Grand Am."

"Poage yelled at him to get out of the car, and as Graham started to leave Poage fired eight shots from a .22-caliber pistol into the left front tire area to try to disable the car."

"He was found by a sheriff's deputy ... walking away from the disabled vehicle with the cash and his ski mask still on him ..."

FL: Toy or gun: Can you tell the difference?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than an hour after sunset, four teenagers tossed aside pistols when five Orange County sheriff's patrol cars pulled up, responding to a gun call a week ago Sunday."

"Pumped with adrenaline, the deputies shouted orders to drop and show their hands. All but one listened."

"That teen got "redirected" to the ground, cop talk for getting pinned in the dirt by overwhelming force."

"So ended the latest near-tragedy in Central Florida involving "toy" guns that experts can't tell apart from the real thing, especially when staring into the muzzle of one after dark. No one has been shot for threatening someone with one as a prank, but deputies say that could change on the next call." ...

UT: National gun safety tour stops in county
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"A national gun safety tour will make several stops in Utah County this week to distribute free gun locks to police departments and community members."

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation, local law enforcement agencies and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources are distributing 100,000 gun locks throughout the state as part of the national Project ChildSafe initiative."

"The project will stop at 12 locations throughout the county on Wednesday and Thursday." ...

WI: Seneca man aims to draw interest to his hobby
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"Go ahead, make Don Pelot's day. Take up Cowboy Fast Draw."

"It's a hobby for Pelot, and he thinks others in central Wisconsin would enjoy it, too. 'I thought with all the hunters in the area, it would be a good thing,' said Pelot, 65, of Seneca." ...

TX: Maintaining campus safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Registered sex offenders surround campus, but acquaintances pose a higher risk to students." ...

"But strangers comprise only a small percentage sexual assaults, according to Dr. Courtney Aberle, Coordinator of Women’s Programs."

"While she does not want to send the message that stranger rape does not happen, she said acquaintance rape is statistically the greater issue, with 87 percent of assaults committed by people the victims know." ...

"Knowing the ability of a predator to turn any personal defense item against a victim, Rodriguez recommends sound and personal awareness for protection." ...

Submitter's Note: Still telling the same tired old lies. The safest course of action when assaulted is to defend yourself with a gun.

FL: Wild West (last story on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A controversial gun bill is headed for a final floor vote in the Senate."

"The bill ... would eliminate criminal penalties for an individual who uses deadly force as self-protection in his home or vehicle and other unspecified circumstances."

"The open-ended language concerned some lawmakers during a brief floor discussion Tuesday, but Senate President Tom Lee said later he is confident any loopholes will be closed before the measure - backed by the National Rifle Association - wins final backing."

"'We're not opening this situation up to street warfare in Florida,' Lee said. 'I don't think that's the intent of this legislation at all.'" ...

IL: NRA pistol course to be held
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Carmi Rifle Club will be sponsoring a National Rifle Association Basic Pistol course April 9 and 10 at the club's facility north of Carmi, located on County Road 1250 East (just off Highway 14)."

"The instructors for the class, Mike and Valinda Rowe, are NRA certified. The course is designed for those who may have recently purchased a handgun or are thinking about doing so, for handgun owners who do not feel confident while handling and operating a firearm and desire more instruction, or for those wanting to learn the correct technique for safe and more accurate shooting. Firearms and ammunition will be provided." ...

MN: Anti-Hunters Attack against Minnesota Dove Hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-hunters in Minnesota have introduced a bill that will stop the state's newly established mourning dove hunt."

"House Bill 1311, introduced by Rep. Michael Paymar, D-St. Paul, will prohibit mourning dove hunting in Minnesota. The bill awaits action in the House Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Policy."

"'The anti's are attempting to use emotions and sentiment to try to ban this hunt,' said Tony Celebrezze, U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance director of state services. 'Minnesota sportsmen should stand up to the anti's and let their legislators know that dove hunting is a biologically sound activity and an asset to their state.'" ...

UK: 'I saw flashes spew from muzzle'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I will always remember how those sharp, crisp gunshots cut through the normally impenetrable music." ...

"As two more flashes spewed from the barrel, the crowd dispersed in an instant, doubled over and scurrying like frightened animals. I opted to hit the ground behind a pillar."

"After 30 seconds without a gunshot, my friend and I decided to bolt, but the trampling had already begun."

"As I yanked my friend down the stairs and stomped towards the door, I could feel arms and legs being crushed under my feet. But I didn't slow down, apologise or help anyone else. It was every man for himself." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: As it ever is for disarmed sheeple.

UK: America’s 200-year love affair with lethal weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AMERICA'S love affair with guns dates back to the Revolutionary War of 1776 and is enshrined in the second amendment of the US bill of rights, guaranteeing that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed'."

"Despite decades of political effort to curtail the spread of military-style 'hunting' weapons, the powerful gun lobby, represented by the 4.2 million members of the National Rifle Association, has successfully resisted outright bans or meaningful limitations on ownership of an estimated 350 million privately-held firearms." ...

"Official figures show that the average American has 27 times more chance of being murdered by gunshot than the average Briton. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And you the figures are almost identical for non-firearm murders, which makes them meaningless for the gun debate.

UK: Call for tighter air weapon controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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United States." ...

"The US atrocities also underlined the need for Britain to maintain its strict rules on gun ownership, she added."

"Speaking at ATL’s annual conference in Torquay, Dr Bousted said the shooting in the US 'takes your breath away'."

"'First of all our heartfelt sympathies go to the victims and their families,' she said."

"'The current very tight restrictions (in the UK) on gun ownership must be maintained if we are to live in a civilised society where people are protected against extreme acts of violence.'" ...

Submitter's Note: She completely ignores the fact that the UK's violent crime rate, excepting murder, is more than double that in the US.

Australia: Man jailed for rifle toting kill threats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man from South Hedland has been sentenced to 32 months in jail for being armed in public while drunk.

Last November, Clay Dellaporte, 35, was fighting with his brother when he allegedly struck him with a rifle and threatened to kill him and another man.

Police confronted the man a short time later outside his home and convinced him to put down the rifle.

Dellaporte faced seven charges over the incident, and has been convicted of three.

UK: Alert: armed response to snapper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE dusky sunset across Reading seemed like the perfect shot for one keen amateur photographer as he took up position on top of the railway
station car park."

"It all seemed a picture perfect moment... but the startled snapper almost found himself looking the wrong way down the sights of something entirely different after he sparked an armed police response."

"A passer-by mistook the 36-year-old photographer for a crazed lone gunman, thinking the camera he was brandishing was in fact a rifle."

"A police armed response van with three officers rushed to the station ... and stormed into the car park overlooking Vastern Road."

"They confronted the man ... only to discover his 'weapon' was in fact a camera." ...

Burundi: Burundi's women still live in fear of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of Burundian women interviewed agreed that, despite the mild security improvements due the 2003 ceasefire, the climate of violence has actually increased. With illicit arms increasingly accessible, violence has turned from war-related incidences to revenge acts, sexual predation and armed robbery, mostly victimising women, a new report shows." ...

"It is estimated that 80 percent of households in the capital and larger provinces possess small arms. The government actively has promoted arms distribution since the 1970s. 'What is even more shocking is that people interviewed for the research were against civilian disarmament and still support arms as a means of self-defence,' noted [Burundian journalist Jocelyne] Sambira."

UK: Inside the duvet drug den
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WITH teddies strewn across the bed and posters of the latest pop stars, it could be a typical youngster's bedroom."

"But among the cuddly toys and pillows, sit rubber gloves, presses, scales - and £500,000 of pure Colombian cocaine." ...

"Officers were tipped off that a major consignment of the drug had arrived at a parcel depot in Bermondsey after being shipped in from Spain."

"When one gang member made the pick-up, they tailed him back to a flat in Burrow House, Stockwell, where other members had converted a spare bedroom into a rudimentary drugs factory."

"Raiding the address on February 6, officers seized an air pistol converted to fire live rounds, a machete and the opened parcel containing 10 packets of cocaine." [emphasis added] ...

Australia: Hunt for sniper after car hit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SCRUFFY haired sniper responsible for putting a bullet through at least one car on a busy Adelaide expressway was being sought today by police anxious to catch him before he strikes again."

"Police said today they had so far recovered one spent .22 bullet from the car hit as it travelled north on the Southern Expressway on Tuesday morning."

"Another six spent shells were recovered from a hillside overlooking the expressway where the gunman was believed to have been targeting cars."

"'This is very concerning for motorists that there might be someone out there shooting at cars passing by,' acting Chief Inspector John McCaffrey said today." ...

A fanatic is one who won't change his mind and won't change the subject. — Winston Churchill

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