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Newslinks for 3/30/2001

13-year-old's dad threatened to kill him the night before
Submitted by: Skypod

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In a young and wavering voice, 13-year-old Aaron Stitt told the story of how he took his father's life yesterday morning. He told the 911 dispatcher that his father got drunk the night before, and -- while waving a gun in the air -- threatened to kill him. So Aaron said he waited until his father was "slumped over in sleep." Then he got the gun and shot him in the head. "I'm going to jail, aren't I?" Aaron asked the dispatcher, his voice catching on the word "jail."

Parents unhappy threat not reported
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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It seems all a person has to do today is say the wrong thing and they get their 5 min. of fame.

Man's missing gun used to wound officer, police say
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Next thing you know they will be charging the man who had the gun stolen!
KABA NOTE: Mr. Hughes' above commentary is right. We recently saw someone charged for the death of an officer shot with a gun he sold 5 years earlier. The charges were later dropped, but the times we are living in suggest that it's a good idea to know your guns and keep tabs on them more than ever before in our nation's history.

Sheriff to yank gun permit of white-collar criminal
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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ALABAMA -- "Mobile County Sheriff Jack Tillman has decided to take back the gun permit he'd approved for Ellis McDonald, a convicted white-collar criminal whose pardon last year states that he did not regain his right to own or even possess a handgun."
We oppose non-violent felons being barred from the right to keep and bear arms. If they haven't committed a crime of violence or proven violent tendencies, stealing their right to self-defense is in itself a CRIME.

More junk about potential charges against self-defense shooter
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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The carjacker "put a gun to her head and demanded the keys to a 1998 Mercury Mountaineer sport utility vehicle." The man who shot in self-defense was licensed to carry. And this "news" outlet is still yapping about the possibility of charges. The guy was a repeat violent offender. If anyone should be charged, it's the decision-maker who released the scumbag from jail. No loss to society, plenty of gain. Give him a Good Citizen Award and shut up.

Maryland city school bans students from playing tag
Submitted by: Skypod

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Joseph Pantaleo loves to play tag, but the fifth-grader hasn't figured out a way to do it without touching anyone.

The principal of his school, West Annapolis Elementary, outlawed the game in recess last fall because it violates the school's "no touching" policy. A petition drive led by Joseph failed to change her mind.

Police seek to extend ordinance into homes
Submitted by: coprtoppe

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"We still lack the ability to go inside the house and make it livable," Provo police officer Mark Troxel said.


When will the left learn that laws will not stop the evil minded?
Submitted by: scott

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A man accused of rape and served with a PFA in the state of PA still has his mother and friend supply him with guns.

Thousands of Felons May Slip by Gun Law
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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Newsflash: Criminals get guns despite Brady background checks! This article also makes a not so subtle case for national standards for reporting crime at the state and local levels. Will a national gun database (read gun registration) be far behind?

Proponents of Guns Have Misguided Opinions
Submitted by: Glen A. Biddle

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Michale Olesker, a socialist columnist for the liberal, Baltimore Sun paints gun owners as misguided in their opinions about guns. Baltimore is a one-paper town, so thought is corrupted by this liberal print outlet. write him yourself and express your outrage. He is really misguided.

Alberta may defy Canada gun control law
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Albertans could vote this fall on ignoring Ottawa's gun registry. Delegates to a convention of rural politicians have voted to ask the province to stick the provocative proposal on a ballot this October, when all Albertans go to the polls to elect their municipal officials."

Sounds like a good idea. Tell Ottowa where they can put their law.

Girl, 14, caught with gun at school
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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A 14-year-old girl was detained at a Phoenix middle school this morning after officers found a 9mm handgun tucked in the waistband of her pants, police said.

Carjacker Killed by Intended Victim (Followup)
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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The intended victim and his 18-year-old girlfriend were not injured in the attack.

Woman Shot Dog in Self-Defense
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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A local woman defended herself when she fired a single shot from her 9mm semiautomatic, killing a pit-bull terrier that was attacking her, authorities say.

Former Make-A-Wish foudation director sentenced for theft
Submitted by: Tom Keeling

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No wonder this gun free zone organization doesn't accept requests from terminally ill kids for a hunting adventure. The boss is stealing all the profits.

Don't call us from prison.

It's the NRA's Fault the Democrats are silent on Gun Control?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"But now even the Democrats seem more interested in bully control than in gun control. ... The reason for the silence is the extraordinary power of the National Rifle Association."
"extraordinary power"? Democrats are silent on gun control?? What planet is this writer from?

Scandal surrounds Philadelphia police
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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"Six months ago I couldn't do anything wrong," Timoney said to reporters Tuesday. "Now I can't do anything right."
Maybe the people are just getting smarter.


Nuns Want Report on Reducing Gun Violence
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Stockholding nuns want Strum, Ruger & Co., Inc., a leading U.S. firearms maker, to develop a report on how it is helping to reduce gun violence in the United States."

Mad Government Disease
Submitted by: Skypod

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"This wasn't Freeman's first mad-cow encounter with the government. Last summer, Freeman and other sheep farmers rejected an offer to voluntarily liquidate their herds in exchange for $2.4 million in payment. A legal battle ensued, in which the courts rebuffed the government's sheep buy-back program. The government decided to start taking sheep anyway."

California Police concerned over court ruling
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Federal judges are considering an appeal that has Inland city attorneys worried about potential lawsuits and has local police officers concerned about drawing their guns without fear of being sued."

After Chasing a Stolen Car, Officers Shoot 2 Teenagers
Submitted by: coprtoppe

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After first officer shoots HIMSELF and yells "I'm Hit!", other officers pump 38 rounds into the stolen vehicle where the unarmed car thieves crouch...

...but only LEOs should be trusted with firearms...

[Note: you have to have an account or sign up (free).]

Gun-check flaws let felons buy weapons
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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The nation's system for doing instant background checks on gun buyers is being undermined by fragmented computer systems and antiquated criminal records in courthouses across the country. Authorities say the flaws could be allowing thousands of felons to buy guns illegally each year.
KABA NOTE: They didn't bother arresting the hundreds of thousands of felons who allegedly tried to buy guns last year, so why should this matter to the socialists who want our guns? It doesn't. They are casting aspersions so they can increase their hold on gun owners through more restrictive systems.

A Cure for Juvenile Violence—Evict the Menace!
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Let’s set the ground rules.

You are the parent or guardian. You pay the bills. It is your
responsibility to raise children to become responsible adults. Only you!

Not the school, the church or synagogue, the police or the neighbor
next door. If you’re a single mom or dad you have my sympathies, but
that was the roll of the dice. Accept your situation. It’s time to take
back control of your home."

Tucson, AZ City OKs tracking guns used in violent crimes
Submitted by: Skypod

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A police program aimed at reducing gun violence by tracking guns used in violent crimes was given the go-ahead by the Tucson, AZ City Council.

As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness. — Justice William O. Douglas, US Supreme Court (1939-75)

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