TX: Dallas police officer charged with arranging 2 killings
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DALLAS – A Dallas police officer was arrested Thursday on two counts of capital murder, more than a year and a half after a man told investigators that he kidnapped and killed two people at the officer's instruction in 2017, authorities said.
Bryan Riser, a 13-year veteran of the force, was arrested Thursday morning and taken to the Dallas County jail for processing, according to a statement from the police department. Jail records show Riser is held without bond pending an appearance before a judge, but do not list an attorney for him. |
TN: Don't mess with Tennessee's handgun permit system
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Mark A. Taff
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Part of the privilege of serving as commissioner was responsibility for overseeing our state’s handgun permit system. We are proud of the permit system Tennessee has developed and maintained. We oppose the part of pending legislation (SB 765/HB 786) that would severely undermine our handgun permit system and ultimately make it meaningless by allowing the permitless carry of handguns in public, both concealed and openly. |
WY: Sheriffs in stand-off over Second Amendment bill
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Mark A. Taff
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All 23 of Wyoming’s sheriffs have registered alarm at the damage a bill under consideration by the Legislature could do to policing in this state. Though the Second Amendment Preservation Act (House Bill 124/Senate File 81) is intended to be pro-Second Amendment, says Crook County Sheriff Jeff Hodge, its implications are strongly anti-law enforcement.
“It’s not intended to be anti-law enforcement, but it is,” he says. “The intention was good but they need to talk to peace officers and prosecutors.” |
KY: Prosecutors Move To Permanently Dismiss Charges Against Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend
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Mark A. Taff
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Prosecutors in Kentucky are moving to permanently dismiss criminal charges against Kenneth Walker, the live-in boyfriend of Breonna Taylor who was present when Louisville police shot and killed her.
The news comes after nearly a year of legal battles for him, including accusations that he tried to harm the officers. If the charges are dismissed by the Jefferson County Commonwealth Attorney, Walker will be unable to be recharged for the crimes. The motion is scheduled to be presented on March 8. |
Why Are Lifetime Gun Bans Being Imposed on Tax Cheats?
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Mark A. Taff
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Nor would you expect to permanently lose your right to own a firearm as punishment for a false statement to the IRS. But that is exactly what could happen, and what has happened, because of an unforgiving and unconstitutional federal law — passed as part of the Gun Control Act of 1968 — that automatically bans nearly all felons, even those convicted only of non-violent crimes, from ever possessing firearms for self-defense. |
House To Vote Soon On Pelosi’s National Gun Registry & GOP Is On Board
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Mark A. Taff
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By next week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will move to place you and your family on a National Gun Registry. Legislation that Pelosi is pushing hard will be voted on in the House of Representatives.
But sadly, GOA has received reports from pro-gun congressmen that some Republicans are looking to “clean up” the bill and make it palatable.
Never mind the words “shall not be infringed.”
We have to tell every single Republican representative that we will not tolerate any moves to “clean up” H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. |
PA: Washington County joins list of “Second Amendment sanctuaries” in Pa.
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Mark A. Taff
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Washington County this week became the seventh in Pennsylvania to proclaim itself a “second amendment sanctuary.”
The resolution states the county will protect Second Amendment rights and uphold both the U.S. and Pennsylvania constitutions which grant rights to gun owners.
Commissioner Diana Vaughan calls it an extra layer of protection for gun owners in Washington County – making sure their right to bear arms isn’t taken away. |
MO: State aims at gun laws, and drug units recoil
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Mark A. Taff
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When the Buchanan County Drug Strike Force makes an arrest, a federal officer might be nowhere to be seen.
But a federal presence could loom in the background. That’s because multijurisdictional drug task forces, like the Strike Force in Buchanan County or NITRO in Northwest Missouri, have officers who are assigned to federal agencies like the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. They aren’t federal agents, but they have authority to enforce federal law. |
NC: N.C. bill would expand concealed carry rights in churches on school property
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Mark A. Taff
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A bill that would allow concealed carry permit holders to bring weapons to North Carolina churches that meet at private school facilities was approved by the state Senate March 1.
Current laws allow concealed weapons at standalone churches unless church policies restrict them. Church members and visitors are currently not allowed to bring weapons to services held on school property, even if the school is on a religious campus. Churches that operate private schools qualify as school campuses and currently cannot allow concealed weapons. |
Walther PDP: Chunky in Size, Superb in Performance
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Mark A. Taff
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Walther unleashed their Performance Duty Pistol, or PDP, to a flurry of media attention this year. When I got this handgun, I was immediately impressed by the look and feel of the gun. In recent years, we’ve seen manufacturers consistently try to get smaller and smaller with their carry guns. Walther has seemingly bucked that trend and unleashed a chunky double-stack pistol to much fanfare.
Known for their great ergonomics and superb triggers in guns like the PPQ, Q4, and Q5, the new PDP had us wondering, “Can Walther keep up and put this new pistol on the same pedestal?” We’ve taken it through a deep dive, and we’ll give you our thoughts right now after 500 rounds. |
MO: Miller County passes Second Amendment perseverance ordinance
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Mark A. Taff
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Following closely with the ordinance put in place in both Camden and Benton county, Miller County has passed their own Second Amendment perseverance ordinance. The vote passed unanimously.
The ordinance, following closely to the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) bill, installs protections on all federal acts, laws, orders, rules, and regulations which infringe on rights guaranteed by the U.S. Second Amendment. |
5 Reasons Why Democrats’ Extremist Gun Control Will Always Fail
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Mark A. Taff
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With the launch of their frontal assault on firearms rights via H.R. 8 and H.R. 127, Capitol Hill Democrats have made it clear they are not interested in facts or the “common sense” their gun control campaign perennially claims to represent, and instead provided all the justification necessary for a hard-hitting pro-rights ad campaign by a grassroots gun rights organization now heading into its second week.
Ammoland News did some homework and found five clear reasons—call them examples—why gun control fails and will always fail; the proof routinely ignored by gun prohibitionists whose ultimate goal, according to Second Amendment activists, has never been violent crime reduction but unilateral public disarmament. |
Congress 2021 Intros 2100+ Bills & Only Four are Pro-Freedom Bills
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Mark A. Taff
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Part of the privilege of serving as commissioner was responsibility for overseeing our state’s handgun permit system. We are proud of the permit system Tennessee has developed and maintained. We oppose the part of pending legislation (SB 765/HB 786) that would severely undermine our handgun permit system and ultimately make it meaningless by allowing the permitless carry of handguns in public, both concealed and openly. |
GOP state lawmakers seek to nullify federal gun limits
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Mark A. Taff
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With Democrats controlling the presidency and Congress, Republican state lawmakers concerned about the possibility of new federal gun control laws aren't waiting to react.
Legislation in at least a dozen states seeks to nullify any new restrictions, such as ammunition limits or a ban on certain types of weapons. Some bills would make it a crime for local police officers to enforce federal gun laws.
That can create confusion for officers who often work with federal law enforcement, said Daniel Isom, a former chief of the St. Louis Police Department who is now a senior advisor for Everytown for Gun Safety. |