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Newslinks for 4/13/2004

Gun Groups May Not Be Bush Campaign Weapon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four years later, some gun owners have grown so disenchanted with President Bush that they may cast a protest vote for a third-party candidate, stay away from the polls, or even back the likely Democratic nominee, gun-control advocate John F. Kerry."

"It's unclear how many gun owners could be counted as activists, but they are affiliated with a variety of organizations, from the NRA and Gun Owners of America to smaller state and regional organizations around the country. And they could play a pivotal role in the outcome of this year's presidential race." ...

" 'It's not just gun rights for us, it's the Bill of Rights,' said Angel Shamaya, executive director of, which claims tens of thousands of supporters. 'A lot of gun-rights advocates are from mildly upset to livid over President Bush and his administration.' " ...

TN: Gun owners learn about 'shooting to live'
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Reporter learns defending yourself with a pistol involves much more than just pointing it and pulling the trigger"

"After I spent 21 hours over two days in a local gun carry-permit class, there were two things I learned for sure." ...

CA: Gun Bigots urging "Public Safety Committee" to kill Cow Palace gun show
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Two supervisors representing the San Francisco districts with the most homicides rallied in support of a state bill that would prohibit gun shows in a local concourse."

"The supervisors, who don't hold any power over the state-owned Cow Palace, urged the Public Safety Committee of the California State Senate to vote favorably Tuesday upon a bill that would ban the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Cow Palace." ...

Gun Industry Has Right To Jury Trial
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The gun industry has a right to have a jury hear New York City's lawsuit to require safeguards to prevent guns from falling into the hands of criminals, Eastern District Judge Jack B. Weinstein ruled last week."

"A year ago, Judge Weinstein refused to allow a jury to decide a a similar suit brought by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for an injunction against the industry on a nuisance theory. In his ruling last week, Judge Weinstein said it would be 'delphic at best' to determine whether the city's gun case would have been tried before a jury when the U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1791."

OR: 76-year-old man shoots attacker who broke his door down
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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PORTLAND -- "A 76-year-old man was allegedly assaulted after supposedly asking some party goers to keep it down."

"Two brothers, Valentin and Temujin Herrera, were charged with assault, criminal mischief and attempted burglary."

"Witnesses say men threw bottles at the 76-year-old's home and even busted down the door before gunshots were heard."

"The assault victim allegedly shot Temujin Herrera in the hand in self-defense. Temujin appeared in court with his arm in a sling." ...

For a more thorough report, click here.

VA: Charges dropped against shooter; self-defense cited
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"Felony charges against the Northern Virginia man accused in last year's shootings at Paramount's Kings Dominion have been dropped, and one of the two shooting victims and a witness have been arrested."

"David Gleason McKoy, 24, of Quantico appeared in Hanover County Circuit Court yesterday for what was supposed to be a jury trial."

"Instead, Hanover Commonwealth's Attorney Kirby Porter asked the court to drop the five felony charges against McKoy. Porter said an investigation showed the shootings to be an 'act of self-defense.' "

"As a result of the investigation, shooting victim Stephen Allen Jr. and witness Jonathan Maklin were arrested outside the courtroom..." ...

CT: Man arrested for having firearms in vehicle after routine traffic stop
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No other charges here. Just mere possession without showing any criminal intent.

WESTPORT -- "A local man was arrested when a patrol officer discovered several guns in his car during a routine traffic stop."

"Gary Smith, 45, of Fillow St., was charged with four counts of carrying a pistol without a permit, carrying a weapon in a vehicle and failure to have stop lights lit."

"Early Saturday, patrol officers spotted Smith driving on Sherwood Island Connector with the right taillight out on his vehicle, police said."

"Because of the time of the night, police said, the officers stopped Smith and asked him if he had any weapons in the car." ...

"During a search, officers located what appeared to be a gun case in the back seat of the vehicle, police said."

"The case contained two unloaded handguns and two loaded semi-automatic handguns, police said." ...

"Police said Smith had no clear reason to be carrying the weapons in the vehicle."

"Smith was released on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear in Norwalk Superior Court on April 20." ...

OH: National Fraternal Order of Police President says CCW saves lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Highway Patrol Superintendant Paul McClellan opposes HB12, claiming that 'there is no statistical or anecdotal evidence which supports that concealment and transportation of a weapon in a motor vehicle is effective or safe as a defensive or deterrent measure.' "

"But Chuck Canterbury, president of the National F.O.P., knows better."

"While speaking at the F.O.P.'s 56th Biennial National Conference last week, Canterbury called for passage of a national concealed carry bill, 'which would allow the 750,000 or so police officers outside their jurisdictions to carry guns.' "

" 'There are a number of cases', said Canterbury, 'of police officers, outside of their jurisdictions, saving citizens' lives.' "

"Isn't it interesting that when it comes to securing self-defense eights for it's members, the F.O.P. is very suddenly very interested in quoting real-life examples of lives being saved by a person with a concealed firearm?"

OH: DESPERATE: Gun ban lobby heralds law-breaking by government officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As more and more city bureaucrats 'wake up' to the fact that Section 9 prohibits them from creating new victim zones, and preempts the existence of old ones, what was once a whine has grown into a full-blown howl."

"In what has become an all too common tactic, the gun ban lobby is once again encouraging law-breaking when their efforts to pass gun control laws or prevent self-defense laws fail."

"By contrast, in all the years of debate over passage of concealed carry reform self-defense rights groups have NEVER recommended that gun owners break the law."

"In their time of desperation, it is clear that these extremists will stoop to any level - even to heralding government officials who knowingly, willingly break the law."

MO: Saline County Sheriff to take concealed carry applications
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"After months of delay, Saline County Sheriff Wally George will begin taking concealed carry applications Wednesday."

"George said he held off issuing the permits to carry concealed weapons in hopes questions about the law would be answered. Those questions, especially whether portions of the law contain unfunded mandates, have led several counties and sheriff's departments to be taken to court, a fate George wants to avoid."

"However, a meeting last week between sheriffs and Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon failed to provide any definitive answers. George said a legislative fix has been proposed, but it does not appear the General Assembly will act on it in the near future."

Don’t Mess with (Armed) Texans
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"The attitudes expressed in the 'Texan War Cry' profoundly shaped American culture, and, even in the early 21st century, these ideas are at the core of the American gun culture: A true man will use a firearm to protect women from predators. The free people of a nation must defend it personally, with their own arms. Professional soldiers — 'hirelings' in the pay of unfree governments — are morally and military inferior to American freedom fighters. Dying in defense of freedom is better than living under tyranny. And the quintessence of freedom — the precise reason why the stars of liberty shine — is the patriot's rifle."

OH: Life in a Swing State: Ohio's Gun Laws Ignore the Dead
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"...I’m not saying that gun makers and Curio & Relic dealers are knocking on every halfway house’s door trying to make a sale, but there are not enough preventative measures being taken to ensure that gun owners remain sane and competent. I consider owning a gun a privilege that needs to be regulated, just like driving a car. If I have to register my vehicle every year, why shouldn’t gun owners have to do the same?"

Please show us where the Bill of Rights specifically addresses the right to drive a car. And may we also point out that despite registration and licensing, lives lost due to automobile crashes far outnumber lives lost due to gunfire.

Shedding the Victim Mentality
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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"The possibility of being a victim of sexual assault is something that all women fear or have feared at one time. Rape. While lying in bed alone at night -- Was that the house settling or should I call 9-1-1? While walking to your car alone late at night -- Just let me make it to my car and I will never do this again. While on a first date with someone you don't really know -- I've never been here before. Where is he taking me?"

"For many of us, the thought never goes beyond that point. What would I do if someone tried to attack me? Would I survive? We don't want to think about the horrific reality, the second by second scenario of what might happen. Instead, we push those thoughts away and go to that happy place in our minds." ...

NC: Gun Laws Frustrate Some Prosecutors
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Prosecutors in North Carolina are frustrated with the state's gun laws, especially since convicted felons facing firearm charges are getting off the hook."

"It's not illegal in North Carolina for convicted felons to carry rifles or shotguns in their vehicles. They can keep multiple guns in their home as long as the weapons are not fully automatic."

"Durham Assistant District Attorney John Phillips says the state's laws are, in his words, 'quite disturbing.' "

"Under federal law, and under the laws of many other states, it's illegal for convicted felons to possess any kind of gun anywhere, including in their home."

NRA Loses Its Political Firepower
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Whether admired or reviled, this much can be said of the National Rifle Assn.: The course of the gun control issue in the U.S. turns directly on its fortunes. ..." ...

"Yet for all its resources, organizational acumen and rhetoric, the nation's premier gun organization has been shooting blanks lately. It is a political player whose reputation exceeds its reach. The NRA has failed to expand its base or to persuade that base to vote GOP, which it must do to maintain its standing with the administration."

Is Playing Paintball and Firing Legal Guns Terrorism?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"According to a report in a June 28, 2003 Washington Post article, Michael E. Rolince, in charge of the Washington FBI field office, conceded that the government had no evidence of specific plots against U.S. targets at home or abroad. 'A lot of this is about preemption,' he said."

"A lot? How about the entire case? And since when is "preemptive" prosecution constitutional? Apparently, when you are a Muslim in post-September 11-America."

"The government did not initially charge these men with terrorism. Instead, the government charged the three men, along with eight others, with conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Acts -- obscure, longstanding, yet rarely-enforced laws that make it a crime for Americans to attack countries with which the United States itself is at peace."

"The basis for these charges was that all eleven men were, in the past, supporters of Lashkar-i-Taiba -- an Islamic group that would like to oust India from Kashmir, and that has been accused by India of mass killings of Sikhs, and of partial responsibility for a December 2001 attack on India's Parliament."

"In late 2001, the U.S. declared Lashkar-i-Taiba a terrorist organization. However, at the time the eleven men were alleged to have plotted to support the group, the organization was not yet on the list."

Assault Weapons Ban Triggers High-Caliber Fight
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A high-caliber fight over the possible demise of the 1994 federal assault weapons ban now is spreading from Congress to state legislatures around the country and could thrust gun control into a late-breaking issue in the fall presidential race."

"So far, the gun lobby is winning."

"In Maryland - considered one of the most pro-gun control states in the nation - supporters of a blocked assault weapons ban have admitted their proposal is all but dead..." ...

IL: Haine sponsors bills dealing with guns
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"State Sen. William Haine co-sponsored two bills involving firearms that both have been approved by the Illinois Senate." ...

"The first, ...would amend the state’s criminal code to provide mandatory prison terms for criminal defendants convicted of a second subsequent offense of unlawful use of weapons within 10 years from their first conviction date, within 10 years from their conviction of a forcible felony or within 10 years from their release from prison. ..."

"The other bill sponsored by Haine was in response to a recent incident in the Chicago suburb of Wilmette. ...which allows for an affirmative defense of self-defense by any homeowner who shoots a criminal invading his or her home, and also pre-empts home rule."

OH: "More needed to stop rape, help victims"
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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" 'That at least 635,000 women in Ohio have been victimized in this way is unacceptable. Ohio should not settle for continuing to process rape survivors.' "

"She's exactly right. The answer to this problem is not to simply treat women in the aftermath of the attack. We must find ways to keep the attacks from happening in the first place."

"It's time for Ohio to do more to prevent this vicious crime." ...

They did: Ohio passed a concealed carry law designed to allow women to back their "NO!" up with whatever amount of force is required to make Mr. Rapist stop the attack. Over time, armed men will also interrupt rapists in action, as well. The net result: at least some rapists will be captured, while others will be shot -- some of them dead. And that all sounds just fine by us.

OH: Coalition asks court to stop concealed-carry permit applications
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A coalition opposed to the state’s new concealed weapons law has asked the Ohio Supreme Court to stop the state’s sheriffs from selling permits, saying the resources for conducting background checks on applicants are inadequate."

"The Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence filed the complaint on Friday, the day after the long-debated legislation became law..."

OCAGV's leaders would rather see innocent people preyed upon than see violent criminals captured by armed citizens. Their hatred for firearms is a higher priority than the lives and liberties of innocent citizens. What else should we expect from Gun Bigots?

TN: TGun conference for women touts self defense, hunting
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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NASHVILLE - "A gun convention this weekend will offer all the expected classes - self-defense, target shooting, hunting and gun safety."

"But this meeting will also have courses on fancy hat making, manicure tips and a fashion show."

"Organizers say the four-day Shooting for Women conference is designed for the female gun enthusiast who doesn't enjoy the testosterone-charged environment at most gun events." ...

"But political opponents of the gun industry aren't pleased with this effort."

" 'They're very open about the fact this is not just about bringing women in to enjoy hunting and the like, but that there is a very political aspect,' ... "The bottom line is guns are being sold because a gun owner is more likely to be a gun voter." ...

OH: Debate over new gun law will linger
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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. . . "And prosecutors may find themselves facing some tough decisions: Do they seek an indictment against a law-abiding person who accidentally brushes their gun at the wrong time? Do they prosecute a permit holder who shoots a robber and claims self-defense?"

"Toss in the debate over permits becoming pubic records for only journalists and there's one clear fact: The debate and news over concealed carry won't go away anytime soon." ...

April 15: Buy a Gun Day
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"April 15th. It's only 3 days away so you have to get moving."

"No, I'm not trying to encourage you to send your yearly extortion payment to the IRSS; I'm telling you about B.A.G. day."

"Aaron the Liberal Slayer came up with this last year. His original goal was for everyone to buy a gun on April 15th just to piss off Michael Moore. Can't say his heart wasn't in the right place with that one, but he decided to shorten it to B.A.G. so it'd be a little catchier this time around." ...

NC: Where do kids get guns?
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"Of the 11 students accused of taking a gun to a Charlotte-Mecklenburg school since August, police say about a quarter got the weapon from home." ...

"Since December, when three guns were found in Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in less than a week, Garrett said police have done all they can to find out how and where the students got them."

"One took a handgun from his grandmother's garage without her knowledge, Garrett said. Another got a gun from a 15-year-old who had bought it from an adult, according to a federal indictment for the adult."

TX: Today's Woman: Self-defense for moms and daughters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s reality self-defense -- a class for both daughter and mom."

"The class puts students through real-life situations such as someone approaching you for money and not leaving you alone."

"Shelly Elrod’s 17 years as a police officer and homicide detective prompted her to teach this class."

" 'Working in law enforcement, the worst thing that you can see is an autopsy of a child,' she says."

"Mom and daughter also learn to work as a team."

" 'It takes you out of the safe environment when you see it like that, and it's my child and you are not going to get my child,' Ann Smith says."

All of these are wonderful, but if you are serious about preventing an assailant's access to your child, get armed!

AWB vs US Troops (blog)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some courageous manufacturers have developed the 6.8mm cartridge. This cartridge is an improvement over the 30 Soviet, and a vast improvement over the 223. This round and military rifles chambered for it are desperately needed for our armed forces right now, particularly with our current active deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. The immediate hold up is the fact that no domestic manufacturer wants to make this new rifle, if they can only sell it to the government. With no prospect of civilian sales, there is zero interest in this undertaking among American manufacturers, like me. So, critical progress is now stalled and will be for the foreseeable future."

"We thus see how the 'ban' is significantly harming our troops and the nation's ability to successfully prosecute a war. It has never, nor does it currently, impacted violent crime in the slightest. ..."

"Sometime, before we get into a big war, the US military needs to get rid of our current generation of 'varmint rifles' and start issuing real rifles. We need to do it now, while we have the chance."

WI: Replica firearms need same respect as real guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It looks just like Colt 1911 automatic pistol. The dimensions are exactly the same. The slide can pulled back like the real thing and the magazine can be removed." ...

"But these 'air-soft' guns are making their presence known. In March, three boys were cited for disorderly conduct for having brought air-soft guns into the Oconomowoc High School parking lot."

"Although the students in this case bought their replicas over the Internet, where identifying a legal buyer maybe more difficult, local dealers of these products have policies against selling them to minors."

They have policies against selling toys to minors? Of course. They'd rather sell them to adults, who are more apt to try and rob a bank with them.


NY: Man Gunned Down Over Cell Phone
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"A 26-year-old man bicycling to work was shot in the knee and arm after he refused to surrender his cell phone to a mugger -- one of 12 shooting victims throughout the city over a period of less than 24 hours Saturday and Sunday, police said."

Boy, those draconian gun laws are sure helping New Yorkers, aren't they?

Destruction of the First Amendment: Overzealous Kentucky state trooper arrests man for passing out video tapes
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Carpenter Kelly Rushing thought he was doing a good thing when he bought some video tapes from Alex Jones Productions, a firm in Austin , Texas that produces and markets what they call films exposing 'The New World Order.' "

"Judge William McCaslin said, 'You are being charged with giving trooper Dobbs a threatening video.' "

"If convicted, Rushing is faced with a $500 fine or One Year in jail, or both."

Submitter's note: I give out "The State vs. The People" and "Innocents Betrayed." I guess I am in for it.

CA: East Bay women put together "rape care kits"
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"When the women of the Inner Wheel Club of San Leandro heard that the 112 rape care kits they donated to the Bay Area Women Against Rape last year were gone within six months, they were unnerved."

"After the initial shock passed, the women began their quest to collect more items for the new batch of kits. ... which included cotton sweat suits, underwear, socks, combs, disposable cleansing cloths and nutrition bars." ...

Why the shock? In an Rapist Empowerment Zone, rapists can operate unfettered in a sea of easy unarmed prey. These kits won't stop rapists. Fast-moving chunks of lead will.

The new face of biometrics
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Miles said his group is sponsoring research to create a smart gun that would identify the user through a series of lights that would read the characteristics of the user's epidermal layer. However, that's still in the development phase."

"Identix is testing the skin biometric software coupled with facial recognition systems with some unidentified defense and intelligence agencies, Atick said." ...

VA: Random DNA tests in Thomas Jefferson's hometown raising questions
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Curbside DNA sampling a new routine police procedure?

Forget the race angle. The 4th Amendment is on life support... for everyone.

"Michael Townes was walking home on Jefferson Park Avenue when a police car stopped and two officers emerged."

" 'Hold out your hands,' one told Townes, a University of Virginia senior. The officer told Townes they were investigating a report that a man matching his description had followed a girl in a threatening manner. Police asked to obtain a sample of his DNA using a cheek swab. Townes refused, he said, because he found it 'degrading' and because he believed the police were violating his rights."

"Such incidents have prompted some U.Va. students and faculty members to criticize methods used by authorities as they search for a rapist who has assaulted at least six local women. They question whether selective DNA testing, which has eliminated 572 black men from being considered suspects in the investigation, is constitutional."

LA: Project ChildSafe
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The New Iberia Police Department is trying to help prevent accidental shootings. Yesterday, officials were at the Wal-Mart in new Iberia handing out free gunlocks.

This campaign was started a year ago by the national shooting sports foundation, and the police department was awarded three hundred safety kits. S Chad Hazelwood says its all about safety.

Sgt. Chad Hazelwood, New Iberia Police: "The importance of the locks are, is to disengage a gun and keep it safe, so safe away from somebody whose not used to handling a weapon especially children to keep any type of accidental shooting from happening."

The program is done in conjunction with the national campaign Project ChildSafe.

FL: Gov. Jeb Bush lobbies for drug-tracking database
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"A proposal Gov. Jeb Bush is championing to create a massive electronic tracking system of who is prescribing and who is using prescription drugs is in trouble in the Florida Legislature."

"Proponents describe the database as a major new weapon against Medicaid fraud, drug abuse and so-called "doctor shopping" for pills and say it could stem the rise in overdose deaths -- some five fatalities each day in Florida."

Anyone for Bush '08??

Scalia Apologizes for U.S. Marshal's Seizure of Reporters' Audio
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"Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has apologized to the two reporters whose audio recorders were seized during a speech that the Justice gave last week at a high school in Hattiesburg, Miss."

"In a letter to Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Executive Director Lucy Dalglish, Scalia said he didn't approve of the actions by a U.S. Marshal, who seized the recorders and ordered the recordings erased. 'You were correct that the action was not taken at my direction; I was upset as you were... I have written to the reporters involved, extending my apology.' " ...

"Scalia also told Dalglish that he would revise his policy forbidding recordings of his public speaking events to allow recording for use by print media." ...

Davy Crockett, Libertarian
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"The new Disney film 'The Alamo' has revived interest in Davy Crockett, the frontiersman-turned-celebrity who then entered politics and thus became an early American version of Arnold Schwarzenegger before he died fighting Santa Anna's legions in 1836." ...

"Almost forgotten in the mystique of his legend is Crockett's commitment to the principles of limited government. An 1884 biography of Crockett by Edward Sylvester Ellis published an account of a speech Crockett gave on his views on government called 'Not Yours to Give.' Rep. Ron Paul... whose district includes some of the historic sites in the battle for Texas independence, recommends it as a guide for how elected officials should interpret the Constitution. ..."

Celebrities Don't Do Jail
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"When Florida Gov Jeb Bush's darling daughter Noelle got busted yet again for pigging out at the governmentally disapproved substances buffet she did not collect $200, did not pass Go, and certainly did not go directly to jail. Noelle went to rehab. This brought howls of indignation from law-and-order pushers who demanded that Ms. Bush be treated to the same perks as any other citizen's daughter: a bright orange jumpsuit and a cellmate named Big Bertha McGursky."

"While libertarians agree with the equal treatment concept, they know the howlers have gotten it all wrong. Equal injustice for all is still injustice. Nobody's kid deserves to be jailed for drug use. Or forcibly rehabbed. We all deserve to be left the hell alone. The only way to catch a break, it seems, is to be a celebrity. ... So what's the answer?"

Posturing While America Burns
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"There are only two ways another 9-11 can be prevented. America can become a police state, in which every citizen is watched and investigated. Or, terrorists can be killed or imprisoned before they enter our nation. President Bush has chosen the latter."

Correction: he chose both.

Afghanistan: Special Forces Capt.: "weapons such as these can only be in the hands of the central government."
Submitted by: Paul Parker

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. . . "But a tradition of harboring heavy weapons, emblematic here of power and survival, is a tough habit to break. But if security is ever to come to Afghanistan, [Special Forces Captain Paul] Toolan says, weapons such as these [machineguns and ammo included] can only be in the hands of the central government." ...

As surveillance grows, so does concern about privacy in the closely watched nation
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Sitting on a swivel chair in a dimly lit room, Codrington scrutinizes the rows of screens on the wall in front of him, looking for suspicious behavior. A couple of youths loiter near an ATM, and he zooms in. When they move on, he turns his attention to another screen, where shoppers are browsing in a street market."

" 'We don't miss much,' says Codrington, twiddling the joystick on his desk. 'We've got cameras all over the place now.' " ...

TSA Officials Caught Lying - Again
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"American Airlines' announcement Friday that it shared more than a million passenger itineraries with four government contractors reveals that Transportation Security Administration officials have repeatedly issued false statements about the development of the passenger-profiling system known as CAPPS II."

"American Airlines joins a growing list of carriers that have come forth in recent months to say that they have shared massive amounts of information about their passengers with the TSA. ... TSA officials have repeatedly said they were not collecting this data. But American's disclosure raises questions about why the department has given false information about its data collection."

"The TSA also may have withheld information improperly from investigators looking into the agency's practices." ...

And will anyone actually get in trouble for lying to the public while operating in their official capacity?

Eye-Opener: Drug Deaths Statistics
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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Estimated U.S. deaths in 2000 attributed to:

Tobacco (Average 1990 -94): ..... 430,700 (1)
Alcohol (1996): ........... 110,640 (2)
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs (1982 / 1998): .. 32,000 (3)
Suicide (1998): ....... 30,575 (4)
Homicide (1998): ...... 18,272 (5)
All licit and illicit drug-induced deaths (1998): ............. 16,926 (6)
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (1992):............ 7,600 (7)
Marijuana: ......... 0 (8)

Thailand: Big water guns still banned
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A ban on the sale of highpressure water guns remains in effect pending an appeal against the Chiang Mai Administrative Court’s recent ruling overturning the regulation."

"Water guns are hugely popular among revellers during the Songkran Festival – the period marked by waterthrowing and hundreds of deadly traffic accidents."

"In March 2003, the Office of Consumer Protection Board banned the sale of highpressure water guns, saying the gadgets could blind people."

"Some watergun sellers in Chiang Mai immediately lodged a complaint with the court, which ruled in their favour March 28 based on arguments that the waterguns were not dangerous."

UK: Another shooting in "gun-free" UK
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"Mystery surrounds the shooting of Gloucester security boss and local rugby player Paul Standen."

"The 35-year-old is still undergoing hospital treatment after he was discovered with a gunshot wound in Highnam Woods, near Gloucester, on Friday. Mr Standen was found at 7.45am on Friday with what police described as a "very serious" gunshot wound to his chest."

UK: Delivery man robbed at gunpoint
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A pizza delivery man was threatened with a gun by three teenagers in a robbery in Staffordshire.
The 29-year-old from Birmingham was forced to hand over his pizzas in Lomax Road, Hednesford, at 1130 BST on Friday.

A Staffordshire police spokesman said the three men, aged in their late teens to early 20s, threatened the man with what is believed to be a handgun.

The delivery man was left shaken. Police are appealing for witnesses.

The three offenders were all wearing baseball caps and dark clothing.

Canada: Immigration officers want guns
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"Federal immigration officers have joined their Customs counterparts in calling for firearms to protect themselves at Canadian border crossings. Immigration officers said their jobs are getting more violent and they need weapons to defend themselves following an incident seven weeks ago in which a cop was fired upon by a U.S. border crasher."

"Officers said they're also seizing more guns being smuggled into the country for use by crime gangs. A cache of 23 was intercepted at a Windsor border crossing last month." ...

"The Canadian Border Services Agency has said it won't issue guns to Customs officers."

South Africa: Police Intercept 200 Firearms in 4 Weeks
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"Special Task Force on recovery of illegal firearms inaugurated by the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Tafa Balogun, has intercepted of no fewer than 200 different kinds of fire-arms comprising pump actions, revolver pistols and locally made guns."

"In addition to the aforementioned, the police also recovered 4,231 live ammunitions, 150 cutlasses, 55 swords, 15 knives, 17 native bullet proof vests and 286 stolen vehicles. In this same period, 153 armed robbers were arrested, 33 killed, while 5 policemen lost their lives in operation."

Australia: Imports outstrip gun buyback
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"ONE hundred thousand firearms have been imported in the past three years, outstripping the number destroyed in a $60million taxpayer-funded handgun buyback scheme."

"Despite a $21million handgun buyback in Victoria, which saw 18,814 weapons destroyed last year, figures obtained by The Australian reveal Victorians legally imported 15,184 firearms during the same period."

"Nationally, Australia imported 40,939 firearms last year, an increase from 28,016 in 2001-02 and 30,666 in 2000-01."

"The Sporting Shooters Association said yesterday the figures confirmed buyback schemes were a 'waste of money', with gun owners simply restocking and upgrading to legal weapons."

UK: Edinburgh no-go area alert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"STUDENTS are to be warned to avoid walking through Lothian Road and other city 'trouble spots' in case they get attacked."

"Tollcross and the Meadows have been singled out as places to steer clear of after dark as part of a new drive aimed at thousands of Edinburgh University students."

"The Grassmarket and the Cowgate are also described as places which should be approached with caution in an advice pack produced as part of the campaign."

"The warning follows growing concern about problems caused by binge-drinking and cut-price booze offers in some of the busiest parts of the city centre."

So the barbarians now have the power to dictate where and when "civilized" (read "disarmed") people may travel courtesy of the government.

India: Self-defence the Israeli way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The growing incidence of crimes against women have once again brought the spotlight back on their safety. About 70 women undertook a self-defence programme in a city school on Sunday."

"The four-day training programme, spread over four weeks, is based on Krav Maga, an Israeli method of self-defence that can be effectively used by men and women of all ages."

"Vickey Kapoor, Krav Maga expert who imparted the training, said: 'This form relies on simple, instinctive movements. It can be practised by anyone with a will to learn. In a place like Delhi, where eve-teasing, molestation and other forms of crimes against women are commonplace, these techniques can come in handy.' "

But a gun would be handier and safer, because you wouldn't have to allow the attacker to get close enough to you to physically overpower you.

Jamaica: Natural self-defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suppose someone you know tried to rape you, how would you respond? And if a complete stranger tried to attack you, would you know what to do?"

" 'Self-defence is 70 per cent mental and 30 per cent physical, so most of defending yourself is psychological,' says self-defence instructor and founder of Natural Self Defence, Cherry Natural."

"In the courses, women were introduced to basic physical techniques for defending against carjackings, knife and gun attack, as well as rape defence, learning, at times from rehabilitated drug addicts, pick-pockets and rapists."

"Basic physical techniques" should only be used when your primary and backup guns fail. But this is "gun-free" Jamaica, where only bad guys have guns.

UK: Police hunt woman gun raider
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"DETECTIVES are hunting a woman who staged an armed robbery at a Lanarkshire petrol station."

"The woman, thought to be a teenager, threatened staff with a handgun at the Shell garage in Bank Street, Coatbridge, late last night."

"The gun was not fired, and the woman fled after stealing a small amount of goods. Nobody was injured." ...

"It was the second gun raid in the west of Scotland over the weekend."

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. — Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and punishment (1764).

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