Time For A Nine?
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Mark A. Taff
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I love my .45ACP’s, for work, for target shooting and once even for deer hunting at close range. There is something comforting about that big slug going downrange knowing it will do its job in self-defense or otherwise. To me, the feel of a full-size handgun chambered in .45 ACP is incomparable and when I align on the target they come up fluidly to my natural point of aim. But, lately I have been having second thoughts on a EDC firearm. |
TSA’s Jihad Against Guns
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Mark A. Taff
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But post-9/11 America no longer requires “criminals” to have motives. And so Mr. Fennebresque “was arrested.” Imagine what that did for his reputation and livelihood. “Police charged him with misdemeanor possession of a firearm on city property. He was released on $500 bail.”
Indeed, “criminals” don’t even need an actual firearm now. A woman with “a pair of gun-shaped stiletto heels” in her carry-on bag recently tried to board a flight in Baltimore. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) barred such a dangerous sole from flying and then mocked her on social media. |
AZ: Group against guns holds safety rally at capitol
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Activists held a gun safety rally at the Arizona State Capitol Thursday. They say the gun bills at the legislature have gone way too far and put public safety at risk. Mary Reed was shot in the mass shooting in Tucson that killed six and gravely injured Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
"What Arizona wants and needs to keep us safe, our children, our state, our country, we have had enough and now we will tell them that," said Mary Reed. |
5 Worst Gun Controls
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Mark A. Taff
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In other words, the gun controls pushed in one state are often simply a recycled version of gun controls that are failing in another. The same thing can be said of federal gun control efforts, where the gun control specifics pushed by Representatives, Senators, and President Obama are often demonstrable failures before they are fully introduced.
Here are five of the worst gun control proposals regularly recycled and put forward at the state and/or federal level: |
The Cell Phone Gun: A Bad Idea
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Mark A. Taff
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A Minnesota entrepreneur named Kirk Kjellberg has generated a lot of Internet traffic with his proposed Ideal Conceal Pistol, which resembles a mobile phone until the user clicks a safety, causing a handle to swing down and revealing a trigger. In gun mode, the device has two barrels that each fire a .380-caliber bullet. It's supposed to be a derringer for the digital age. |
Gawker Gun-Shames Seniors Buying Guns for Protection
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Life as a millennial woman working in the gun industry
I’ve been around guns my entire life. It’s part of the territory that comes with being the daughter of a law enforcement officer. Ever since I was a little girl, I remember my dad bringing his 9mm Smith & Wesson with him wherever he went. I was taught to “never, under any circumstances, ever touch daddy’s gun.” I grew up with a respect for firearms and with that respect, a love for the Second Amendment.
Want to buy a gun on your couch at 3 a.m.? Now you can
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Mark A. Taff
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GunTV, a shopping channel that has been billed as similar to iTunes, but for guns, will begin broadcasting from a California studio Friday at 1 a.m. Eastern.
The channel will start with programming from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. but plans to expand to a 24-hour lineup by the end of its first year. GunTV also will sell ammunition, firearm accessories and outdoor apparel. |
WSJ Story on Gun Training for Senior Citizens Cites Harvard Prof Who Called Gun Owners 'Wimps'
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In an otherwise decent story about senior citizens taking up shooting lessons for self-defense, the Wall Street Journal's James R. Hagerty devoted two paragraphs of his March 30 story to an anti-gun researcher by the name of Dr. David Hemenway who essentially argued that it's a bad idea for senior citizens to keep guns in their houses. Of course, Hagerty left out how the Harvard researcher has previously sneered that gun owners are "wimps" who essentially are trying to compensate for a lack of brains and/or brawn.
CA: Knife Rights to Argue Legality of Non-Locking Folding Knives at CA Supreme Court
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Mark A. Taff
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Nearly a year ago, Knife Rights and the Second Amendment Foundation filed a “friend of the court” (amicus) brief in a case that asks the California Supreme Court to rule that common, non-locking Swiss Army Knives and similar pocketknives are not illegal “dirks” or “daggers” when carried concealed with the blade open. This coming Wednesday the attorney who wrote the brief, George M. Lee, a partner at the San Francisco law firm of Seiler Epstein Ziegler & Applegate, will join the Defendant and Appellant’s attorney, Raymond Mark DiGuiseppe, in arguing the case in front of the California Supreme Court.
Yes, The Cosmopolitan Video On Gun Ownership Is A Nightmare
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Folks, you'll need to grab a tall glass of water and an avalanche of Advil for this video from Cosmopolitan featuring couples discussing gun ownership and Second Amendment rights. All the men in the video have firearms, all the women do not–and so we enter this rabbit hole, where the same falsehoods and stereotypes peddled by the anti-gun left are reinforced on the other side, according to Ericka Andersen of National Review:
MO: Home invasion suspect critically injured
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“All indications show two suspects arrived at the residence and the homeowner appeared through the open door and saw people,” said Jacobsen. “He recognized one, but the other subject was wearing a mask and they came into the residence demanding medication. A struggle ensued and the homeowner/victim is on oxygen full time and he was hooked to an oxygen tank.”
Jacobsen said they threw the homeowner onto the couch and at that point he was able to retrieve a weapon that he had and shot the one man. He fired one shot striking him in the abdomen. At that point both suspects of the home invasion fled out of the residence and into a vehicle in the driveway and went to Coleman Street in Potosi in the city limits.
CT: Jury Clears Connecticut Woman Accused Of Murdering Boyfriend
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A jury has cleared a Connecticut woman accused of murder charges after she rammed her boyfriend to death with her car.
The Connecticut Post reported that a Bridgeport Superior Court jury found 24-year-old Cherelle Baldwin not guilty in the incident.
Baldwin says she was acting in self-defense when she ran down 24-year-old Jeffrey Brown with her car and crushed him to death against a cinder-block garage wall in Bridgeport in May 2013.
She said Brown had choked her with a belt before she hit him with her car. |
50 Felons; Are Blocked From Buying Guns, and the Debate Over Universal Background Checks Flares Up Again
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The FBI records, obtained by Seattle’s KING-TV and the public radio Northwest News Network, show that the federal background check system, or NICS, has prevented 50 felons from purchasing a gun from an unlicensed seller in Washington since expanded background checks took effect there in 2014. That works out to a rejection rate of less than 1 percent of the more than 6,000 private firearm sales during that timeframe, which is roughly in keeping with the nationwide share of blocked gun transfers to felons recorded by NICS in the 18 years it’s been in operation.
Mock ‘guns at convention’ petition dupes 50,000+
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Mark A. Taff
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A Change.org mock petition circulated by some guy named “Jim” — Twitter handle @Hyperationalist — calling for the open carry of guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July garnered more than 50,300 signatures before the ruse was revealed, exposing how gullible those in a constant state of partisan-induced outrage truly are.
Ed.: Nobody was duped. Agreeing with a good idea doesn't make one gullible, the source of an idea has no bearing on its merits, and neither does the intentions of the source of the idea. |
TX: Second Amendment experts: Garland's gun record has been distorted by NRA
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A group of 10 law professors organized by the liberal American Constitution Society is challenging that assumption in a new letter to congressional leaders, arguing that the NRA's position is "based on an extraordinary misrepresentation of his record."
"The First Amendment may grant interest groups like the NRA the right to distort the facts and attempt to mislead the public," the professors, who specialize in Second Amendment, write to the chairman and ranking Democrat on the Senate judiciary Committee. "Nothing in the Constitution justifies the Senate acceding to such misrepresentations." |
AK: Inconsistency in the guns on campus debate
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The bill’s sponsors see the University’s ban as a violation of the State’s Constitution, and say gun-free zones on campus led to attacks at other universities in the Lower 48. The Legislature did include four amendments to the bill at the University’s request, including the ability to restrict weapons in dorms, or when a student demonstrates a risk to themselves or to others.
But lawmakers drew the line at requiring students to get concealed carry permits, which would require criminal background checks. Permits are not required for those 21 or over in Alaska. And lawmakers denied the University’s request to ban concealed weapons from areas on campus whenever preschool and K-12 students are present. |
AK: Murkowski asks AG to review gun rules for marijuana users
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Murkowski fears lawful marijuana users will turn into a class of criminals by answering “no” on the portion of federal firearms licensing forms.
Gun buyers with medical marijuana cards, or even recreational users, would be opening themselves to criminal charges by providing a false statement in order to buy the gun.
Murkowski wants the federal government to revisit the rules.
“It is my judgment that denying Americans the personal Second Amendment right to possess firearms as articulated by the Supreme Court in (District of Columbia v. Heller) for mere use of marijuana pursuant to state law is arbitrarily overbroad and should be narrowed.”
Murkowski’s office has not yet received a reply from the U.S. Attorney General’s office. |
AZ: Why can legislators carry guns when the rest of us can't?
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Mark A. Taff
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Capitol Media Services’ Howard Fischer is reporting that Gowan long ago removed the “no weapons” sign from the back entrance used by legislators – signaling that it’s OK for them to disregard the law that the rest of us must follow.
Arizona law forbids bringing weapons into any public building posted with a “no weapons” sign. The front doors of the House, the ones you and I use, are posted, meaning we've got to brave going into the building unarmed.
Gowan’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told Fischer that it’s perfectly legal to hold legislators to one standard and the rest of us to another.
IA: Iowa Signs Law To Allow Silencer Ownership & Use
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Mark A. Taff
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We did it! Just a short time ago Governor Terry Branstad signed the Hearing Protection Act, House File 2279, into law. Iowa now joins 41 other states whose citizens have the freedom to own suppressors.
Every year elected officials in Iowa go to Des Moines for a 100 day legislative session, and every year they write more and more laws and slowly restrict your freedoms in the process. |
OK: Knife Rights Oklahoma Knife Law Reform Passes House Committee – Full House Vote Next
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Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Reform bill, SB 1159, which has already been passed unanimously by the Senate, was voted out of the House Public Safety Committee with a unanimous Do Pass recommendation. The bill now moves to the full House for a vote.
SB 1159 will finish the job Knife Rights started last year by removing dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife and sword cane from the items prohibited from carry in Oklahoma. Last year Knife Rights repealed the ban on carrying switchblade (automatic) knives and passed Knife Law Preemption in Oklahoma. |
NY: A landmark year for hunter safety
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Hunting in New York state last year was about as safe as it can get. No hunters were killed in 2015, which hasn't happened since the 1950s.
Last year, according to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation figures, only 23 hunting mishaps occurred in the entire state: 10 self-inflicted and the rest two-party incidents.
Incidents per 100,000 hunters over the past five years averaged four, down from 19 in the 1960s, DEC said.
WI: Wisconsin issues 300,000 concealed carry permits since 2011
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Mark A. Taff
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Wisconsin's Department of Justice has issued 300,000 concealed carry permits since the law went into effect in 2011.
The department says concealed carry applications have been at record high levels in recent months and the high interest shows no sign of subsiding.
According to a news release, the department's Crime Information Bureau has processed more than 19,500 concealed carry applications since the start of this year alone, putting it on track to far outpace last year's 45,500 applications.
UK: Everything You Need to Know About Guns and Gangs in the UK
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In my experience, things don't seem to have changed greatly. I don't notice any particular trends as such—though, over a period of time, you do get gradual shifts. For instance, you find that certain types of guns have been imported and become prevalent for a short time. Then you get different things used in crime that will overtake the guns used previously.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate |