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Invasion of Your Privacy Has Just Begun -by Charles R. Smith
Submitted by: Skypod

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Editorial and interview on the state of our personal medical record privacy, and the lack thereof. ~ Included here because this can have a direct impact on our "legal" right to bear arms (or, more accurately, our gun permit application process).

CBSNews Interactive: GUNS IN AMERICA
Submitted by: Skypod

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Is Your State Violent?
Who's At Risk?
Kids And Guns
Recent U.S. School Shootings
Recent Workplace Shootings
Guns Save Lives
A Legacy Of Loopholes
Is The Media To Blame?
Interesting: they include a section on guns SAVING lives... unfortunately, they included it under "opinion".

Gun-lock Failures Prompt Calls for "Regulation"
Submitted by: Skypod

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"We support the use of child safety locks, but if gun manufacturers were truly concerned about safety, they would be doing more than just giving away gun locks. They should be putting integrated locks and other safety devices on their products to make them childproof." -Michael Barnes, President, Handgun Control, Inc.

Anti-Gun "Warrior" Against Avon CT Walmart
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Selian is not anti-gun or anti-hunting, but she is anti-department store gun sales. She believes small sport shops can screen more carefully and know the business better than a huge department store chain. She also doesn't think you should be able to buy guns and diapers in the same store."
This woman is anti-rational....

Lessons Learned by Minority Mike
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Here’s a few things I’ve learned over the past 51 years...."

Oops... Republicans Being Republicans, Again
Submitted by: Skypod

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"They told Americans if they elected a Republican to the White House, things would be different." -by Joseph Farah for WorldNetDaily

Girls Hide as Mom is Slain
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Two girls, 12 and 17, hid in their bedroom for about nine hours Sunday after listening to a man kill their mother and her boyfriend, then turn the gun on himself."
This is a really sad story that could have been prevented had the mother been prepared with an adequate tool for self-defense.

Huge Archive of Second Amendment Quotes!
Submitted by: Sean P. Healy

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Newly organized archive of Second Amendment quotes. Totals 73 pages of quotes, organized by subject and with citations. I believe this is the most complete archive of its kind on the Net.

Full Text of over 300 Firearms Court Cases
Submitted by: Sean P. Healy, Attorney at Law

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Full text of over 300 Supreme Court, federal circuit court, and state court gun cases. The index page includes quotes from each case and a link to the full text.

This Time, It's the People More Than the Gun
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"While the 1998 shooting at Columbine High School prompted cries for stricter gun control, Monday's shooting at a high school in California is prompting calls for people to be more responsible about reporting students who make threats."

At issue: Guns in America
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"We cannot forget the names of these towns where young men turned guns on their classmates, teachers or families in places where they should have been safe. Despite the role of guns in these crimes, many Americans believe it is the inalienable right of law-abiding citizens to bear these weapons. Others believe protecting the safety of the innocent supersedes the protections of the Second Amendment."

New Pending Legislation Bad News for Gun Owners
Submitted by: David Shimm

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H.R.731, introduced Feb.27 by Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ), seeks to prohibit the discharge of a firearm within 1,000 feet of any federal land or facility.

"What if someone comes and breaks into your house, which is located within 1,000 feet of federal lands. You use a gun in self-defense, but then lo and behold, you're breaking the law," said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Laura Berman "tells" about inquiry on successful firearm self-defense
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Others wondered if I might be willing to list my residential address in the newspaper and advertise it as a gun-free residence. (The answer is no.)"

"In an upcoming column, I will print the most compelling of these stories. Not because they change my mind about the new law that will allow virtually any Michigan adult to carry a concealed handgun just about anywhere. A few true stories can't -- shouldn't -- do that."

National Guard Found Unprepared?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"After three years and $143 million, the Army National Guard has no anti-terrorism teams ready to respond to nuclear, chemical, or biological attacks because of defective safety equipment and poor training, an internal Pentagon review found."

Still No New Gun Control Laws?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Believe it or not, despite the rash of high-profile school shootings in recent years, not one major gun law has passed the U.S. Congress since 1996, when those convicted of domestic violence were prohibited from purchasing firearms."
Typical anti-gunner: State laws obviously don't count to Mr. Jake Tapper.

When will school shootings move us to act?
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Unlike other nations,the United States is awash in handguns" ~~Opinion article that could quite possibly make you sick.

Federal Alert: S.436 - Trigger Lock Bill
Submitted by: John Rich

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Senator Kohl of Wisconsin has introduced bill S.436, to require that all gun dealers sell a trigger lock with every handgun, and give the Consumer Product Safety Commission the power to set manufacturing standards for trigger locks. Contact your Federal Senators to oppose S.436

Federal Alert: S.442 - National Concealed Carry Law?
Submitted by: John Rich

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Senator Campbell of Colorado has introduced Bill S.442, to do two things:
1) Allow qualified current and former police officers to carry concealed handguns nationwide, and;
2) Allow states to recognize each other's concealed handgun licenses for citizens.
KABA Note: First of all, states already CAN recognise each others' concealed weapons permits, if they choose. Secondly, this would put police on a higher national standing than the rest of us "common" citizens. Contact your Federal Senators to OPPOSE S.442!

S.443 - Federal Sentence Increase for Stolen Firearms
Submitted by: John Rich

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Senator Campbell of Colorado has introduced bill S.443 to increase the maximum penalty for stealing a firearm from 10 to 15 years in prison.


AZ: Contradictory Bills on Guns are Pending
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"State lawmakers are moving on two fronts today to determine how much - or how little - power cities will have to regulate guns in their midst."

The power to tax is the power to destroy. — JOHN MARSHALL

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