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Newslinks for 3/30/2002

Pentagon Developing Non-Lethal Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Pentagon has asked companies to develop non-lethal weapons that U.S. soldiers can use in situations where it's difficult to define the line between civilian and enemy."

"In addition, American Technology Corp., a San Diego, Calif., company, is working on a portable, battery-powered sonic rifle that fires a burst of noise as high as 140 decibels. The weapon would be beneficial in stopping skyjackers without using firearms that could cripple an airplane."

Anti-Gun Groups Help Block NRA Marketing Effort (followup)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"NRA's plan to team with Memberdrive to reach advertisers interested in targeting members of the pro-gun lobby has been stymied. Under the plan, Memberdrive ... would have served as the go-between for advertisers interested in capitalizing on the loyalty of NRA members. Advertisers would have paid royalties in exchange for the NRA's endorsement."

"H&R Block was the first company to agree to the marketing deal, but abruptly decided to back out of the deal."

'Special Protections' Mounting for Gun Industry
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"First of a two-part series on special protections enjoyed by the gun industry and how some groups are responding."

"Part two of the series will examine the new efforts, such as the H&R Block campaign, to fight back against the NRA and the gun industry."

'One party heard the gun report'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Charlton Heston and the National Rifle Association swept into a number of contested states, including West Virginia, and carried them into George Bush's column.

That's because the national Republicans got it.

In West Virginia, where crime rates are consistently among the lowest in the country, guns are used by hunters, not by criminals preying on their victims. Guns are about hunting; hunting is heritage. Take away my gun, rob me of my heritage."

Freedom Fest: The Time Has Come
Submitted by: T.E.Slusser

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"A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called “The Danger of Factionism”, in which I suggested that it was time for a meeting of Real Americans who are concerned about the way our rights are fading into the sunset. I mentioned that I might know of a place to hold such a meeting, and I finished the article with: “So, what would ye, Americans?”

"The response has been tremendous. I received email after email from people who agreed that it was time to hold such a meeting."

NJ: Jersey City files suit against gun makers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Thursday Jersey City became the latest city to sue gun manufacturers, claiming they sell many weapons in states with lax gun laws knowing that the guns will be used to commit crimes elsewhere. The lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Hudson County, and names gun manufacturers including Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Glock and Colt as defendants."

Schools don't play cops and robbers
Submitted by: Jim Sr.

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"Children are being suspended or expelled. ... Zero-tolerance policies are narrow, unreasonable rules with extraordinary punishments."

"We have suspended play when they're using imaginary weapons until the guidelines can be developed to help the staff, (STAFF - A stick to herd sheep?), differentiate between dangerous and imaginary play."

NY: Former New York Police Officer Indicted for Abuse
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former suburban New York police officer was indicted on charges he pulled female motorists over during routine traffic patrols and forced them to strip, authorities said on Thursday."

"One woman alleged she was pulled over five blocks from her home, forced to undress and then had to walk home naked."

Man followed coworker home, ran him over with car
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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Since treasonous operatives come up with new and creative ways to deprive citizens of their rights in the name of “safety”, shouldn't they include weapons other then 'firearms' used to maim and kill?

Cars [KABA NOTE: actually the people who drive them], by themselves, are more responsible for death and injury then guns possessed by law-abiding (CONSTITUTIONAL law-abiding) citizens.

Then again, "gun control" is not about "public safety", it’s about subjugation of citizens.

CA: State Senator Perata Proposes Nickle Tax on Bullets
Submitted by: Jim Wissick

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"Target practice could soon get a lot more expensive. Next week a Bay Area state senator will formally propose a five-cent-a-bullet sales tax. Not five percent, but a nickel for each and every round."

Shoot a small caliber weapon, such as a .22? That more than doubles the price of your ammo.

Anti-gun Crackdown Didn't Lower Crime
Submitted by: Jim Wissick

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"Higher licensing fees, mandatory background checks and a crackdown on part-time gun dealers, all changes that went into effect in the mid-1990s, had little to do with America's drop in violent crime in the years that followed, according to a new study from a criminologist at the University of Pennsylvania."

Arm The Pilots Now!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The question of whether airline pilots should be armed is again in the news. And the arguments against doing this are as lame as they have been in the past."

MD: Disarming A Citizen Of The Year
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran, Jr. is one of the most dangerous, power-mad, anti-Second Amendment gun-grabbers in our country. In late 1999, he issued a 63-page report titled A Farewell To Arms: The Solution To Gun Violence In America. If Curran was intellectually honest, however, his report would have been more accurately titled A Farewell To The Constitution's Second Amendment."

Metcalf talks gun suits
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Lawrence G. Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, will be will be a special guest on Geoff Metcalf's online radio show today."

"Keane will discuss the city of Boston's recent decision to abandon its lawsuit against gun manufacturers in favor of working with the industry to reduce gun violence. Metcalf will also ask Keane about plans Jersey City, N.J., has to move forward with a similar suit against firearm makers."

Study links TV to violence in teens, young adults
Submitted by: serinde

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"Teenagers and young adults who watched more than one hour of TV daily were more likely to commit violent crimes and engage in other forms of aggressive behavior later, according to a report..."

"Some experts said that the findings are relatively weak ... But others said the findings are important because they identify the behavior for the first time in the older group."

"The research is also significant for linking violence to watching any TV program, not just violent ones."

CO: ACLU sues over Denver police files
Submitted by: serinde

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Entire story:

"DENVER - Seven plaintiffs sued the Denver Police Department on Thursday over its practice of keeping intelligence files on peaceful protesters.

The Colorado chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which revealed the files' existence recently, filed the lawsuit in Denver District Court. The lawsuit seeks class-action status on behalf of 3,200 people and 208 organizations."

[Could they also have records of peaceful gun owners?]

NY: Firearm seminar introduces women to shooting sports
Submitted by: Jacob Rieper

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"The Dutchess County Pistol Association (DCPA) has announced the dates for Women's Firearm Seminars to be held at the club on St. Nicholas Road, Wappingers Falls. The first seminar will be held on May 4 and the second will be held in October."

"Club member and handgun instructor Jackie Emslie is serving as seminar coordinator. Emslie describes the seminar as an informal, one-day course designed for women who are uncomfortable with or want to learn more about owning and using firearms."

Michael A. Bellesiles: Mega Anti-Gun-Nut -- Part XXIX
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Well, the issue of the William and Mary Quarterly (January 2002) is out in which Emory History Professor Michael A. Bellesiles' book Arming America (Knopf, 2000) is closely examined. And what is said is not good news for Bellesiles."

Michael A. Bellesiles: Mega Anti-Gun-Nut -- Part XXX
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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[Sort of a humorous sidenote to the Bellesiles scandal]

"Well, now. Here's an interesting little tid-bit regarding Emory History Professor Michael A. Bellesiles, author of Arming America (Knopf, 2000). The April 19, 1997 edition of the Emory Report, published by a division of the University's Office of Public Affairs, quotes Bellesiles as saying that Courtney Brown's past actions should not be grounds to impede his research "no matter how embarrassing to the department."

OH: Police chief accused of staging shooting
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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PERRYSVILLE — "A police chief faces dismissal after shooting himself in the leg while staging a traffic stop to cover up an earlier accidental shooting. ... After investigators found holes in his story, Chief Tim Sommer admitted making up the tale."

"Chief Sommer had first told authorities that he was shot while struggling with a man he pulled over for driving without license plates" but had in fact "accidentally fired a rifle through his cruiser's windshield in the police garage."

MI: New gun law may mean more boaters will be armed
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"officials say this spring and summer they also are concerned that more guns may be kept aboard boats. The source of their concern is Michigan's new gun law, which has made it easier for law-abiding adults to get concealed weapons permits."

OH: Police Charge Gun-Carrying 7-Year-Old
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Police have reversed their decision not to file criminal charges against a 7-year-old boy who brought a loaded handgun to school last week on a dare."

KABA NOTE: So a police chief who shoots himself and a squad car "may get fired if the committee approves" (see newslinks today), but a 7-year-old child will be charged as a criminal even though the gun he had didn't cause any damage.

Gun control forces say suits to go on
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Proponents of gun control predicted yesterday that Boston's decision to drop its three-year-old lawsuit against dozens of gun manufacturers is not likely to end the efforts of 33 other cities around the country that are suing the gun industry."

TN: Bills to relax handgun laws pushed aside
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A series of bills to relax handgun laws in Tennessee, including one to allow people with permits to carry a concealed weapon into places where liquor is sold, were shunted aside yesterday and are apparently dead for the year."

Homeland Security: Time to sweep aside some euphemisms
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Members of Congress are pressuring the Bush administration to send Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge before them to answer some questions about what he's been up to."

"The White House responds that Gov. Ridge might be willing to visit the Hill for some informal "background" sessions, but that he's under no obligation to submit himself to formal, public questioning -- even if congressmen agree beforehand to close portions to the public for security reasons."

How important do you think each of the following issues should be in the Democratic Party's agenda?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

There are no comments on this story
Post Comments | Read Comments, the website of the Democratic National Committee -- The 4th question is "Promoting Responsible Gun Safety Laws". The 10th question is "Protecting Americans' Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms".

Free registration required to answer survey.

Quiet Time with Campaign Finance Reform
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"under McCain's Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, recently signed by President Bush, the American Civil Liberties Union would be committing a crime if it called McCain an enemy of the First Amendment on TV at a time when voters were likely to be paying attention. The law prohibits unions, corporations and nonprofit organizations from sponsoring broadcast, satellite or cable communications that mention candidates for federal office within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election."

MI: MCRGO First Regional Training Conference
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Who: Participants must be Michigan Holders of a General CCW Permit, LEO, or Military Personnel w/proof of handgun training.

What: 3 day training event designed to provide Michigan CPL holders with the best of law enforcement quality self-defense training and to give back to the community by donating ALL of the proceeds to the MCRGO and Eddie Eagle GunSafe program.

Where: Livingston Gun Club

When: May 17, 18, 19 -- Friday 7am to 5pm, Saturday 7:30am to 5pm, Sunday 7:30am to 5:30pm.

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. — William Burroughs, 1992

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