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Newslinks for 3/26/2001

SUPPORT S.514 - Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement Act
Submitted by: Melissa

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Sen. Smith of NH introduced S.514 (to provide for reciprocity for nonresidents may carry certain concealed firearms in that State), as a companion to H.R.950 (National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity).
Contact your U.S. Senators to COSPNSOR this bill!

Student Suspended for Drawing a Soldier
Submitted by: Melissa

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Drawing an armed, camouflaged soldier earned a third-grader an in-school suspension at a West Monroe, La. elementary school. Principal Edward Davis described the drawing that drew the punishment Thursday as "upsetting". The soldier was holding a canteen in one hand and a knife in the other.
There is nothing I can comment to this innane stupidity. Except that I feel darn lucky to be past my school years.

Attempted Robbery Fails, Criminal Hospitalized after being Shot
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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A man who tried to rob a pizza-delivery driver was in serious condition at Riverside Regional Medical Center on Saturday after the driver shot him, Newport News police said.

Wisconsin top officials warn parolees of pitfalls ahead
Submitted by: Melissa

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Thirty-five of the city's most dangerous men, some stirring impatiently in their metal chairs and others staring forward intently, listened as a parade of top law enforcement personalities took them to the figurative woodshed.
I wonder if this new program will work. It would be really nice if it does.

Study of Waterfowl Hunters in Minnesota
Submitted by: Melissa

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The University of Minnesota has launched the largest survey of Minnesota waterfowl hunters ever conducted. Last week, about 4,200 hunters received a 10-page survey that is being administered by the university for the Department of Natural Resources. It's the first time hunters from all corners of the state have been asked about their hunting habits, opinions and concerns.

Saving Congress from the Constitution (satire)
Submitted by: Melissa Seaman

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"God, according to the Honorable McCain-Feingold, has decreed that the "Congressional 535" are, and of by right ought to be, free from public scrutiny or opposition. (Save, perhaps, that opposition allowed by appropriate agencies.) Of course, we can trust the government to allow legitimate opposition. Indeed, the enlightened campaign finance reformers of China and the old Soviet Union have shown us how to correctly regulate political speech." -MICHAEL QUINN SULLIVAN

Gun-show bill gets new shot in Texas Legislature
Submitted by: Melissa

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The proposal, a major priority of gun-control advocates, would force unlicensed sellers at gun shows to run the same criminal-background checks on prospective buyers that licensed dealers do.

We Test the .50 "Sniper" Round
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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This isn’t actually news -- It’s a link to a website page, but it’s so funny, I just had to submit it!

Newspaper Probes Anti-Gun Witnesses
Submitted by: Skypod

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The lead story in this morning's 'Metro & Texas' section of the Austin Statesman-American spelled it out in the headline: "Payments made to backers of gun bills." The payments didn't come from a "Million Mommy," as we first heard, but from Dave Smith, president of Houston-based "Texans for Gun Safety," an outfit funded by the "Catholic Campaign for Human Development" and the "Alliance for Justice".

Kiss your rights goodbye?
Submitted by: Skypod

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Geoff Metcalf interviews Rep. Ron Paul on the International Criminal Court. -- A growing number of U.S. citizens are aware that their constitutional rights are under assault. Evidence of this onslaught includes legislation that exceeds constitutional boundaries, presidential executive orders and activist judicial decisions that effectively write law rather than merely interpret it.

Should Teachers Be Armed?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"One example largely ignored by the media occurred at a high school in Pearl, Mississippi. Assistant Principal Joel Myrick used his handgun to stop the murderous shooting rampage of a deranged student. Unfortunately, the law forced Myrick to keep his weapon locked in his car off school property. By the time he could retrieve it and return, two students were already dead." -Dr. Michael S. Brown

New Gun Show Law kicks in Saturday at Show
Submitted by: Melissa

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On Friday, people will be able to walk into the Rampart Range Sertoma Sportsman and Arms Show in Colorado Springs and buy a pistol or a rifle from unlicensed gun dealers without having their pasts probed.

On Saturday, at the same show, a criminal background check will be required as Amendment 22, the popular initiative approved by voters in November, goes into effect.

Because the gun show straddles two standards, it will give authorities and gun dealers a good chance to make comparisons.

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. — Thomas Paine

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