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Newslinks for 4/11/2013

Toomey bucks gun owners in background check deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania joined today at a U.S. Capitol press conference with Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia to announce their agreement to extend background checks to end private sales at gun shows and via private transfers arranged online, an announcement posted on Toomey's website revealed." ...

‘Restrictive’ gun laws no impediment to Serbian mass shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A shooting rampage early yesterday morning in a Serbian village near Belgrade has left 13 people dead, including six women and a child, The Guardian and other media outlets are reporting." ...

Anti-rape underwear highlights absurd desperation of anti-defense mentality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That [electric underwear] is the proposed 'solution' to an epidemic where '[o]ne woman is raped every 20 minutes in India' illustrates the criminally absurd lengths those who would deny a woman effective means of personal defense will go. ..." ...

The Quest for MD CCW: Jumping the Hurdles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Would you think I was exaggerating if I told you I was applying for a concealed carry permit in Maryland was akin to writing your own manumission document? Since I’ve decided to take this journey I knew it was going to be tough but didn’t think it was going to feel like I was a runaway slave trying to use a racist option to plead my case . . ." ...

Using sales taxes as a gun control tool
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State and local officials are pushing a new way to expand gun control: taxes."

"Gun owners in and around Chicago last week started paying a new $25 tax on every firearm they purchase. In California, a statehouse panel on April 15 will hear testimony on a nickel-per-bullet tax measure, and in New Jersey, lawmakers want to slap an additional 5 percent sales tax on guns and ammo." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: Funny what you see when you substitute a few words but retain the same meaning... Using poll taxes as a political control tool.

15 Year Old Gun Rights Activist, Sarah Merkle Gives Great Interview on Hannity (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hopefully by now you’ve seen Sarah Merkle’s great testimony she delivered to the Maryland state legislature ahead of a vote on strict gun control measures."

"Unfortunately the lawmakers didn’t listen and went ahead and passed new draconian gun laws." ...

NRA Commentator Colion Noir Debunks “Gun Show Loophole” Myth (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As always, another great, to the point video from NRA News commentator Colion Noir."

"The only sales that happen at a gun show that aren’t subjected to a background check are sales between private individuals. Almost all of the guns for sale at gun shows are by licensed dealers, who conduct background checks on those transactions." ...

Anti-gun Senate bill apparently intended to close 'advertising loophole'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate is expected to take action today on the next set of infringements on that which shall not be infringed. The promised filibuster by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and at least thirteen other senators appears unlikely to be enough to defeat today's planned "motion to proceed" vote, thanks to something like a quarter of GOP senators refusing to do their part to keep this dangerous legislation from gaining any ground." ...

The Newtown Parent no one is Talking About (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Do you know who Mark Mattioli is? Nope. No one does. Thats because he is one of the parents of the Newtown victims who happens to be pro-gun, and who thinks that gun control wont solve the problem." ...

So it begins in New York: Gunowner forced to surrender guns over anxiety Rx
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First of all, how does consulting with your physician end up costing you your Second Amendment rights without a court hearing?"

"It does in New York State, following the passage of the SAFE Act."

"Second of all, what happens now when all gun owners know that talking to your physician about anything mentally-related will cost them your guns will result in a lot of completely untreated mental issues. Is that what we, as a nation, want?" ...

UPDATE Keeping Our Powder Dry: The Strange Case of David Lewis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The NYS SAFE Act is billed as a necessary law to protect the public and keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people,' reports. 'But Hamburg attorney Jim Tresmond says his client was notified by letter that his gun permit was suspended upon the recommendation of State Police, who learned the man is on anti-anxiety medication.' With gun owners suffering prohibitions and regulation and fearing federal infringement, this story has gone viral. 'Here’s one from The Department of We ****ing Told You So!' a TTAG reader wrote in an email heads-up. Yes, well, I’m not so sure . . ." ...

32 guns per minute
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under Barack Hussein Obama, Americans are buying 32 guns each and every minute."

"We imagine that this past three months have seen half again more than that."

"And we’ve been busy buying ourselves to replace those guns we lost in those tragic boating accidents." ...

Gear Review: Nikon P-300 BLK Riflescope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not usually a fan of 'bullet drop compensated' or 'BDC' reticles. The markings on the scope never seem to actually match up with the trajectory of the projectile. And usually that has something to do with the manufacturer not letting you know the particulars of the projectile they used to zero the scope. However, with the 300 AAC Blackout cartridge, the ballistic profile is different enough from the standard 5.56 trajectory that having a BDC reticle makes sense. And the one Nikon just released may be the best out there . . ." ...

Gun Review: Colt New Agent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There comes a time in every man’s life when he longs for the exquisite prancing pony to grace his favorite gun; whether it’s an AR-15, a 1911 or for the lucky, blessed wealthy few, a Python. I’m on a never-ending mission to find the perfect carry gun for the hot weather months. Since moving from the frigid north to the southeastern coast, I have found that a full-sized combat piece prints worse than the National Enquirer when you’re wearing a t-shirt and jeans. These two semi-tangential obsessions of mine collided one day while I was flipping through a gun rag atop the porcelain throne." ...

Drop Safe Caracal C’s Trigger is Good-To-Go (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been waiting quite some time for Caracal to replace my carry gun. Regular readers will recall that I had a whole “Caracal C Held Hostage” thing going on. I’m pleased to announce that the series pegged-out at exactly 200 days. As of this morning, my Caracal C is free! Well, headed back to meet its maker, leaving behind its box-fresh brother. To make sure that the United Arab Emirates gunmaker’s trigger fix hadn’t ruined the 9mm’s sublime go-pedal, I asked Caracal to let me keep the old gun for a side-by-side comparo . . ." ...

Joe Biden: The Truth About Universal Background Checks (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the easiest propaganda tricks: simply say that your detractors’ claims aren’t true. Remember when President Obama was selling Obamacare? He kept repeating that Americans who liked their health care provider would be able to keep it. Costs wouldn’t go up. Doctors for nothing and your checks for free! Somehow it didn’t work out that way. Same dynamic in play here. Biden says the feds don’t want to create a gun registry because . . . they don’t. And won’t. Anyone who thinks registration > confiscation is the game plan has been mislead by the NRA. They’re part of the 'black helicopter' crowd . . ." ...

FINALLY, A LIMIT? Gun control could take baby steps, thanks to Sen. Toomey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AN IMPORTANT victory in the efforts to curb gun violence - as well as efforts to bring a little sanity to Congress - could be in the offing Thursday. The Senate will take a procedural vote on gun-control measures, including one bipartisan effort crafted by Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to require background checks on all commercial-firearm sales, including those at gun shows and on the Internet." ...

Submitter's Note: So according to this headline, currently there are NO LIMITS on our gun rights. And the antis wonder why we don't trust their ultimate goals.

Closing loophole doesn't mean new gun control law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun regulation has always been considered the third rail of Maine politics. Once networks of gun rights advocates are activated, lawmakers hear from constituents."

"What usually carries the day is a 'slippery slope' argument, claiming that any restriction, no matter how focused, eventually would lead to disarming the public. This would violate not only the Second Amendment, but also the much stronger language of the Maine Constitution, which says the right to keep and bear arms 'shall not be questioned.'"

"That's the history. But that does not necessarily mean that it is also the future." ...

Newtown group holds protest vigil for gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Republican senators go through with their plan to filibuster any gun safety bill, the Connecticut town that inspired the recent debate plans to keep them company."

"Beginning Wednesday afternoon with the first name of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victim Charlotte Bacon, 6, and the other 25 victims of the Dec. 14 Newtown massacre, a local activist group began a 'Filibuster the Filibuster: Newtown Deserves a Vote' action that will read the names of more than 3,300 people killed by gun violence since then." ...

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Group Takes On Rubio
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the Michael Bloomberg-backed coalition pushing for strong gun control laws, is dinging Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for pledging to fillibuster a vote on any gun control bill before the chamber in a new ad that mocks his perceived presidential ambitions." ...

Here's What's in the Compromise Proposal on Background Checks for Gun Buyers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "At the press conference, Manchin and Toomey, who both own guns, touted their support for the Second Amendment. 'I don't consider criminal background checks to be gun control. It's common sense.' Toomey said. 'The mentally ill should not have guns. I don't know anyone who disagrees with that premise.'" ...

Editor's Note: Yes you do too, Pat, because I've called you and e-mailed you on the subject. First, if someone is too mentally ill to have a gun, why are they walking the streets?!? Second, because as we see in New York this is just another step on down the slippery slope.

NY: Cuomo knocks looming congressional gun deal
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"With a deal possibly coming together in Washington to expand background checks for gun purchases, Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasted the compromise federal package as watered down and far less comprehensive than what passed in New York three months ago."

"Cuomo accused Congress of 'fundamentally' failing to act on a broader gun control bill because of political fears of alienating 'extremists' on the gun issue." ...

Remington Staying In New York. Boycott to Follow?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Remington Arms will be staying in the Mohawk Valley for the foreseeable future,' reports. 'Two days after sources say Remington Officials met with three State Senators and three Assembly, U.S. Congressman Richard Hanna announced that the Pentagon would be awarding Remington an $80 million contract. In the meeting, sources say, Remington told the State lawmakers that they were moving forward with a $20 million upgrade to their plant that employs 1,200 people. Hanna said that the contract calls for Remington to make more than 5,000 sniper rifles and millions of rounds over the next 10 years for the U.S. Special Operations Command.' Spock! Analysis! Well Captain . . ." ...

Gunmaker says new law forcing it to leave Connecticut
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A manufacturer of military-style rifles says it is leaving Connecticut and is encouraging other companies to do the same after last week's signing of sweeping gun legislation."

"PTR Industries of Bristol said the bill approved by the General Assembly was 'fraught with ambiguous definitions, insufficient considerations for the trade, conflicting mandates and disastrous consequences for the fundamental rights of the people of Connecticut.'"

"In a statement, the company said it hopes to pick a site by summer and move by the end of the year." ...

YouTubers 2nd Amendment Shoot (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Cory & Erika ( hosted the first annual YouTubers 2nd Amendment shoot at their range in south-west Indiana. Several YouTubers you may recognize were in attendance including Iraqveteran8888, FateofDestinee, CaptBerz, Chaos311Clarity, ZombieTactics, Que from INGO, HossUSMC, NOLATAC, Tex Grebner and others." ...

Conn. gun-maker declares intention to leave state
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A Connecticut gun-maker has announced it intends to leave the state following the passage of gun control legislation it says tramples on the rights of citizens and does not show enough consideration for the industry." ...

ATI Gunstocks Sponsors Joe Nemechek Car at NRA 500
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "This just in… ATI Gunstocks will be fully sponsoring the #87 car of Joe Nemechek in the Sprint Cup Series NRA 500 at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend." ...

TX: Concealed Carrier Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Armed Street Robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX resident was walking down the street at around 10:30pm after concluding an evening of shopping when a truck pulled up along side of him."

"One of the occupants of the truck got out, pointed a gun at the resident and demanded he turn over all of his possessions."

"After the would be victim heard the man inside the truck tell the other suspect to shoot him, the victim drew his own concealed handgun and opened fire on the suspected robber, who jumped back into the truck." ...

NRA Responds to the Manchin-Toomey Background Check Deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To no one’s surprise, the NRA isn’t buying into the Great Background Check Compromise as announced by Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey this morning. Here’s the NRA-ILA‘s letter to the Senate from Chris Cox:" ...

Senators Crack Impasse on Gun Background Check
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sens. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey announced a bipartisan compromise today seeking to expand background checks for the sale of guns – both at gun shows and online – that could help break the impasse in the gun-control debate in Congress."

"The deal would be added as an amendment to existing gun legislation in the Senate. It opens the door to the biggest potential change in U.S. gun laws in nearly two decades, but still faces deep questions and lingering opposition when the Senate begins voting Thursday on whether to proceed with the gun debate." ...

Report: Background check deal reached, debate Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post is reporting that a bipartisan deal has been hammered out on expanded background checks that would not include transactions between private citizens, unless the transaction began with on-line service or advertising." ...

Gun control in cross-hairs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to '2 key lawmakers make gains on gun background checks' (April 8): All these proposals are at their core extremely racist, in that they target the most law-abiding group in the country, white male conservatives, or the main group at odds with the Obama administration. These efforts are merely a stalking horse for universal registration, which historically has lead to universal confiscation every place that it has been done, and will never meet with the approval of any true conservative or libertarian." ...

What does "Universal Background Check" mean?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The 'gun show loophole' as it's come to be known, and more recently 'internet gun sales' are names (seemingly arbitrarily) given to the one and only type of retail gun sale not required by federal law to have a background check conducted for firearm sales. That one and only type of sale could be described completely accurately as 'private intrastate firearm sales' hereon referred to as PIFS."

"Private intrastate sales are sales between two people who live in the same state selling used (any items) items which are not illegal to possess federally when the seller is not 'in the business' of selling the item being sold. ..." ...

Selling Out on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two senators have brokered a Faustian bargain on gun purchaser background checks that they hope will allow the Democrats’ draconian anti-gun legislation to pass the Senate." ...

Conservative gun filibuster appears to misfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A filibuster of major gun legislation by a vocal band of conservative Republican senators may have misfired, as a growing number of their GOP colleagues appear ready to help break it when it comes up for a vote on Thursday."

"The public split is a rarity for Senate Republicans, who over the past few years have kept divisions to a minimum."

"At issue is whether to begin debate on the contentious legislation that would, among other things, expand background checks, restrict straw-purchases, and toughen laws on gun trafficking." ...

Background checks deal boosts odds for gun-control bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A breakthrough agreement to expand background checks for gun buyers, announced on Wednesday by two senators, boosts the prospects the Senate will approve at least some of President Barack Obama's proposed gun restrictions."

"The deal by Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania sets the stage for a Senate debate on a gun-control bill starting on Thursday, when the Democratic-led chamber is expected to defeat conservative Republicans' efforts to block it from reaching the floor." ...

First vote set on Senate gun bill amid GOP resistance (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate is poised to take its first procedural vote on a gun control bill Thursday at 11 a.m. ET, marking the first congressional floor action on a piece of gun legislation since the December massacre in Newtown, Conn., claimed the lives of 20 small children and six faculty members at Sandy Hook Elementary School."

"The bill faces an uncertain future on Capitol Hill, where 14 Republican senators have already threatened to filibuster any legislation that, in their view, jeopardizes the Second Amendment. If that filibuster threat materializes, 60 votes will be required to secure cloture and allow the debate to proceed." ...

Joe Manchin: ‘What we did, we did right’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The bipartisan deal brokered this week to expand the national gun background check system likely couldn’t have happened without the work of Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W. Va.), a moderate Democrat who from the start was eager to find a way to curb gun violence that also protected Second Amendment rights."

"Manchin, who is the subject of a front-page Washington Post profile in Wednesday’s editions, spoke with Ed O’Keefe and David A. Fahrenthold in his Washington office Tuesday afternoon, just hours after he announced the deal with Sen. Patrick Toomey (R-Pa.)"

"A transcript of the interview appears below, with slight edits for length and clarity:" ...

NRA threatens to punish lawmakers on gun control vote despite deal
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The [NRA] said Wednesday the group is unequivocally opposed to the newly-struck compromise plan to expand background checks — and threatened that it may seek to penalize lawmakers who vote for what it deems 'anti-gun' measures ..."

"The warning to members of Congress came just hours after a compromise on expanding background checks ... a deal that the NRA itself participated closely in."

"'Expanding background checks, at gun shows or elsewhere, will not reduce violent crime or keep our kids safe in their schools,' top NRA lobbyist Chris Cox wrote in a letter sent to senators Wednesday night. 'Given the importance of these issues, votes on all anti-gun amendments or proposals will be considered in NRA's future candidate evaluations.'" ...

NV: Nevada struggles to plug holes in gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nevada state Sen. Ben Kieckhefer is a Republican in a state that loves its guns."

"His idea is modest: restrict people deemed by psychiatrists to be mentally ill from owning guns for three years. The bill ought to be embraced, especially in a state that ranks third worst in gun-related suicide ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Since the state is tied for second place (with Hawaii) for non-gun-related suicide I find this argument less than persuasive.

CT: Gun law violates ex post facto clause
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gun Violence Prevention and Children's Safety Act is being described as the toughest in the nation. That may be so, but without question it is also violates the U.S. Constitution. You don't even have to go to the Second Amendment; read Article I, Section 10: 'No State shall ... pass ... any ex post facto Law.'"

"The term appears no where in our state constitution, nor apparently, in the vocabulary of our state lawmakers. Black's Law Dictionary cites several specific examples, but a satisfactory definition which applies here can be found online with a google search: Laws that provide for the infliction of punishment upon a person for some prior act that, at the time it was committed, was not illegal." ...

IL: Quinn says local governments should be able to impose strict gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Pat Quinn wants to give cities and towns the ability to impose tougher gun restrictions as part of the General Assembly’s push to put a concealed weapons law on the books."

"With the legislature facing an early June deadline to approve a law allowing citizens to carry loaded weapons in public, the Democrat said Chicago and other cities should be able to impose additional gun regulations over whatever restrictions the state ultimately approves." ...

AL: Is Roby's comment on background checks naïve, ignorant?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a responsible gun owner who firmly supports the Second Amendment that protects the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. I also believe that with that right comes a responsibility for us to do our best to ensure that guns are only allowed in the hands of responsible citizens. Therefore, I have never had a problem with undergoing a background check before I was allowed to purchase a firearm." ...

Submitter's Note: Good for you Skippy; I imagine many folks like you were just fine with requiring a literacy test before "allowing" (colored) people to vote.

NY: Assemblyman Robert Oaks notes cultural divide in gun issue
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "Oaks drove home the reality that New York is a culturally diverse state that struggles to meet the needs of the starkly different lifestyles of residents upstate versus downstate, which most people classify as Rockland and Westchester counties, New York City and Long Island."

"'I voted against (the SAFE Act) for a number of reasons,' said Oaks. 'I feel it was put through in a very fast, ram-rod way … and was crafted with little input by a very few amount of people. I agree that we have a violence problem in our society, but are we making our society safer by limiting the existing rights of law-abiding firearm owners in this state?'" ...

Missouri Highway Patrol sends concealed carry permit holder info to the feds
Submitted by: Anonymous

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They did this in direct violation of state law that states CCW information shall be a closed record. On another note the Missouri Dept of Revenue has been caught sending driver license and concealed carry information to the DHS in direct violation of state law. Missouri Gov Nixon stated he had no problem with the DOR doing this.

Innocent Victims of Gun Control: The welterweight champion
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero has beaten many opponents on his way to becoming the WBC Welterweight Champion. He has also beaten back leukemia and is known far and wide for his squeaky-clean lifestyle."

"In short, Guerrero is a champion in every meaning of the term. He is truly an American hero and role model. But once again, we see the gun control trap set by Democrats snap shut on an innocent, law-abiding citizen."

"Guerrero is now facing a felony charge that could put him away for 15 years." ...

"En route to Vegas, Guerrero was attempting to complete an act that is both legal and commonplace in almost all other states … checking a properly encased and unloaded firearm with his luggage." ...

DHS conspiracy theory is false, misleading
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"Letters to this paper often make claims that are false or misleading. A recent letter under the headline 'Homeland Security purchasing concerning' is a case in point."

"Yes, the Department of Homeland Security officers may use hollow point ammunition. Hollow points are, and have been, used by local police for many years. This is not some dark conspiracy by the feds; it is just DHS following standard police practice." ...

MI: St. Joseph County Sheriff's Deputy pleads guilty in prescription drug larceny case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A St. Joseph Sheriff's s Officer who pleaded guilty to two counts of larceny for taking a prescription drug from the County Jail’s clinic will not serve jail time."

"Thirty-nine-year-old veteran Sheriff's Deputy Steven Morris pleaded guilty to the misdemeanors to avoid trial on more serious charges that were initially filed against him. He was given probation as part of the plea deal." ...

MN: Rice County jury finds former cop guilty of misdemeanor assault, disorderly conduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Rice County jury decided that a former area cop did assault a man last summer, but not to the extent authorities had initially charged him with."

"Jared Michael Grant Taylor, 34, was convicted of fifth-degree assault and disorderly conduct, both misdemeanor charges, on Monday afternoon. Both charges were filed as additional offenses in the days leading up to the jury trial."

"The jury found him not guilty of third-degree assault, a felony, and third-degree damage to property, a gross misdemeanor. ..." ...

FL: Lee Sheriff's deputy charged with possession (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State and local officials are pushing a new way to expand gun control: taxes."

"A seven-and-a-half year member of the Lee County Sheriff's Office has been arrested and charged with possession of steroids, marijuana and drug paraphernalia."

"Deputy First Class John Eaton of Fort Myers was booked into the Lee County Jail around 10:00 p.m., on Monday, April 8, 2013."

"'Now, if it was up to me, I'd fire him right now,' commented Sheriff Mike Scott." ...

MD: Four officers suspended in fallout of officer's misconduct plea, sources say (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four Baltimore police officers have been suspended as part of an investigation stemming from the conviction of an officer for conspiring with a drug informant to orchestrate arrests, according to sources with knowledge of the case."

"Anthony Guglielmi, the agency's chief spokesman, confirmed that the four officers were suspended from the Northwest District, where Richburg had worked in a special plainclothes unit. He declined to identify the officers or say why they were suspended." ...

MO: Highway patrol gave feds Missouri weapon permits data
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Missouri State Highway Patrol has twice turned over the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities, most recently in January, Sen. Kurt Schaefer said Wednesday."

"Questioning in the Senate Appropriations Committee revealed that on two occasions, in November 2011 and again in January, the patrol asked for and received the full list from the state Division of Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing. Schaefer later met in his office with Col. Ron Replogle, superintendent of the patrol." ...

"Under Missouri law, the names of concealed weapon permit holders are confidential. ..." ...

MI: Canton police officer accused of stealing department rifle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 24-year veteran police officer in Canton was arraigned Tuesday on charges that he stole a rifle from his department."

"Lt. Jerry Hardesty, 55, was charged in Plymouth district court on three charges: larceny of a firearm, receiving and concealing stolen property and felony firearm. The most serious of the charges, receiving and concealing stolen property, is a 10-year felony. The larceny charge is a 5-year felony and the felony firearm charge carries a maximum 2-year sentence." ...

York Arms CANCELS All Orders to NY Law Enforcement & Offers Alternatives to Residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following press release was posted by, Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York."

"We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York." ...

Vote Early, Vote Often
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Click here and give the 'thumbs up.' That is, unless you believe there's already too much programming on television illustrating the defensive benefits of gun ownership..."

CWA panel to dig into gun debate at Boulder High
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a series of mass shootings -- including one in Aurora -- gun control legislation has taken center stage in both local and national news. Today, that discussion will make its way to Boulder at the Conference on World Affairs."

"Four panelists will lead a discussion on 'The Right to Bear Arms' at Boulder High School at 1:20 p.m. today."

"The panelists include Margot Adler, a correspondent for National Public Radio; Guy Benson, the political editor of; Lou Dubose, the editor of the Washington Spectator; and Colin Goddard, an activist with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"It's a topic that has impacted many people, including some of the panelists." ...


NJ: New Jersey SAFE Task Force Report Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reader Josh L. sends the latest news from the Garden State:"

"I thought you would be interested to see the report on guns and violence that was just released by Gov. Christie’s appointed SAFE Task Force committee."

"Pages 3 – 23 are most relevant to guns, with the recommendations for gun restrictions summarized on page 23. In sum, the report begins with the wrong assumptions and arrives at worse conclusions. Politically, it does not leave the governor any space to avoid significant and completely unconstitutional gun restrictions. I hope the governor will not give in, but I can’t say I’m optimistic." ...

MI: Contrary to initial objections, easier-to-obtain weapons permits haven't led to more gun deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before Michigan joined a growing number of “shall issue” states on July 1, 2001, making it easier for residents to get concealed pistol permits, opponents feared and argued it would lead to an increase in gunplay, violence and death."

"It hasn’t."

"'Even legislators who voted against it have told me they were wrong,' said Sen. Mike Green, who, as a state representative, sponsored the 'shall issue' law that lawmakers approved in 2000. 'There have not been shootouts in the streets.'" ...

WA: Washington concealed pistol licenses soar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 18,000 new concealed pistol licenses have been issued since January by Washington State law enforcement agencies, including 5,300 in just the past month, according to data from the Department of Licensing (DOL) obtained by Examiner Wednesday." ...

AZ: CV shooting range open for action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Highlighting the importance of the Second Amendment, U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar welcomed a crowd of almost 500 to the dedication of the Chino Valley Shooting Facility on Saturday, April 6." ...

PA: Stricter gun laws won’t stop people from killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control laws: We need to get smarter about their effects. Do not kid yourself. None of these laws will do a thing about gun violence. The only thing these new gun laws do is turn law-abiding citizens into criminals. This is the issue."

"People want government to control guns. This country was created because we rose up and rejected government rule. We don’t want our government to rule us. We elect them to represent us. This can only be accomplished when the people are more powerful than the government. If you all think that everything would be great if all guns were banned, think again. Criminals would have a heyday knowing that no one was armed. ..." ...

Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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