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The president speaks, but who is talking? ~ by Harry Browne
Submitted by: Skypod

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"If you read the Bush speech, you'd be hard pressed to believe this isn't Bill Clinton's vision for America."

Unregulated Access to a Deadly Killer
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The industry that manufactures these deadly items is completely unregulated. Their proliferation has resulted in massive head traumas and in the deaths of many children all across the nation."

Victory Declared in Utah Legislative Session?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The 2001 General Session of the Utah legislature is now OVER! All of you
did a fantastic job, and as a result, we've had a phenomenally successful
year. We had 18 WINS, 2 defeated bills, and almost no loss of gun rights
at all!" -by Sarah Thompson, MD
"Almost none" doesn't count. That means there was SOME. Yes, the wins were good, but if "some" rights were eroded, that means there was another step taken toward obliteration of our rights.

Second Amendment Sisters are Kicking Butt in Michigan!!
Submitted by: Skypod

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Everywhere the gun-control mothers turn, there are gun-rights soccer moms fighting back. In some cases, they have threatened to boycott businesses if the petitioners don't leave.

At 'Wee Kickers', gun-control moms soliciting petition signatures were asked to leave after gun-rights mothers complained, vowing they'd take their children off Total Soccer teams and stage a boycott. That was enough to frighten team managers, who feared the loss of players would be devastating to business.
Help them out! Contact your Michigan Legislators and tell them you support the Second Amendment Sisters and pro-gun legislation!

Illegal Gun Trafficker Confesses and Jailed
Submitted by: Skypod

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Abu Ham admitted selling 25 guns on street corners in West Philadelphia. Ham told authorities that he made a total profit of about $3,750 - about $150 per gun, the prosecutor said.

Should FBI Agents get Preferential Treatment?
Submitted by: Skypod

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FBI Agent Kevin Reed was ordered to turn over his weapons after being charged with stalking his former girlfriend.

Reed is asking the court to modify the Order of Protection so he can carry weapons at work, although he has been reassigned to a desk job since it went into effect. Reed’s boss wrote a letter on his behalf: "If this portion of the order remains in effect, it could negatively affect his ability to carry out his responsibilities as an FBI agent."

U.S. Weapons end up in Iran, Iraq, China
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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Would these be called a "straw purchasers"? Oh, isn't that illegal? Maybe we should close down this weapons dealer!

Submitted by: Skypod

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Please download your state press release and place in your area newspaper! (See link for press releases.)

"Committee to Restore the Constitution"
Submitted by: Skypod

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"A Colorado Non Profit Corporation which addresses hidden facts behind national crisis, defines constitutional powers to halt economic/political exploitation and offers procedures to aid citizens to defend freedoms of person and property guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United States."

Kindergartner with gun Suspended, sister and parents Punished
Submitted by: Skypod

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"There's no doubt the young lady (a 6yr old) will be suspended for the remainder of the school year. The only question is, will she miss another year? We'll follow the law," Superintendent White said, referring to federal guidelines on suspensions.

~~Are "guidelines" the LAW now?

Her 10yr old sister may also face punishment for not telling school authorities.

The 2 sisters and their 7mo old sibling were taken from their parents by local 'child protective services'.

A Shared Concern Over Guns? Or Gunowner Stupidity?
Submitted by: Skypod

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The author writes "we remain hopeful that such experiences as with the gun-lock programs might be lessons for both gun owners and gun-control advocates that they can reach common ground in the mutual interest of public safety." ... But what impressed me was how the gun manufacturers got around Connecticut "law".

Nevada Gun Owners Want More Leeway On Concealed Permits
Submitted by: Skypod

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Nevada gun owners asked the Legislature to allow residents to carry as many concealed weapons they choose. Senate Bill 172, debated before the Senate Judiciary Committee, would allow that to happen.

Current law allows only 2 guns to be registered for a concealed weapon permit, and makes it a felony to conceal unregistered weapons.


The Price of Silence - why was Carl Wilson killed?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"At a minimum, the public has a right to know just how and why this happened
outside a little community in Arkansas. Not just why a man's life was taken,
but whether his rights were trampled in the process. The right to be safe
and secure in one's home wasn't just Carl Wilson's. It's everybody's. And
everybody should defend it."

Store Owner's Rifle Trumps Robber's Handgun
Submitted by: Wendy Huang

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When a man tried to use a 9mm handgun to hold up a store, the store's owner leveled his .30-06 rifle at the criminal. The crook fled for his life and was later caught by police.

Bail Is Set in Beating of Couple
Submitted by: Clifford J. Petersen

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Seventeen year-old Jones and 23 year-old Hudson: two more reasons to keep a self-defense tool handy. The victims, 45 and 52, "lay in the apartment for at least three days" before one was able to go for help.

Male Victims Are Ignored by the System
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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What happened to innocent until proven guilty and equal protection under the law?

Road Rage: Using Cars As Weapons is More Common than you Think
Submitted by: Chulain

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The experts say the attacks are not as rare as one would think and that while guns get a huge amount of attention, the use of cars as weapons, is every bit as lethal.

Merit of Gun Laws Debated in Maryland
Submitted by: Skypod

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"None of Maryland's strict gun laws could have stopped a Centreville man charged in the shooting deaths of two police officers two weeks ago from obtaining the shotgun believed used in their slaying." ~~FINALLY some common sense!

SC Attorney General Condon Sticks By Anti-Intruder Policy
Submitted by: Skypod

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One month after he declared "open season on all home invaders," S.C. Attorney General Charlie Condon ordered murder charges dropped against a woman accused of fatally stabbing a man who smashed through her front door during a domestic fight. Condon also endorsed the Charleston police chief's decision not to make an arrest in a case where a man was shot to death while hiding under a bed.

After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. — Alexis de Tocqueville

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