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Newslinks for 3/30/2018

MI: Clio High students discuss gun violence with lawmaker
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Cassidy Fortney is hopeful the school safety roundtable discussion that took place Thursday afternoon with her fellow Clio High students and U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Twp., will lead to change.

But sophomore Blake Amy didn't see the issue as one of the weapons and questioned Kildee on whether the lawmaker saw an AR-15 as a weapon of war.

"I don't think it's truly guns that are bad. I think it's people," said Amy following the roundtable. "I think if we can address such things such as bullying and anything along those lines as in mental illness."

Amy argued any item, from a pencil to a knife, can be used as a weapon and blaming the issue on guns "is the easy way out and that's what people are trying to take."

Repeal the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Then comes Justice Stevens — for many years, the intellectual leader of the liberal wing of the Court — and breathes new life into the NRA’s storyline. What better evidence that the left wants a gun-free America? A liberal icon calls for repeal of the Second Amendment – a proposal that will never be implemented, and would have limited effect if it were. The Second Amendment doesn’t prevent states from enacting reasonable regulations; and its repeal wouldn’t prevent states from allowing assault weapons or high capacity magazines. It’s state law, not the Second Amendment, that “calls the shots.”

What Democrats Stand To Lose In the Gun Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But this harder line could come at a big cost to Democrats.

According to a recent poll, just 16 percent of Independents and 8 percent of Republicans agree with Justice Stevens about repealing the Second Amendment, and despite the recent public support for greater gun control, it comes only at the end of a 20-year popular trend in favor of gun rights. In fact, it hasn’t even been ten years since the landmark Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller protected individual gun rights.

TX: Olmos Park gun ordinance repealed after Temple man's arrest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some changes came quickly Thursday after a right-to-carry protest and arrests that included CJ Grisham of Temple.

Until Thursday morning, the city of Olmos Park had an ordinance (Sec. 24.85) that contradicted state law because it stated it was unlawful for anyone other than an authorized peace officer to carry a loaded rifle or shotgun on a public street in the city. Section 24.86 of the ordinance said any person, firm or corporation violating the article was guilty of a misdemeanor.

ME: Sen. Brakey makes erroneous claim that right to own a gun is absolute
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Sen. Eric Brakey’s March 28 op-ed, directed at the young people who are rightfully outraged at seeing their friends being slaughtered in school, drips with condescension. He asserts that “too few of the students marching … have been taught the constitutional truth.”

Brakey states that rights enshrined in the Constitution are “clear and absolute,” including the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.” He’s wrong. The Supreme Court made clear, in its 2008 Heller decision, that while individuals have a right to keep a gun in their home for self-defense purposes, the right is not absolute.

HI: AR-15-style weapons are just unnecessary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I agree that the Second Amendment allows people the right to own guns. Period. However, I don’t see how this should include AR-15-style weapons.

AR-15-style weapons are extremely dangerous, being able to shoot a substantial amount of shots. But in states like Florida, an AR-15 is too easy to obtain, even easier than a handgun.

Loesch: Libs Now ‘Honest About Where They Are’ on Second Amendment Repeal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control advocates are being “honest about where they are … for the first time” on repealing the Second Amendment after retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in a New York Times op-ed that he favors repeal, according to National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

“I think for the first time that we’re finally starting to see anti-gun advocates be honest about where they are on this issue,” Loesch said Thursday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” morning show. “Whenever they sit here and they talk about the AR-15, we know that that’s a stand-in for all semi-automatic firearms.”

FL: Florida Supreme Court Weighs Police ‘Stand Your Ground’ Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office urged the Florida Supreme Court to overturn a ruling that allowed a police officer to use the state’s “stand your ground” self-defense law after being charged with manslaughter in an on-duty shooting.

Bondi’s office, in a 22-page brief filed Monday, argued that Broward County sheriff’s deputy Peter Peraza was not legally entitled to claim immunity under “stand your ground” in the 2013 shooting death of Jermaine McBean. Instead, the brief argued, officers can seek a more-limited type of immunity under another part of state law.

IN: IPFW experts explore gun issue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many times, talk about what to do about guns in America breaks down into two camps – those in favor of gun control and those against it.

That wasn't the case Thursday at IPFW.

Instead, a noon panel discussion sponsored by the campus Honors Program was organized around areas of expertise – with a panel that included professors of law, political science and anthropology, the campus police chief and a student activist involved in the recent school shootings movement.

Panelists didn't get mired in pro-and-con. [Ed.: Because there was no pro side represented.]

PA: Second Amendment group rallies to counter gun control march
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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About 100 gun owners gathered on the Pike County Courthouse lawn on Saturday to stand up for their Second Amendment rights.

Members of the Family Firearms Association opposed that day's marches for gun control being held in Washington, D.C., and around the country, including Milford. (See related story.)

People in the predominantly white crowd carried signs saying "Black guns matter," "We need criminal control," "Arm our teachers, gun control is racist!" and "Plantations are gun free zones." They lined the street as passing motorists honked in support of their cause.

You Can Try to Repeal the Second Amendment, but You Can’t Repeal History
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, retired Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens wrote an op-ed in The New York Times that advocated a position most liberal pundits and activists have been incrementally working toward for a long time: repealing the Second Amendment. And while many liberal columnists argued that Stevens had only given fodder to gun advocates — because his position is unfeasible right now — not one whose piece I read argued that Stevens was wrong on the merits. Not one claimed that American citizens do, in fact, have an inherent individual right to protect themselves with firearms.

FL: Critics say Florida's new gun statue could make felons out of gun owners, manufacturers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Any firearms company, or individual, who altered a weapon could run afoul of the new law, Dean said.

"So if Glock, at the Glock Factory, installs a Glock Trigger, by Glock employees, that is 3.5-pound trigger pull, as opposed to standard 5.5 pounds," he said. "Anyone possessing this in Florida commits a felony."

Gainesville attorney Gary Moody, who is a certified NRA instructor, had no argument with Dean's assessment of the statute's unintended scope.

"I agree with that," he said. "It's an interesting statute."

WA: The right to own guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States Constitution guarantees the right for citizens to have guns.

Not for hunting or just self-defense at home, but to ensure the protection of this nation against foreign invasion and a government that abuses its power.

Even if the Second Amendment is rescinded and it becomes illegal for citizens to be armed, criminals will always have weapons and murder innocent people at home or in public. No school will ever be totally safe for anyone, regardless of any law or the confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens.

IA: Iowa lawmakers support Second Amendment but not in state Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I think our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they put that in the Constitution,” Rep. Ras Smith, D-Waterloo, said Thursday during taping of Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press,” which will air this weekend.

Smith, however, allowed it might be time to “take a closer look” at the Second Amendment “and make sure it’s relevant to today’s society.”

MA: Story on gun ownership, shooting activities not objective
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pro-gun activists like to pretend gun facts are unknowable. That’s one reason gun fanatics in Congress literally banned federal funding for research of gun violence harm.

The statistics available show murders, suicides, and negligent or accidental shootings tragically, massively, horrifyingly dwarf instances of self-defense. FBI crime data show around 290 legally justifiable homicides per year from 2005 to 2016, a majority of them by gun, according to Buzzfeed news.

MO: Missouri GOP Pushing Bill to Eliminate Gun-Free Zones at Colleges, Churches
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republicans in the Missouri House are pushing a bill to eliminate gun free zones at colleges and churches around the state.

The bill is sponsored by state Rep. Jered Taylor (R-Nixa).

The Kansas City Star reports that the bill passed the House Rules and Legislative Oversight Committee Wednesday by a vote of eight to three. The chairman of that committee, state Rep. Shawn Rhoads (R-West Plains), said, “The problem right now is our gun-free zones where people aren’t allowed to carry guns, and this is what this tries to defeat.”

Joe Biden denounces "prostitution of the Second Amendment"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Vice President Joe Biden blasted what he called "the prostitution of the Second Amendment" by gun rights activists at the University of Pennsylvania on Thursday. He made the remarks while participating in wide-ranging discussion with the university's president, Amy Gutmann.

"I think the Second Amendment is being badly interpreted, it's not consistent with what our founders intended," said Biden when discussing gun policy. He added, "What's happened here is the nation as a whole has decided it can no longer, in my view, continue to turn a blind eye to the prostitution of the Second Amendment here and can no longer turn a blind eye to the enormous damage being done not just in our schools but on our streets."

VT: Fight for the entire Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun shop owners should enthusiastically embrace the entirety of the Second Amendment, particularly the “well regulated Militia” part that the NRA and gun enthusiasts seem to conveniently ignore. Gun shop owners will benefit the most from responsible changes (via the political system) in gun ownership and use laws: Licensing fees that reasonably compensate the gun shop owner for his/her time; no more competition from gun shows; increased sales of required gun locks and safes; recurring income from gun ownership insurance and periodic required competency testing.

Former SCOTUS Justice Stevens Wrong About Second Amendment, History and School Violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Tuesday, advising that gun control activists at recent demonstrations have not gone far enough in their demands for more restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.

According to Stevens, it isn’t enough to deny millions of young adults the most effective means of self-defense by raising the minimum age of all firearm purchases to 21.

VT: Veteran looks at Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 2nd Amendment is twenty-seven words, three commas in two basic parts. First, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…” doesn’t have much to do with going to school, hunting squirrel or protecting the second half of the sentence. It doesn’t require linguistic or legal skills to decipher the meaning. Avid defenders of their rights can’t find five seconds to read what it says, ignoring intent or context as a matter of convenience. Weapons are a habit, comforting like sunshine and prayer.

It is difficult to maintain the illusion that we are interpreting a Constitution, rather than inventing one. — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia, in his minority dissenting opinion in Nebraska vs. Carhart

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