American cities have regulated guns, now most can't
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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After Monday’s mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, Congress is once again considering federal measures to curb gun violence: President Joe Biden has proposed a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines, among other steps. But revising state laws that prevent localities from regulating firearms should be no less a priority. That’s because, for all the heated rhetoric around the Second Amendment, state laws are a far more significant barrier to gun regulation than the Constitution. |
IL: Too much senseless loss
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Mark A. Taff
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No one has ever suggested a total ban on weapons. But we need to look at banning certain types of weapons, weapons that are not designed for hunting or self-defense, but designed for mass shootings and needless slaughter of human beings.
Yes, stricter penalties for possession of guns illegally or using them in a crime, are needed. But so are background checks, longer waiting periods, prohibitions of certain weapons and ammunition, prohibiting unlicensed people from selling guns and restricting the number of guns a person can buy. |
SOAD's Daron Malakian - Guns Are Essential Tools for Self
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Mark A. Taff
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System of a Down and Scars on Broadway guitarist Daron Malakian has declared his stance on gun control, calling guns "essential tools for self-defense."
Upon re-sharing a video by Instagram user GunDrummer, which shows him drumming and shooting along to System of a Down's "BYOB," Malakian wrote, "Guns are essential tools for self-defense! And they make great percussive instruments as well!"
WA: Anti-Self-Defense Legislation Expecting a Vote in the House at Any Time
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Mark A. Taff
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Today, anti-gun legislation, Senate Bill 5038, was placed on the House Calendar for Second Reading. The measure can now be brought up for a vote at any time, and your Representative needs to hear from you immediately! Please contact your State Representative and ask them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 5038.
Senate Bill 5038 makes it a crime to openly carry, on the person or in a vehicle, a firearm or other “weapon” if the person is participating in, or attending, or is simply within 250 feet of a “permitted demonstration” in a public place. |
FL: Church Carry Bill Has Passed the House
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Mark A. Taff
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On Thursday, March 25, 2021, the full Florida House of Representatives met and heard HB-259, sponsored by Rep. Jayer Williamson & Rep. Cord Byrd. During the Q&A period, anti-gun legislators were allowed to question sponsors. Then, under the rules, the bill "rolled over" until the next House floor session.
Today, Friday, March 26, 2021, the full House came back into session. HB-259 was up for debate and PASSED by a VOTE of 76-37!
HB-259 RESTORES the private property rights of religious institutions AND the self-defense rights of people who go to church. |
OK: Oklahoma moves closer to becoming Second Amendment sanctuary state
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Mark A. Taff
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The state Senate has passed a bill declaring Oklahoma a Second Amendment sanctuary state.
Senate Bill 631 says that any order demanding the confiscation, buy-back or surrender of firearms infringes upon Oklahomans' Second Amendment rights.
Don Spencer, president of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, told The Center Square there are currently more than 20 active bills in the Oklahoma State legislature that directly deal with returning self-defense rights to the people. |
How to Become a Master of Dry-Fire Practice
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Mark A. Taff
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As I write, we’re in the depths of a significant ammunition shortage and, sadly, I don’t expect the situation to have improved much by the time you’re reading this. Scarce, expensive ammunition makes it harder to practice, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your skills with dry practice from the comfort of home. With a few important safety precautions and minimal equipment, you can get in the practice necessary to make your skills reflexive, meaning you can perform them quickly, correctly and with a minimum of thought. |
The Virtue of Gun Ownership and the Decline of Manliness
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Mark A. Taff
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The latest horrific mass shooting in America, this time roughly 30 miles from my Denver home, happened on Monday. Ten died, and the suspect — a Trump-hating Syrian immigrant, hardly the MAGA hat-clad white man that the media so clearly desired — has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder.
The Boulder, Colorado, shooting has, predictably, reopened America’s tiresome debate over gun policy. The suspect used an “AR-style” modern sporting rifle, thus assuring that Democrats and their media sycophants would rally anew for bans on that technically undefinable and cosmetically amorphous subclass of semiautomatic weapons colloquially referred to as “assault weapons.” |
Celebrity Marksman Chris Cheng Defends Gun Rights in Senate Hearing
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Mark A. Taff
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Chris Cheng outperformed competitors to win History Channel’s Top Shot championship, but his best performance yet may have been on Capitol Hill defending gun rights this week.
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled, “Constitutional and Common Sense Steps to Reduce Gun Violence.” In the wake of the tragic murders in Atlanta and Boulder, Colo., Cheng was among the witnesses testifying. |
Kevin Dixie Joins the Second Amendment Organization’s Board of Directors
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Mark A. Taff
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Second Amendment Organization is proud to announce that gun rights advocate, civil rights history educator and firearms instructor Kevin Dixie has joined our Board of Directors.
Kevin Dixie, born in Saint Louis, Missouri, is the owner-operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training (NOC) and the Founder of Aiming For The Truth, a 6-spoked approach to healing broken families and strengthening the community bonds of neighbors, to improve the lives of people in the cities and states of our nation. |
CO: Mandatory Storage Legislation Scheduled for Thursday Committee Hearing
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Mark A. Taff
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Next week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider Mandatory Storage legislation, House Bill 1106. It is extremely important that NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters contact their lawmakers in opposition to this anti-self-defense bill.
House Bill 1106 imposes government-mandated standards for storing firearms, rendering a person’s firearm useless when needed for self-defense. This should be a matter of personal responsibility, as everyone’s situation is different. |
WI: Gun and ammunition sales soared in 2020
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Mark A. Taff
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Just weeks into the pandemic, back in March of 2020, management at The Family Shooting Academy in the Village of Bellevue started to notice an uptick in business. Back in 2020, the owner Mike Shea, shared what he was beginning to notice in sales.
"Business the last month was pretty steady, until about two weeks ago when all of the Coronavirus stuff started. And then we saw a dramatic spike in in-store sales." |
PA: The roadblock to common-sense gun laws
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Mark A. Taff
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Sadly, as the recent shootings in Atlanta and Boulder show us, in America it always seems to be an appropriate time to talk about basic gun measures.
Before we go any further, let’s get one thing out of the way: In spite of what “Big Gun” likes to say, no legislation has been proposed that would result in taking legally owned guns away from law-abiding Americans. Most Americans support gun ownership for self-defense, hunting, and sport, but also feel there is a need for better common-sense regulation. |
The Galco Holsters Stryker Belt Holster
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Mark A. Taff
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Anybody who is serious about their firearms training needs a solid, reliable holster. Some holsters have switches, buttons, and various methods of attachment. Some shooters, however, prefer a simple belt holster. Galco Holsters has released the newest in their line of Kydex outside-the-waistband holsters. This is the Stryker Belt Holster |
MT: 2nd Amendment restricts government
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Mark A. Taff
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Regardless of where one stands on gun control, we should see the prerogative of gun regulation resides in the statehouses, not the White House. The president certainly can use his "bully pulpit" to solicit legislation through the states. But Montana officials should remind the president and Congress the Second Amendment is a stern restriction on them. |
SD: Use of deadly force laws expanded
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Mark A. Taff
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This past Sunday, Governor Kristi Noem signed House Bill 1212, which expands the use of South Dakota’s stand your ground laws, providing legal immunity to some who use deadly force.
According to the bill’s authors, immunity will be granted when such force is necessary to prevent an imminent threat. The person claiming immunity also can’t be doing anything illegal and must be in a place they “have the right to be.”
“In South Dakota, we’re a pro second amendment state. There’s no other state that’s more pro second amendment,” says State Representative Tim Goodwin. “There’s no government or legislature that’s more pro second amendment. So, this just goes hand in glove with that.” |
Enough ‘theater.’ We need new gun laws now.
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), the man who showed his concern for the citizens of Texas by taking a vacation during the mammoth snow and ice storm that crippled his state and left catastrophic damage, parroted the message of the National Rifle Association and gun lobby that changes to gun laws would not have stopped the violence and lives lost in Boulder, Colo. How would they know? They have never tried enacting such laws. |
TX: Texas House hears constitutional carry, other gun bills after fed hearing on gun control
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Mark A. Taff
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The Texas House committee considered four bills filed by Reps. Kyle Biedermann, R–Fredericksburg, Cole Hefner, R–Mt. Pleasant, Matt Schaefer, R–Tyler, and James White, R–Hillister, on Thursday and Friday.
This legislative session was the first time since 2015 that a constitutional carry bill was filed in both the state House and Senate and the second time in Texas history the issue was scheduled to have a committee hearing.
Texas Republican Chairman Allen West submitted written testimony in support of two bills. |