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Newslinks for 3/27/2001

Gun Control Is No Easy Sale in Utah
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Utahns Against Gun Violence, or UAGV, hired Carabello to apply a polish to their grass-roots organization.

Safe house
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Mr. Condon has decided that under the circumstances, allowing residents to provide for their own defense is reasonable. At least two people in South Carolina are alive because of it."

Pizza robber dies (followup)
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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No charges have been filed against the driver. Newport News Police spokesperson Deirdre Raines said the shooter's name would not be released unless he is charged with something. The Commonwealth attorney's office, she said, would make that determination, once the investigation is complete.

Suit Filed Against Battered Women’s Shelter for Forcing Services
Submitted by: Skypod

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"When she initially refused to attend, DSS took her children and placed them in foster care to force her to comply with their demands. She was to later discover that approximately two-thirds of Independence House funding comes from DSS. She believes that due to Independence House’s financial dependence on DSS, they collude with the Department to force clients to accept services, and they help DSS open new cases by betraying women’s confidentiality."

Doctors to Spy on Patients' Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Just when you thought talking to your doctor or psychiatrist was one of the most private and confidential things you could do ... think again."

New Mexico Legislator Proposes High School Shooting Range
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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A New Mexico state legislator has requested that $50,000 be spent to build an air-rifle shooting range at a local high school.

Youth gets 90 days for pellet gun at school
Submitted by: Skypod

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Chatham County Juvenile Court Judge John Beam Jr. chose the 90-day residential program as proper punishment for Shatron Lamar Smith for carrying a weapon within 1,000 feet of a school. The judge also ordered mental-health treatment for Smith after he completes his custody term.

Dodging the Bullet
Submitted by: Skypod

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"I don't want to trivialize the real problem of gun violence -- I mean, not today at least, because I'm not in that kind of mood -- but at some point we have to experiment with rational thought. School shootings are down nationally. Only the publicity about them has increased. Our children are, indeed, imperiled by various things in our society, but crazed classmates spraying bullets is still, for most kids in most schools, very low on the list." -Joel Achenbach, Washington Post Staff Writer

Auction of Versace's stuff to benefit anti-gun orgs
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Proceeds from the sale of several original dresses and costume sketches, part of the larger Versace collection to be auctioned April 5-7 at Sotheby's in New York, will be donated to the Arlington, Virginia-based National Center for Victims of Crime and PAX, a New York-based group that promotes gun safety."

Police, sheriffs debate impact of new concealed weapon rules
Submitted by: Skypod

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“We pretty much approach everyone as if they have a gun, but now we’re more aware of it because more people are carrying them,” he said. “My personal opinion is that I’ve been around guns all my life and I don’t (take issue with) this law. But there is a little apprehension with officers around the state at this point.”

Missaukee County citizens vie for concealed weapons permits
Submitted by: Skypod

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Effective July 1, state law will require county gun boards to give concealed weapon permits to those older than 21 with no felony records. But there is an early rush to get these permits now.

Nevada Concealed weapons bills pass!
Submitted by: Skypod

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Two measures expanding the provisions of Nevada's concealed weapons law were amended and approved Friday by the Senate Judiciary Committee:

SB20 eliminates a requirement that a person must be a Nevada resident to obtain a concealed weapon permit.

SB172 removes the limitation on the number of firearms for which a permit to carry a concealed weapon may be issued.

Petitioners turn in signatures against gun law, Face legal battle
Submitted by: Skypod

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Opponents of the state's new concealed weapons law delivered nearly 260,000 petition signatures to the Secretary of State's office Friday in an attempt to force a statewide referendum on the measure.

Hours later, the petition was already facing a legal challenge. Lansing attorney Peter Ellsworth asked the Michigan Court of Appeals to reject the petition and stop the state from counting the signatures.

Connecticut's new assault weapons bill fails
Submitted by: Skypod

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A bill that would have imposed new restrictions on the sale of "assault weapons" misfired Thursday in legislative committee. None of the bill’s supporters "could show one shred of evidence that the past bill did any good — let alone that the new one would reduce crime in any significant way," said Rep. Ronald San Angelo

IA ALERT: SF488 - to Ban Private Gun Sales
Submitted by: Skypod

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"SF 488, which could be voted on by the Iowa Senate as early as this week, seeks to ban private gun sales under the thin disguise of closing the so-called gun show loophole." -GOA Alerts

Contact your Iowa Senators to oppose this bill.

Drilling With the Militia
Submitted by: coprtoppe

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"...There is also legitimate concern that these weapons might be used offensively rather than defensively."

The way the author uses 'facts' in this story makes me wonder if he is preparing to run for office...

Man sentenced to life for California hate crime
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Buford O. Furrow received a life sentence Monday after apologizing for slaying a postal worker and wounding five people at a Jewish center.

"I want to try, although it is impossible, to convey my deep sorrow," said the 39-year-old as he read a statement in a courtroom filled with sobbing victims of his 1999 shooting rampage and their relatives.
Why do we need hate crime laws to put a murderer away for life without parole?

Not Guilty by Reason of Notoriety
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The acquittal of the incredibly innocent Sean "Puffy" Combs, following the acquittal of the incredibly innocent O.J. "Juice" Simpson and the acquittal of the incredibly innocent Bill "Stain" Clinton, reminds us of a duty that so many of us irresponsibly neglect -- the duty to protect our loved ones by getting famous." -Michael Kelly

Group revisits Wild West
Submitted by: Skypod

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The group is called the "Savannah River Rangers" - a local chapter of a 30,000-strong international organization called the "Single Action Shooting Society". The society has hundreds of shooting clubs all over the globe - even in Japan, Australia, and Europe.

No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. — Thomas Jefferson

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