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Newslinks for 3/24/2015

Penn and Neeson flops show audiences shunning anti-gun ‘geri-action’ heroes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Unknown is what effect Penn and Neeson running their mouths off in the press and alienating millions of potential movie-going gun owners has had on the willingness to spend hard-earned dollars enriching privileged belittlers of freedom. Both have made no secret of their contempt for guns and gun ownership, with the former maligning them as 'cowardly killing machines' and the latter calling for UK-style gun bans in the U.S."

"... With word spreading that the actors have been going out of their way to disparage the right to keep and bear arms, it’s likely that accounts for some of the reluctance toward giving aid and comfort to Penn and Neeson." ...

Why Can’t the Mainstream Media Understand what “Grass Roots Means?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nick O’Malley, the U.S. correspondent for Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald displays an above average amount of lying and/or willful ignorance in his latest piece, 'Another textbook gun law victory for National Rifle Association.' O’Malley being an Australian, I would be willing to cut him a little slack when it comes to firearms knowledge and cartridge familiarity – if not for the fact that he is their American correspondent and should therefore be held to a higher standard than your average Aussie. He starts out by displaying a profound misunderstanding of what 'grass roots' support means. . ." ...

Did departing ATF director's latest escapade pave way to NFL?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"B. Todd Jones will be stepping down as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives next week, moving, apparently (and seemingly a bit oddly), to a position with the National Football League. That position will presumably not be as a player, but who knows how desperately the Cleveland Browns are feeling the need for the next franchise quarterback? Just kidding--his role will apparently be along the lines as something of a player conduct 'czar,' as the NFL attempts to repair its tarnished image in the wake of numerous allegations in recent years of domestic violence, substance abuse, and even multiple murder." ...

Are alligator attacks more common than 'attacks' by those with a gun permit in Florida?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "During a Senate Higher Education Committee hearing on March 16, 2015, students testified both for and against the [campus carry] proposal."

"'According to the state of Florida, you are almost twice as likely to be attacked by an alligator than by someone who happens to carry a conceal-and-carry permit, and that was a study over the first 10 years of the conceal-carry law in Florida,' said Erek Culbreath, president of Florida Students for Concealed Carry, a group that advocates for concealed carry of firearms on all the campuses."

"Are gator attacks twice as common as attacks by someone who has a conceal-and-carry permit? We went in search of the evidence." ...

Jury Nullification – The Second Amendment’s Last Stand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the State of Illinois, along with the issuance of the first Concealed Carry License comes the thought that finally – finally – every person in the United States of America who chooses to carry may do so as long as they comply with their States requisites. It may feel as though we have met a threshold of victory and that the gains made are gains never lost again."

"But down deep, we know that isn’t true."

"The war on the Second Amendment continues across the country – In Capitol buildings and town halls, in Courtrooms and in the media...." ...

Protect the Second Amendment: Invest in Walmart (NYSE: WMT)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you've been living under a rock the past few days, the church – one small group of freedom-hating nutjobs – is demanding that Walmart (NYSE: WMT) shareholders be able to vote on whether the nation's largest firearms retailer should be able to sell... firearms."

"It sounds nice, for sure. After all, according to them, guns kill people. They're bad. Nobody should have them. But, because of that pesky 2nd Amendment, since they can't make guns illegal, they want to get rid of people's access to firearms."

"Cut the head off the snake, so to speak. Walmart will be fine. They can sell other stuff ..." ...

Girls With Guns: 9 Noteworthy Tweets on Arming Female College Students to Deter Campus Rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The always raging-gun control debate in the United States has come to college campuses recently, as National Rifle Association-backed lawmakers have proposed a "girls with guns" solution or in other words, arming female college students as a way to deter campus rape."

"The proposals are consistent with the organization's long-standing goal to ease gun regulations, under the banner of protecting Second Amendment rights. In opposition, college anti-rape advocates have joined with pro-gun control groups in accusing the NRA of using concerns over sexual assaults as a way to allow for weapons on college campuses." ...

Moms Demand Action: Gun Rights, Gun Control ‘Not Mutually Exclusive’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On March 19 Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America held a rally at the Iowa statehouse to oppose GOP efforts to repeal the current requirement that Iowans obtain a permit before purchasing a handgun."

"Republican House members rightly view this permit-to-purchase requirement as an infringement on gun rights. And instead of offering a counter point, Moms Demand Action’s Ellyn Grimm said people need to understand that gun control and the 2nd Amendment are 'not mutually exclusive.'" ...

Let common sense prevail with reasonable gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How many more must die? How many more innocent bystanders must be hurt? How many more parents must bury their 6-, 16-, or 26-year-old children before we wake up?"

"Where did the idea that Second Amendment rights are absolute come from? Other rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to associate are not absolute. I cannot yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater just for the fun of it. I cannot publicly print something that I know to be false about someone else. I cannot associate with anyone who is advocating overthrow of the government."

"... Gun control proposals to limit the size of guns and ammunition magazines do not impinge on a person’s right to own guns for personal protection or hunting. ..." ...

Reading of history about Nazi and guns fallacious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the March 22 letter, 'Don’t allow U.S. leaders to disarm our citizens,' Stephen Halbrook is not a Second Amendment 'scholar,' but a spokesman for the [NRA's] point of view."

"All of his writings argue against any kind of regulation of firearms. His argument that the Jews, who couldn’t buy guns, were defenseless because of that is faulty. The roundup of Jews who were sent to concentration camps was committed by the Waffen SS, the toughest arm of a tough army."

"... How could Jews, if they had a pistol or rifle, defend against battle-tested men, Panzer tanks, Stuka dive bombers, etc? The idea is ridiculous and insulting to the Jewish people." ...

Submitter's Note: Three words for you Mike: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

PA:The Post-Gazette is courageous and right about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thank you for your courageous March 13 editorial 'Taking Aim: To the Gun Lobby, the Answer Is Always More Guns.' You are correct: People everywhere are sick of gun violence."

"In addition, we are sick to death of the profits that are put ahead of the lives of our own fellow Americans, especially of our children. When did the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution become a marketing device?" ...

IA: Group urges caution on Iowa gun law changes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Critics of a bill seeking to change Iowa’s gun laws Monday arranged a telephone hookup at the Statehouse with a researcher who noted that gun-related deaths increased after similar steps were taken in neighboring Missouri in 2007. Dr. Daniel Webster, director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at Johns Hopkins University, said Missouri’s murder rate increased 14 percent after that state repealed its permit to purchase system for handguns in 2007 ..." ...

Hollywood Action Stars Who Oppose Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hollywood celebrities frequently make their gun control support known during events and interviews. However, there are those action stars who believe in the rights of gun owners."

"Surprisingly, they represent a wide range that covers conservative and liberal affiliations."

"Bruce Willis, star of the 'Die Hard' movie series, has stood up for the Second Amendment to protect all amendments in the Bill of Rights. 'If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn’t they take all your rights away from you?' he asked. Willis has been a long-time supporter of gun rights, explaining that if you take guns away from law-abiding citizens, 'the only people who have guns are the bad guys.'" ...

Hollywood Action Stars Who Support Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some of Hollywood’s most popular action stars love shooting fictional villains, but they also love gun control. When not entertaining audiences with thrills and chills from firepower, they can open up about their feelings on reducing gun violence."

"Liam Neeson, who plays a gun-toting rescuer in the 'Taken' movie series, said it’s 'terrifying' that the number of guns in America roughly matches the number of people in the country. 'It is the right to bear arms which is the problem,' he told Radar magazine."

"Neeson praised British authorities for banning private ownership of handguns ... America’s Founding Fathers 'would be turning n their graves with embarrassment' if they knew how the Second Amendment was now being interpreted, he said." ...

Updated: Watch media liberals attack Cruz on gun control, Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tossing his hat in the ring this morning to become the next president, start the time clock to see how long it takes for media liberals to begin tearing at him over his views about gun rights and the Second Amendment."

"It’s pretty much a given that the Cruz candidacy will have press sharks sniffing around for any kind of blood in the political waters. He’s got a history of sticking up for the rights of gun owners. He opposed the United Nations Small Arms Trade Treaty. He joined Sen. Chuck Grassley in proposing 'alternative' legislation in 2013 on gun control that would have focused on prosecuting criminals and addressing mental health, rather than penalize law-abiding gun owners." ...

NRA disputes report that questions if Scott Walker is 'pure' on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bloomberg Politics is drawing fire from the National Rifle Association over a recent story claiming there is a potential rift between likely presidential candidate Scott Walker and the Second Amendment advocacy group."

"A recent Bloomberg Politics article floated the idea that Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely presidential candidate as well as a favorite of gun rights activists, may not be as 'pure' as other White House GOP hopefuls, citing a 1995 bill that failed in the Badger State's legislature. The NRA also says Bloomberg's reporter failed to contact the group for comment." ...

Gun Group Says ‘Traitor’ Joe Manchin Has to Go
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s March 20 veto of Senate Bill 347, a move possibly inspired by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s fierce opposition to the civil rights proposal, gun rights supporters have renewed calls to ouster Manchin from their ranks."

"Manchin, infamous for his authorship of the Manchin-Toomey gun control proposal, attacked the West Virginia civil bill in a March 12 press release." ...

Ted Cruz declares candidacy, vows to ‘reignite the promise of America’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In his speech, Mr. Cruz called for a flat tax on income, abolishing the internal Revenue Service, and securing the nation’s borders."

"Mr. Cruz touted religious liberty, pro-life policies and traditional marriage, as well as Second Amendment gun rights and his desire to 'repeal' the K-12 education standards known as Common Core." ...

Operation Choke Point Could Be Ending, Second Amendment Activists Rejoice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Operation Choke Point is causing a partisan split in Congress and raising bottom line concerns for a plethora of small businesses across the country. Republican Idaho Senator Mike Crapo has proposed a budget amendment aimed at cutting off funding for the controversial program."

"The Senate Budge Committee adopted Crapo’s proposal late last week. Operation Choke Point is program initiated by the [DOJ] and the [FDIC]. Those opposed to the operation feel that the federal agencies have intimidated banks from engaging in lending and other necessary financial services with specific American businesses. Gun stores and gun manufacturers are reportedly at the top of the list businesses that Operation Choke Point is focusing upon. ..." ...

ID: Idaho's Flurry of Concealed Weapons Bills Reflects National Gun Trend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to carrying a concealed weapon, Kentucky and Louisiana were the first states to ban the practice back in '13."

"In 1813, that is."

"Exactly two centuries later, in 2013, Illinois became the last state to rescind an outright ban on concealed weapons and to create a procedure for issuing permits to carry them. In the preceding quarter century, the number of states that banned carrying concealed weapons went from 16 to none, while the number of states with no permit requirement at all went from one to five. The reason: changing attitudes, and aggressive state-by-state campaigning by gun-rights groups." ...

IA: Senate gun bill still a 'work in progress'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The top Democrat at the statehouse says a wide-ranging bill that’s eligible for debate in the senate needs 'additional work' before senators would consider making changes in the state’s gun laws."

"'There are people in law enforcement that have suggested they see some things that could be significant improvements in our current law,' says Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gronstal of Council Bluffs."

"Gronstal says establishing a uniform license for permits to carry a concealed weapon seems most likely, along with a move to create a statewide database of permit holders." ...

MT: Montana utility lobbies to stop a referendum expanding gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lobbying lawmakers for a rate hike is one thing, but now Montana’s biggest electric and gas utility is battling to block a referendum on expanding gun rights."

"Publicly regulated NorthWestern Energy contends the measure would make it harder to keep their workplaces weapons-free. But the Montana Shooting Sports Association accuses the utility of sticking its nose into a political debate where it doesn’t belong."

"'NorthWestern is opposing a bill that has nothing to do with their corporate mission delivering electricity to its customers,' the group’s Gary Marbut told Monday." ...

TX: Open and campus carry bills pass Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The open carry movement won a victory in the Texas Senate Tuesday with a 20-10 vote along party lines to approve the licensed open carry of guns in Texas."

"The measure comes after a fire storm of controversy sparked by Open Carry Tarrant County’s Kory Watkins actions at the state capitol building. Watkins staged a protest in a state representative’s office at the capitol building in January that inflamed anti-gun sentiment. Open Carry Texas President C.J. Grisham did not endorse the actions of Watkins, calling them counterproductive and not part of Open Carry Texas’ mission." ...

WV: W.Va. governor vetoes concealed carry bill – but the battle is not over
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control is certainly the most divisive and emotional issue that is nearly invisible in presidential and congressional elections. But on the state level, gun politics are blazing."

"One key frontier is the effort to make it easier to carried concealed firearms anywhere, any time. Until the 1980s, most states didn’t have clear rules and regulations about 'concealed carry.' Most states now do have some kind of permitting process involving different mixes of background checks, fees and required training." ...

WA:Judge allows gun control groups to intervene in I-594 lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal district court judge handling the challenge to Initiative 594 today granted a motion by the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility and Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund for I-594 to intervene as defendants in the lawsuit spearheaded by the Second Amendment Foundation."

"U.S. District Court Judge Benjamin H. Settle in Tacoma said in his order that WAGR and Everytown are organizations operating in Washington State, 'they have substantial rights to defend.' They wasted no time Monday afternoon by sending out an e-mail asking for donations to the '594 Legal Defense Fund.'" ...

LaserMax Becomes First Lights and Lasers Brand on Gun District
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Keeping a finger on the pulse of new media, LaserMax recently became the first manufacturer of laser sights and illumination tools to publish its page on Gun District, an exciting new social media community established for firearms and outdoor enthusiasts."

"The brainchild of Paul Glasco, president of Legally Armed America, Gun District was formed in response to the growing discriminatory policies and practices of mainstream social media outlets that oppose the right to keep and bear arms." ...

AR: Shooting range desperately needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Smaller towns that surround the larger towns see their citizens flock to the larger city to work, or for shopping and entertainment. Jonesboro could be considered a larger town that might envy its smaller neighbor, Paragould."

"The envy I’m referring to is the vision that the Greene County Wildlife Club had many years ago to build a shooting range just outside of Paragould on the Scatter Creek [WMA]. The shooting range ... is the closest shooting range for residents of Jonesboro and Craighead County that is available for sighting in a rifle, handgun or for patterning a shotgun for the upcoming turkey season. It’s about 45 miles from here to there, and one wonders why can’t Craighead County have something like this?" ...

MI: Lots to see at the Gun and Knife Show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Legion Post 301 hosted their annual “Spring Gun and Knife Show” this weekend where guests would buy, sell and trade gun and knife related items."

"The show is the legion's biggest single fundraiser of the year, with nearly 500 guns on display. The building was packed to capacity with nearly 48 tables of vendors." ...

Our safety, our liberty depends on preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the U.S. are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution. — Abraham Lincoln

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