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What's to Blame for School Shooting?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Our assumptions have been that as long as kids are provided with a suburban environment or in a rural setting, they were less prone to violence," Berrill said. "But apparently something's gone wrong. Assumptions about the well-balanced, well-nourished lifestyle that we associated with living in middle-class suburban environments don't entirely hold up."
I tried to tell people this 20 years ago, but who listens to a 13 year old?

Arizona Teen Accused of Threatening 6 Students
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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He threatened to steal his Uncle's 9mm to do the deed because he was picked on at school.
KABA Note: Read our recent Newslinks on why this is going on, and what people can do to stop it.

Columbine Graduate Urges Tolerance
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"[the graduate] suggested schools set up clubs that would shelter students who constantly are teased and bullied." ~~When I was growing up, the kid that ran home crying got picked on even more until his father taught him how to defend himself without the use of a gun!

More Facts, Fewer Liberals
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"While having dinner recently with John Lott, author of 'More Guns, Less
Crime,' one of life's enduring debates came up: Are liberals evil or just
stupid? I was surprised to discover that Lott vigorously disputed those of
us staking out the evil position." -by Ann Coulter

Robbed at Gunpoint, Judge is just One More Statistic
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Will she get smart and arm herself, or lay down on her back like so many cowards and ask the government to "fix the problem"?

I can name a few judges off the top of my head that are surely more deserving of such a fate -- and more.

It's the Music, Stupid!
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"So why aren't the Million Mommies et. al. proposing licensing and registering
videos and CDs?"

Schumer Proposes Gun-Owners Code?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"There has to be a code of responsibility," Schumer said, likening a voluntary gun-safety code to putting smoke detectors in homes ... the code could be posted in gun shops, at gun shows and advertised in gun & hunting magazines.

"We've been doing it since 1871. We've been teaching people how to safely handle firearms for years. What we ought to be doing is teaching and not holding news conferences. Maybe Senator Schumer should take a course." said NRA spokesman, Bill Powers.

Freedom First - Libertarians are not part of the "Right"
Submitted by: Skypod

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A rebuttal to National Review Editor Jonah Goldberg's claim that Libertarians are really part of the conservative movement - by Harry Browne.

Students Who Knew Shooter's Plan: Will they be Suspended?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Students who said they knew of Charles "Andy" Williams' plans to attack Santana High School in Santee, Calif., were asked not to return to school when it reopened on Wednesday. ... The school district is looking into whether any action could be taken against the students for failing to report Williams' threats."
Well, as we all know from previous news reports, according to federal "guidelines", they should ALL be suspended, maybe even expelled! (NOT!)

Prosecutors say, 'Clinton on his own in Rivers deal'
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Federal prosecutors say President Clinton, under fire for his last-minute clemency orders, ignored them in commuting the prison sentence of a top Democratic Party loyalist who stole millions of dollars from the homeless, handicapped children and pregnant teens."

Acting on tips, police find loaded gun in student's car
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Found in his car was a loaded Tec-9, a federally banned semiautomatic handgun."
Um... the Tec-9 is *NOT* federally banned.

Another Parent's Gun Collection Confiscated
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The .22-caliber revolver was one of several weapons that the suspect's
father, Charles Jeffrey Williams, kept in a locked case, investigators said.
On Monday night, detectives executed a search warrant at the apartment where
Williams and his father live and took away seven rifles, a computer and
boxes filled with papers and files. The older Williams, who has worked as a
lab technician at the Naval Medical Center-San Diego since July, is
cooperating with investigators."

Submitted by: Skypod

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Gun owners disinterested in preserving their rights? ... Following are some of the bills that have already been submitted in Congress - Compiled by Roger Johnson.
Contact your Federal Reps & Senators.

I Love Guns, and Gun Nuts
Submitted by: Skypod

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A beautiful editorial on the good of guns. By Jeremy Sapienza.

Mother-Daughter Crusade Targets School Gun Show
Submitted by: David Shimm

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The two women -- Renate Camp and her 21-year-old daughter, Shanda Enger -- say it's wrong to hold a gun show in a school. They have worked for four years to move the Sportsman's Traders Show out of United South Central School in Wells, where it has resided on a March weekend since 1960.

Barbarians in the Village
Submitted by: Skypod

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"It took 50 years to get where we are today. The question now isn't how do we stop it, it is can we stop it? ... Our barbarians are already inside the walls. Our barbarians are us." -by Kevin Baker

Why Mix Health Food With Cyanide? In Defense of Extremism.
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The late Senator Barry Goldwater said, "Extremism in pursuit of Liberty is no vice; moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue." He made a very important point…a point which ought to be taken more seriously in modern-day America." -by Kyle Varner

Berzerk at Berkeley (Non-Free Speech)
Submitted by: Skypod

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DAVID HOROWITZ’S INSTINCTS were right in attempting to take out an ad in the Daily Californian. If you’re a conservative, paying for your right to speak is just about the only way for your ideas to reach a large audience on a campus as inhospitable to free thought as the University of California-Berkeley. When conservatives do speak out at Berkeley, they are shouted down and threatened.

Targeting School Shootings
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Responses to fears of school violence have all involved increased regimentation, surveillance and control. Kids are tightly watched and harshly punished for even mild infractions. Public schools are now mini-police states, and students make up the subject population... If we want to head off the Charles Williamses of the future, maybe we ought to stop acting as if every kid is potentially just like him."
KABA Note: YES! Listen carefully people: What we fixate on will become the truth. We must be very careful how we perceive the world around us.

IL: Lawmakers Back Gun Bill & Eavesdropping By Police
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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In other action, the House Civil Judiciary Committee voted 7-6 for a bill that would give prosecutors the option to charge anyone who sells a gun illegally with the same charges levied against the buyer who uses the gun in a crime. The punishment could apply even to dealers at gun shops if they improperly sell weapons that are later used in crimes. Under the bill, illegal gun sellers would be responsible for crimes committed with the weapon for one year after the sale.
KABA Note: This is just plain SICK! Contact your Illinois Legislators!

Tough Gun Law, Timid Enforcement
Submitted by: Glen Biddle

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Tough crime laws do nothing when not enforced. Even the liberal Baltimore Sun finds fault with proscecuters and judges that will not enforce the law. Maryland politicians still want new gun control laws even when those on the books are not enforced. Case studies included in article.

Wave of school threats shock U.S.
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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All the problems in our schools in the U.S. after Monday's shooting.

Hoey Attacked for Gun Comments
Submitted by: David Shimm

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A British woman with cojones...

Idle Hands are the Devil's Workshop
Submitted by: Khreriov

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NewsMax columnist John LeBoutillier --

"Here we go again!

A spate of school shootings unleashes the predictable assault on guns – certainly untrained, angry, damaged teenagers should not have guns – as if the gun is the cause of the tragedy itself."

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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