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Newslinks for 4/16/2011

Bellevue v. Boston as SAF sues in Mass.; case reminiscent of WA issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation filed a federal lawsuit this morning challenging a Massachusetts gun law, and the case is strongly reminiscent of a similar action here in Washington that ultimately led to doing away with this state's 'alien firearms license' requirement three years ago." ...

Federal Appeals Court Allows SAF Challenge to Federal Gun Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation's challenge to a federal law that prevents American citizens who reside outside the United States from purchasing firearms while they are in this country will be allowed to move forward, under a ruling today by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia."

"The case involves Stephen Dearth, a natural-born U.S. citizen now living in Canada, who is prevented from buying a firearm in this country because he does not currently reside here. ..." ...

George Washington’s Militia: Context of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aside from the liberal and progressive’s left total derision of the American system of customs, traditions, values and laws in general and the Constitution in particular, they seem particularly fixed on trying to disarm law-abiding citizens."

"One of their perennial (but patently false) contentions is that the 2nd Amendment was only meant by our Founders to apply to the Army (or 'militia'.) Their very argument betrays their deep ignorance of the American Revolution and history of the language, or worse." ...

Question of the Day: Should Americans Be Able to Own Machine Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Of course, Americans can own fully-automatic (multiple shots with a single trigger squeeze) rifles. It’s just incredibly difficult; buying a machine gun involves more red tape than you’ll find in Santa’s workshop. Oh, and you can only buy a fully automatic weapon manufactured on or before May 1986 ..."

Submitter's Note: Actually the question should be: WhyInTheHell Aren't Americans Allowed to Own Machine Guns?

TTAG APB: Anyone Have Access to a 400 yd. Range Nr. Denver?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our man Albright is back from his vacation. He’s in contact with Karl Lippard, the gunmaker and Marine who’s graciously agreed to lend us a Lippard 1911 Combat NCO A2 for testing and evaluation. As regular readers will know, Karl claims his gun’s the first '400-yard accurate pistol.' Which is a hell of a lot of yards for a .45 caliber bullet. One hundred yards more, in fact, that Martin can find for the TTAG test money shot. So if any of our Armed Intelligentsia have access to a 400-yard or more range at which Martin can do the put up or shut up thing with Lippard’s A2, please email ..."

"Gun Fight" is a Bland Attempt at Balanced Filmmaking for Barbara Kopple
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are a few great debates in this country that may never be settled. Abortion is one. First Amendment exceptions is another. The argument over the right to bear arms, though, is one that can’t even have that 'may' in there. No kind of evidence, imaginable or unimaginable, is going to come out of nowhere and prove that guns should be permitted, controlled or banned. ... That doesn’t mean the topic shouldn’t continue to be debated for eternity, and I certainly welcome any documentary that wants to take either side strongly. Unfortunately, there’s this misconception lately that non-fiction films have to be 'objective' and include all points of view. It's a misconception that makes Barbara Kopple’s latest, 'Gun Fight,' a major disappointment." ...

Gun Review: ArmaLite National Match M-15 A2 (Part 2)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rifle can have all the nifty features in the world, but if it doesn’t shoot well then what’s the point? In the last installment of this review we took a look at the visual and mechanical differences between the ArmaLite National Match M-15 Rifle and its Rock River Arms counterpart. To finish out the review, we examine how well each rifle handles and shoots." ...

Obscure Object of Desire: TP-82
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If a camel is a horse designed by a committee, the Russian TP-82 is a survival firearm designed by The People’s Committee on What Russian Cosmonauts Should Carry If We Can’t Find Them in Siberia. Comrade. Wikipedia describes the beast: 'The upper two smoothbore barrels use 12.5×70 mm ammunition, or approximately 40 gauge and the lower rifled barrel uses 5.45 mm caliber ammunition. The pistol can be used for hunting, to defend against predators and for visible and audible distress signals. The detachable buttstock is also a machete that comes with a canvas sheath.' ..." ...

Postal 'Liberty' bogus
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Think the woman with the torch pictured on the new 'Forever' stamp is Lady Liberty?
Don't bet on it."

"It's actually the face of the Statue of Liberty replica at the New York-New York hotel in Vegas, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported yesterday.
An expert discovered the mistake on the stamp, which the US Postal Service has been printing since December.
Postal officials, who licensed the image from a photo agency, had thought it showed the real Lady of the Harbor, the paper said." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: What a metaphor! If things don't change soon, all our liberties will be bogus.


ATF Reshuffles the Gunwalker Deck.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ah Spring. That time of year when a senior ATF agent’s thoughts turn to CYA. And so it is with little surprise that we report to you, gentle reader, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (and sometimes Really Big Fires) summoned all the head cheeses to D.C. for a circle-the-wagons confab earlier this week. We can now report that what spooked the ATF spooks was a report that the Phoenix office Special Assistant Agent in Charge, George Gillett, is cooperating with Senator Charles Grassley’s investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. Or the Gunwalker Project. Or whatever they're calling it this week inside the Beltway. (My guess would be 'Operation Step in a Steaming Pile,' but that’s only a guess.)" ...

Second Amendment Applies Even in NYC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on April 5th, alleging that New York City’s $340 fee for a permit to keep a handgun in the home is 'excessive and … impermissibly burdens the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.'"

"SAF is joined in the lawsuit by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association and five individual New York City residents." ...

D.C. Circuit Revives Suit Challenging Firearm Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court in Washington today ruled in favor of a Canadian man and a gun advocacy organization in reviving a suit that challenges the constitutionality of firearm regulations that ban non-residents from purchasing guns in the United States." ...

Gun rights theater
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"US Representatives Stearns & Shuler have co-sponsored a bill that would require states to honor concealed carry permits from other states. NRA-ILA has expressed support for this and asked its members to do the same but quizzically there are members of the grassroots community who insist that they support your right to defend yourself, yet don’t want you to support the national reciprocity/recognition bill. Ironically, many of these people & groups also profess to 'not get involved in federal issues'."

"There are a myriad of excuses proffered but one has to ask do they really want to advance the right to keep and bear arms, or are they just trying to further line their pockets?" ...

OH: Ohio Gun Law Update Caught in the Crossfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once I received my Concealed Handgun License, I felt as if I could take care of most situations life might throw at me. Except one. As a working musician, I often find myself in situations that are just ripe for trouble, and there’s not a thing I can do about it, namely, being around the back alley of a downtown bar, late at night/early in the morning, loading pricey musical gear without many people around. Can you say 'easy target'? Yep. And the irony is, the one place I need to cary the most is the one place I can't. ... Ohio is on the list of states that’s trying to change that. But they’ve hit a snag…" ...

TN: Bill to allow faculty and staff to carry guns on campus clears panel over police objections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A measure to allow faculty and staff to carry handguns on the campuses of Tennessee's public colleges and universities cleared its first legislative committee on Wednesday."

"The measure sponsored by freshman Republican Rep. Andy Holt of Dresden advanced out of the House Judiciary Subcommittee despite opposition from the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police." ...

OH: State Representative Danny Bubp disappointed in fellow Republicans' reluctance to move Restaurant Carry bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that State Rep. Danny Bubp, sponsor of Restaurant Carry legislation in the last two General Assemblies, had expected easy passage of his bill now that voters gave Republicans a 59 seat majority." ...

"But according to the article, Bubp isn't giving up. In fact, he still hopes to have his bill up for a floor vote in the first week of May, after lawmakers return from spring break - but even with a 59 member majority, the Republican says he needs Democratic help to get to 50 votes." ...

OH: Republican House Speaker suggests restaurant carry votes aren't there yet, points to opposition from Ohio Restaurant Assoc.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On December 8, 2010, the Democrat-controlled House passed a motion to force a vote on that session's version of Restaurant & Car Carry rules fix legislation by 57-39 majority. Only the refusal by then-Speaker Armond Budish, a Democrat, to call another session prevented the bill from being passed and signed into law."

"Now that pro-gun rights voters and other freedom-loving Ohioans voted to put Republicans back in the majority, the bill should sail to easy passage, right?"

"Not according to Republican House Speaker William Batchelder." ...

CO: Colorado Senate State Affairs Committee Kills Concealed Carry Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As predicted by Firearms Rights Activists, Colorado Senate State Affairs Committee voted 3-2 to kill HB1205. The bill would have made it legal for anyone who could obtain a concealed handgun permit to carry a concealed handgun without one."

"Despite testimony that states with similar laws did not see any increase in violence, Democratic Senators Rollie Heath, Betty Boyd, and Bob Bacon voted to kill the bill." ...

PA: Democrat new tone: Penn. pol. asks if she can kill a colleague, 'blow his brains out'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Anyway, all that said, the debate was about the expansion of the Castle Doctrine in Pennsylvania, an expansion that would give more citizens the right to protect themselves from attack. Representative Davidson was attempting to make a point on how she felt the Castle Doctrine was a dangerous law and to illustrate her point she made reference to Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R, Butler County). Metcalfe is a strong Second Amendment supporter and one of the chamber's conservative members."

"In open debate, right on the floor of the House, Davidson said, 'If the gentleman from Butler County stood yelling, knowing that he's a gun-toter, and I felt threatened, would I be protected under court law if I blew his brains out.'" ...

OR: Jury awards $82,000 after woman is arrested when asking police for a business card
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Multnomah County jury awarded a 33-year-old woman $82,000 Thursday, saying they wanted to send Portland police a message: Hand over a business card the next time a citizen asks for one."

"Several jurors who spoke to The Oregonian after the verdict in Multnomah County Circuit Court said police weren’t dealing with an urgent or dangerous situation on the evening of Feb. 13, 2009 — when Shei’Meka Newmann questioned what she thought was an unnecessarily rough arrest of a fellow MAX rider. It would have taken only a few seconds for an officer to hand Newmann a card, jurors said." ...

AL: Birmingham woman sues Irondale, police officer over arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Birmingham woman has filed suit against the city of Irondale and a police officer alleging harsh treatment, false arrest and confiscation of personal property."

"Juliet Blacksher alleges that Irondale police detective Sgt. Jason Hill arrested her in Birmingham on Sept. 21, 2010, after she aimed her camera at him while he was taking another person into custody. The arrest took place at a gas station along Clairmont Avenue. Blacksher is being represented by U.W. Clemon." ...

WA: West Richland Taser Lawsuit Settled at a Cost to City, County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Benton City man tased by police and severely injured will now get hundreds of thousands from local agencies." ...

"They key to the case was video was taken by a West Richland police officer's dash cam. Mark Clark was drunk at the time, he doesn't argue that. The video shows cops are telling him to put down his cigarette or be tased. Then Officer Brian Galusha pulls the trigger, and Mark goes down hard." ...

MA: Police sgt. charged with assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Newbury police sergeant, on administrative leave with pay since last May after superiors received complaints he used excessive force in arresting a teenager, was formally charged with assault and battery and falsifying a police report." ...

NC: Asheville PD Use Drug Money to Look for Missing Drug Money
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Asheville, North Carolina Police Department are in a world of trouble. Seems that all kinds of evidence has disappeared from their evidence room: money, drugs and, of course, guns. Solid cases are going bye-bye. 'Three people are under investigation, and two of them, police employees assigned to the evidence room, have been suspended with pay after nearly 400 oxycodone prescription painkillers were found missing April 1,' reports. 'Anybody who had access to it has to be investigated,' promises District Attorney Ron Moore. The number of potential suspects remains unspecified; it could be hundreds. But at least we get a glimpse of the scale of the perfidy . . ." ...

OR: Rifle giveaway closes Second Amendment Week at OSU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The week-long observance of "Second Amendment Week" at Oregon State University culminates today with a drawing for an AR-15 rifle and accessories."

"The annual observance is hosted by the College Republicans of OSU. ..." ...

OK: Okla lawmakers designate 2nd Amendment Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahoma now has an official 'Second Amendment Day' in the state."

"Gov. Mary Fallin on Thursday signed a bill designating June 28 of each year as 'Second Amendment Day' in Oklahoma." ...

The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. — William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

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