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Newslinks for 3/24/2001

Owner has remorse for gunfire, lawyer says
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Follow up on story 2 days ago. The owners still believe they where justified in shooting the robbers. So do most of us, I think.

U.S. court upholds N.J. ban on assault-weapons
Submitted by: Melissa

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A federal appeals court yesterday unanimously upheld New Jersey's 11-year-old ban on military-style assault weapons.

Alaska takes aim at Canadian anti-gun law
Submitted by: Melissa--Fixed Link

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Their House of Representatives is close to passing a resolution calling on the new president and State Department to pressure Canada to ease restrictions for Alaskans taking guns into Canada to hunt.

"This gun law of yours is the same kind of airhead, idiotic, liberalism we expect from our countrymen to the south," fumed Alaskan state Senator Robin Taylor. "You people are starting to remind me of Californians."

Gun Control: The Seventh Paradox
Submitted by: Melissa

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"The seventh paradox is the most profound. The conventional wisdom is wrong. Gun control simply does not work as crime control. Case after case shows that when cities, states and nations implement gun control, crime goes up. Washington, Chicago, New York, Australia, Britain ... Criminologists explain that disarming the law-abiding population makes life easier for criminals, who are going to ignore the law anyway." -Dr. Michael S. Brown

Thank goodness SOMEONE was armed
Submitted by: Melissa

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"A student gunman wounded 5 people at a suburban San Diego high school on Thursday before the school's security officer brought him down in a gun battle."
Thank goodness SOMEONE was armed, or many more people would be dead and wounded now.

You can read other accounts of this incident at NewsMax and CNSNews

Patrick Henry
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered the speech made famous by its closing words - "give me liberty, or give me death!"

The words of Henry's speech are well-worth considering today, 226 years after they were delivered.

CT Committee Rejects Gun Control Measure
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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In Connecticut: "A bill that would impose new restrictions on the sale of assault weapons misfired Thursday in a legislative committee, but supporters said the measure was far from dead... Besides closing the assault-weapon loophole, the measure that failed in Public Safety would have banned long-range, .50-caliber sniper weapons..."

The socialist slugs will be back with this, probably attached to another bill. Stay alert!

Michigan groups file suit to reject CCW referendum
Submitted by: Melissa

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"MUCC and MCRGO are confident Michigan's Court of Appeals will uphold the constitution and deny a referendum on PA381. MUCC has nearly 100,000 members and over 500 affiliated clubs whose mission is uniting citizens to conserve Michigan's natural resources and protect our outdoor heritage."

Los Angeles City Council voted 'Yes' on small gun ban & thumbprint
Submitted by: Melissa

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The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to ban the sale of small, easily concealed handguns and to require purchasers of other firearms to provide a thumbprint. The measure returns next week for the final OK.

Suitland, MD resident shoots suspect during apparent burglary
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Police say a Suitland man prevented a burglary at his home this afternoon, by shooting the suspect in the act. The homewoner will not face charges because he fired in self defense.

Bail bondsmen arrested after chasing suspect into school
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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The report is on video. Choose the format on the right of the screen.

Three bail bondsmen chased a suspect onto school grounds. The suspect escaped, the bail bondsmen may lose the right to keep and bear arms for life. I guess they need to find a new line of work.

Why do you think we call them "criminal safe zones?"

In Sade’s Shadow
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Western culture now lies in the pall of a vile movement to exalt evil as virtue. Yet this movement is but a shadow cast by the diabolic drive to build the total state." -by William Norman Grigg

IL: "High Capacity" magazine & "Assault Weapon" ban introduced
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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**Call your senator! Stop this dead in its tracks**

Creates the offense of unlawful use of a semiautomatic assault weapon or large capacity ammunition feeding device, defined as knowingly selling, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, or carrying a semiautomatic assault weapon or large capacity ammunition feeding device. Provides that the offense is a Class 2 felony.

Gun Grab Executive Caught Bribing Committee Witnesses
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National Radio Host Alex Jones Catches Gun Grab Executive Paying Three Men for Their Anti-Second Amendment Testimony Given During a Public Hearing on Various Gun Grab Bills at the Texas State Capitol. Article and Streaming Video.

Ashcroft Stirs Gun Debate
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft's comment Friday that most of the guns used in recent school shootings have been obtained illegally was immediately challenged by gun control advocates as inaccurate."
Of course. Tell the truth, and the anti-gunners loose their whole argument.

China Returns Rights Fire
Submitted by: Aurang Shah-Stone

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"It calls the U.S. "the only country where carrying a private weapon is a constitutional right." It cites a case last year in which a six-year-old Michigan boy shot and killed a classmate."

This coming from China, a country that proves gun control does work if your intent is to kill 10's of millions of people. Even though they have nuclear weapons they still fear our guns, fear our freedom and that's good enough for me.

A nice place to live
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Chicago Sun Times publishes very unusual pro-CCW letter... right under a typical anti-CCW letter. The contrast is amazing. (4th letter on page)

No prison time for murder?
Submitted by: Melissa

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A man accused of sticking a gun in a Chicago police officer's face and pulling the trigger Friday night is a convicted murderer who served only 30 months probation for his crime, officials said Monday.
We don't need to get guns off the street. We need to get violent criminals off the street.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. — THOMAS JEFFERSON

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