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Newslinks for 4/17/2013

Gun owners sharply divided over CCRKBA background check support
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Gottlieb was also told in correspondence following yesterday’s GRE column that 'I kept it straight news without comment, but will tell you I am going to do an editorial piece where I outline my objections.' For what follows, we can leave legal analysis to the experts. These objections are more visceral, based more on observation than anything else." ...

'Compromise' on gun rights inevitably surrenders Constitutional high ground
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much ink (or perhaps many electrons) has been spilled since Sunday, in the wake of an announcement by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) that the gun rights group will support the Senate 'gun control' bill, S. 649, as amended by Senators Manchin (D-WV) and Toomey (R-PA), with S. Amendment 715. As National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea reports, a great many gun rights advocates are outraged by what they see as either an enormous tactical blunder, or worse, an outright betrayal on the part of CCRKBA." ...

Former Senate secretary says ‘blue slip’ may be a key to stopping gun bill
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "If they attach a fee to the gun control bill, then the House of Representatives can return it by using the blue slip process, and therefore the bill could not become law.” ...

Terrorist attack versus mass shooting reactions differ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One mass attack, which may be the work of a terrorist brings a subdued reaction and the other elicits a call for action, resulting in quick demands for gun and magazine bans and expanded background checks."

"Gun rights activists may wonder why there is a disparity in how the president approaches two grim acts of mass violence. Others will conclude that it is easy to demonize guns and their owners but apparently less easy to pigeonhole an act of terrorism." ...

Gun Control, the Second Amendment and Your Natural Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a consequence of the recent tragic and well-publicized events involving gun violence in Newtown and elsewhere, there arises an understandable urge, especially on the part of some legislators, to do something about it. Carpenters try to fix problems with hammers and lawmakers try to fix problems with new laws. ..."

"It is important to step back from all the posturing and bluster and recognize that gun regulation is different in kind from regulations addressing other potentially dangerous products and activities ..."

"The right to bear arms enjoys a special constitutional protection, and thus we should be especially circumspect when considering legislation that might burden that right. ..." ...

Keep the 'right' people away from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The paranoid gun-ban extremists, especially the news media, are stepping up their attack on the Second Amendment by the increasing use of tactics like keeping the general public ignorant and purposely misinformed on issues of guns and gun violence and the cowardly exploitation of child victims of gun violence. It is this group of ignorant and misinformed individuals that is largely responsible for the oft-used 90 percent favorability rating, albeit an outdated figure, for universal background checks." ...

Boston bombing could be exploited as justification for 'black powder control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one was shot in Monday's terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon, but given the gun prohibitionists' disgusting penchant for cynically exploiting atrocities in furtherance of their agenda, expect them to, as Chicago Mayor and fervent gun-hater Rahm Emanuel urges, not 'let a serious crisis go to waste.' No guns involved? No problem--according to them, pointing out that their proposed new infringements would not have stopped the atrocity is 'the gun lobby's dumbest argument.'"

"To fabricate a supposed connection between guns and the bombing, expect them to point out that black powder, apparently the explosive component of the bombs, is sold in gun shops." ...

Why Do We Need "High Capacity" Magazines? To Stop the Bad Guys
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Much of the recent gun control debate around the country has been centered around 'high capacity magazines,' which begs the question[sic], just how many rounds of ammunition should a law abiding citizen be legally capable of putting into their gun? The answer is, as many rounds as it takes to stop a violent threat." ...

Submitter's comment: Don't accept the term "high capacity magazine." Twenty and thirty-round magazines have been made in their millions for well over half a century. They have been used by the military and by civilians all over the world. Again the disarmers have stolen a march on us by manipulating the language. And the media have enabled them, of course. When you write the term, always put "high capacity" in quotes.

MAC Does the Vortex Razor Red Dot (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Gun Review: Big Horn Armory Model 89
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The S&W Model 500 revolver always looked like something Yosemite Sam would carry. The staggering, over-the-top handgun ballistics this cartridge produces have always fascinated me, but it’s a fascination I’ve been happy to indulge from a safe distance. The high price of .500 ammo and pistols (and the reputedly brutal recoil of the affordable H&R Handi-Rifle that also fires it) have kept me out of the .500 game. Until recently, that is . . ." ...

Gun Review: Remington 597 Heavy Barrel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a land saturated with tacticool AR-look-alike .22 rifles, a couple of us may still be in the market for a semi-auto plinker that won’t scare Feinstein and her pals right to their misinformed cores. This market is dominated by the venerable Ruger 10/22, but it certainly isn’t the only option out there. A solid contender, Remington’s 597 is oft-overlooked but is deserving of a place on your short list, too. At the same time, it’s a tried-and-true design that’s just popular enough to have aftermarket support and to keep you from being called a hipster . . ." ...

What Is Venture X? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remington’s new product peeps have been busy as of late, what with the Model 783 and all. This despite the fact that the company’s owner (Cerberus Capital Management) has been looking to offload the gunmaker and their Freedom Group compadres to someone, anyone, since California teachers got Bushmasteritis. Or maybe that’s the reason why Remmy’s unleashing a fusillade of tease and release marketing campaigns: to gin-up the company’s stock price. Or it could be that the Venture X was set in motion pre-Newtown; corporate plans are harder to stop than Lindsay Lohan headed to the Botox doc. ..." ...

Gear Review: Cheap Reactive Targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shooting paper targets is great when you’re at an organized range such as Tri-County Gun Club in Sherwood, Oregon. The downside is that there are lots of Safety Sallies at these types of ranges, and the range nazis keep coming up with more and more PITA rules all the time. So Chris and I prefer to shoot at the various gravel pits in Mt. Hood National Forest – the further out from PDX the better. So when we travel out to Forest Service land for a day of range-nazi-free runnin’ and gunnin’, we like to shoot at reactive “feedback” targets. We’ve tested quite a few of the more commonly encountered cheap portable targets over the past year or so, so here’s the G2 on them . . ." ...

Armed on Vacation – Practical Guns & Gear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We all know that crime and evil don’t take a vacation."

"Bad things can and do happen anytime anywhere."

"It is we, the good guys, who like to put our minds and bodies at ease and take a vacation from day to day responsibilities."

"If you are serious about self preservation and if you are reading this I’m guessing that you are, you cannot take a vacation from preparing to dealing with villainy." ...

Guns, slaves and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment gave slave-holding states the right to raise their own militias to crush slave revolts — and there are 250 rebellions on record, none of them successful. It also granted the right to maintain — indeed required white citizens to participate in — slave patrols. The patrols were to search all 'Negro houses' for weapons, to arrest on sight any slave off plantation grounds and to administer 20 lashes of the whip. And, of course, patrols were to hunt down and punish fugitive slaves."...

H/t to David Codrea.

Learning the Art of Compromise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I’m sure there are a lot of nice men in the National Rifle Association, but for the life of me I can’t imagine why the big important ones who manage all their money can’t even consider a compromise. That’s how some things are handled. Don’t they realize that this Second Amendment they persistently and tediously dwell upon was passed long before this modern weaponry was available? Many things have changed over the years, and this should change. It would be a simple thing to do just by changing the wording of the NRA’s doctrine." ...

The golden age of guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newspaper editors used to have unwritten "foreign disaster" rules. Knowing that horrific events overseas didn't much interest their readers, they designed their coverage accordingly. A rule of thumb might have been that foreign disasters involving fewer than 50 fatalities didn't get any ink, unless Americans were among the casualties. And if local residents were involved, bingo!"

"In the United States, guns kill about 80 people a day, while approximately the same number perish in automobile accidents. Cars and guns kill one or two people at a time in frequent, randomly distributed incidents. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Let's try again, shall we? From 2001 - 2010 we averaged about 85 "gun deaths" a day, versus 116 accidental "car deaths". Comparing apples to apples we are looking at 1.8 accidental "gun deaths" a day or about 1.6% of the number of MVA deaths.

Obama: "Unimaginable" That Congress Would "Defy" Americans And Not Pass Gun Control (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"'I think we’ve got a good chance of seeing it pass if members of Congress are listening to the American people,' President Obama said in an interview on NBC's 'Today Show' that aired on Tuesday. 'The notion that Congress would defy the overwhelming instinct of the American people after what we saw happen in Newtown, I think, is unimaginable.'" ...

Submitter's comment: As always, he tries to divide ("the American people" from Congress) and hope to conquer (by having his disarmament dreams realized).
So far, at least, it appears that his team has not figured out a way to benefit from the Boston Marathon crisis.

Actor blames Boston attack on gun culture: ’2nd amendment must go’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Actor and comedian Jay Mohr waded into the gun debate on Twitter after Monday’s deadly terrorist attacks at the Boston Marathon."

"'What bothers me most about today is that we’re getting used 2 it. ENOUGH. 2nd amendment must go. Violence has 2 stop. Culture MUST change,' the Jerry Maguire actor tweeted Monday night."

"Mohr, who hosts a podcast and Jay Mohr Sports on Fox Sports Radio, followed it up with another tweet connecting the Second Amendment to a 'culture of violence.'" ...

The safety of Americans entails government control of gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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""Last fall, the National Rifle Association started on its website an 'enemies' list of 494 people and organizations considered 'anti-gun.' The list has since been removed from its website." ...

Submitter's Note: Although it has been removed from the website you can see an archived copy here so you can see for yourself that no where does the word "enemy" appear in any form. Instead it is a list of people and organizations who "have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation ... All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions."

Why do Republicans love background checks for immigrants but not for gun buyers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mandatory background checks are a terrible idea. They burden law-abiding citizens and don't catch criminals. The databases they rely on are riddled with errors. We don't even prosecute people who flunk the checks. That's why Republicans are against imposing such checks on gun buyers."

"On the other hand, if you want to catch illegal immigrants, forget everything I just said. Running everybody through a database is a terrific idea. Republicans are all for it." ...

Gun bill a good start to action on violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bipartisan bill to reduce the risk of gun violence offers some common sense safeguards for improving background checks and leaves unblemished Second Amendment freedoms enjoyed by law-abiding citizens."

"The bill was crafted by Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, and Republican Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania. It expands background checks for those who would sell guns at gun shows and online yet exempts sales between relatives and other private sales conducted outside of gun shows." ...

NY: Bloomberg: If You Sell a Gun to Your Son, 'There's Something Wrong in Your Family'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "In a radio appearance on Friday, Bloomberg, a gun control activist and co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, praised the legislation that is now moving forward in the Senate. ..."

"'The only thing it would not cover is if you sold a gun to your son, for example,' Bloomberg told radio host John Gambling. 'Number one, I don't know how we would ever enforce that if it were the law. So to make a big deal about that's carved out, so what? It doesn't change anything.'"

"'Number two, I would argue if you want to sell your gun to your son, maybe you have a problem in your family,' he said. 'Why don't you just give ... if you have a commercial transaction of $100 with your son, there's something wrong in your family.'" ...

Submitter's comment: Easy for a billionaire (without a son) to say.

Reward Now $1000 for Anyone Who Can Out MAIG’s Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[Update: Double your pleasure, double your fun. And you can now double your take if you can identify this guy. Steve Ormand who runs has decided to match our $500 bid so if you're able to positively ID the star of MAIG's commercial, you'll take home a cool grand. Start digging.]"

"As we noted earlier, the NRA’s finally out with their response to the Mayors Against Gun Ownership Illegal Guns’ comprehensive background check spot they unveiled in March. Now the credulous New York Daily News has pronounced the gun rights org’s efforts to call the, um, gun owner’s authenticity into question a 'misfire.' And their proof? Well, Bloomberg’s boys’ say-so . . ." ...

MT: Montana Woman Proves Guns Work Better Than Restraining Orders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Montana woman called police to report her ex boyfriend, who she has a protective order against, was at her home."

"The ex tried to enter the front door and when that didn’t work, he went around to the back and kicked in the door."

"The woman, refusing to be a victim, pointed a gun at her violent ex, who then fled." ...

TX: Concealed Carrier Shoots and Kills Armed Robber During Gunfight (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, a man outside of a popular convenience store in Fort Worth was forced to defend himself when another man tried to rob him in the parking lot."

"A gun battle ensued which resulted in the would be victim, a carry permit holder, being rushed to the hospital and the suspected armed robber dying from multiple gunshot wounds to the chest."

"The would be victim is expected to make a full recovery." ...

MI: Pipe, club and finally gun needed to stop savage pit bull attack on woman in Detroit
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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... "Two men ... said they witnessed the conclusion of the attack."

"They watched the woman's son beat the dogs ... with a pipe. One man said the dogs were periodically attacking the good Samaritans who tried to fend the dogs off ..."

"Another man struck the dogs repeatedly with a heavy auto-theft protection device ..."

"Two men said six people were trying to beat the dogs off when they arrived. One dog would attack and chase off the crowd while the other continued to maul the woman."

"It ended when off-duty Northeastern Precinct Detroit Police Officer Tyrone Gray stopped and used a revolver to shoot the dogs. One ran several lots away and died."

"Before it died, it tried to attack the victim one more time ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The answer in the end is a good guy with a gun

Senate vote nears, background check bill in peril
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A bipartisan effort to expand background checks is in deep trouble as the Senate approaches a long-awaited vote on the linchpin of the drive to curb gun violence. As the showdown draws near, an Associated Press-GfK poll shows ebbing public support for tightening gun control laws."

"In the run-up to the roll call expected Wednesday, so many Republicans had declared their opposition to the background check measure that supporters - mostly Democrats - seemed headed to defeat unless they could turn votes around in the final hours. Supporters seemed likely to lose some moderate Democratic senators as well." ...

Short of 60, senators hunt for votes on gun background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control supporters scrambled Tuesday to find 60 votes to pass expanded background checks on firearms purchases, hoping to sway reluctant senators ahead of a showdown vote."

"After spinning its wheels for most of the day Tuesday, the Senate set up a series of gun votes for Wednesday, including what has become the critical fight — a proposal to expand background checks to include all sales at gun shows and over the Internet, though it would exclude person-to-person private sales." ...

Representative balances personal convictions with politics on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nevada Rep. Steven Horsford’s history with guns is intensely personal."

"Anyone who paid attention to his recent bid to represent Nevada’s 4th Congressional District knows that one of his most formative experiences came at age 19, when his father was killed in an act of gun violence."

"And anyone who was listening to Horsford in the wake of December’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. — a galvanizing event in the gun control debate — knows Horsford promised to back an assault weapons ban in Congress. The children who had been killed with a semiautomatic rifle in Newtown were the approximate age of his daughter, Ella, he noted at the time." ...

Gun control bill in peril
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The tough gun-control bill that President Barack Obama wants now has little, if any, chance of passing this Congress – it’s struggling in the Senate and facing outright rejection in the House."

"Vice President Joe Biden worked the phones Monday to try to salvage a bipartisan bill in the Senate but has come up short. Personal appeals from parents of Newtown victims and former Rep. Gabby Giffords haven’t worked either." ...

"A defeat would mean that in just five months after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, the best chance for new gun controls in 20 years is slipping away."

"The reasons are many:" ...

Gun dealers say expanded background checks would drive up costs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The deal senators have struck to expand firearm background checks to all Internet and gun show sales will drive up prices for consumers, weapons retailers say."

"Manufacturers say the deal, which is the crux of the gun bill that senators will begin debating this week, also includes language that gives background checks for sales at gun shows priority over in-store purchases something their top trade group says is unfair." ...

Compromise At What Cost?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the United States Senate now moving toward the eventual passage of legislation that is more anti-gun owners than anti-crime, anti-gun legislators and the media are starting to celebrate another baby-step toward their ultimate goal: disarmament of the private citizen. That sounds fatalistic, but even as New York Governor Cuomo calls proposed compromise legislation a 'sell-out to the gun lobby' he uses the same breath to say it's 'better than nothing.'"

"Better than nothing is political shorthand for: 'we'll get 'em all next time.' With a number of allegedly pro-2A Senators more concerned at being called mean-spirited than principled, they may be right. And once again, we find ourselves at a societal tipping point. ..." ...

Schumer goes nuts over alternative gun measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun New York Sen. Charles Schumer went so far overboard with remarks about an alternative measure to his background check bill during a weekend interview that it appears he is trying to demonize the package because it presents a more palatable option to his colleagues in the Senate."

"It is Schumer’s 'background check' bill that the alternative measure introduced by Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey could derail this week, and the New Yorker clearly isn’t liking it. In a report broadcast by Westchester County’s News 12 and Newsday, Schumer alleged, 'This legislation could change Times Square into the OK Corral.'" ...

Taking another shot at gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate leaders yesterday were trying to save what’s left of gun-control legislation with a new compromise that would exempt some rural gun sales from background checks."

"The new offer by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) would exempt sellers far from federally-licensed dealers from having to conduct background checks on buyers."

"Leaders pushing for the bill have yet to line up the 60 votes needed in the Senate to pass background checks, as most Republicans and a handful of Democrats from rural states have balked at the measure." ...

Sen. Tammy Baldwin presses on for gun background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As questions swirl over the fate of a Senate gun bill, Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin says she hopes the opportunity to deal with firearms violence won't be lost."

"'I think we have a particular moment right now where some common-sense, prudent steps are possible and I want to seize that,' Baldwin said Tuesday."

"Wisconsin's two U.S. senators are on opposite sides of the gun debate."

"Republican Ron Johnson made news last week when he joined an early effort to filibuster the gun bill. Johnson opposes new gun restrictions and calls expanded background checks 'another government program at additional cost.'" ...

Congress and the NRA have the same mission
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Cathy Weston's letter to the editor regarding members of Congress who are members of the National Rifle Association and questioning whether they should vote on gun laws due to a conflict of interest:"

"The NRA's mission is to protect the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Every federal employee takes a vow to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The NRA and every representative in Congress, therefore, have the same mission. When members of Congress step on the Second Amendment, they are violating their oaths of office." ...

The “Pro-Gun” provisions of Manchin-Toomey are actually a bonanza of gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Toomey-Manchin Amendment which may be offered as soon as Tuesday to Senator Reid's gun control bill are billed as a 'compromise' which contain a variety of provisions for gun control, and other provisions to enhance gun rights. Some of the latter, however, are not what they seem. They are badly miswritten, and are in fact major advancements for gun control. In particular:"

"1. The provision which claims to outlaw national gun registration in fact authorizes a national gun registry."

"2. The provision which is supposed to strengthen existing federal law protecting the interstate transportation of personal firearms in fact cripples that protection." ...

SAF’s Gottleib: Why You Should Support the Manchin-Toomey Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I agree: it’s not a perfect bill.' Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottleib admits, referring to the Manchin-Toomey 'compromise' on firearms background checks moving towards a Senate vote. 'But it gives us a chance to make gains we couldn’t make in ten years. Maybe not ever.' In a telephone interview with TTAG, Gottleib did his level best to 'sell' the Manchin-Toomey bill to skeptical gun owners—who’ve grown increasingly dubious after The Volkh Conspiracy’s recent analysis. Gottleib’s read Kopel’s kvetch regarding provisions for federal gun registries and interstate firearms transportation. The SAF’s main man admits that the bill’s language leaves something to be desired. ..." ...

Two Things That Suck About Manchin-Toomey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No matter who may have been in the room when the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise language was drafted, it’s been met with — at minimum — general skepticism by most on the pro-2A side. That doesn’t mean the amendment doesn’t have some prominent supporters, however. Among them, Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation and its sister organization, the CCRKBA. Now comes David Kopel, however, with a takedown of two key features of the amendment that Gottlieb trumpeted as gun rights achievements. And they come in the areas of gun registration, and interstate transport of firearms . . ." ...

NSSF Statement Opposing Manchin Toomey Background Check Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An email blast from Lawrence Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation:"

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), as the firearms industry’s trade association, has consistently opposed the concept of so-called 'universal background checks.' They are also opposed by 86% of federally licensed firearms retailers . . ." ...

Gun control fervor high, but as usual it will soon pass
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week the U.S. Senate will discuss the expansion of criminal background checks for gun buyers. Just months after one of the deadliest mass shootings by a single American, leading lawmakers suggest support for gun control legislation is bleak, and why shouldn't it be?"

"Let's face it; most law-abiding Americans, including members of the National Rifle Association, are not buying guns to shoot other people. Criminals, gang members and the like aren't lining up for background checks so they can own concealed weapons legally. Virtually no compromise on the table guarantees an adult or adolescent with a mental illness or a bad attitude won't get their hands on a gun if they really want one." ...

Manchin-Toomey is gun registration: "Background gun-check records are saved."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The so-called 'background check' bill is really about gun registration -- ultimate and imminent registration of every gun and gun owner in America."

"The mandatory paper records are saved -- nobody denies that."

"Federal agents use those all the time."

"The electronic records have virtually no controls on them."

"They go into a system designed as a recording device."

"This bill vastly expands the electronic records federal agents will collect." ...

Some sources sounding taps on gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the Seattle Times editorial page call for the U.S. Senate to break what it called 'the National Rifle Association’s destructive grip on gun-violence politics,' it appears that some are preparing to sound Taps over the Senate’s attempt to pass tough new gun restrictions in response to the Sandy Hook attack."

"Further separating Washington Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell – both Democrats – from the state’s gun owners, the Times referred to them as 'consistent advocates for reasonable gun control.'" ...

Reid: 'Anti-Gun Legislation Before the Senate' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an apparent slip of the tongue, Harry Reid this morning referred to the gun-control bill he brought to the Senate floor as 'anti-gun legislation.'"

"'On the anti-gun legislation before the Senate, we are making good progress on the effort to schedule a series of votes on amendments to the anti-gun-violence legislation before the Senate.'" ...

CO: Recall Senator Hudak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Rape survivor Amanda Collins bravely spoke about her horrific attack during a Monday legislative hearing concerning
Colorado’s proposed ban on concealed firearms on college campuses. She explained how she wished she would’ve had a firearm to defend herself from her rapist, which could have possibly prevented the attack from occurring."

"After calling her story 'unsettling,' Democratic state Sen. Evie Hudak quickly went after Collins, saying 'actually, statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.'"...

IL: IL NRA Fighting for Common Sense Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Todd Vandermyde (not shown) is to realpolitik what Texas is to pretty women. Or something like that. To land The Land of Lincoln a concealed carry law that isn’t gun control in disguise, Todd’s been fighting the good fight in Springfield. His job was made harder by the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a case re: New York’s 'good and substantial reason' provision in their concealed carry legislation. Well that’s Gov. Pat Quinn’s story, anyway. reports that Quinn’s still urging Attorney General Madigan to appeal a concealed carry mandate from a federal appeals panel to the Supremes. In the run-up to the June 9 deadline, Todd files this interim report via [] . . ." ...

NY: Gun-rights groups: Stop NY Safe Act now
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The state Rifle & Pistol Association filed an injunction today to stop the implementation and enforcement of the state’s gun-control law that was adopted Jan. 15."

"The gun-rights group, the state’s arm of the National Rifle Association, is also suing the state to have the controversial law tossed. In the meantime, they want the law blocked from going forward, particularly a new limit on the number of bullets allowed in a magazine."

"Parts of the law took effect Monday, including lowering the number of bullets allowed in a magazine from 10 to seven." ...

WA: McGinn administration e-mails reveal contempt for gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Seattle police official quickly scotched a suggestion earlier this year that citizens with concealed pistol licenses be monitored; just one revelation about how Mayor Mike McGinn’s staff feels toward gun owners that has emerged from e-mails obtained by the Second Amendment Foundation under a Public Records Act request."

"In addition one e-mail expressed the opinion that the National Rifle Association is an organization that does 'dirty work' for the firearms industry, and another suggested that inquiries from Second Amendment activists should be ignored." ...

NY: Hawley to host forum on NY SAFE Act April 25 at GCC
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman Steve Hawley, R-Batavia, will host a public forum on New York’s new gun laws from6:30 to 8 p.m. April 25 in the auditorium at Conable Technology Building, Room T102 at Genesee Community College, 1 College Rd."

"The event will give residents a chance to ask questions and learn about what passage of the NY SAFE Act means to their rights as law-abiding gun owners. Hawley will be joined by New York State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King, Shooters Committee on Political Education President Steve Aldstadt and a number of local law enforcement and government officials at the event." ...

NY: Gov. Cuomo’s shooting range grant is taxing
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Monday’s income tax deadline may have startled some people, but it’s getting to the point that nothing surprises me anymore — particularly when it has political overtures and especially when it comes out of the governor’s office."

"A recent press release announcing Gov. Cuomo’s plan to provide up to $65,000 in matching grants to eligible non-profit or municipal shooting ranges across the state is a prime example. And if you have to ask why, you haven’t been paying attention to what has taken place in recent months." ...

Supreme Court declines to challenge N.Y. restrictive gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In what could make legal carrying of a handgun in public difficult, top justices of Supreme Court Monday refused to challenge a restrictive gun law in New York."

"The law requires New Yorkees seeking concealed-carry gun permits to show a proper cause to carry weapons in public even if it is for self-protection." ...

NY: Firearms Groups Seek to Block Parts of New York Gun Law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gun-rights advocates in New York are seeking a court order to block enforcement of parts of a new state law regulating the sale and possession of firearms and ammunition."

"The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association and other groups sued Governor Andrew Cuomo last month, claiming the law is unconstitutional. They filed papers in federal court in Buffalo yesterday seeking an injunction."

"The association seeks an order blocking enforcement of provisions of the law that limit to seven the number of rounds that can be loaded into a magazine and broaden the definition of assault weapons." ...

NY: NRA group asks judge to block N.Y. gun control law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The National Rifle Association's New York affiliate has asked a federal judge to temporarily block parts of the state's sweeping new gun control law."

"In a motion filed late Monday, the state Rifle & Pistol Association asked District Court Chief Judge William Skretny to preliminary enjoin provisions of the law, known as the SAFE Act, that ban assault weapons and limit the size of ammunition magazines. The group claimed the provisions violated the Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms." ...

NY: Groups ask court to stop NY SAFE Act (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gun rights advocates asked a federal judge to block New York authorities from enforcing new bullet limits for magazines and a redefinition of assault weapons that cannot be legally bought or sold in the state."

"The New York affiliate of the National Rifle Association, sportsmen's groups, firearms businesses and individual gun owners said the new statute is unconstitutional, because it prohibits citizens from keeping commonly used firearms for home defense and other lawful purposes." ...

TX: Texas Soldier Arrested for ‘Rudely Displaying’ Weapon
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I just got off the phone with Army Master Sergeant. C. J. Grisham, a serving American soldier and veteran of the the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, who recently was illegally disarmed by the Temple Police Department while out for a walk with his son."

"'We live out in the country in Texas, near Temple,' he told me. 'My son and I were on a ten-mile hike so that he could earn his hiking merit badge – it’s the last badge he needs to become an Eagle Scout.' But half way into the hike, Grisham said, 'a police officer pulled up.' ..." ...

Submitter's comment: Another power-mad cruller cruncher who needs to lose his job immediately.

TX: War Veteran Arrested for “Rudely Displaying” Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A decorated war veteran on a Boy Scout hike with his 15-year-old son was arrested alongside a Texas country road after a police officer accused him of 'rudely displaying' a firearm."

"Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham told Fox News he was illegally disarmed by members of the Temple Police Dept. – even though he held the proper permits to carry his weapons."

"Grisham and his son were on a 10-mile hike in a rural area populated by wild boars and cougars. He was carrying an AR-15 rifle and a .45 caliber pistol."

"He was charged with resisting arrest – even though video his son filmed of the incident clearly showed that Grisham did not resist arrest. ..." ...

IL: 13 Des Plaines officers suspended for misrepresenting overtime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thirteen Des Plaines suburban police officers were suspended Tuesday after allegations surfaced that they intentionally misrepresented their work hours to receive overtime from federal grant funding."

"Des Plaines Police Chief Bill Kushner hired an outside consultant to launch an internal investigation last fall to examine reports provided to the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Illinois Department of Transportation about grant-funded DUI and seat belt enforcement campaigns, a statement from police said." ...

CO: Second Denver officer under investigation for misconduct resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Denver police officer accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a domestic-violence victim has resigned, police officials confirmed Monday."

"Scott Kida, a 14-year-veteran of the force, skirted potential discipline when he resigned effective Friday, Lt. Matt Murray said. ..." ...

LA: Former Merryville police chief James Fowler pleads guilty Monday to abuse of office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Merryville police chief James Fowler pleaded guilty Monday to abusing his office by falsifying arrest documents after going to Texas to find drugs on a woman whom he had released after a traffic stop a year ago." ...

MN: Mpls Settles Lawsuit in Police Shooting of Two Pit Bulls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Minneapolis agrees to settle lawsuit involving the police shooting of two dogs for $225,000. A federal judge signed off the settlement last Friday."

"Two years ago, MPD "SWAT" members executed a search warrant on a North side home. They were looking for a weapon owned by the homeowners' brother. Police believed the weapon was in the home and was used in a crime that was not connected to the homeowners." ...

OH: Streetsboro: Part-time police officer charged with $16k theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The management of the Lowe's on state Route 303 called police April 1, saying they had uncovered employee theft."

"Streetsboro Police detectives investigated the matter and arrested and charged Steven W. Clark, 35, of Chesterland, with felony theft." ...

"Streetsboro police say that Clark was also a part-time police officer with the Village of Windham at the time of the theft." ...

NY: Violent Crime Spiking In “Gun Free” New York City
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The press haven’t pressed the police on it, but 'New York’s Finest' have been playing silly buggers with the crime rate for decades, reducing crime stats, rather than crime itself. It’s a particularly galling fraud given that New York City Mayor and gun grabber Michael Bloomberg points to his patch as proof that anti-pistol policies create a safer city. Flash forward to today and the media is no longer asleep at the switch. Ish. 'Some of Manhattan’s wealthiest neighborhoods are exploding in a wave of violent crime that hearkens back to the bad old days when people feared going out at night, according to NYPD data obtained by The Post . . ." ...

CA: Sheriff shares thoughts on guns at forum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sonoma County Sheriff Steve Freitas told gun rights supporters Tuesday night that he favors a middle ground with respect to restricting guns, even as he acknowledged that the state’s current assault weapons law has on one occasion left his staff baffled."

"Freitas was speaking on a panel at a forum sponsored by the county’s Republican Central Committee. Among the panelists were Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, R-Twin Peaks, and a leader of the gun rights group Calguns Foundation."

"Freitas acknowledged he had yet to decide personally where to draw the line between allowing unlimited gun rights and prohibiting all gun possession. ..." ...

MO: State senator claims federal agency sought out local gun permit records (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Missouri state senator says there is now evidence that another federal agency was looking for gun permit records on Missouri residents."

"State Senator Kurt Schaefer, ® from Columbia, says the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also wanted those records of concealed carry permit holders from the state Department of Revenue."

"'It looks to me like it’s to compile a list of gun owners in the state of Missouri, which is a violation of state law and federal law as well,' Schaefer told News 4." ...

Second Amendment best weapon to protect us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing regarding several letters to the Mailbag regarding the controversy over the proposed gun ban and restrictions laws. That seems to be the topic of greatest interest at this time, but I can predict future controversial administrative actions that will cause even greater excitement."

"Someone wrote that people who did not understand Mr. Obama’s concern about guns and the intentions of the government are just being 'paranoid!' ... Being duly concerned of a potentially bad outcome is not indicative of paranoia."

"Six million European Jews between 1939 and 1945 believed the Germans were committed to destroying their race. Were they paranoid or just unfortunately correct?" ...

Great American Outdoor Show: With NRA in charge, all legal guns are welcome
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There will be no question if guns will be allowed at the new sports and outdoor show coming to the Farm Show Complex next February."

"That's because the National Rifle Association is now running the show."

"If they are legal, the firearms will be welcomed."

"With local officials by their side, the NRA announced Tuesday that the now defunct Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show is becoming the Great American Outdoor Show." ...

"The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show collapsed this winter when hundreds of vendors threatened to boycott after the promoter, Reed Exhibitions, banned the sale and display of assault weapons. At the time, the NRA was among the boycotters. That collapse cost the region an estimated $80 million." ...

UPDATED List of Companies That Are Moving Operations Out of Anti Gun States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several states, namely Colorado, New York, Maryland, and Connecticut have recently passed more restrictive gun control laws."

"In response to this, and in anticipation of further legislation, several companies are or are planning to move their operations out of anti gun states and into pro gun states." ...

CITIZENS: A last line of defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We all are saddened by Sandy Hook and the horror that occurred there by a mentally disturbed person who stole a gun from his mother and killed her also. There are many other stories of mass killings by insane people, a military officer and others. But who has been there to stop these people when they start killing people; the police? Many times it is an armed citizen who stops the madness. There are many of examples on the Internet of armed citizens saving police officers, their families, themselves and others." ...

OR: Comments and puzzlements regarding guns (second letter)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"I am a very old person and have never in my life needed a gun."

"Why couldn't the existing fire alarm systems in schools and elsewhere be wired to include all emergencies, including guns?"

"Items of a lethal nature like cars, poisons, etc., have severe safety rules surrounding them — why not guns?" ...

TX: Let Congress know we want action on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The headline read, '14 wounded in Texas knife spree.'"

"Consider what the reading would have been if that deranged kid had a gun instead of a knife. Does anyone doubt that there would have been 14 dead?" ...

Submitter's Note: Which is completely immaterial; knives and guns exist and they can and will be used by evil people for evil deeds. The unmentioned but very relevant factor in this attack was that the victims were all disarmed by law; one of many laws which which the attacker ignored.

LA: Majority in state opposes gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jack Boggan is badly misinformed on his statistics about the way the American people feel about guns. He is even further off the mark on how Louisiana's citizens and, particularly, how National Rifle Association members feel on the subject. I'm a longtime NRA member and receive all of the NRA's publications. All of the poll numbers on NRA members and the American people are in almost every issue."

"Polls show that U.S. citizens are about 50-50 on gun registration. The majority do not favor a ban on high magazines and assault weapon by a small margin. The Clinton assault weapon ban had no effect at all on murder and crime rates. The murder rates climbed during the ban." ...

FL: For background checks (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is funded by gun and ammunition manufacturers while hiding behind the deception of speaking for gun owners. It does not represent me, a gun owner and holder of concealed weapons permits in three states in which I have lived as an adult. I never objected to having my background checked and being fingerprinted before receiving my gun permits." ...

Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, and politicians. All three need supervision. —DICK ARMEY

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