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MD: Navy Veteran Shot & Wounded By Police While Testing Shotgun In Backyard
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 24-year-old Navy veteran is in intensive care after being shot by city police Thursday night. His family tells WJZ that he was testing out a shotgun after being the victim of a home invasion.
Mike Schuh spoke exclusively to the man’s father.
Police say officers responded to reports of shots fired Thursday night outside a home in the 8700-block of Danville Avenue.
“The went to the rear of the location to investigate. They encountered an individual that was armed with a shotgun. During the course of that encounter, one of our officers discharged, striking the suspect,” said Sgt. Eric Kowalczyk, police spokesman.

Submitter's comment: "... one of our officers discharged ..."
Must've been pretty excited!

Are Americans heeding the second amendment more than disaster management experts?
Submitted by: The Anonymoose

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The likely reason for this disparity is that second amendment authorities – bloggers, instructors and liberty enthusiasts – endorse personal independence while the EM/DM community seems to emphasize centralization. Up until recently, that centralization does not merely centralize relief efforts, it excludes personal individual action. It excludes anyone else’s version of how to prepare to survive.

PA: Philadelphia father of two shoots, kills home intruder
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Lee Heng says he didn't think twice about what he had to do when he heard two intruders break into his home early Easter morning.

"You don't have time to think," said the 63-year-old South Philadelphia homeowner, husband and father of two. "They came like lightning."

Heng was sleeping when he heard his 14-year-old son screaming. Realizing his son was in danger, Heng immediately took action.

"I jumped out of the bed and I grabbed my gun," said Heng.

When police arrived, they found one of the men on the back roof dead. The other intruder got away and was spotted on surveillance video fleeing on foot towards 5th Street.


Gun-rights expert call local challenge to SAFE Act ‘significant’
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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In the marble-columned courthouse where five Supreme Court justices ruled that American citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, the gun-control law that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo calls the SAFE Act could one day find itself in grave danger.

FL: Police investigate deadly crime scene
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It happened Sunday evening but police haven't been able to release a lot of detail on how exactly it happened. They did however say they have not ruled anything out. They're unsure whether it was a suicide or a murder but there are two different crime scenes believed to be involved.

Police said there was an attempted burglary just after 9 a.m. Sunday morning at 2200 Northwest 55th Avenue, just a few blocks away from the second scene.

Lauderhill Police believe the suspect who tried to rob the elderly woman's home was stabbed in self-defense by her nephew.

Gun control activist calls for measure to 'counterbalance' Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The amendment is based on the U.N. Declaration of the Rights of the Child, widely criticized by conservatives as a treaty that would ultimately hand U.S. rights and sovereignty over to the United Nations while inserting government into the home of every American.

"The best interest of the child will take primary consideration and will supersede all existing laws and amendments that otherwise could endanger the safety and welfare of children," Section 3 of the amendment reads.

The post at says this section is "the key" to superseding the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

NC: Robbinsville Open Carry Event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Supporters of the Second Amendment attended the first open carry event at the Huddle House restaurant in Robbinsville Saturday. They say they want people to know it's legal to carry a firearm in North Carolina. Organizers plan to make this a monthly event.

Ed.: Also a video.

WA: NRA represents millions of people
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Criminals do not obey laws. These proposed anti-Second Amendment laws will have no effect, except to make the proposer fell good and/or to advance their political standing. I believe that no lives will be saved if these proposals are enacted. Personal rights are guaranteed to all, under the United States Constitution.

The Founders and the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Notice two things about the phrase I just read. First, it refers to “THE right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Like “the freedom of speech” and “the freedom of the press” in the First Amendment. The Founders were referring to a right already existing before the Constitution was ever adopted. In the Founders’ view, it was a natural right, given by God and not to be impaired by government. On the contrary, it was a right that government must guarantee.

AZ: Group wants to give guns to the poor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As cities around the country experiment with gun-buybacks to get weapons off the street, one man has started a group to do just the opposite. It's called the "Armed Citizen Project," and it aims to provide guns to poor Americans in high crime neighborhoods.

"As criminals have more reason to fear the citizenry, crime begins to drop as a result," Kyle Coplen, the founder, told

This week, the group gave out its first weapons.

"We just trained and armed a class of 10 women. They are now empowered with the knowledge and tools to put holes in those that would do them harm," Coplen said.

CA: Man shot by security guard dies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man shot during an altercation Saturday with a security guard later died of his injuries, Stockton police reported Sunday.

Mark Rego, 52, a resident of Tracy, died at an area hospital while receiving treatment for his wounds, police spokesman Joe Silva said.

His companion, Gustava Rego, 38, was arrested for investigation of battery on a security officer and booked into the San Joaquin County Jail. Jail records indicated she was released later Saturday.

CO: Gun debate continues despite Hickenlooper signature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several senators showed strong opposition to Hickenlooper’s decision to sign the bill.

“It turns out this guy who everybody thought was a moderate Democrat is actually a gun-control governor,” said Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray.

“I think the governor will be replaced by someone who has Colorado values instead of New York City values. If Republicans are returned to control we will repeal these bills immediately.”

Lee Seeks to Refocus Gun Control Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In an interview with National Review, an aide to Sen. Mike Lee says Lee's plan to filibuster Harry Reid's control control legislation is part of a larger effort to fundamentally transform the current discussion about Second Amendment rights.

PA: Less fear, less guns, more peace
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It might be hard to believe that most hunters and sport shooters have room for empathy in their holsters. And yet, they do. But it will also take courage for those same rifle owners to accept that their preoccupation with self-defense does not justify the possibility for just anybody to possess military style assault weapons found in the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan.

CA: Second Amendment should be first
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I am writing in response to a letter sent by Charles Scarfe published March 7: He stated "guns kill people."

Well, Mr. Scarfe, when was a firearm ever brought up on murder charges? Has a firearm loaded itself, shot, and with great accuracy, hit its target and killed somebody? Never.

People kill people.

You also mentioned Doc Holiday and Wyatt Earp having single-action pistols, double-barrel shotguns etc., and that is what civilians should be limited to. Do you understand that those were the most powerful weapons of that time?

MI: So is this the price of the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gunman in the Newtown massacre fired 154 bullets from his Bushmaster military-style rifle in less than five minutes, killing 20 first-graders and six adults. He brought with him 10 large-capacity magazines, each holding up to 30 rounds, which allowed him to reload quickly. He also carried two semiautomatic handguns, one of which he used to take his own life.

Is this supposed to be the price of the Second Amendment? Is this the kind of America we want?

TX: Gun control just got stricter? Come to Texas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As debates over gun control intensify across the nation, Perry and some of his colleagues in the Texas Legislature are pushing to have more weapons of this sort made in the state. Perry said his office has sent letters to 34 different firearms and accessories manufacturers in other states, particularly where stricter gun and ammunition laws are being considered or passed, encouraging them to relocate to Texas.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz have made similar overtures to out-of-state companies, including Beretta USA in Maryland and Smith & Wesson in Massachusetts.

ME: United States should nationalize guns and ammunition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let's nationalize the gun and ammunition industries. Those industries look for bottom-line profits. So, of course, they will advocate for sales of guns to teachers, to janitors, to cafeteria workers, to students, to anyone. A gun sold is a dollar made.

AZ: Free shotgun program divides Tucson residents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I feel a little bit more secure knowing that I can defend my home and my children,” said Braggs, who now plans to buy a handgun to keep in her purse.

Alan M. Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, Wash., said he expects to see more gun giveaways as President Barack Obama and other leaders call for gun restrictions.

“All this is happening because it’s a pushback,” he said. “If others weren’t screaming for more control you wouldn’t see all the sales for guns and ammunition.”

Carrey goes from bashing gun owners and Fox to talking ‘Jesus’ and ‘forgiveness’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On March 25 -- during a segment of "The Five," shared by Breitbart -- Fox News' Greg Gutfield called Carrey a "pathetic tool" and a "dirty, stinking coward," adding that the video made him want to "go out and buy a gun."

In response, Carrey issued a press release directly to Fox News.

"Since I released my “Cold Dead Hand” video on Funny or Die this week," Carrey stated, "I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles."

David's Bookclub: Private Guns, Public Health
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The ease of firing the new weapons however brings unintended and undesired consequences: accidents, suicides, and escalation of ordinary quarrels into deadly duels. These consequences form the subject-matter of David Hemenway's careful and comprehensive study, Private Guns, Public Health.

MS: Miss. Senators Opposed to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty that Treads on American Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Senators Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.)announced their support for a resolution that expresses the unequivocal unwillingness of the Senate to ratify any United Nations Arms Trade Treaty that does not protect the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

The protection of the Constitutional right to bear arms is just one condition outlined in S.Con.Res.7, which both Cochran and Wicker are cosponsoring. Introduced by Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), the resolution expresses the opinion of Congress regarding conditions that must be met for the United States to become a signatory to the proposed treaty or any similar agreement on international arms trade. The resolution currently has 32 cosponsors.

WA: Grassroots near Goldendale as citizens gather for gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They jammed the Grange Hall in Centerville Saturday, some coming from as far away as Yakima; the good citizens of “red state” Washington, who came to hear about politics and gun rights.

It was the first-ever Second Amendment Town Hall Meeting in these parts, sponsored by the Klickitat County Republicans, a 400-mile round trip for this column — yes, in a 4X4 pickup — that was worth every hour on the road.

Sen. Ted Cruz Pledges to Oppose Legislation that Prohibits Americans’ 2nd Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) with Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid pledging to oppose legislation that would prohibit Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

“Rather than restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans, we should be focusing on violent criminals. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has not made it a priority to stop violent criminals from acquiring firearms; for example, in 2010, out of more than 15,700 fugitives and felons who tried to illegally purchase a firearm, the Obama Justice Department prosecuted only 44.

Why Didn’t Congress Move Gun Control ‘Quickly In The Weeks After Newtown?’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This morning on NBC’s Meet The Press the roundtable confronted the waning support for new gun control legislation even though some polls show over 90 percent of Americans want so-called universal background checks.

Former Obama campaign strategist, David Axelrod, said he thinks the the politics on gun control remain unclear. “On the Republican side I would be looking hard for something I can vote for to satisfy that desire to deal with this problem,” said Axlerod.

What would Reagan do – with guns?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“If they’re not part of that 90 percent that agree that we should make it harder for a criminal or someone with a severe mental illness to get a gun, you should ask them why not,” Obama said.

The figure he stated of 90 percent would seem to conflict dramatically with the results of a CBS News poll released three days ago that found support for stricter gun-control measures has dropped 10 percent since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December.

It found, “support for stricter gun control laws stands at 47 percent today, down from a high of 57 percent just after the shootings. Thirty-nine percent want those laws kept as they are, and another 11 percent want them made less strict.”


Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in... — Dianne Feinstein, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes, February 5, 1995.

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