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OPPOSE S.27 'Incumbent Protection Bill'
Submitted by: Skypod

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Irked by groups such as GOA which threaten to expose their anti-gun activities, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) & Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) are pushing legislation which would eliminate the ability of groups like GOA to keep gun owners informed on how their legislators are voting.

The Washington "Game" -by Kent Snyder
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Dear liberty activist, How is the game played in our nation's capital? Please let me share with you an incident that happened just a few hours ago."...

Massacres only happen when the victim doesn't shoot back!
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Further examination of the opinions of the anti-gun drones reveals that they don't care about facts, about reality or about anything reasonable. They are content so long as their arbitrary whim ("Guns are bad, Take them away!") is satisfied. Unfortunately, that means more high-school students will have to live through (or die in) massacres." -by Kyle Varner

Front Sight Firearms Training Offering Free Gun School for Teachers!
Submitted by: Skypod

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In the wake of the Santana High School shootings, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, which claims to be the world leader in providing intensified courses in the defensive use of firearms for private citizens, feels they have the answer to stopping further attacks on school children: Front Sight is offering free firearms training to any school administrator, teacher, or full time staff member designated as a school safety monitor.

Transformation of American Opinion
Submitted by: Skypod

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"We shell out 40% and more of our income to fund a government to oppress us with its regulations and routine invasions of our private life, to erect and run schools to which we are loathe to send our children, to engage in far-flung wars that create nothing but wreckage and death, to gouge us with their mail and utility services, to seize our guns, to fund welfare schemes and entitlements that drain life from economic affairs." -by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Government to Unveil New Details of Fatal ATF Raid
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"The federal government has agreed to release a more detailed account of the events leading to an Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Bureau (ATF) raid that left a man dead in his bedroom."

European Observatory of School Violence calls for more U.S. gun control
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Eric Debarbieux, founder of the European Observatory of School Violence, says the bottom line on violence in American schools is the availability of guns. "It is a problem of the commerce of arms. As long as the United States hasn't regulated the sale of arms, we will have this type of thing."
What a JOKE! He obviously has never tried to buy a gun here.

Gun Control Legislation May Decline?
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Bush said the best prevention for school violence is to teach children right from wrong. Bush and pro-gun lawmakers contend that the answer to gun violence is not more laws but tougher enforcement of existing ones."

'Hate Crimes': A One-Way Street?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"A pattern has emerged in the mainstream media in dealing with "hate crimes," i.e., violent criminal acts motivated by bigotry. The unspoken, unwritten ethic appears to be: If a white commits a violent crime and the victim is a minority, that is by definition a "hate crime" and worthy of front-page headlines, complete with lead stories on the national TV news shows. On the other hand, if a minority commits a violent crime and the victim is white, that does not make it beyond the local media."

SUPPORT H.R.507 'Child Safety and Home Security Act'
Submitted by: John Rich

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Rep. Hilleary from TN has introduced H.R.507 to allow purchasers of gun safes to receive tax credit of up to $3,000, to encourage safe storage of firearms.

Print this Bill and send it to your Representative asking him to support it!
KABA Note: You can access your Federal Rep's contact info HERE.

As Ronald Reagan Might Have Said... "Here we go again!"
Submitted by: Khreriov

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If ever the socialist(s) who control the legislature and the state were looking for a new primer for their favorite pump, this will be it.

Libertarians Accuse Media of Anti-Gun Bias Covering School Shootings
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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The Libertarian Party said Tuesday that the media's "anti-gun bias is showing loud and clear as the latest high school shooting (2 dead in California) is plastered all over every front page in America while last week's murderous college car rampage (4 dead in California) was virtually ignored."

Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"How can anyone, finding himself
surrounded by a rising tide of evil,
fail to do his utmost to fight against
it? In our century, we have been
inundated by a flood of evil, in the
form of collectivism, socialism,
egalitarianism, and nihilism. It has
always been crystal clear to me that
we have a compelling moral
obligation, for the sake of ourselves,
our loved ones, our posterity, our
friends, our neighbors, and our
country, to do battle against that

Euro-Court Outlaws Criticism of EU
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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This is huge! ~~ "The European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European precedents on civil liberties."

Heart Of Darkness (spies in our alphabet soup agencies)
Submitted by: Skypod

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A somewhat sensationalist CBS report on the latest updates on spies in what are supposed to be the upper-echelon of our government law enforcement agencies. Still, worth a read. After all, if there WERE none of these upper-echelon agencies, we wouldn't be having this problem now, would we?

Enroll Kids in Gun-Safety Classes!
Submitted by: Skypod

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"If America is going to guarantee the right to bear arms, it should at least ensure that gun-safety classes are available to youth, columnist Angus Phillips wrote in the March 4 edition of the Washington Post."
We can't argue with that, Angus!!

Public School Pandemonium
Submitted by: Skypod

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My experience as a public school teacher, by Rachel Baxter

"A tax supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state." -Isabel Patterson, The God of the Machine

Man Jailed For Not Planting Enough Trees
Submitted by: Skypod

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"John Thoburn planted 700 trees on his golf course, but that's not enough for
busy-body politicians who may want John's land for themselves. So they put
him in jail."

TRT: Building On Success
Submitted by: Skypod

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"For those of you interested in direct activism, I take a look at the
successes of the Tyranny Response Team and look for ways to improve." -by Ari Armstrong of the Colorado Freedom Report!

OPPOSE H.R.534 'Project Exile Safe Streets and Neighborhoods Act of 2001'
Submitted by: John Rich

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Rep. Crenshaw from FL has introducted H.R.534 to create "firearm
sentencing grants". States would be given a big pile of federal money if they sentence people convicted of violent or drug-related crimes while in possession of a firearm to a minimum 5 years in prison.

If the government stands to profit from harsh sentences, guess what will happen to objectivity?
KABA Note:

Crank Up the Anti-Gun Hysteria
Submitted by: Khreriov

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NewsMax columnist Neal Boortz writes about the first thing that popped into my mind when I heard about the school shooting in the PRK - the anti-self-defense scavengers will start circling like the vultures they are.

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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