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Newslinks for 4/15/2001

NRA May Sue Tucson, AZ To Repeal Anti-Gun Policy
Submitted by: Skypod

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The NRA is seeking to stop the city from enforcing a new policy requiring background checks on all firearms sales at Tucson Convention Center gun shows, because they are violating a State law prohibiting local governments from enacting their own separate gun laws.

The Benefits of Firearms: A Gun in the Home
Submitted by: Skypod

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By Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D. -- Public Health and Gun Control: A Review Part I: The Benefits of Firearms Introduction: "A Gun in the Home"

Dr. Faria's detailed, scientific explanation of the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of the gun control platform. Part 1 of a series.

Anti-Gun Historian Bellesiles' Theory Is Bunk, But We Should Be Disarmed
Submitted by: Skypod

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First he admits that Bellesile's anti-gun picture of early America is nonsense. Then he says that Americans today should be disarmed.

"After all the random deaths, the Columbines and crazed postal workers, disarming the populace might be worth a shot ... if it ever happens - disarmament will have to be borne of common sense." --Roger Franklin(Australia)

Perhaps Roger should educate himself with Dr. Faria's report. It's too bad they don't give his email address.

In Desperation, S&W Turns to Manufacturing Non-Gun Stuff
Submitted by: Skypod

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In March 2000, Smith & Wesson agreed to install safety locks on all its guns, and adopt other safety features and marketing changes. In return, federal, state and local agencies agreed to drop the company from their lawsuits. Gun rights supporters accused Smith & Wesson of selling out. Some vowed to boycott the company. Smith & Wesson's sales were cut roughly in half, Jorgensen said. "It's sent a huge warning signal to other manufacturers never to sign an agreement with the government," said Cameron Hopkins, editor in chief of American Handgunner magazine. "They've seen what happens."

Smith & Wesson is turning to new products to supplement its handgun business, hoping a public that is buying fewer .44 Magnums will want .44 Magnum-brand hot sauce.

New England Gun Groups Seek Common Ground?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Year after year, gun violence prevention activists in Massachusetts had experienced the same uncomfortable legislative scenario: Every time a bill to strengthen the state's gun laws got a committee hearing, their opponents were there in far greater numbers-often to shout down the supporters."

~~YEAH, RIGHT! That is why MA has the strictest gun control laws in the country? Give me a break! How about some reporting of the TRUTH?

'Women Against Gun Violence' Rally For Anti-Gun Bills
Submitted by: Skypod

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On Tuesday, April 17 in Sacramento CA, citizens throughout the state will participate in a lobby day to urge state legislators to support two "gun safety licensing" bills: SB52 & AB35. Check the link for the time and place.

If you are able, counter-march! Either way, contact your CA officials to OPPOSE these two anti-gun bills!

Detroit's Crime Data Wrong
Submitted by: Tyree White

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For the past 17 years, the Detroit Police Department has reported inaccurate crime data to the Michigan State Police and FBI, police executives acknowledged Friday. But instead of underreporting crime to make Detroit look safer -- a practice that has gotten other cities in trouble in recent years -- Detroit police officials insisted that they have unwittingly inflated their crime figures.

Government Imposing 911-Location Regulation on Wireless Companies
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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Wireless carriers face a fast-approaching government deadline to add the capability of homing in on your cell-phone signal to their systems, but some companies are pressing regulators for more time to complete the costly overhaul. Federal officials warn they will have to present a strong case. Public safety officials say they can't wait any longer.

~~One wonders what other "useful" info the Gov might want in the future.

Good Citizen Under Fire For Gun Sales
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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A gun enthusiast for many years, Zarbo opened a home gun shop five years ago with the town's approval and has been buying and selling guns ever since. It is all legal and above board. Now, fliers alerting residents to "assault weapons for sale in town" were anonymously dropped in mailboxes. Outraged residents wrote letters to the weekly newspaper. Former political opponents started taking shots.

"They are trying to shut me down because I refused to sign anti-gun legislation. They are trying to take my Fire Department pension.

Please get as many friends as you can to call Bob Giza at 716.684.1284 or 716.683.1610; and the real anti-gun leader, Mark Montour, at 716.668.4408, or write: Mark Montour, 21 Central Avenue, Lancaster, NY 14086. Email both Bob Giza and Mark Montour at:

Thanks, Rick Zarbo"

Schoolteacher Seizes Bibles Given As Gifts
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"Parent Dorothy Dethample said she was curious to know why the Bibles were confiscated while other items, mostly food, were not."

~~After the government gets the guns, the bibles are next. So if you help me protect the 2nd Amendment now, I will help you with the 1st Amendment in the future.

The Constitution is a written instrument. As such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now. — SOUTH CAROLINA v. US, 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905)

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