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Newslinks for 4/19/2011

NY: Second hero joined Officer Anthony Presley in Brooklyn gun battle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Presley, an MTA Bridges and Tunnels officer who was off duty, pulled his pistol, stood up, identified himself as a cop and told the robbers to stand down, police said.

Presley was shot in the shoulder during the close-quarters gunfight that ensued, police said.

The unidentified school safety agent grabbed the Glock that Presley dropped when he was shot, sources said, and chased the five bandits, firing back after at least one robber shot at him.

The agent, who is not licensed to carry a gun, could face charges, sources said.

Ed.: Welcome to NY: help save a cop's life, risk going to jail. In WA, we *protect* people who come to the aid of a cop.


New DNC chief: Screen sales of all guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The new head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is pushing for screenings of all gun purchases. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the current law, which allows private firearm sales without background checks, is "outrageous." The Florida Democrat is sponsoring a soon-to-be-released proposal extending the screening requirements to all gun purchases, commercial or private.

OR: Redmond officer charged with stealing guns
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The Deschutes County District Attorney has charged a Redmond police lieutenant with stealing and selling eighteen firearms over three years.

Redmond Police Lt. Larry W. Prince faces eighteen counts of first-degree theft and one count of forgery. Among the weapons were handguns, rifles and shotguns.

His attorney has requested a reduction in his $10,000 bail, and also seeks a consideration of house arrest.

NRA on Brady Campaign's "Tasteless, Despicable" Anti-Gun Ad
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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We have reported many times on the Brady Campaign’s rush to exploit tragedy for political gain. Since its inception as the National Council to Control Handguns over 30 years ago, the group has premised its entire agenda on this kind of exploitation for political gain... The group’s new ad shows a young male shooter on a range, shooting a pistol at silhouette targets first depicting a young girl, then a series of other innocent citizens.

OR: Documents say Redmond officer traded guns taken from armory with other officers
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Court documents show that guns and equipment taken from the Redmond Police Department armory by a former officer now under investigation were sold or traded to other officers.

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Three
Submitted by: David Codrea

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" article character limits preclude adding more updates to the Journalist's Guide to Project Gunwalker. This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning on April 17, 2011. It includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners. It will be updated as new posts are generated and continue until Part Four is required."

PA: Local DAs oppose 'Castle Doctrine'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Buckingham Sgt. J.R. Landis said he wouldn't have been surprised to see one of the township's recent burglaries end with a shooting, noting that there are plenty of legal gun owners in Bucks County. According to the sheriff's office, about 5,000 five-year permits are issued each year. So far 2,500 have been issued in 2011.

Landis said he gets calls from residents who ask if they should get a gun, and if they ask, he says no.

"If they have to ask, then they aren't of the mind-set to use it if they need it," Landis said. "They are the ones who are going to have it taken away from them and used against them."

VA: AG finds packing in the pews OK
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The ruling was praised by Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, who also is an elder at The Harvester Presbyterian Church in Springfield.

Pratt said, "Most of the mass murders in our country have occurred in gun-free zones."

Stephen Dearth and Second Amendment Foundation Inc. v. Holder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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GINSBURG, Circuit Judge.

Plaintiffs Stephen Dearth and the Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. (SAF), seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, claim that portions of 18 U.S.C. § 922 and related regulations are unconstitutional because they prevent Dearth from purchasing a firearm. The district court dismissed the suit for lack of standing. Because we conclude Dearth does have standing, we reverse the judgment of the district court and remand the case to the district court for further proceedings.

Ed.: The U.S. Court of Appeals, DC circuit, order allowing SAF's suit to proceed on the merits. :-)

Bill to Protect Traditional Ammunition Introduced in Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following continued attacks by anti-hunting groups to ban traditional ammunition (ammunition containing lead-core components) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976, Senators Jon Tester (D-Montana) and John Thune (R-South Dakota), co-chairmen of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, introduced bipartisan legislation (S. 838) to clarify the longstanding exemption of ammunition and ammunition components under the act. The Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Sports Protection Act is being championed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry.

DC: Ex-Pat Can Challenge Law Blocking Access to Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A U.S. citizen can sue the attorney general because his Canadian residency excludes him from buying a gun in America, the D.C. Circuit ruled.
Friday's ruling overturns the decision of a federal judge to dismiss the complaint filed by Stephen Dearth and the Second Amendment Foundation.
Dearth and the nonprofit dedicate to gun rights sued Attorney General Eric Holder for declaratory and injunctive relief over Federal Form 4473, which asks purchasers of firearms for their state of residence. Because Dearth, a U.S. citizen, lives in Canada, he could not legally complete the form and therefore could not buy a gun.

MN: Bills and Mack Author Bill to Allow More Self Defense Measures
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Reps. Kurt Bills (R-District 37B), Rosemount, and Tara Mack (R-District 37A), Apple Valley, are authors of a bill that looks at people's rights to protect themselves on their private property, HF1467, introduced on Thursday. It would allow people to use "deadly force" against someone who is committing a felony in their home.

The bill also includes a provision to make transfer permits valid for five years instead of one year.

Mack said she's heard from a lot of constituents on the issue.

"It'll be interesting," Mack said of any pending discussion. Like bills have been proposed in past years, but haven't moved forward, she said.

TX: Stabbing death likely self-defense, police say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who allegedly attacked an elderly, blind and disabled relative was stabbed and killed Sunday by a neighbor who came to the elderly man's defense, officials and witnesses said.

San Antonio police Sgt. Tina Jones said the fight between the two neighbors began just before 4 p.m. in the driveway of the elderly man's East Side home in the 4200 block of Kilrea Drive.


Police said the case would likely be handled as an injury to the elderly and the stabbing as self defense.

IA: Second Amendment not a license for individual use of force
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Second is “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This part of the amendment uses the term “people,” seeming to indicate that any rights granted from it do not belong to individuals because they are individuals, but to individuals because they are members of the political community — that it is, in short, a collective right.

“The people” is a term used in a few other amendments. It is used in the First, in guaranteeing “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is next used in the Second, which we have discussed.

MI: What Should I Do If I Ever Need To Use My Gun In Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You should first be certain that the threat is removed before you lower your guard.

Then, call 911 and say that there has been a shooting. Describe the immediate need for ambulance and police (and fire department if applicable).

Tell the 911 operator where you are, how many people are wounded etc. Do not have your gun in your hand when police arrive unless you absolutely must hold someone at gun point.

In either case, make sure that you describe yourself and your clothing. Fight the urge to start telling your story and stick to the relevant facts that the emergency responders need to do their jobs.

IL: Chicago Sergeant Slaps Handcuffed Teen, Claims Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With people on the street often times packing more powerful artillery than the police force these days, Chicago police officers face an even more dangerous weapon. Spit.

According to multiple outlets, Sergeant Edward Howard, Jr. slapped 19-year old Gregory Jeffries multiple times after being handcuffed. In the surveillance video that captured the attack, Jeffries is never seen being confrontational or non-compliant. He is handcuffed after all.

However Howard's attorney claims that his client was in grave danger the entire time and was acting out of self-defense.


Sergeant Howard has been charged with felony aggravated battery and official misconduct. He's already been demoted to desk duty.

AL: They're called 'rights' for a reason
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Personally, I think it is important to protect the sanctity of the right to vote by ensuring that basic checks on voters are conducted. It is far too easy to vote, so each sheriff should run a federal and state background check on all prospective voter registrations.

No one who has ever had an alcohol or drug charge should ever vote, that should include anyone with more than one misdemeanor, just for good measure.

Those that have been known to participate in things the sheriff finds “unsuitable” should not be cleared to vote. It is also a good idea to make people pay $20 each year — or whatever the sheriff wants — to ensure they are serious about voting.

International Gun Saint Society Honors American Police Heroine
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Officer Gudger's heroic protection of innocent civilians with the use of her sidearm in the face of extreme danger shows she truly deserves this award," said Snyder.

APHF named School Resource Officer Gudger of Blountville, Tennessee its Law Enforcement Officer of the Year at its annual ceremonies.

Last August, Officer Gudger put her own safety in jeopardy to protect the Sullivan Central High School principal and 1.200 students. When an armed suspect threatened lethal violence, Gudger kept her sidearm leveled at the perpetrator until other police officers arrived at the school, relieved Gudger, and shot and killed the perpetrator.

TX: Texas College Republicans Stunned By Blocking Of Campus Safety Bill by Senator Ogden
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas College Republicans (TCR) call for Senator Steve Ogden (R- Bryan) to vote for SB 354 to be heard on the Senate floor, reversing his current position.

TCR has been closely following this campus safety bill, which allows concealed carry on campus, and have declared it their top legislative priority for this session.

The Texas Senate requires a two-thirds majority, or 21 votes, before a bill can be heard on the Senate Floor. Currently, 18 Republicans and two Democrats have promised to vote to hear the bill—one more vote is needed. Ogden is the only Republican Senator who continues to withhold his support. As a long time Republican and U.S. Navy Veteran, he should be a strong supporter of personal protection.

NY: NRA endorses Corwin in 26th race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association has endorsed Jane Corwin, businesswoman and Republican candidate for New York's 26th Congressional District, Corwin's campaign announced Monday.

The endorsement and 'A' rating is representative of Corwin's strong stance on protecting the Second Amendment, her campaign said. Corwin is a member of both the NRA and SCOPE, another advocacy organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment.

TN: State bill would allow concealed weapons on university campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Tennessee state Sen. Stacey Campfield has introduced legislation this year that would allow any full-time faculty member or staffer at a public university to have a concealed weapon on campus if they have a handgun-carry permit.

Campfield, a Republican whose district includes the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, said he received a letter from a UT student with concerns about a troubled student in her class, according to a report in The Commercial Appeal.

TN: Debate rages for guns on campus in Tennessee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today's college freshmen have grown up in a world where the Columbine High School shooting happened at the beginning of their grade-school years and the 33 deaths during the Virginia Tech massacre, the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history, happened around the time they entered high school.

And now, on the heels of the recent shooting in Tucson, Ariz. -- which killed six, severely wounded a congresswoman and injured a dozen others -- pro-gun advocates have been pressing state legislatures to allow broad use of concealed handguns on public college campuses.

Smoking and shooting, let’s allow it
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For example, in Oregon, Cynthia Willis who has a legal medical marijuana card, got her gun rights taken away. The court says that the combination of her concealed handgun permit and medical marijuana card are too dangerous, and cannot be combined.

The 54-year-old retired school bus driver poses no threat to society, she has no intention of using her handgun while using marijuana, and won't drive while using either.


There is no reason why someone prescribed medications should have rights taken away. People who are on antidepressants, and mood elevators can own a gun, although they could have a breakdown and use the gun wrongly.

Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence Shoots at Little Girls
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Brady Campaign is telling the world that you like to shoot little girls.

They want people to think that you and I spend our range time practicing to murder children.

At least that’s how I understand this ad:

After I watched the latest anti-gun TV ad from Sarah Brady’s group, I honestly thought it was a spoof. Maybe the Brady Campaign should start writing for Saturday Night Live.

The reality – as you and I both know – is that they are completely serious. They want people to believe that gun owners like you and me are cold-blooded murderers who want to shoot children.

Ed.: Also a video.

AZ: Editorial ‘misses target'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While it is understandable that permitting guns on campus may spark a fear in some students, it is possible that this fear is dominating their common sense — as fear so often does. "When someone walks down the UA Mall with a gun on his or her hip, our hearts will beat faster … because what's to stop him from walking up to a line of people outside of the Student Union Memorial Center and shooting them systematically with a gun?" Do you truly believe that outlawing guns on campus would prevent this supposed gun-crazed lunatic from committing a mass genocide in the SUMC? It is fair to assume that if a murderer were marching into the union with a gun, a sign that says "GUNS PROHIBITED" is not going to make him turn around and leave.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. — Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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