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Newslinks for 4/19/2008

David Codrea: Guns on Campus: Could They Prevent a Repeat?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'Guns don’t belong in classrooms,' [Hinker] concluded. 'They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.'"

"We saw Mr. Hincker's 'very sound policy' play out and prevent nothing. We saw 32 innocents slain without a chance, even though the police response to a campus shooter had begun two hours before the mass slayings at Norris Hall."

"A year later, students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors are still powerless to protect themselves. And the prevailing sentiment against suggesting otherwise remains the same: It's a ridiculous idea. Citizens who are responsible enough to go armed throughout the Commonwealth cannot be trusted once they set foot on campus. It will result in more tragedy. Police are the only ones qualified to be armed." ...

David Codrea: Changed Law, Unchanged Danger
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Earlier this year, President Bush signed federal legislation expanding the background check database of persons prohibited from firearms ownership, curiously over the objections of the American Psychiatric Association, which The New York Sun reported expressed concern it 'could unfairly target the mentally ill and deter troubled people from seeking treatment.'"

"Does anyone seriously believe that will stop the next attack, especially when none of this addresses the one commonality of mass shootings in 'gun free zones'—a supply of helpless victims? Until we do, until free citizens are no longer forbidden to protect their most basic of rights, the right to life, no amount of legislation or 'lie-in's' will change a thing."

April 19th is our birthday
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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... "For years now I've thought we need to make an effort to recognize this important holiday. While attending an 18th century trade fair a while back I admired a powder horn inscribed with scenes of Lexington and Concord on that fateful day. I told the maker that should be our biggest holiday because that was the day they shot back. He gave me a knowing smile." ...

An Important Message from Jay Wallace
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"I need all the help I can get. The $$$ have gone through the roof. I don't have other dealers to split the cost with any longer. I have run my business as honest as I know how. I follow all ATF laws to the T. I can and will win this case. I know this issue is bigger than my store. It's important to the industry and freedom as we know it to continue the fight. Please continue to pass the word."

"We're quick to complain about dealers for 'selling out,' but when someone takes a stand, we leave them on their own. Does that seem right?" ...

"Please go here and do what you can to spread the word and send a bit of financial assistance their way."

KABA Note: Smyrna-based Adventure Outdoors is the sole gun dealer targeted by Mayor Bloomberg's entrapment scheme of two years ago who has not yet settled.

MN: Buffalo Man Chases Burglars Away With Gun
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Steve Remer chased burglars from his Buffalo, Minn home with a gun after finding his bedroom door tied shut and unfamiliar noises around the house." ...

"Remer was startled out of his sleep by some strange creaking noises he thought were caused by the wind. When he tried to open his door, he found it had been tied shut."

"'I could see the rope there and thought, who the hell is playing this joke on me,' Remer said."

"Then, Remer heard an unfamiliar voice in the hallway. He grabbed his .357 handgun from the closet and chased the intruder down the stairs and out the front door, firing several shots at their stolen SUV on the way out." ...

TX: Homeowner Shoots Suspected Burglar in Oak Cliff
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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An Oak Cliff homeowner told police that he was awakened around 1:30 Friday morning by the sound of breaking glass.

The man grabbed a handgun and discovered two men inside his home in the 6100 block of Teague Drive, according to police.

One of the men was still holding a board that they had used to break the window.

Police said the homeowner started shooting and hit one of the suspects in the upper chest and jaw. That suspect is in critical condition at Baylor Hospital.

The other burglar ran from the home and has not been found.

The case will be referred to a Grand Jury, but investigators said the homeowner appeared to be justified in protecting his life and property.

A grandmother's gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Too often I am saddened by stories of women who fall victim to predators and I am left thinking, 'If only...' If only they hadn't walked home alone, if only they hadn't trusted the wrong man...if only they'd had a gun so they could have fought back and won. Grim statistics and grisly forensics are often all that's left of what was once a bright future or a beautiful smile."

"Of course, some stories have happy endings. Meet Annebelle."

"Once a vivacious young vaudeville performer, by 1972 Annebelle was a widowed grandmother suffering from arthritis. The Detroit neighborhood she lived in was sadly becoming plagued by burglars, muggers, and other criminals. ..." ...

IA: Pink slip delivered to 'Pizza Man'
Submitted by: barbarossa58

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"A Des Moines pizza delivery driver who was suspended after he shot an alleged armed robber said today that he has been fired."

"James William Spiers III, 38, said Pizza Hut officials asked for his resignation in exchange for at least two months' pay and counseling."

"'I was terminated, but they're not going to kick me to the curb,' he said. 'When they terminated me, I had asked I they could provide me with counseling. That's all I asked for.'"

"Spiers fired multiple shots at a man who allegedly put a gun to his head on March 28 and demanded money ..." ...

"Spiers, who has a valid handgun permit, said it was the first time in 10 years on the job that he had been a robbery victim. ..." ...

OH: OU organizations to present concealed-carry speaker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concealed Carry and U: What about campus makes otherwise law-abiding people a danger to society?"

"The Ohio University Second Amendment Club, in association with Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, is proud to present Steven Feltoon as this year’s annual speaker on Thursday, April 24."

"Feltoon is a graduate of Miami University, class of 2007. He will discuss the history and current state of the concealed carry movement on college campuses in Ohio, the steps to changing state law and the most common opposition arguments to campus carry. There will be a short question and answer session after the lecture." ...

IN: College's purpose to allow exchange of knowledge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This letter is in response to the letter written by Dustin Ratliff which was published April 9. To begin with, I find your perception of what college should be laughable. The last time I checked, the purpose of college was to allow for a formal exchange of information to take place, not to provide a place for people to sit around and discuss politics while killing brain cells."

"Second of all, please explain to me how carrying a gun and being pro-life is an oxymoron. The purpose of a self-defense gun permit is just that, self defense. Saving your life, or some other innocent person's life, even if at the expense of someone else's ... is pro-life. By the way ... a world without guns is not a world without violence." ...

TN: Carrying on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It has become harder for students to imagine themselves completely safe on their college campuses because of the recent school shootings across the country. The one-year anniversary of the shooting at Virginia Tech is at hand and images of the Northern Illinois shooting still fresh in our minds, students everywhere are constantly wondering how to feel safer on campus."

"[East Tennessee State University] like other campuses has made changes to better ensure student safety ..."

"Large decals have been placed on the doors of every building to warn students of six years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $3,000 if a firearm is brought onto school premises. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

VA: Virginians stick to their guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Allen Neely eases his Chrysler Pacifica onto the bridge named in honor of Jarrett Lane ... Under the back seat are two pistols. Mr. Neely keeps them close these days. He and his construction crew were in Virginia Tech's Norris Hall a year ago this week when a mentally ill student went on a rampage, killing Jarrett Lane and 31 others."

"Since then, Mr. Neely feels safer if his guns are within reach."

"Over the past year, people here have questioned the mental health system that allowed killer Seung-hui Cho to fall through the cracks. They have questioned the university's security procedures, the media's glorification of violence. Fewer have questioned the state's gun laws." ...

OH: ROTC puts fake rifles out of sight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio State University's ROTC cadets have ended the decades-long practice of combat training with mock rifles on the main campus because of public edginess in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, officials said."

"Since the decision was made a couple of weeks ago, tactical training with [bright blue] rubber replicas of an M-16 rifle has been moved indoors, or cadets have trained without rifles ..."

"The tactical training, typically conducted around the ROTC building near Ohio Stadium, has generated a few calls to police from concerned people in the past year ..." ...

H/t to Brent Greer.

LA: Student Senate supports state Legislature's gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barely reaching quorum, the Student Senate met Thursday evening in an irregular meeting where it supported guns on campus and opposed raising the legal smoking age."

"After much debate, the Senate passed a resolution endorsing Louisiana legislation to allow guns on campus."

"The student resolution supports Louisiana House of Representatives Bill No. 199, now under consideration in the House. If passed, the bill will authorize concealed handgun permit holders to bring their firearms onto Louisiana's higher education campuses." ...

Mike Vanderboegh: Judenienstordnung
Submitted by: Chris Horton

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... "Obama rejected the Hamas endorsement and embraced the one from the 'American Hunters and Shooters Association.' Of course Hamas is a well-known terrorist organization with the blood of many innocents – including Americans – on its hands. The AHSA, on the other hand, is an organization pretending to be one thing while actually being another. The AHSA are Judas goats. Worse, the AHSA is a 'Judenrat.' The AHSA is, to the gun control tyrant wannabes, 'Judendienstordnung' in waiting. More about those last two terms in a moment." ...

Clinton, Obama chase elusive gun votes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Their passion is on display, table by table, row by row."

"Six-shooter revolvers, World War II-era rifles, plastic automatics, AK-47s, knives as long as your forearm, Nazi memorabilia, sniper scopes, hunting shotguns ..."

"It's a drizzly, chilly morning in this tiny eastern Pennsylvania town, but the muddy parking lot outside the low-slung, cinder block community center for the gun show is full. Fathers linger over displays with their sons. Vendors crack jokes and swap stories."

"To them, the scene is as American as a baseball game. But here, political issues--or more specifically one issue--are never far away. Mention Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to them and they shake their heads, their eyes narrowing with mistrust." ...

Obama Characterized as 'Friend' of Gun Control
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Some Illinois gun control advocates recall Senator Obama as a 'friend' who represented a 'solid vote' in favor of increased restrictions on firearm sales, but they said he was never forced to vote on an all-out ban on handguns as a member of the state Senate."

"Mr. Obama's position on guns is drawing renewed scrutiny following Wednesday night's Democratic debate, when the Illinois senator said he never favored a handgun ban, even though a 1996 questionnaire in his name indicated he did." ...

SD: Barack O’12 gauge? Rhoden says no way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This just in state Rep. Larry Rhoden of Union Center, by way of Max Wetz and the South Dakota Republican Party"

"'Sen. Barack Obama has been trying to convince people that he won't tread on our Second Amendment rights, but his track record tells a whole other story,' Rhoden says in a news release. 'He has been a long time advocate of gun control, but now he's backpedaling and I don’t buy it."

"'In South Dakota, we deeply value our rights and Sen. Obama has shown that the 'change' he wants to bring to America isn't the kind thousands South Dakotans and Americans want. We need a President who cherishes our rights and will uphold our fundamental civil liberties.'" ...

SC: Sen. Lindsey Graham picks up NRA endorsement
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The National Rifle Association has endorsed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham in his re-election bid.

The group says it endorsed the Republican from South Carolina because of his stance on gun rights and his voting record.

Graham faces Buddy Witherspoon in the June 10 primary.

Witherspoon says he's not concerned about the endorsement because he has plenty of NRA members who support him in the state.

Witherspoon's campaign says he has raised nearly $337,000 during the first quarter and finished March with more than $250,000 in cash on hand for the primary.

Graham's campaign says it raised a half-million dollars during the first quarter and has nearly $5 million on hand.

CA: McClintock Easily Beats Ose in 4th CD Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voters in the 4th Congressional District got their first look at the two contenders for the open seat at a debate in Rocklin this evening. Doug Ose and Tom McClintock faced off in an almost two hour debate. ..." ...

"In the third portion of the debate, audience members were allowed to submit written questions to the candidates. The questions included ... whether the support the 2nd Amendment (McClintock has an A+ rating from the CA Gun Owners, Ose has an F) and several other issues." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Supreme Court Decision on Heller Case May Impact Firearms Safety Regs in Our National Parks
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Another shot has been fired in the battle to prevent loaded guns in national parks that don't allow hunting. In a letter sent to Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, a coalition of groups has asked that the Department of the Interior postpone issuing its proposed new regulations until the United States Supreme Court has rendered its opinion in the pending case of whether the District of Columbia's gun code violates Second Amendment rights." ...

"The National Parks Conservation Association, the Association of National Park Rangers, the Ranger Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees stated in the letter that the Supreme Court case ... could affect regulations in national parks." ...

NY: Eddington’s .50-Caliber Rifle Ban Passes Assembly
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Assembly passed legislation, authored by Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (WFP/D/I-Medford), enacting a ban on .50-caliber weapons (A.2772). Eddington's legislation not only bans the weapon, it imposes additional penalties for felonies committed with .50-caliber weapons."

"'This bill passes the Assembly year after year, but sadly the NRA's stranglehold on the Senate Majority has prevented this common-sense bill from becoming law,' Eddington said. 'Hopefully, this will be the year that the Senate finally acts.'" ...

NY: Ramos Legislation Passes Assembly as Part of Tough Gun Safety Package
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Assemblyman Phil Ramos (D- Central Islip) announced today the Assembly has passed a number of tough gun bills which he sponsored. The legislation is aimed at helping law enforcement officers track down illegal guns, keep guns out of the hands of felons and children, and ban advanced weaponry used to kill police officers."

"'Gun violence is incredibly senseless. Gun violence kills innocent victims, ruins lives, shatters families, and destroys the futures of countless people,' said Ramos, a former police officer. 'Our community has seen its fair share of gun violence and it’s clear that we need tougher laws to crack down on criminals who use guns.'" ...

OH: SB318: Sen. Keith Faber introduces 'Firearms Modernization' (Concealed Carry Fix-it) Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Keith Faber (R-12) has introduced a bill that has been titled a Firearms Modernization bill. A more accurate description is that this is a 'Concealed Carry Fix-It' bill that appears to attempt to address many of the issues Buckeye Firearms Association has been encouraging supporters to contact their elected officials about for some time now, along with a few other issues." ...

SC: Public barred from list of concealed weapons permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new law bars the public from finding out who can carry concealed weapons in South Carolina."

"The measure signed into law on Wednesday exempts the identities of the state's more than 61,300 permit holders from what's available through the Freedom of Information Act. Access is now limited to law enforcement or through a court order."

"The change was advocated by gun enthusiasts who say publishing gun owners' names violates their privacy, while open-government advocates lost their argument that the government should never issue licenses in secret." ...

MO: Ex-Police Officer Charged With Child Porn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Kansas City police officer was arrested on child pornography charges."

"Peggy Becker, the wife of the former officer, turned him in to police ..." ...

"Police said Neil Becker admitted to modifying family pictures of his stepdaughter, a neighbor girl and other family members into photos of them having sex with him. The children were not physically violated."

"According to court documents, Neil Becker told detectives that he didn't think he was doing anything wrong because it was his fantasy." ...

"'When the tactical guys came, he couldn't believe what they were doing to him after 25 years of faithful valor and service to the police department,' Peggy Becker said." ...

FL: Orlando Officer Charged After Allegedly Beating Suspect In Handcuffs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Orlando police officer with a list of complaints against him has been charged with using excessive force against a suspect who has a lengthy criminal past."

"... [Officer Wayne] Costa has been officially charged with battery. Officer Costa is accused of beating up Kynnoda Jones while he was in handcuffs."

"Jones’ mother admits her son is a five-time convicted felon, but says his current mug shot compared to his previous mug shot proves her son was mistreated." ...

"Jones was a passenger in a car that was pulled over for a traffic stop. He took off running and dropped a gun in the process. Police arrested him. All of his charges were dropped."

VA: Portsmouth police officer charged with DUI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer has been placed on leave after being charged with drunken driving following a wreck early today while he was off duty."

"... Officer Wayne Sherman was charged after the vehicle he was driving allegedly struck the rear of another in the Midtown Tunnel."

"The collision occurred at 1:53 a.m. ... in the lane heading from Portsmouth to Norfolk."

"... both drivers were treated and released from a local hospital with minor injuries."

"Sherman was driving his personal vehicle ..."

"He will remain on leave as the investigation continues ..."

"A Portsmouth police sergeant was charged with DUI in 2004 after an accident at the same tunnel. He lost his job and was later convicted and fined."

Canada: Cape Breton cop charged with criminal harassment, suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An officer with the Cape Breton Regional Police service has been charged with criminal harassment.

Const. Jason Doyle, an eight-year member of the force, was suspended with pay earlier this week, over allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

A complaint of harassment involving a member of the police service was received from a Sydney resident April 12.

An investigation by the major crime unit and a review of the file by a special prosecutor with the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service led to a single count of criminal harassment.

Doyle has been released on an undertaking with conditions, and is scheduled to appear in provincial court June 23.

OH: 'Open carry' walk to be held Saturday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In commemoration of the 'shot heard round the world' that started the American Revolution 233 years ago, two local men have organized an 'open carry' walk in Urbana for Saturday, April 19, 'Patriots' Day.'"

"Tom Horch of Urbana said ... the issue of the right to keep and bear arms has become more prominent in this election year."

"'Back in March, I saw an article ... where a man was minding his own business, not doing anything wrong, and he was harassed by the police,' Horch said. '... we usually get together every year on Patriots' Day to do something, and it just dawned on me that we should do this.'"

"Horch said open-carry is legal in Ohio, but many residents need to be reminded of that fact." ...

H/t to Buckeye Firearms Association.

VA: Positive Open Carry Dining Experience
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since Timmy Kaine vetoed legislation that would have allowed gun owners with concealed handgun permits to carry in restaurants licensed to serve alcohol provided they don't drink themselves, those of us who carry must carry openly in such establishments (unless of course we're members of the privileged caste, such as Commonwealth Attorneys)." ...

"In protest of Saslaw's yawning ignorance, VCDL have organized some open-carry lunches in Saslaw's district. I participated in one today. ..."

"Rebecca and I both OC'd to a nice little restaurant in Fairfax county. I had my trusty Glock 19 in a Comp-Tac strong-side OWB belt holster ... As is typical of my open carry outings, this one was mostly uneventful. ..." ...

H/t to VCDL's blog The Sentinel.

UK: Stripper's truncheon was offensive weapon, court told
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A STRIPPER'S truncheon is an offensive weapon even though he uses it as a prop in his policeman act, prosecutors claimed yesterday."

"Student Stuart Kennedy was hauled into court after two female plain-clothes cops spotted him in a fake police uniform."

"They followed him into the Paramount Bar in Aberdeen and watched him perform as 'Sergeant Eros' before charging him with carrying offensive weapons ..."

"He was cleared at the city's sheriff court - but yesterday the Crown challenged the ruling at the Appeal Court in Edinburgh."

"Sheriff Kenneth Stewart had ruled Stuart's baton and a fake gas spray were 'props in an act'."

"But advocate depute Brian McConnachie, QC, said that was not a 'reasonable excuse' ..." ...

The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law.... Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking. — Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman

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