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Newslinks for 4/15/2002

AZ: KABA Director gets ink for RKBA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Before lambasting KABA's Director for supporting the police in this situation, read the letter and consider that the local community was presented with two pieces of information:

1) The "right of the people to keep and bear arms" is not only mentioned but mentioned in conjunction with the police -- and as their supporters.

2) The concept of a Sheriff arresting a rogue judge is presented as a good idea.

We are fully aware of the equal protection under the law issues here.

911 - The Road to Tyranny
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Alex Jones film of how our government not only had prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and allowed them to happen, but publicly funded, trained and shepherded the terrorists into the United States.

Why, if this is true, is this government letting Jones live to tell the story? Do they think nobody will believe him? Or is Alex just being paranoid? You'll have to decide for yourself.

You'll need RealPlayer to view the clip.

OH: Court Transcript of CCW Ruling
Submitted by: Tim Fulton

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The official appeals court transcript of the decision to outlaw the ban on concealed carry.

You'll need AcrobatReader, or copy and paste URL INTO THIS FORM

Or Click Here for the Word (.DOC) version.

Australia: Handguns declared 'public enemy No.1'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has found 'handgun crime' rose by up to 440% during the six-year reign of outgoing police commissioner Peter Ryan."

"Mr Moroney told The Sunday Telegraph police would make it a priority to stem the flow of 'illegal guns' into NSW. "My number one priority is simple: get as many handguns off the streets as possible," he said. "I will do whatever it takes to get every gun I can off the streets."

'The Real Lincoln' - DiLorenzo deconstructs 16th president's abolitionist image
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even Lincoln's most worshipful biographers call him a dictator at times. And the reason was as soon as he got into office, he launched a military invasion without the consent of Congress, which is unconstitutional; declared martial law; blockaded Southern ports, which is unconstitutional without declaring war; and he suspended the writ of habeas corpus."

KY: Sheriff killed by sniper's bullet after rally
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A sniper killed the Pulaski County, Ky., sheriff last night after a political rally at the fire department, a county official said."

"Police apprehended a suspect when he tried to get away on a motorcycle, Barker said. The suspect was in custody last night, but Barker did not know his name."

Personal guns getting to be in style
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Have you noticed how the mass media’s attacks against gun ownership have gone way down since the terrorist attacks of September 11? Of course, it’s kind of difficult to continue an unrelenting assault against gun ownership when half of your readers are going out and buying handguns to protect their families against terrorists..."

National ID Implants: When The Chips Are Down
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The selling point for the microchips is that they can be implanted beneath the skin, so cannot be stolen. They can be used to access ATM's, pay bills, sign contracts, verify your identity -- all without your wallet -- and locate lost or kidnaped children. Should you, yourself, become lost or disabled, a global array of satellites will locate you, or any person who has been implanted with a SIM (Subdermally Implanted Microchip) anywhere on the planet."

House Members Question Civil Rights Commission Rules
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Following a 1997 General Accounting Agency audit that described the commission as "an agency in disarray, with broad management problems," some commissioners have been complaining about the manner in which the body is run. Thursday, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution held a hearing to examine their complaints."

OH: GOA Praises Court For Pro-Second Amendment Ruling
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Guns save lives," said GOA Director of Communications Erich Pratt. "The Ohio court decision not only respects the right to keep and bear arms, it will allow good people to defend themselves."

"The Ohio Constitution ... states that "the people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security."

"The Ohio Constitution is absolutely correct on this issue," Pratt said. "Citizens do have a right to bear or carry arms. And doing so is crucial for their 'defense and security'."

OH: U.S. Rep. Traficant Found Guilty of Corruption
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. (D-OH) was convicted Thursday of taking bribes and kickbacks from businessmen and his own staff ... found guilty of all 10 federal charges he faced, including racketeering, bribery and fraud. The jury also ordered him to forfeit $96,000 in ill-gotten gains. ... Traficant faces up to 63 years in prison at sentencing June 27 but will probably receive a much shorter term under federal guidelines."

National 'Criminal History Improvement' Program
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The goal of the NCHIP Program is to insure that accurate records are available for use in law enforcement, including sex offender registry requirements, and to permit States to identify ineligible firearm purchasers, persons ineligible to hold positions involving children, the elderly, or the disabled, and persons subject to pretective orders or wanted, arrested, or convicted of stalking and/or domestic violence."

Attorney General Directs Closing of 'NICS Loopholes'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft today announced four initiatives to protect innocent Americans from gun crimes. The Attorney General first ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System’s (NICS) ability to prevent aliens from purchasing guns in violation of federal law and to prosecute those who attempt to obtain guns illegally."

Project 'Safe Neighborhoods Enforcement' Training
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"This three day, intensive course on illegal firearms interdiction is a collaborative effort among the USDOJ, International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police, National District Attorney's Assoc., National Crime Prevention Council and [B]ATF. The goal ... is to improve the level of crime gun interdiction and prosecution through a multi-disciplinary approach that emphasizes team building among the course participants."

[B]ATF’s Project 'Safe' Neighborhoods Resources
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"[B]ATF’s Office of Training and Professional Development has designed a comprehensive package of training and training aids to support the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) initiative."

"In addition, [B]ATF’s Office of Training and Professional Development offers support for local or regional PSN training efforts. They provide a wide variety of training materials, handouts, lesson plans or even speakers and blocks of instruction that can be incorporated into a local program."

WV: Civil libertarians take on campus 'free-speech zones'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A policy at WVU that limits free-speech protections to two tiny designated areas on campus has come under attack by civil libertarians who say the policy violates First Amendment rights."

"The policy prohibits students from passing out pamphlets, holding protests or engaging in any other type of political debate almost anywhere on campus, except in two areas designated as "free-speech zones." Those students who violate the policy can face several disciplinary actions, including explusion."

American citizens are still 'free' to become voluntary slaves!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"a growing number of folks, from all around the country, and from every walk of life, including a few former IRS employees, have come to discover the truth concerning our system of voluntary taxation. It really is "voluntary"!"

"One such person is a fellow by the name of Joe Bannister, an EX-Special Agent with the Department of the Treasury, IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CID)."

'Loophole' Already Found In New Campaign Finance Law
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The House is set to consider an amendment to the federal tax code Wednesday that supporters say would eliminate unnecessary double reporting requirements on state and local political organizations. But Senate opponents of the amendment say it is an attempt to undermine the newly passed campaign finance law."

CA: AB 2580 - Annual inspection of locations with Class III weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Existing law generally regulates various dangerous weapons, including short-barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, machine guns, assault weapons, and destructive devices."

"This bill would require, in regard to those devices, that the Department of Justice would, for every person, firm, or corporation to whom a permit is issued relating to the device, annually conduct an inspection for security and safe storage purposes, and to reconcile the inventories of the devices."

SC: 'Relax, Gun Enthusiasts, You're OK'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"S.C. Attorney General Charlie Condon swooped into Myrtle Beach last weekend to reassure local Friends of the National Rifle Association that he will repel all threats to their way of life. To hear him tell it, you'd think that Sarah Brady is locked and loaded to blast S.C. residents' home-defense handguns and deer rifles out of their cold, dead hands..."

Secession? Or Nullification?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"What do Americans do? Do we accept the tyranny or pick up the sword, or do we think about state secession again? I would hope that the response of my fellow Americans wouldn't be: "Williams, the law is the law. The Court has said FCTA is constitutional, and our job is to obey." What's clear in this scenario is that the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are joined with one another to undermine our Constitution and destroy our liberties."

PA: Second Annual Ladies Day, May 18 (SAS)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Second Annual Ladies Day event will be held on May 18, 2002 at the Lower Providence Rod & Gun Club. For just $25, women can come and try out handguns, shotguns, and rifles. The club will also offer instruction in Archery and Fly-casting. Lunch is free to all all female participants, and only $7.50 for those male friends or family members who just couldn't stand to stay home."

A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders. —Larry Elder

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