FL: Florida House prepares to vote on ‘anti-rioting’ bill
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Mark A. Taff
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For instance, a person convicted for crimes committed during a “violent public disturbance” involving three or more people would face a third-degree felony. The penalties for those crimes would vary depending on the offender, and would range from a $5,000 fine to a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
The bill would also create a six-month mandatory-minimum sentence for battery on a police officer and enhance punishments for burglaries and grand theft when the crimes are committed by three or more people. |
PA: There’s no historical basis for ban on ‘ghost guns’
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Mark A. Taff
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In referring to the so-called ghost gun loophole, Steve Henshaw called the right to purchase nonfirearm materials for the purpose of manufacturing arms a travesty (“Tighten law on DIY guns,” Reading Eagle, March 20). The only travesty is the belief that others do not have an inherent right to self-defense, and that the right extends to the home manufacture of firearms, an activity that predates the American Revolution itself. |
MD: Maryland Bill Crossover Deadline Passes
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Mark A. Taff
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Monday, March 22nd, was the deadline for bills to cross over from their chamber of origin. As such, a few anti-gun bills are essentially dead for the year.
House Bill 175 would have required “ammunition vendors” to conduct federal NICS background checks on prospective recipients of ammunition. Because “ammunition vendor” was vaguely defined in the legislation, it could have meant that private individuals cannot sell or give ammunition to friends, family, fellow hunters, range buddies, etc. |
FL: Should the AR-15 be banned?
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Mark A. Taff
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In summary, An AR-15 is not an assault rifle, is not military grade, and is not capable of automatic machine-gun type fire. It is used for target shooting, competitions, and hunting. It is in reality a basic semi-automatic rifle that has been accessorized and resembles a military weapon in appearance ONLY…not in function! |
OH: After A Week Of Gun Violence, Ohio House Republicans Seek To Expand Concealed Carry
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Mark A. Taff
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After a spate of seven mass shootings around the U.S. in seven days, Ohio House Republicans introduced legislation that would allow Ohioans aged 21 and older to carry a concealed weapon without a license.
House Bill 227, introduced Tuesday by Republican Reps. Thomas Brinkman and Kris Jordan and co-sponsored by 20 more, also contains other gun rights expansions including:
Removing the requirement that licensed gun owners "promptly" notify a police officer during a stop that they have a weapon in the car. They would only need to tell the officer about the weapon if asked. Creating an expungement system for people previously convicted of concealed weapons offenses |
SD: Self Defense Bill Signed
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Mark A. Taff
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Among the bills signed by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem this week was HB1212, which is titled “to clarify the use of force.”
Representative Caleb Finck of Tripp was a co-sponsor and says the bill came from self defense instructors |
Guns are on Supreme Court’s agenda days after mass shootings
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Mark A. Taff
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A possible expansion of gun rights is on the Supreme Court’s agenda, days after mass shootings in Colorado and Georgia.
The justices are meeting in private Friday to discuss adding new cases to their docket for the fall. Among the prospects is an appeal from gun rights advocates that asks the court to declare a constitutional right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-protection.
It’s the first major gun case to come before the court since Amy Coney Barrett became a justice in late October and expanded the conservative majority to 6-3. |
NY: ‘Tell Congress It’s Time to Step Up’ on Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
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Another mass killing by someone with an assault weapon. I’m so tired of hearing about these events. I’m tired of the arguments from those who claim it’s their right to own such a weapon for self-defense. I’m tired of the platitudes and “thoughts and prayers” from elected officials. And what I’m really tired of, and outraged by, is the inaction by Congress to do anything about the incessant stream of murders by perpetrators using these weapons. |
FL: Florida House Republicans Start Debate on 3 Controversial Bills
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Mark A. Taff
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Six hours of debate time has been allocated to the most contentious bill, HB 1, which is a top priority of Gov. Ron DeSantis and would create new penalties for demonstrators accused of inciting violent protests.
The so-called 'combating public disorder' legislation took shape in the months following the Black Lives Matter protests that swept the nation in the wake of George Floyd's death while in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer. Democrats are deriding the measure as an unconstitutional attempt to silence political dissent, a characterization the bill's Republican sponsor sought to discredit Thursday. |
HI: Trump Judge Tries to Strike Down State Gun Safety Law: Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears
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Mark A. Taff
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Hawaii has a long history of concern about and laws to promote gun safety, going back many years before it became a state. Individuals can possess guns in their homes and places of business, but cannot carry them openly in public unless they obtain a license, for which they must demonstrate “the urgency or the need” for such open carry to help protect “life and property.” George Young applied twice for such a license but did not attempt to show such an urgency or need; instead, he relied on his “general desire to carry a firearm for self-defense.” Young’s applications were denied and he sued in federal court to have the Hawaii law invalidated as unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. |
New NovX 380 Auto Poly/Copper Training and Defense Round
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Mark A. Taff
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We all know just how tough it is to find training and defense ammo today. Some calibers prove to be more difficult to find than others. For example, with just a little poking and prodding I can usually find some 9mm or .223 Rem for training purposes, but finding .30-30 Win for my ol’ lever action has been a challenge. Likewise, .380 Auto for my pocket carry Glock 42 has not been easy to come by. Perhaps for at least the near future the .380 Auto problem has been addressed. New on the market is the NovX .380 Auto Poly/Copper training and defense round. I have utilized the NovX 9mm in the past, and now the company brings the same technology to the .380 Auto cartridge. |
10 Alternative Calibers to Consider During the Current Ammo Shortage
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Mark A. Taff
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This ammo shortage is frustrating to say the least. Most guns and ammo are hard to get these days and we sort of know what's causing it, and that's the worst part. Much like the shorter-lived toilet paper shortage at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ammo shortage is the result of a cycle of panic buying and stockpiling, which is causing distributors to run dry and items remain sold out.
My gun shop has a sign of things not to ask about, and the second one prohibits queries about whether or not they can order a Glock. No, they cannot. |
No, It's Not Easier To Get a Rifle Than Vote
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Mark A. Taff
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Sen. Alex Padilla (D–Calif.) recently claimed that it is easier in some states to acquire a rifle than it is to cast a ballot. This false claim ignores the reality of gun control in America. Despite widespread misconceptions held by gun control advocates, guns are the most heavily regulated consumer good in the country. Millions of Americans are federally prohibited from not only possessing a gun for even a fleeting moment, but also from possessing even a single bullet. |
MI: Lawsuit filed against Wayne County Clerk’s Office over months-long CPL appointment backlog
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Corey Salo
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Wayne County residents who have completed the necessary class for a concealed pistol license are having to wait months to obtain it.
A lawsuit has been filed against the clerk’s office over a backlog of applications.
"We, being attorneys, had to be dragged into this to force an elected official to do their job. It’s either they don’t want to do it, they’re incompetent, or they just don’t care," said attorney Terry Johnson.
"My big question is how can you process birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage licenses, but at the same place you’re in -- the clerk of the county -- you can’t process a concealed pistol license like every other county?" Johnson said.