IL: Lawmakers Seek to Expand Concealed Carry Law
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David Williamson
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Illinois legislators from both parties are continuing to fine-tune the state's concealed carry law nearly three years after it was passed.
Legislators have proposed including public transportation, courthouses, interstate highway rest areas, public parks and athletic facilities as areas in which permit holders are allowed to carry a concealed weapon, the State Journal-Register reported.
Bullet-Proof Furishings Finish Off a Room
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David Williamson
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In 2000, John Adrain ran into a problem common among San Francisco residents: He had too much stuff and too little space. But Adrain’s stuff wasn’t the kind you shove in storage. An antique firearms collector since he was nine years old, he wanted to keep his extensive (and expensive) gun collection out of the wrong hands.
NY: Proposed Weapons Ban in Orleans Co. Town Concerning to Some
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David Williamson
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Some people in the Town of Murray are upset over a weapons ban proposal. Other towns in Orleans County have a similar law, but at a meeting Tuesday night a number of opponents are expected to voice their complaints.
John Morriss, Town of Murray Supervisor, said the idea for the weapon ban came from a recommendation from the insurance company.
ID: Gun Group Endorses a Permitless-Carry Bill
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David Williamson
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It’s an endorsement four years in the making. The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, a Gem State-based gun rights group, announced its endorsement of a new Senate bill that would bring permitless carry to Idaho. In a video post to the group’s Facebook page, ISAA President Greg Pruett of Middleton lauded the bill, and encouraged his members to pressure state senators to pass the measure.
Quandary for Clinton: Healthy Gun, Ammo Sales Fund Wildlife Programs
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David Williamson
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Today’s Seattle Times is reporting that Hillary Rodham Clinton and rival Bernie Sanders are both opening campaign offices in Washington, and this might provide Evergreen State hunters and gun owners an opportunity to confront the far left faithful with an “inconvenient truth” that boils down to a public relations victory for firearms enthusiasts.
TN: Law Allowing Guns on Campus Moves to Committee Vote
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David Williamson
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A House panel today approved legislation that strips Tennessee public colleges and universities of their ability to bar handgun-carry permit holders from storing weapons in their vehicles.
House Education Administration & Planning members approved the bill, sponsored by Rep. Courtney Rogers, R-Goodlettsville, on a voice vote. |
IA: Advocacy Group Calls Gun Bill a Mistake
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David Williamson
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The group Iowans for Gun Safety presented a petition to the Iowa House with more than 1,000 signatures from people who are against children under 14 using handguns.
Several supporters of limiting access spoke today at the statehouse and pointed to the rising number. |
MO: Ferguson Takes Step to Resolve Lawsuit with DOJ
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David Williamson
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One year after the U.S. Department of Justice issued a report highly critical of police and court practices in Ferguson, the city where the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown led to unrest and helped spark the Black Lives Matter movement may be nearing an agreement to end a lawsuit filed by the federal agency. The City Council in the St. Louis suburb on Tuesday approved the first reading of a measure to accept an agreement with the Justice Department, and the panel could finalize the decision next week. |
Legislature Considers Making Missouri's Terrible Gun Laws Even Worse
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David Williamson
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Are Missouri’s already dangerous gun laws about to get more dangerous? Imagine a scenario where any adult who wanted to carry a concealed weapon could do so, no training and no permit required.
Now add to that a “stand your ground” law that says anyone who feels threatened, no matter where he is, can shoot to kill. No longer would he have a legal duty to try to avoid confrontation, much less try to determine if a threat was real. He could shoot first and ask questions later.
GA: A Day After Gun Vote, Panel Approves Stun Guns for Georgia Colleges
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David Williamson
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A day after voting to legalize guns on Georgia’s college campuses, a state Senate panel on Tuesday approved a measure that would also allow students and staff to defend themselves with Tasers and stun guns.
House Bill 792 would legalize carrying what are formally called electroshock weapons onto the state’s university and college campuses. It would require, however, that they only be used for self-defense or the defense of others.
Liberals Don't Hate the Second Amendment; They Just Hate the Perversion of It
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David Williamson
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A recent letter asserted that liberals hate the Second Amendment (“Joetopia’s liberal drivel on guns,” Feb. 5). Liberals don’t hate the Second Amendment. We hate how it has been perverted by the diseased minds at the National Rifle Association and its legion of stooges.
We hate the orgy of firearms forced on our nation by the obsessed fetishists of the gun culture. We hate unending gun violence and senseless murders, particularly of children.
Photo of man being escorted out of Montgomery church by police goes viral on Facebook
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David Williamson
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A picture being shared on Facebook caused some concern across the Montgomery community over the weekend.
In the photo, a man dressed in all black is escorted out of a Montgomery church by police with a caption that the man was, "lurking outside the church and had loaded firearms." It went on to say, "he stopped at any random African American church to possibly create another South Carolina situation." |
TX: University of Houston Gears Up for Campus Carry
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David Williamson
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Like other public Texas four-year colleges, the University of Houston is preparing for the campus carry law to take effect in August. Under the draft plan, people with concealed weapon licenses can bring their guns to most classrooms. “In general, classrooms where you have a professor and let’s say a book or a PowerPoint presentation, you cannot prohibit in those locations,” said UH Police Chief Ceaser Moore.
Police in Lethbridge Devolve Shotguns
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David Williamson
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Three close calls that could have ended in tragedy spurred the Lethbridge Police Service to rethink how it was responding to troubled individuals causing a disturbance.
Officers were dispatched to deal with reports of armed persons who were suffering from a mental crisis. In each instance, they were taken safely into custody.
NY: Do It: Trap and Skeet Shooting Requires Focus
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David Williamson
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Tom Cushman has been shooting clay targets for more than 45 years.
"I love the challenge," the 64-year-old Clarkson marksman said. "It's such a simple looking thing to do, but the sport is such a mental challenge. You have to stay focused to break all the targets."
MI: Michigan Appeals Court Judge Plead Guilty to Misdemeanor for Having Gun At Airport
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Corey Salo
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A judge on the Michigan appeals court has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge for having a handgun in a carry-on bag at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
The gun was found in Judge Henry Saad's bag on Feb. 21.
“Airport security breaches - even unintentional ones - are taken very seriously,” Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said. ”We have consulted with officials at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, and are charging Judge Saad with a misdemeanor offense consistent with others that have allegedly committed a similar offense.”
Saad pleaded guilty at his arraignment on Tuesday to the charge of possessing a firearm in a sterile area, which is a 90-day misdemeanor. |