PA: Deer Harvest Increases from Previous Season
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David Williamson
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Sportsmen hoping to set their sights on a buck this past hunting season apparently had some pretty good luck as Pennsylvania's antlered deer harvest increased by 15 percent over the previous year. According to figures recently released by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, hunters took 137,580 antlered deer, up from the 119,260 harvested the year before. Also worth noting is the fact that 59 percent of the bucks were 2.5 years or older, making it the highest percentage of adult antlered deer in the harvest in decades.
TX: Seabrook Optometrist 'Not Guilty' in Shooting Death of Neighbor
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David Williamson
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A Houston jury on Monday found a Seabrook optometrist not guilty of murder in the 2013 shooting death of a neighbor. Karl Hormann, 56, testified that he acted in self-defense when he shot 36-year-old Brandon Smith after a Memorial Day weekend crawfish boil in 2013. Hormann's attorneys told jurors that the eye doctor feared for his life and for the lives of his guests when he followed Smith off the lake property and into the street. |
Ex-Playboy Bunny Gets Long-Awaited Gun Permit, Pistol for Self-Defense
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David Williamson
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On April 8, former Playmate Stephanie Adams received her long-awaited gun permit and purchased a .50 caliber Desert Eagle handgun to keep in her home for self-defense. Adams was Playboy’s Miss November in 1992. In April 2015, Breitbart News reported Adams was in a back-and-forth with the New York Police Department in which she suggested they were denying the issuance of her gun permit due to a personal animus. She suggested this animus was the result of a $1.2 million excessive force judgment she won against the NYPD in 2012. And the Daily Mail reported the NYPD “Licence Department also used a sexy picture posted on the Internet of Adams wearing a skimpy mock police uniform and holding a gun as a reason to deny her.”
IA: How a TV Show Residents Thrwart Home Invader
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Paul and Kristin Sadler retired to the bedroom of their rural Clay County home one evening last month, and, as usual, their trusty Doberman pinscher named G followed. As they settled into sleep, G jumped to his feet and ran barking from the bedroom. The Sadlers thought he was aroused by coyotes, and called for him to quiet down and come back, which he did. Fifteen minutes later, G jumped up and ran downstairs again. Then they heard a man’s voice over the dog’s tense barks, saying “whoa … whoa.”
IN: Officers Cleared in Shooting Death
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David Williamson
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Two police officers were cleared in the March shooting death of a man at 300 E. Rudisill Blvd. The Allen County Prosecutor's office concluded the death of Abraham Martinez, 62, was the result of self-defense, and no charges will be filed. "The officers involved were justified in using deadly force, as they reasonably believed that force was necessary to prevent serious bodily injury or death to the responding officers and innocent civilians," according to a news release from the prosecuting attorney's office. |
Controversy As Seattle Chief Reverses Discipline Ruling in SPD Shooting
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David Williamson
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Call it an incredible coincidence, but today’s Seattle Times story about Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole’s decision to reverse a misconduct ruling against three officers involved in a 2014 shooting incident is causing a controversy on the anniversary of one of the most famous law enforcement gun battles in the last half-century. Today is the 30th anniversary of the infamous “Miami Massacre,” a pitched gun battle between FBI agents and two heavily-armed bank robbery suspects that left both suspects and two agents dead, and others wounded. |
CA: Valley Schools Exploring Handgun Policies for Staff
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David Williamson
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This week, Kingsburg Joint Union High School District (KJUHSD) could become the Valley’s first school district to allow staff to carry concealed firearms on campus, potentially setting a path for other districts to follow. The KJUHSD board of trustees is scheduled to have a second reading of the proposed policy tonight, after which the body is allowed to vote to adopt the new standard, said Superintendent Randy Morris. |
NJ: Markell Joins Gun-Control Bikers From Sandy Hook
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David Williamson
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Gov. Jack Markell rode through Newark with a group of pro-gun control cyclists on Monday, supporting their calls for tighter federal regulations. "It was an honor to ride alongside Team 26 and honor the victims of the horrible and tragic events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut," Markell said. |
"Guns On Campus" Bill Hits Georgia Governor's Desk
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Gov. Nathan Deal has until May 3 to make up his mind about legislation that would allow college students to carry guns onto campus. Lawmakers earlier refused his personal request for changes to the measure. There is mixed reaction at Dalton state college. Officials at Dalton State are siding with the university system, the board of regents and campus police chiefs in urging the Governor not to sign house bill 859.
MO: Fake Guns Creating Concerns in Cape Girardeau
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Fake guns are causing real concerns across the country. Now the Cape Girardeau Police Department reports BB guns that look like real guns are making some residents do a double-take. Over the weekend of April 8 through April 10, police say two incidents prompted the department to post their concerns on Facebook.
TX: UT-Dallas' Campus Carry Rules Will Allow Guns in Classrooms and Some Student Housing
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David Williamson
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The licensed concealed carrying of handguns will be allowed in the University of Texas at Dallas’ classrooms, faculty offices and apartment-style student housing under the campus carry recommendations released Monday by the school. The proposals, which would go into effect in August, will now go before the UT System’s Board of Regents. UTD is the just latest school to share its plans for the law, which allows licensed Texans to carry concealed handguns in most public university buildings. |
Hillary Clinton Slams Bernie Sanders for Lax Stance on Gun Control
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Hillary Clinton ripped into US Sen. Bernie Sanders for what she said was his pass-the-buck stance on gun control, and said the rural Democrat isn't taking into account how many weapons flow from his state into New York. Clinton, speaking in an emotional rally in Long Island alongside families of violence victims, touted her own record fighting against a bill that made it impossible for people to sue gun manufacturers when their weapons are used in mass killings like Sandy Hook. |
CA: Kingsburg High School District to Allow CCW Permit Staff to Carry Guns on Campus
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Kingsburg High School District Board has made history becoming the second district in California to allow certain staff members to bring a gun on campus. Board members for Kingsburg Joint Union High School District voted yes to a new policy they hope, will ensure the safety of students and staff in case of an active shooter or other extreme emergencies on campus. The new policy doesn't require the volunteered staff members to shoot, but once the CCW permit holder signs the application, they've accepted the responsibility. |
Shotgun-Toting Momma Blows Bad Kids’ I-Phones to Pieces
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A woman fed up with an apparent lack of respect from her children, did what any self-respecting, gun-owning mom would do: Line up the kids’ cell phones and blast them with a shotgun. “I hereby denounce the effects that social media have on my children, their disobedience and their disrespect,” the woman said with a heavy Southern drawl as video rolled recording the event.
MI: 'Open carry' Leader Says Convention Authority Filed to Produce Weapons Ban
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Corey Salo
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The head of Michigan Open Carry Inc. says the managers of DeVos Place convention center failed to produce a policy that backs up their March 11 threat to arrest members who were opening carrying weapons at a trade show.
"After weeks of calls, a public meeting, and even a Freedom Of Information Act request, no documentation of any duly-authorized policy has been produced," said Tom Lambert, president of the group in a statement on Monday, April 11.
Lambert released the results of a Freedom of Information Act request to the Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority (CAA), the public authority that owns and operates DeVos Place from his group and the Michigan Gun Owners. |
"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral" |