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Newslinks for 3/28/2001

IL CCW petition
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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If you live in IL, please take 2 minutes, if that, to sign this petition. And if you haven't phoned, faxed, or mailed your representative by now, get off your butt and do it:

VA golf range owner in jail over trees
Submitted by: Skypod

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He has already spent $125,000 on 700 trees mandated by the zoning board. But the board is demanding that 30 trees be moved alongside property boundary between the range the nearest homeowner's land to create a protective screen. However, that neighbor is his father, who says the landscape requirement is ridiculous. They put him in jail anyway.

Senate OK's Free Speech Restrictions
Submitted by: Dale Nick

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I was emailed this from Gun Owners of America. I am sorry to say that I am from Minnesota. Don't cuss at me too harshly though, I didn't vote for him!

I guess the Constitution and Bill of Rights is on the way out if these people have their way.

Contact your Senators to OPPOSE this amendment!

Comrade Jesse Jackson
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"We've found out in recent weeks that Jesse Jackson is a financial chiseler and a marital cheat. What most Americans still don't know about him is that he is also in bed with the American Stalinists of the Communist Party USA. Here's the evidence of what I charge:" -Joseph Farah

Tucson to increase police patrols to reduce gun violence
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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The plan's language was rewritten to protect the rights of legitimate gun owners. Under the new version, police won't put into government data banks information on guns not used in crimes.

Teachers Union to Honor Clinton
Submitted by: Skypod

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The United Federation of Teachers will honor disgraced ex-president Bill Clinton in May with its coveted John Dewey humanitarian award for advancing pro-education and labor policies.

"This is just insane," Brooklyn history teacher Morris Martin told the paper. "Clinton isn't a role model for adults, let alone children."

Group Advocates Armed Parent Patrols for U.S. Schools
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Executive Director John Bender said SUSSA will offer scholarships for
courses in handgun safety and the use of guns in defensive situations to
five volunteers, selected by the first public school in the United States
that adopts the Israeli model for protecting the school from violence."

Gun education bill falters in Md. house
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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One side (NRA) wants to teach kids about gun safety and to respect guns. The other side (guess who) wants to teach kids to hate guns.

Guns in School Protect - and Kill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"No one complains about guns being brought into schools when a shooting takes place. In fact, students, teachers and administrators targeted by the gunmen hope police officers - with guns - arrive in time to save them."

U.S. ALERT: Oppose S.610 - Police Gun Buyback Assistance Act
Submitted by: John Rich

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Sen. Torricelli wants police to destroy perfectly good firearms that they no longer need. These guns can be resold through licensed firearms dealers, in compliance with all laws. The resale of these used guns brings in money to offset the costs of purchasing new firearms for police. But since this cost offset will no longer be realized because of the forced destruction of perfectly good guns, we taxpayers are now being asked to make up the difference!
Contact Your Senators to OPPOSE this bill!

Dial 911 And Die - Police find 3 dead after woman called for help
Submitted by: Skypod

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A frantic call to a 911 operator Monday afternoon led police to a near west side home where officers found the bodies of two men and apparently the woman who had called for help. "My ex-boyfriend is trying to get in here," a woman told the 911 emergency operator about 1pm, police said. Then the line went quiet.

Gary Kleck in Wall St. Journal
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An excellent commentary on school violence from one of the foremost authorities on gun issues.

Disarming Questions
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Patients will be told, for example, that guns are used to murder people far more often than they are used to kill assailants; they won't be told that people who use guns in self-defense almost never need to fire them, let alone wound or kill the attacker." -Jacob Sullum

Family's Guns Seized After Child Makes Threat
Submitted by: Cliff

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Milford, CT Police not only charged the boy with breach of peace, but also for the first time used Connecticut's gun seizure law to remove 30 rifles and pistols from the boy's home. All properly secured, owned by the boy's father -- a hunter and collector.

High school students debate gun control
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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One 17-year-old said he's looking forward to getting his first hunting revolver. Another says guns are too available. But they agree America's teens are not as prone to violence as the rash of school shootings might suggest.
A fairly balanced article.

Wisconsin Students Paid to Report Drugs, Guns
Submitted by: Skypod

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At three Wisconsin high schools, students who report classmates' illegal drug use and weapons possession receive $50. According to LaCrosse police, the reward system has already resulted in 28 tips since the program was implemented, with 14 students receiving $50 for their information.

MD Bill to shield business owners using deadly force from civil suits
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Carroll County legislators have introduced a bill providing new legal protection to business owners in cases such as one this month in which two brothers are under investigation in the fatal shooting of a man during what police said was an attempted burglary of their Glyndon concrete business.
The measure would shield owners from civil lawsuits for deadly force against someone "who unlawfully and forcefully enters" their business. It would not affect criminal prosecutions.

Chanello's drivers say no-gun policy is news to them
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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These drivers should also be irked that the company publicly notified criminals that their drivers are open game. When Domino's drivers in D.C. got attacked in the late 70's/early 80's, their chief said they weren't allowed to carry, and more drivers began to get attacked. He had to rescind his statement, and this manager should do the same, lest he watch his drivers get attacked again.

Gun-shy neighbors oppose dealers
Submitted by: David Shimm

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For Tim and Bonnie Walden, selling firearms out of their Ahwatukee Foothills home is just a hobby that could help them earn a few bucks. But for their neighbors, the pastime could "lure criminals to the neighborhood and hurt property values."

~~What idiots these neighbors are! He is going to have to do background
checks, so he is less likely to have a criminal clientele than if he were
selling Tupperware.

An Inch at a Time
Submitted by: David Shimm

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In the L.A. City Council, another assault on the Second Amendment. - by Los Angeles Police Department Officer Jack Dunphy

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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