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'The Anti-Gun Male'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"He often accuses men with guns of 'compensating for something.' The truth is quite the reverse. After all, how is he supposed to feel knowing there are men out there who aren't intimidated by the big bad inanimate villain?"

"So if he can't touch a gun, he doesn't want other men to be able to either. And to achieve his ends, he'll use the only weapon he knows how to manipulate: the law."

Forced Drugging OK'd By Court
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Defendants can be forcibly drugged even though they haven't been convicted of any charges and pose no danger to themselves or others. "

"That's the ruling issued yesterday by the Federal Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in the case of United States vs. Charles Thomas Sell. (see"

"The 2-1 split decision establishes government power to forcibly medicate a person with mind-altering drugs even before trial."

"Further, the Court held that
there are no limits on the quantity or type of drugs."

New Zealand: Coach knows rifleman has calibre to succeed at Games
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"From the time Tom Mulvey first watched Stephen Petterson set his sights and squeeze the trigger, he was convinced he had seen something special."

"For more than 20 years, Mulvey has coached Petterson, to the stage of where is now the greatest smallbore prone shooter New Zealand has seen."

"With four Commonwealth Games gold medals and a silver, and a 10th placing in Seoul (one of four Olympics he has been to), Petterson remains one of this country's finest international sportsmen."

NV: New unit to focus on crimes committed with weapons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Two years ago law enforcement officers and prosecutors on the federal and state level got tired of seeing armed felons committing new crimes again and again so they joined efforts to get them off the streets."

"Federal and state prosecutors, working together, began deciding which jurisdiction could put the bad guys behind bars the longest and began dividing up their cases accordingly."

"On Thursday it was announced that, thanks to a $480,000 federal grant, the Clark County District Attorney's Office has created a five-member gun crimes unit solely dedicated to prosecuting crimes in which a weapon was used." is Anti-Gun / Anti-Knife
Submitted by: Bowman's Brigade

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"Any of you aware that the Google search engine and it's usage is supporting an anti-gun anti-knife business? Please read the link for full details and discussion."

UK: MP demands compulsory DNA register to combat crime
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Newborn babies should have DNA samples taken so police can identify violent criminals later in life from their genetic codes, says Tony Banks."

"The former sports minister has made the suggestion during a House of Commons debate on policing."

"The West Ham MP said creating a compulsory DNA register would also help identify victims of September 11-type disasters where traditional methods failed."

DC: Mayor cites need for surveillance
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"We are in a new ... really dangerous world now, and we have to maintain a higher level of security," Mr. Williams said while downplaying concerns of civil libertarians who have questioned whether the proposed expansion of government surveillance is seriously impinges on constitutional rights. "There will be trade-offs," Mr. Williams said.

International Criminal Court to Be Launched This Year
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The world's first permanent international criminal tribunal will almost certainly be created by the end of the year, campaigners said Friday. U.S. citizens will be subject to the court even though President Bush and Republican leaders in the Senate have condemned it."

"The International Criminal Court will become operational when 60 countries ratify the Rome Statute that set down the guidelines for the tribunal."

"Conservative senators, led by retiring Jesse Helms, R-N.C., object to the possibility that U.S. military personnel might be put on trial in front of foreign judges under a system in which suspects would not have U.S. constitutional protections."

'Gun Industry Watch' Organizes National Day of Protest Against H&R Block
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Million Mom March united with the Brady Campaign, Gun Industry Watch and the Mid-Atlantic Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence are going to send the message -- loud and clear -- to the brass at H&R Block that they must sever all ties with the NRA immediately or risk further protests and forever be known for contributing to the epidemic of gun violence in America. Please join us and raise your voice against H & R Block's greed and irresponsibility."

KABA NOTE: If you plan to have your taxes done this year by H&R Block, call your agent at once and tell him/her you're sticking with them if they tell these anti-self-defense police-state-worshipping lemmings to take a long walk off of a short pier.

VT: National Guard, senator, upset units on border won't be armed
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The head of the Vermont National Guard and the state's senior senator are upset with plans to send unarmed guard troops to help protect the U.S.-Canadian border."

"Maj. Gen. Martha Rainville and Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy both feel the troops should be able to carry weapons just like the Border Patrol, Customs, and Immigration and Naturalization Service agents they will be working with."

"The agreement to put the guard troops on the border has been in the works for months. But it was only in the last two weeks, since a memorandum of understanding between the Department of Defense and the Justice Department was signed, that guard officials learned the troops would be unarmed."

CO: Rosen: Acquittal would 'make my day'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you'd prefer to stay alive and protect your property, you better be able to defend yourself, most efficiently with a gun. That's why I have one. Fortunately, I've never had to use it."

"But last summer, LaQuine Thomas did. (Not mine, his.) The Thomas home is located on a secluded 35-acre property in Park County, more than 20 miles from the nearest police station."

"In the middle of the night, a 19-year-old outlaw with a criminal record broke into his vehicle to steal the stereo. In bed, hearing suspicious noises outside, Thomas and his wife armed themselves and left their house to investigate."

"A few minutes later the intruder was shot and killed. The details are in dispute, but from what I've heard, my sympathies lie with the Thomas. Especially since a district judge recently ruled that the incredible charge of first-degree murder against him will stand."

Concealed-Carry Movement Spreads Throughout U.S.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"New Mexico is the latest state to pass a concealed-carry law, highlighting a trend that has been growing across the United States, Knight Ridder reported March 1."

"According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, in the 1980s, 40 or more states prohibited concealed weapons. The first concealed-carry law was passed in Florida 15 years ago. Since that time, gun advocates have been successful in overturning laws against carrying concealed weapons in other states."

"Today, just four states -- Illinois, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin -- ban concealed weapons completely. Concealed weapons bills are pending in Kansas and Missouri."

MD: Baltimore City Council To Consider Airgun Ban (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Baltimore City Council has drafted a bill that will specifically prohibit the possession, sale, transfer, or discharge of paintball guns and similar devices, including b-b guns, a virtual ban on the ownership of all airguns within city limits. This bill is set to be introduced and heard this Monday, March 11, 2002. If this bill passes the City Council, it will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals."

KS: Kansas Legislative Update (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"SB 116, the reckless lawsuit preemption bill, will be heard in the House Federal and State Affairs Committee on Thursday, March 14. Call your Representative at (785) 296-1153 and urge him to support SB 116."

MS: Mississippi Legislative Update (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Senate gave final approval this week to HB 764, an NRA-supported bill by Rep. Warner McBride (D-10) and Sen. Tommy Robertson (R-51), which repeals a long-standing state law requiring gun dealers to maintain a registry of all ammunition purchases."

MO: Missouri Legislative Update (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"HB 1344, which would establish a Project Exile program and legalize the carrying of concealed firearms by law-abiding citizens while in their vehicles, may be heard by the House as early as next week."

KABA NOTE: NRA, of course, is happy to put Project Exile -- the federal prosecution of local gun crimes -- onto a bill to decriminalize the free exercise of your rights. We, on the other hand, oppose Project Exile and encourage you to do the same, for the many reasons cited in this archive: Project Exile Exposed

Rewriting History, American Style
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In his book, Lincoln Reconsidered, Pulitzer prize-winning Lincoln biographer David Donald remarked that, after Lincoln’s death and "reincarnation" as a secular political saint, politicians of all stripes began attaching themselves to his legacy. Men who were his bitterest political enemies during his lifetime all of a sudden claimed to have been his closest friends and associates."

"No one, of course, has taken the worshipping of Abraham Lincoln to greater extremes than the Republican Party and some of its affiliated foundations and think tanks. The Republican Party has long sought to give its political agenda moral authority by reminding us all that it is, after all, 'The Party of Lincoln.' That is certainly true but, unfortunately, the Republican Party and some of its associated think tanks have apparently found it necessary to do what they once accused the Soviet Union of doing: rewriting history in order to enhance its prestige and power."

WV: Legislative Update (NRA/ILA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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HB 4315, which corrects an inconsistency in the state concealed carry law overwhelmingly passed the state House of Representatives. This legislation will allow Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry concealed firearms in the woods during hunting season. Currently, a conflict between the concealed carry statute and the hunting regulations makes it illegal to do so, and permit holders who unknowingly violate the hunting regulations can be subject to fines for doing so.

Korea: Police to strengthen crackdown on unregistered weapons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The National Police Agency (NPA) said yesterday that it will crack down on the illegal manufacturing and possession of weapons to ensure safety at the World Cup soccer finals."

"The NPA said it will also strengthen its safety checks on places where firearms, explosives and dangerous articles are produced, sold or handled, while increasing its police force there."

"Under the current law, owners of illegal weapons can face up to 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of 20 million won."

'Chicks With Guns'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"These days, some women at Mount Holyoke College are shocking the campus by embracing something even more dangerous than men - guns."

"About 50 women at Mount Holyoke have signed up to join the college's chapter of Second Amendment Sisters."

KABA NOTE: This article is a very anti-gun biased hit piece that makes some broad, sweeping statements against guns and gun owners in general. If you're not averse to registering to view NYT's articles, prepare to see just how bigoted some big city liberals can be.

UK: Clubs are urged to help stop gun crime
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Club owners need to install metal detectors as a priority to curb the increase in drug-related shootings according to Home Office guidelines published yesterday."

"Ministers believe the recent rise in gun crime, particularly linked to clubs specialising in gangsta rap and garage music, has become a problem, not just in hardcore inner-city clubs but in all major cities."

"The Home Office believes it is no longer enough for clubs to search customers by hand but it is now a priority for them to install either expensive 'search arches', which cost £12,000 a time, or hand-held scanning devices to keep guns out of clubs."

KABA NOTE: Considering the fact that guns are banned in the UK, how can this be? We haven't had to do this in the United States...

FL, GA: Island hunts in jeopardy
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The popular deer and hog hunts on Cumberland Island will become more difficult -- some say impractical -- under a proposed management plan for the barrier island and its wilderness area in Southeast Georgia."

"National Park Service officials say they are simply moving to comply with federal law, and that the plan, including changes in the hunting format, has not yet been been finalized."

UT: House Kills Bill Punishing No-Gun Policies at Work
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"University of Utah President Bernie Machen's salary is safe despite conservative lawmakers' anger over his refusal to welcome legally concealed weapons on campus."

"The House late Wednesday narrowly killed a bill already passed by the Senate that would have allowed the Legislature to slash by 50 percent the salary of any agency director and top staff who lawmakers determined were operating in violation of state law."

UT: Pro-Gun-Rights Bills Head to Leavitt's Desk
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"State employees and foster parents have the same constitutional rights as everybody else, including the right to bear arms."

"While that may seem obvious, lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday to codify those rights in a thinly veiled attempt to strike back at rules that restrict weapons in certain state jobs and others that require firearms to be locked up in foster homes."

Penalizing of popguns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun control has reached absurd limits in America. In Michigan, an 8-year-old boy is being prosecuted for pointing a toy gun at three other youngsters and threatening to shoot them. If this had happened in my day, every boy would have spent his youth in prison."

"We played guns when we weren't playing baseball or football. We had three variants: cowboys, war, and cops and robbers. Our cap guns roared through rolls of caps, punctuated with extra loud bang-bangs. Insistences that "You're dead; I shot you dead" would have meant life sentences for all of us."

Gun-shy government?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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JON DOUGHERTY: "Earlier this week, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge shot down the first real opportunity the Bush administration had to prove it is serious about dramatically enhancing domestic security in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks."

"Ridge said he didn't approve of the use of firearms by airline pilots to defend their cockpits from terrorist hijackers."

"What this all means is that in the months following the hijackings, the mindset in Washington hasn't changed much. Arrogant career bureaucrats, despite the government's abysmal record, still insist they – and they alone – are the best protectors of an increasingly vulnerable population."

"Their high estimation of themselves defies logic, fact and popular opinion."

GAO: Lynx fur hoax was no secret
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The General Accounting Office reported yesterday that government scientists knew they should not have submitted falsely labled samples into a national lynx survey and that some supervisors were aware but took no action."

"They all admitted they knew it wasn't in the protocol, they weren't allowed to do this," said Ronald Malfi, acting managing director of the GAO office of special investigations.

NH: True stories from files of ‘The Armed Citizen’
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"BOBBY WOLFE WAS locking the front door of his Moon Lake, Miss., store one night when a man came around the icebox near the door, pointed a gun and demanded money. “He had a gun in his hand, and the other hand was over his face,” Wolfe recalled. The storekeeper dropped and pulled a .38 caliber revolver from his pocket. “We think the robbers shot first and Mr. Wolfe returned fire” stated Cuohoma County Sheriff Andrew Thompson of the exchange that followed."

--Several more stories are contained in this report, reprinted from NRA's magazine, The American Rifleman.

KY: Six accused of skirting gun permit law, facing prison and hefty fines
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Six eastern Kentucky men, including two Floyd County deputy sheriffs, were indicted on federal charges Thursday for alleged roles in improperly certifying applicants for concealed weapons permits."

"The men were firearms instructors who receive up to a $75 fee from each person they train who seeks a permit, or were brokers for the trainers, said Gregory Van Tatenhove, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky."

NV: Bill to transfer land for shooting range advances
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A bill to transfer 2,880 acres of land to Clark County for a shooting range moved one step closer to passage Thursday when a House parks and recreation subcommittee approved it without discussion."

"The bill would direct the Bureau of Land Management to transfer the land, about 10 miles north of Las Vegas, for the county to build a shooting range, sports park and firearms training center."

UK: Byers bids to ban clay pigeons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Despite the Labour Government`s pledge to leave shooting alone, the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR) - headed up by spin-king Stephen Byers - has published a planning consultation paper outlining changes that could force most clay pigeon clubs to close."

"The new planning proposals – if made law – would compel clay shoot organisers to apply for planning permission every time they want to hold an event – effectively putting an end to the activities of many small clubs."

"Under the existing law – the Town and Country Planning General Development Order – a clay shoot can be held on land up to 28 times a year without permission. But the new proposals would put a cap of seven days per year on each location – clearly an impossible situation for the vast majority of Britain’s clay pigeon shooting clubs."

MA: 'Security' arrest invalidated
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The state cannot use post-Sept. 11 calls for stricter 'homeland security' as a reason to stop and search people, a district court judge has ruled."

"In an eight-page decision issued Tuesday, Judge David Ross granted a motion to suppress evidence from a drunken driving arrest that was gathered by a state police trooper who was under orders to stop and question anyone driving near the Cobble Mountain Reservoir in Blandford."

KABA NOTE: This is a classic example of a law enforcement officer carrying out orders that are against the constitution he swore to protect and defend. Police officers are not supposed to blindly follow orders that violate their oaths.

Incumbent Protection Bill Could Come Up At Any Time
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Riding the wave of fear created by the Enron debacle, Senate Democrats and limp-wristed Republicans are joining forces to pass a bill that would prevent groups like Gun Owners of America from using many forms of communication to mention the name of a candidate within two months of an election!"

KY: Justice Cabinet Announces Changes Regarding CCW Instructors Program
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Kentucky Justice Cabinet announced today actions that will be taken to strengthen procedures used to monitor training and the issuance of licenses for the Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons (CCDW) program."

"The announcement comes at the conclusion of a five-month joint federal and state investigation into instructors failing to provide mandatory firearms training."

Israeli teachers take lessons in shooting
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"PUSHING back her pink watchstrap and fawn jacket, the 25-year-old primary school teacher goes into a crouch and looses eight rounds at the dimly lit target."

"As the Israeli Government announced plans to issue 40,000 more gun licences to civilians, Elinor Shor’s presence on a Jerusalem firing range is the clearest indication yet of the Israeli public’s fear."

"No settler or gun fanatic, Ms Shor would never have considered acquiring a handgun a few months ago, but she changed her mind after the latest explosion of violence one week, and 100 deaths, ago."

NJ: Toy gun a 'lethal' weapon
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"They are part pellet gun and part toy, marketed under the name Air Model pistols but more commonly known as 'Airsoft' guns."

"Police, however, worry that it's just a matter of time before they become known as deadly weapons -- deadly to the young owners who have begun carrying them."

"Three Airsofts were seized by Hamilton police Tuesday night after a resident called because he believed some rowdy teenagers actually were shooting at each other."

"Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire New Jersey, admitted yesterday he was unaware of Airsofts' resemblance to real guns."

""It sounds scary," he said. After hearing descriptions of them, plus law enforcement's concerns, he said he is going to investigate further and possibly work to ban them."

NV: Prosecutors take aim at 'gun crimes'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A new, federally funded team of local prosecutors working with police, ATF agents and the U.S. attorney's office will focus solely on curtailing gun violence in the Las Vegas Valley by seeking stiffer sentences for all crimes involving firearms."

"Top law enforcement officials said Thursday that the team's April 1 launch will bring a new approach to the way firearm violence is prosecuted in Southern Nevada."

"To put it simply, they said, all gun crimes will now mean hard time." [emphasis KABA's]

UT: Rolly & Wells Gun Backers Nearly Incite A Showdown
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After gun-rights advocates sent a flurry of notes Wednesday to House Republicans threatening their political futures, House Majority Whip David Ure, R-Kamas, stormed out of his office and confronted Republican State Central Committee member Arnold Gaunt."

"Witnesses heard Ure tell Gaunt if he threatened him again he would shove the letter down certain portals personally important to Gaunt."

KABA NOTE: If Mr. Gaunt would like to step foward and tell his side of the story in detail, we'd be much obliged to accommodate him.

KY: Former Restaurant Manager Indicted in Shooting Case
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The basic rule is very simple. Unless you're protecting human life, you can't use deadly force."

"And that legal principle may land a former Nashville restaurant manager in prison."

"A former manager at the Merchants restaurant downtown has been indicted by the grand jury."

The charges are in connection with a shooting outside merchants last summer."

"The case shows the legal dangers of trying to take the law into your own hands."

KABA NOTE: Gun owners who carry a firearm for self-defense are advised to read this article and understand its implications.

The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. — JUSTICE LOUIS BRANDEIS (1928)

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