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Newslinks for 4/10/2006

More women drawn to gun clubs
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Call it a post-Sept. 11 thing or a bonding thing. Laura Nicoli calls it stress relief. "You can go back to work the next day and not want to shoot anyone,' the Rodeo resident said through an infectious laugh. Nicoli is one of many women making their way to the gun ranges as rifle associations and gun clubs make efforts to cater to the rising demographic. "We've really had a phenomenal growth pattern,' said Mary Sue Faulkner, director of the National Rifle Association's community service division. She referred specifically to the Women on Target program, which has grown from 500 participants in 1999 to 5,600 last year.

Constitutional Chaos (book review)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A war is being waged against the Bill of Rights on all fronts. Constitutional Chaos documents how judges are increasingly encroaching upon freedom of speech and press with ridiculous gag orders that carry heavy fines. Also, the Judge reveals how the Second Amendment has increasingly become a dead letter – and the right to keep and bear arms is egregiously encroached upon throughout much of the Untied States."

"In fact, Solicitor General Seth Waxman, under the Clinton administration, proclaimed:"

"'More specifically, the Supreme Court and eight United States Courts of Appeals have considered the scope of the Second Amendment and have uniformly rejected arguments that it extends firearms rights to individuals independent of the collective need to ensure a well-regulated militia.'" ...

NC: Permitted to conceal arms (Profile of Concealed Carry Permit Holder)
Submitted by: Zendo Deb

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"Every day, Bill Kavanaugh carries a stubby, stainless-steel .45-caliber semiautomatic -- at the grocery store or mall, in a booze-free restaurant, on a short stroll around the block, in the car for a quick jaunt or a cross-country journey."

"Tucked in a well-worn, zip-up leather daybook, this gun goes where Kavanaugh does -- everywhere except the places prohibited by law, a list that includes schools, churches, courthouses, post offices and anywhere alcohol is served."

"'I believe I have a responsibility to make sure my family is safe, that I'm safe, that my neighbors are safe,' says Kavanaugh, 52, a telecommunications engineer. 'It's a personal decision I've made to refuse to be a victim.'" ...

IL: Off-duty cop claims self-defense in killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Chicago Police officer who fatally shot two men early Friday had intervened in an earlier bar argument involving at least one of them, sources said." ...

"Yerke stepped in to break up an altercation involving Elrod ... Elrod told Yerke he would 'be back' and went to pick up Centera, police sources said."

"About 2:30 a.m., they pulled up to Yerke's 2003 Hummer at a stoplight at Belmont and Kilpatrick and allegedly pointed guns at Yerke. They may have been seeking payback for the earlier incident, sources said."

"Yerke, a seven-year veteran, told investigators he shot the men because he feared for his life. Investigators found he followed state and department guidelines for the use of deadly force, police said." ...

VA: Virginia Beach Jury Finds Navy SEAL Not Guilty of Murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Virginia Beach jury on Wednesday found a Navy SEAL not guilty on all charges in the shooting death of a fellow Navy SEAL."

"31-year-old Ronald Gasper was on trial accused of killing 24-year-old Bradley Jondahl on July 31, 2004."

"The jury began deliberations Tuesday and Wednesday morning announced a verdict."

"During the trial, Gasper testified he had no choice but to defend himself after the 6'2", 230 lb. Jondahl went into a violent rage. Gasper said Jondahl attacked him in his Virginia Beach home."

"The defense used a videotape to prove his claim."

"Gasper told investigators Jondahl had him cornered in his garage, when his 9mm went off. The bullet hit Jondahl in the stomach. He died at the hospital." ...

MD: Two killings test right of self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Karen L. Foxx had sought court orders to keep her estranged husband away, had filed criminal assault charges against him and changed her phone number. She also bought a gun to protect herself, and last Saturday, her lawyer says, Foxx did just that when she fatally shot her husband."

"Now the Randallstown woman awaits word on whether she will be charged with a crime - one of two recent cases in which the legal right to self-defense is under examination."

"The Randallstown shooting occurred two weeks after a 57-year-old gas station owner was attacked by three would-be robbers at the upscale Village of Cross Keys shopping center in North Baltimore, grabbed his own gun and fatally shot one of the assailants." ...

AZ: A ghost in the criminal justice machine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Efrain Martinez sits in a cell at the Durango Jail ... even though he says he committed no crime. Thirty-one days have passed since the 32-year-old undocumented Mexican immigrant arrived at the Maricopa County jail, accused of shooting a gun at former Mesa council candidate JT Ready."

"Ready, a concealed-weapons instructor and anti-immigration activist, says he shot back in self-defense. Martinez ... denies the allegations and said that parts of the story he told police were lost in translation." ...

"Ready has told police that he saw Martinez emerge from a red truck full of Hispanic passengers, point a gun at him and pull the trigger."

"He said he shot back with his gun and called 911." ...

NV: Boy charged in Reno school shooting remains detained
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge has refused to release a 14-year-old boy accused of wounding two classmates in a shooting at a Reno middle school, saying the youth poses a danger to society."

"Juvenile Court Master Janet Schmuck ruled Friday that James Newman must remain in a juvenile detention center until his trial ..."

"The boy's mother, Tami Newman, cried in a friend's arms in the hallway after the hearing. The family had outlined a plan to ensure therapy and round-the-clock supervision for him."

"'This family is supportive and caring and loving, and they've got a little boy who has never been away from home,' the boy's attorney, David Houston, said. 'They're heartbroken over the fact that he has to stay in a detention facility.'" ...

MI: Teens face felony counts
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Two students arrested in February for trying to sell four stolen guns in the Pinckney High School parking lot were each officially charged this week with four felonies." ...

"Both teens were charged with first-degree home invasion, a 20-year felony, and receiving and concealing stolen weapons, carrying a concealed weapon and violating the weapon-free school zone, all five-year felonies." ...

WA: Olympia Student Arrested For Bringing Handgun To School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A student at Olympia's Chinook Middle School has been arrested for bringing a handgun to school.

Two other students were expelled Friday after officials found weapons in their backpacks. One boy had an Airsoft pistol, a knife and makeshift brass knuckles and the other had a small folding buck knife in his backpack.

Officials found no evidence that the boys planned to use the weapons.

The student who had the gun told police he brought it from home to show others at school. The weapon belongs to his father. District officials say there was no evidence of threats against the school, students or staff.

FL: Bring-your-guns-to-work deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After six tries, the National Rifle Association has managed to get a committee in the Florida Legislature to endorse one of the worst bills filed in the current session."

"In its original form, the bill would have charged business owners with a felony -- punishable by up to five years in prison -- if they prevented employees from storing guns in their cars while at work." ...

"In a 'compromise' move, the NRA and its legislative stooges have revised the language to remove the felony charge and -- in theory, at least -- preserve the private-property rights of businesses. The bill now allows bans when 'reasonably necessary.'" ...

AZ: More letters (4th letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the April 5 letter to the editor 'Bill limits governor's ability to seize guns in emergency.'"

"The state Senate has passed a bill that would prohibit Arizona's veto queen from pulling a stunt like New Orleans did."

"The Senate voted 25-3 to prevent the governor from confiscating firearms or ammunition from law-abiding citizens."

"The governor has consistently vetoed any measures she interpreted as an infringement on her constitutional duties as governor." ...

"I suggest Gov. Janet Napolitano read the Arizona Constitution. Our rights are spelled out even more explicitly than in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ...

NE: A letter to Sen. Combs (and her bundle of joy)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The comparison is apt, I guess, because the new concealed carry law was your baby and it was birthed after a long and difficult labor."

"So I can understand your elation."

"I've written a couple of times previously in this space about my opposition to concealed weapons, but in the interest of honesty, I’m going to eat a little crow here. (And for the record, full disclosure: I own a handgun, although I have no intention of carrying it around with me.)"

"I’ve done a little more research into this issue and have found that — contrary to my previous worries about the streets running red with blood — states that allow concealed carry have not seen any measurable increase in gun violence." ...

MO: Bill will tie prosecutors' hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If someone breaks into your house, you have the right to use a firearm to protect yourself and your family. Despite what backers of a new shoot-first law say, there is no 'duty to retreat' in your own home before acting in self defense."

"A bad law, which passed the Missouri House last week, would not only give gun owners a right they already have, it would make it nearly impossible for law enforcement to investigate if things go awry." ...

"This shoot-first law brings us far too close to ushering in sanctioned vigilante justice. The need for independent review helps focus law-abiding citizens on the need to be cautious when lives are at stake. The proposed law, however, comes dangerously close to encouraging people to use deadly force ..." ...

KS: Pastor objects to concealed carry exemption
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few people think church is an appropriate place to take a gun."

"Yet even some who support the state’s new concealed-carry law question whether a late addition to the bill that prohibits taking concealed weapons into places of worship is a government intrusion."

"There are some two dozen exemptions specifically listed in the law ..."

"The provision adding churches to the list was added at the urging of the heads of the United Methodist, Lutheran and Episcopal churches in Kansas."

"They issued a joint statement in early March calling for an exemption in the law, even though it clearly states that the owner of any private property has the right to prohibit concealed weapons." ...

Pedophile? Or TSA Screener? (follow-up)
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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"After his arrest on Tuesday for attempting to seduce an undercover cop, Deputy Press Secretary Brian Doyle was suspended by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is clearly a mistake. The DHS should merely demote him: far from being a criminal, Brian is just another victim of the Peter Principle. He belongs at an airport, wielding a wand and a uniform, rather than in the PR office at DHS headquarters." ...

FL: Local Teacher's Run-In With Homeland Security Creates Insecurities
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Leander Pickett, a teacher's assistant at Englewood Elementary, said he was manhandled and handcuffed by two plain clothed Homeland Security officers in front of the school Tuesday for no reason at all." ...

"'I walked up to him and said, 'Sir, you need to move.' That's when he said 'I'm a police officer. I'm with Homeland Security ... I'll move it when I want to.' That's when he started grabbing me on my arm,' Pickett said."

"However, Homeland Security tells a different story." ...

"The department also said it's looking into what happened, and that Pickett's version is wrong. It claims he was antagonizing the officers."

"Several people were outside of the school ... and those witnesses agree with Pickett's story." ...

Pakistan: Constable killed by his own gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A police constable died when his rifle went off accidentally at Chief Minister House on Sunday. The police said that constable Saleem was posted at gate number one of CM house. The policeman was sitting with his chin on the barrel of his rifle. The rifle accidentally went off and the bullet hit his chin and pierced his head. he died on the spot. Saleem lived in Korangi number 3 and had been serving in the force for 12 years.

Trinidad: Policeman’s pistol seized
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A LICENCED pistol belonging to a police sergeant was seized yesterday after his wife and daughter reported to the Arima police that they had been beaten.

At about 3 am yesterday, the woman and her daughter walked into the police station and reported that the police officer had beaten them and was threatening to shoot them with his gun. Police officers went to a house in the district and seized the pistol.

An investigation has been launched into the matter.

UK: Muggings go unreported in despair at police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six out of ten muggings are never reported because the public have lost faith in the police to do anything, it emerged last night."

"The devastating verdict is delivered in a report by Demos, one of Tony Blair's favourite think-tanks. ..."

"If, as research cited by Demos suggests, police are not told of 58 per cent of muggings, the 80,780 offences recorded last year would in reality number 192,000."

"The list of unreported crimes also includes 35 per cent of violent attacks by strangers, 38 per cent of burglaries and 42 per cent of thefts from vehicles."

"Tory home affairs spokesman Nick Herbert said: 'When such large numbers of people aren't even reporting offences, the true level of crime is far higher than official figures suggest.'" ...

South Africa: Johannesburg bank robbed by own guards
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A bank in central Johannesburg was robbed of an undisclosed sum of money by its own security guards on Saturday, police said.

Spokesperson Sergeant Sanku Tsunke said that when the Teba bank in Village Main was about to close on Saturday morning the two guards allegedly held the cashiers at gunpoint and demanded money.

They put the money into a plastic bag and fled foot.

"The Johannesburg Dog Unit chased the suspects and unleashed a dog, which tackled one of the suspects," said Tsunke.

A 32-year-old man was arrested and found in possession of his service pistol. He was taken to hospital where he was treated for dog bites.

His colleague was still free with the stolen cash.

OH: Lorain Area Friends of NRA Banquet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OFCC was in attendance at the Lorain Area Friends of NRA Banquet last night, April 7, 2006."

"Friends of NRA is a grassroots fundraising program that fosters community involvement, raises money and gives 100 percent of the net proceeds to qualified local, state and national programs. One of the many ways in which money is raised for these programs is through these banquets, which incude dinner and various auctions. Proceeds raised go to The NRA Foundation for distribution. All of the proceeds raised at last night's event are earmarked to stay in Ohio and benefit Ohio citizens." ...

SC: Myrtle Beach lawmaker takes home assault rifle prize
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And the winner of the AK-47 assault rifle given away by Clemson University's conservative newspaper is - state Representative Thad Viers."

"The Republican lawmaker from Myrtle Beach was in the woods near the Anderson-Greenville county line Friday getting the required range training that came with the prize. Viers says he had never shot an AK-47 before the training and that he would add the weapon to his collection of pistols and shotguns."

"The 28-year-old Viers didn't actually win the drawing for the rifle. Rather, the first two winners rejected the prize, and the third winner gave it to Viers." ...

LA: Author touts shooting for women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Writer of 'Babes With Bullets' says learning to shoot is empowering for women."

"Debbie Ferns didn't touch a gun until she was 45-years-old, but since then, guns and shooting sports have become one of the focal points of her life."

"The Tucson, Ariz., native was at the Bass Pro Shops on Thursday night, speaking to about 25 area women about her love of shooting and how learning to shoot can give them more self confidence."

"'I'm often asked if learning to shoot does anything for me personally in terms of self defense, and I answer unequivocally, 'yes,' Ferns said. 'It very much empowered me to know that I can take care of myself. When the going gets tough, I know I can respond.'" ...

CA: Shooters display marksmanship aboard Camp Pendleton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The best of the West displayed their marksmanship skills during the Western Division Competition-in-Arms Program at Wilcox Range here March 13-31."

"More than 100 of the best pistol shooters and riflemen west of the Mississippi River strived to outshoot each other in the competition. Most of the participants were Marines, but reservists, retirees and civilians also competed, said Staff Sgt. Scott K. Jones, utilities chief at Marine Wing Support Squadron 372 here."

"Jones competed in this year’s individual pistol and rifle matches, finishing first and third, respectively. He also won the Eastern Division M-9 service pistol match at Camp Lejeune, N.C., in 1998." ...

NC: For self-defense, women take up firearms
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A single mom wanting to protect her children. A mall worker fearing a dark parking lot. A real estate agent meeting strangers in empty homes."

"They are Charlotte-area women. And they own guns."

"More women, gun advocates say, are buying, shooting and carrying firearms -- in briefcases, purses or even on their hips."

"For some, it's sport. But with violent crime up from five years ago and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police actively searching for a serial rapist, many women say it's about self-protection." ...

WI: Residents to vote on hunting rifle use
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"No one disputes that hunting rifles have a greater range than shotguns do. The question is: Does that extra range make them safer or more dangerous?"

"Residents of Manitowoc County will vote Monday on a proposal to allow deer hunters to use rifles, at a meeting at the University of Wisconsin-Manitowoc."

"The current rule limits hunters in the county to the use of shotguns or muzzleloaders to hunt deer."

"Those who support the proposal say rifles are more accurate at longer ranges, which reduces the risk of accidents and improves deer harvest." ...

MA: Marlborough Boy Scouts get hands-on lesson in gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Behind a rustic low-roofed building, breathing chilly damp morning air, young boys handled a weapon for the first time yesterday."

"Some stood barely 4 feet tall. They hooked muffs over their ears and, under the guidance of fathers and sportsmen, attempted to settle the butt of a rifle into the crook of their shoulder blades."

"Some took to it naturally. Twelve-year-old Adam Suvalskas’ sixth shot hit an orange metal target 50 yards away."

"'It's really fun,' Suvalskas said. 'This camping trip is really fun.'" ...

KS: Women take aim in NRA exercises
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'When I got started going, it used to be only men,' Ernie Peck, certified instructor for the National Rifle Association, said."

"Now, Peck is seeing more and more women in the Randolph NRA chapter, and he tells his buddies to watch out – they’re pretty good."

"'Some of them can shoot better than the men,' Peck said."

"The NRA is targeting women with the 'Women on Target' program. Women on target teaches women to shoot, but also teaches gun safety."

"The Randolph gun range has hosted the exercises for four years. The NRA instructors said they love to work with women, because they listen more than men." ...

Australia: Pistol Hidden In Car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A HELLS Angel bikie, a key figure in a bloody street shootout which left three rival gang members dead, has been given a suspended jail sentence after being caught with a loaded high-powered pistol."

"In the District Court on Monday, George Petropoulos, 40, was handed a five-month suspended sentence by Judge Andrea Simpson." ...

"The sentence has outraged rank-and-file officers involved in policing bikies. They believe their efforts are not being supported by the court system."

"'It's disappointing to say the least,' a senior detective said. 'What is the point of catching these guys with weapons like this if they are not going to be penalised?'"

"This wasn't a .22 rifle – it was a damn Glock. ...'" ...

Japan: Cops seize automatic weapons from yakuza
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Metropolitan Police Department seized an AK-74 assault rifle and a Makarov semiautomatic pistol along with an M16 rifle and pistols made in the United States when it searched places related to the Inagawa-kai crime syndicate late last month, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned."

"Members of Inagawa-kai-affiliated gangs, who are under arrest, have admitted to smuggling the weapons into Japan via the Russian mafia in or around last spring, according to sources."

"The police suspect a group affiliated with Inagawa-kai smuggled a large number of weapons into Japan via Philippine and Russian routes, the sources said. The police are trying to learn why the gang needed so many weapons, the sources added." ...

Australia: Victim dies in a hail of bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN has been executed in a hail of bullets in the latest night of gun crime in Sydney."

"During the city's night of violence armed bandits also fired shots at police during a robbery, a driver was carjacked at gun point and police are investigating an attack on a shop by a gang."

"The latest killing follows the murder of boxer Bassam Chami, 26, and his childhood friend Ibrahim Assad, 27, who were shot at Granville on March 29, sparking a number of alleged revenge shootings."

"Police carried out an air and ground search overnight for a group of men believed responsible for the shooting and appealed for people with information to come forward." ...

Australia: Carjacked while at the carwash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MAN was carjacked at a carwash yesterday with the unsuspecting victim held at gun point shortly after picking up his BMW.

The man was collecting his silver 2004 model BMW M3 on the corner of the Hume Highway and Cosgrove Rd at South Strathfield in Sydney's west about 5.20pm when he was attacked by two men of Middle Eastern appearance.

The men, armed with a hand gun, held the pistol to the man's head before fleeing in the car towards Bankstown.

Shocked staff and customers watched as the robbery took place with an ambulance called to treat the owner of the BMW for shock.

Witnesses said the men struggled to handle the manual drive car as they fled.

All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land. —WILLIAM KINGDON CLIFFORD

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