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Newslinks for 4/14/2002

SC: EPA Tries to Blackmail Farmer
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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“It’s getting to the point where the only rights a property owner has is to pay taxes and keep his mouth shut,” says John Cumbie, a South Carolina farmer and board member of the South Carolina Landowners Association. Cumbie hasn’t kept his mouth shut, and he feels that as a result he is being targeted by federal and state governmental agencies in the name of the environment."

Government Sponsored Stealing: 'Asset Forfeiture Sharing Program'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Little-known fact: this program is merely the way local police agencies get around local laws that don't let them keep the money and property, but demand it be used by other agencies. So they routinely involve the feds, who have no such restrictions on the stolen property -- yet. The feds keep some and give most of it back to the locals as their "share" of "federal" confiscations. The feds are, in other words, a "money laundering" gang."

What if Al Gore were president today?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Can you imagine where we'd be today if Al Gore were president?"

"Undoubtedly, we'd have a president proposing new federal intrusions into health care and education ... no constitutional limits on government authority – one who'd appoint a Janet-Reno-type attorney general to enforce his own concepts of morality on all of us. And we know Al Gore would support the current campaign finance reform bill..."

U.S. confrontation with the U.N.
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It will happen. It is inevitable. The International Criminal Court will seize an American somewhere on this planet, and the United States will be forced to choose whether it will uphold the U.S. Constitution or surrender its national sovereignty to global governance."

RI: ACLU says Undercover officers in schools sets bad precedent
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Rhode Island American Civil Liberties Union blasted the North Kingstown School Committee for allowing an undercover police officer to enroll as a senior to investigate whether there was a substance abuse problem among students there."

"ACLU Director Steven Brown sent a letter to the committee this week in which he expressed his organization's 'shock and dismay' over the undercover operation at North Kingstown High School."

MD: 'Anti-terrorism' bills become Maryland 'law'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Glendening signed legislation creating a 15-member security council to develop emergency management plans. Other bills limit access to some public records and grant new powers to the governor, health secretary and agriculture secretary to respond to attacks and outbreaks."

"We all hope we never have to use any of these powers," said Glendening. "I can't necessarily say that Maryland will be safer, but if an unexpected event occurs, we'll be better prepared."

-- Yeah. Right.

TX: Student in limbo after bringing gun to school
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A Canyon High School student is still waiting to hear if he'll return to school or be in an alternative education placement program for having a rifle belonging to a friend in his vehicle on school property. School officials expelled senior Ben Weston."

"He hasn't done anything wrong," Kelly said. "If the right thing doesn't happen in this case, we're seriously considering court action." Kelly said Weston didn't know the rifle was in his truck and can't be held accountable for it.

TX: Minority groups ask Justice Department to look into police brutality
Submitted by: serinde

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"Texas minority groups have asked Justice Department officials to meet with law enforcement in East Texas communities where Hispanics and blacks have been beaten by officers."

"Recently, incidents have come to our attention that cause us to have great concern about what is happening with police around our state, and though we believe there are a lot more good police than bad ones, this continues to be a problem statewide," -- [Gary] Bledsoe

Police to get list of 'known, suspected terrorists'
Submitted by: serinde

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"The Justice Department has ordered that the names of known or suspected terrorists be provided to federal, state and local police nationwide. Accompanying the names ... will be recommendations on whether to detain, follow, monitor or release the individual."

"The system is open to dangerous abuse, critics said Friday. "The problem here is there are no criteria for who is a known or suspected terrorist." -- Tim Edgar

OK: Fight training gives officers upper hand
Submitted by: serinde

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"More than 70 percent of fights between law enforcement officers and the people they are trying to apprehend end up on the ground, a dangerous situation, officers say."

"This week, about 30 officers ... received two days of training from one of the world leaders in defensive tactics instruction.

"Jujitsu, a weaponless form of hand-to-hand combat developed in China, can be used by officers to subdue or take control of someone without seriously injuring them."

OK: 14 officers receive honors
Submitted by: serinde

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"Law officers who rescued two teen-age girls trapped by a raging creek were among those recently honored."

"The Clinton Police Department recently held its first awards banquet and presented 18 honors to 14 individuals for their actions in the line of duty."

FL: Free Handgun Safety Course For Women, April 20
Submitted by: Chuck

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Friends of the Osceola in Lake City Florida are offering a free handgun safety course for women on April 20th. It will be taught by NRA certified instructors. Safe storage & transport, loading & unloading, range rules, etiquette, shooting techniques are a few of the topics that will be covered.

OH: Hostile 'learning' environment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For 15 years, Patrick Washburn has displayed a Reconstruction-era rifle on the wall of his office at Ohio University."

"Although Mr. Washburn is one of the nation's foremost media historians and is the incoming president of the American Journalism Historians Association, campus bureaucrats apparently feared he might dust off the relic and shoot up the campus. So on Jan. 25, they dispatched campus police to Mr. Washburn's office and ordered him to remove the 1878 Springfield rifle."

NC: DSS Knows Best
Submitted by: Fred Van Sickle

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"Since, Sept.16, 2000, the Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Dept. of Social Services has been waging war against a local preacher, Yinca Fasinro and his wife Vanesa. The Stakes are high, 2 year old Shaday Fasinro and her parents right to raise her according to their beliefs."

TX: 'Use of force' reports public - San Antonio police lose Supreme Court case
Submitted by: serinde

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"The San Antonio Police Department must make public its "use of force" reports documenting the conduct of arresting officers."

Deputy City Attorney Mike "Hodge said one of the department's fears ... some officers could be branded as routinely using unnecessary force. "That's just simply not the case," he said."

"One option ... is for the department to discontinue such reports. He said they aren't required by law."

CA: Elderly couple and son assaulted in alley
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"Officers said the older male victim, 66, lost 13 teeth as a result of being kicked in the head. His son, 24, suffered severe injuries to his hands when he used them to protect his head."

-- A better version would have been, "Two assailants shot in self defense by armed father and son." (or, "--by their 63 year old wife/mother.")

NY: Four-time felon gets 15 years for illegal gun (Project Exile)
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"a West Avenue resident who already had 2 felony drug convictions and 1 felony gun conviction, was arrested ... Officers said they found a loaded, stolen handgun under his car seat." "I'll take the rap for it," officers quoted [him] saying. "So what do I get for a gun - one year? So I go to a country club."

But when "Buffalo was included in the Project Exile program ... he faced a minimum sentence of 15 years."

KABA NOTE: First of all, if he hasn't hurt anyone, the most he should be getting is for THEFT (of the gun). Second, Buffalo doesn't need the feds - if he has hurt someone, the state can decide to keep him in longer than 1 year. Either way, this case shows 2 reasons why "Project Exile" is the wrong way to go. For more info, see

US 'softens its stance' as world court is ratified
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Though the Bush administration deeply opposes to the world court, Pierre-Richard Prosper, US ambassador-at-large for war crimes, on Thursday took a surprisingly conciliatory position. He did not rule out co-operating with the United Nations Security Council in sending cases of war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity to be tried at the world court."

Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"We, the undersigned, do hereby petition the Senate of the United States of America to thoroughly investigate the events surrounding the acts of terrorism that transpired in the United States on September 11, 2001. Such an investigation would include research into the following peculiarities relating to the terrorist attacks on the United States on 9/11:..."

CA: AB 2222 (.50 caliber ban) Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"AB 2222 has been amended, but the new language is no better than the original bill. Under the amended language, the State of California would offer the same punishment for reloading one single 50bmg cartridge as they would for owning a sawed off shotgun."

OH: SAF's Press Release and info on CCW ruling
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"As expected, Ohio's concealed carry ban scheme was again declared unconstitutional by an Unanimous Appeals Court in a very strongly worded opinion!

"As of 4:50 PM April 12th, we are unable to locate news of a stay being issued. If a stay is not granted, then concealed carry will remain legal in only Hamilton County, Ohio. Click here for trial updates by Chuck Klein."

Victory! Alzona will keep seat despite flap over flier
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"County Council members have rejected a proposal by County Executive Douglas M. Duncan to dismiss a member of a county commission on 'hate and violence'" for "anti-gun control fliers that portrayed three state lawmakers as Nazi soldiers."

"the County Council voted 8-1 to keep Alzona on the commission. ... contended that the action would raise free speech issues and could spark a costly civil rights suit. Howard A. Denis (R-Dist.1) was the only one who voted to remove Alzona."

Politicians: Read your Constitution!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Though they swear an oath to uphold and defend it, politicians seem never to actually read the Constitution, let alone think about what it says. Ditto for the Declaration of Independence."

"if politicos bothered to read the Declaration, they'd see a number of things they do every day were offered by Thomas Jefferson and Co. as reasons for writing England the world's most famous Dear John letter."

Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation into whether President Bush and other government officials had advance notice of terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added that "persons close to this administration are poised to make huge profits off America's new war."

OK: City readies for huge 'bioterrorism drill'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Pittsburg County Office of Emergency Management plans to sound its warning siren in McAlester early Saturday as part of the bioterrorism preparedness exercise."

"Following the sounding of the siren, public distribution of jelly beans and pediatric fruit drinks - which are being substituted for antibiotics - is set to begin at 9a.m. in McAlester, Krebs, Crowder, Kiowa and the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant.

"Those planning the event are urging members of the public to participate."

Top Ten Civil Liberties Abuses of the Income Tax
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"the federal income tax and its enforcement harm civil liberties much more than necessary to raise needed funds for the government. ... ultimately Congress is to blame for creating an excessively complex and high-rate tax system. New laws to increase taxpayer protections and replacement of the income tax with a simpler, flatter consumption-based tax could greatly reduce the following 10 areas of civil liberties abuse..."

Homeland 'Security' Foundation
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Homeland Security Foundation (HSF) is a non-profit organization created to promote Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in issues of Homeland Security and total well-being. PPPs are arrangements between public and private actors to pool together financial resources, expertise, physical capacities and know-how in order to reach common goals. HSF will develop such partnerships in collaboration with local, state and federal programs and private individuals, institutions and corporations."

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Edward R. Murrow

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