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Newslinks for 4/19/2013

Oath Keepers Lexington rally endangered by ‘Bull Connor’ tactics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The permit for a planned Patriots Day Second Amendment rally on Friday at Lexington Green was revoked by the Board of Selectmen Tuesday evening, Oath Keepers advised supporters and prospective attendees. 'The permit was revoked under the guise of public safety' following the Boston Marathon bombings, the report explained, linking to a video of the meeting where the decision was handed down."

"'The emergency meeting' assembled at 6 p.m. but turned out to be a smoke and mirror show,' the report charged. 'The Lexington Patch reported that the permits have been revoked at 3:22PM April 16th. That is two hours and 38 minutes before it got voted on.'" ...

NY Psychiatrists Served With Subpoenas For Patient Records In NY Gun Confiscation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Machiavellian Plot to ignore and subvert the Rights of potentially millions of NY State residents developed another layer late Sunday."

"... Word came to me in my capacity as in journalist late Sunday that NY Officials have apparently doubled down on their sinister plot and blatant abuse of power."

"My sources revealed that two prominent and well regarded Buffalo Area Psychiatrists received subpoenas from State Officials, possibly on Friday April 12th 2013, commanding them to turn over all of their patient files to the State. Details are sketchy at this early stage, but I have been told that both Doctors have in house counsel as well as potentially consulting with the Law Firm of Jim Tresmond ..." ...

One more gun control battlefield: Oregon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South of the Columbia River, Oregon lawmakers gathered in Salem passed four gun control measures out of the State Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday morning – one day after the U.S. Senate derailed similar legislation on Capitol Hill – and a source tells Examiner that a vote could come up pretty soon." ...

Illinois gun-haters running out of time to influence defensive handgun carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take a case challenging New York state's extremely restrictive 'may issue' system for designating whose lives are worthy of armed defense. ..." ...

Gun control a dead issue…for the moment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun prohibition lobby was stopped cold Wednesday, in both Washingtons, but reports of its death are greatly exaggerated, to paraphrase the late Sam Clemens."

"Gun banners will not 'be back' because they aren’t going anywhere. They are dusting themselves off and preparing for battles on the horizon." ...

Tallying the Score: Gun Control Winners and Losers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The legislative scorecard has now been completed, with all of the anti-Constitution measures failing and most of the pro-freedom measure joining them. Pretty much as expected. Now that it’s all over but the shouting, it’s time to tally up the results in Washington’s game. So let’s check our tote board and reveal gun control’s Top Ten Winners and Losers . . ." ...

Gun control effort flawed, reactionary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The scuttled effort to reform the nation’s gun laws for the first time in two decades never really stood a chance of passing the Senate."

"The two measures rejected by senators were reactionary, based on the horrible shootings at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut. That is rarely a good foundation for legislation. One bill would’ve broadened background checks. The other would’ve banned dozens of weapons labeled as military-style guns." ...

With Gun Control Derailed In Congress, When Will The Bullet Bubble Burst?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Senators in quick succession yesterday voted down an assault weapons ban, a high-capacity gun magazine ban and enhanced background checks. The filibuster makes it clear that lawmakers won’t do anything to injure the gun industry. Only what is not clear is if the bullet bubble will actually burst."

"An incredible surge in demand for firearms and ammunition began five years ago after President Obama’s election, then increased to stunning levels after December’s Sandy Hook Elementary massacre. Each event, in turn, seemed to raise the likelihood of tougher gun laws."

"Response? Buy more guns before they’re banned. America’s firearm demand, in fact, has never been higher. ... There’s equally strong demand for bullets. ..." ...

Three Things I Learned About IDPA at ITI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'You wouldn’t want to do that on the street,' my classmate pronounced. True dat. Standing at bad breath distance from concealment limits your maneuverability and, thus, options for escape.'This isn’t real life,' Brandon Wright countered, resetting a swinging target for the next shooter. 'This is a game.' Brandon Wright should know. He’s an International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Distinguished Master and Team Captain for International Training, Inc. Question: could the SWAT-guy-turned-Firearms Instructor teach a complete newbie les regle du jeu to avoid complete embarrassment at an IDPA competition? I’m thinking no. But I did learn three important lessons at ITI . . ." ...

Gun Review: Ruger LC380
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I’ve never had much use for small framed pistols. I like large frames that shoot things with a minimum case length of 19mm. James Bond and his PPK weren’t favorites of mine. I much preferred Detective John McClane and his full sized Beretta 92. No one seems to care much what I like, though, because despite my feelings about small bore pistols in small packages, they get more popular with each passing day. Even Mother Teresa once said, 'Be faithful in small things, because it is in them your strength lies.' So is there strength to be found in Ruger’s LC380? I honestly didn’t think so when I started this little adventure, but it turns out the little .380 had some surprises in store for me . . ." ...

MSNBC O’Donnell: NRA Delaying Boston Bombing Investigation (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve said it before: MSNBC Commentator Lawrence O’Donnell is insane. His mind’s been twisted by an ugly combination of arrogance, aggression, messianic zeal and paranoia. It’s no surprise that O’Donnell projects this crazy-ass cocktail of characteristics onto the National Rifle Association, accusing them of hindering the investigation into the Boston Marathon bomb. As Brian J Conway pointed out in the comments below the accompanying post, the 'taggants' that O’Donnell seeks are known to cause variations in chamber pressure that can cause a gun to explode. As mountocean points out below, 'taggants also decompose exothermically, causeing shelved powders to burn/explode if you leave them on the shelf too long.' ..." ...

The Economist: It’s The Military Arms Channel’s Fault! (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If most of the US media went into full meltdown yesterday in the wake of their pet project meeting an ignominious end, you can just imagine the view from afar. Afar in this case being the U.K. The Economist, venerable though it may be, is in full freak out mode at the stupidity of it all. Despite the Churchillian title, they’re shrieking like little schoolgirls a these icky, gullible, gun-obsessed Yank yobs who never fail to demonstrate that they’re too stupid or cowardly to do what’s best for themselves. Then, right there, smack-dab in the middle of their incredulous cri de coeur, they managed to single out one of our friends for special blame attention: The Military Arms Channel's Col. Tim Harmsen . . ." ...

Let’s be reasonable; an objective look at constitutional gun questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently in America, debates about gun rights have raged through social discourse. But why should so much debate over this issue exist? After all, the constitution does clearly say, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It shouldn’t be possible to argue with such an unequivocal statement. This commonplace paraphrasing of the second amendment, however, is nothing more than misleading context. ..."

"Out of context, it appears that the founding fathers were declaring the right of individual citizens to own guns. But when read in context, the Second Amendment takes on a completely different tone. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Law Professor Joe Olson clears up this misconception for a MN legislator.

Cowards, guns go together
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate just keeps earning its low ratings. Wednesday's refusal to enact reasonable new restrictions on gun ownership shows how a combination of cowardice and institutional inaction end up thwarting the will of 90 percent of the American people. It also shines a light on just how many elected federal officials embrace a misguided view of 'gun rights' over the very safety of their constituents." ...

Treat gun buyers exactly like voters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Personally, I want gun buyers to be treated exactly like voters: Before you get to exercise your rights, you need to be properly registered with an appropriate government agency. You need to furnish mandatory photo ID to prove your eligibility. And if you have to stand in line for hours to complete your transaction -- hey, deal with it. It's necessary to prevent fraud." ...

Submitter's Note: Well here in MN you can register a the polling station; no ID is required, you can have a registered voter vouch for you. Once you are registered you walk in, give your name, sign the book and vote away. So, yeah, I'd be okay with that; no FFL required, no 4473 and no record of what you purchased. That is much closer to the Founders' ideal.

Gun control reform: all but three 'no' senators received pro-gun cash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All but three of the 45 senators who torpedoed gun control measures in Congress on Wednesday have received money from firearms lobbyists, according to new analysis by the Guardian and the Sunlight Foundation."

"Some, such as Indiana Republican Dan Coats, registered donations from pro-shooting groups as recently as three weeks ago, when the proposal to extend background checks was still seen as likely to pass." ...

Changing the equation of gun politics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Those who want reasonable reforms to reduce the carnage of gun violence in this nation can do all the lamenting and excuse making they want about the failure to pass any meaningful federal legislation in the wake of the horrific shooting that left 20 children dead in Newtown. But the cold, hard political calculation is this: Until enough lawmakers fear the repercussions of doing nothing about gun safety more than they fear the National Rifle Association and other gun lobby groups, no meaningful gun reform legislation will pass." ...

Lawmakers' reluctance on guns will puzzle historians.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a galaxy far away and at some far distant time, historians contemplating a place called America on the planet Earth may find an astonishing mix of contrasts, where the most benign activities were strictly regulated while those with a potentially deadly outcome were treated as a sacred right."

"They might wonder about a society that required its citizens to license their dogs, their fishing access, the automobiles they drove and the peddlers they patronized, but resisted almost any effort to control the manufacture, sale and distribution of lethal firearms." ...

Obstructionists shortcircuit will of Senate and American people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The temptation, in the aftermath of what should have been, constitutionally speaking, the Senate’s approval of tighter gun laws, is to observe that we are not in Kansas anymore. But even that observation doesn’t adequately reflect the anti-democratic circumstances that played out when the Senate, in a majority vote of 54-46, endorsed the bipartisan agreement on new background checks for gun purchases, only to have the measure fail."

"The reason: Senators are abusing the chamber’s filibuster rule, requiring virtually every measure to achieve a supermajority of 60 votes in order to pass. That rule appears nowhere in the Constitution; it is merely a creation of the Senate." ...

Jay Mohr’s Anti Second Amendment Hypocrisy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The other day actor Jay Mohr went on an anti second amendment rant on twitter (in response to the Boston bombings of all things) Meanwhile, over the course of his career he has been in some pretty violent stuff. He has made a good amount of money and gained national celebrity pointing guns at people’s heads. Here are a couple of his tweets:" ...

The Second Amendment Might Need Some Revisions
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Several months ago, not long before the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, I asked Dan Gross, the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, why his group refused to argue for amending the Second Amendment."

"Maybe a revision stipulating that only members of organized state militias could own firearms. Or maybe spelling out what sort of citizen should be allowed to have weapons, and what sort of weapons would be legal to possess."

"Gross was dismissive. 'I’m happy to consider the debate on the Second Amendment closed,' he said. 'We have to respect the fact that a lot of decent, law-abiding people believe in gun ownership.'" ...

Why one cop carries 145 rounds of ammo on the job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before the call that changed Sergeant Timothy Gramins’ life forever, he typically carried 47 rounds of handgun ammunition on his person while on duty."

"Today, he carries 145, 'every day, without fail.'"

"He detailed the gunfight that caused the difference in a gripping presentation at the annual conference of the Assn. of SWAT Personnel-Wisconsin."

"At the core of his desperate firefight was a murderous attacker who simply would not go down, even though he was shot 14 times with .45-cal. ammunition — six of those hits in supposedly fatal locations." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Barney' creator sued over shooting
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Sheryl Leach, the mastermind behind "Barney & Friends," has been slapped with a lawsuit. The victim, Eric Shanks, is suing Leach because her 27-year-old son shot him in the chest during a January altercation in Malibu."

"Shanks claims he nearly died and blames Leach because he said she should have never allowed her son, Patrick Leach, to own a gun due to his violent tendencies, TMZ reports. Shanks is also suing Patrick Leach for assault and battery. Patrick and Sheryl Leach live together in a gated, luxury residential complex and Shanks is their neighbor." ...

Find out Where Obama's Anti-Gun Rallies Are Planned for This Weekend
Submitted by: Jeff S.

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Submitter's Note: Organizing for America has dozens of rallies planned across the US to continue to push for gun control. Wouldn't it be nice if counter protesters turned out to confront the Obama machine?

New York Sun: Blame Bloomberg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his foot-stamping screed following the legislative death of his party’s civilian disarmament measures in the Senate yesterday, the President predictably and liberally assigned blame to all the usual suspects. The NRA in particular. The gun lobby in general. If 'Double Barrel' Joe had nudged Barack aside and taken the mic, he no doubt would have included the 'black helicopter crowd.' But the editorial writers at the New York Sun see things a little differently. As they look at the wreckage the left’s anti-RKBA efforts have become, they see the culprit being much closer to home. As in city hall . . ." ...

Sen. Lautenberg to Reintroduce Explosive Materials Background Check Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Press release from Senator Lautenberg’s office confirming Nick’s initial concerns expressed just minutes after the Boston Marathon bomb attack." ...

Pelosi: Tougher gun controls 'inevitable'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday said passage of tougher gun controls is 'inevitable,' projecting optimism less than 24 hours after the Senate voted down legislation central to President Obama's strategy to reduce gun violence." ...

Manchin, Kelly vow to fight for expanded background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Democrat who worked to expand background checks in the Senate told a group of reporters Thursday that the National Rifle Association's 'scoring system,' in which the group grades members of Congress, combined with members' fear of being seen as flip-floppers, derailed the measure." ...

A setback that stings: Americans should keep the pressure on Congress over guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Expanded background checks wouldn't have saved our loved ones, but still we came to support the bipartisan proposal from two senators, both with 'A' ratings from the NRA -- a common-sense proposal supported by 90 percent of Americans. It's a proposal that will save lives without interfering with the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners,' Mark Barden, father to James and Natalie, and the late Daniel, age 7, Newtown, Conn." [emphasis added]

"It's impossible to see the failure of one common-sense gun regulation -- which has the support of the majority of the American people -- as anything but a disappointment." ...

Senators' gun vote, comments shameful (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given a chance to take one small step forward on addressing gun violence in the nation, 46 senators failed."

"It doesn’t really matter whether it was because of fear and cowardice, or because of a misguided philosophy, they failed."

"They voted against a modest measure to increase background checks on gun purchases on Wednesday. Though 54 senators voted for the bill, they were six short of the number needed to advance it under Senate debate rules."

"What an utter travesty." ...

Feinstein should explain who the enemy is
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Its headline also included 'Feinstein: The enemies on this are very powerful.' Within the article, Feinstein is fully quoted as follows: 'You know, the enemies on this are very powerful. I’ve known that all my life.' Thus, Feinstein, herself of substantial financial means, privilege and influence, and having her own personal safety protected with guns, blatantly shows her disdain toward her fellow Americans by labeling us as 'enemies.'" ...

Alexander, Corker defend votes against gun-control measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite unsparing criticism from gun-control advocates, Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker on Thursday stood by floor votes this week that helped defeat proposals intended to counter gun violence."

"The two Tennessee senators stood with their GOP colleagues to defeat several key amendments offered Wednesday to the Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013. Only four Republicans broke ranks on a key amendment on background checks." ...

Gun control defeat a win for the people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate this week voted down what was left of a much ballyhooed package of gun control legislation trotted out a while back by President Obama and Vice President Biden."

"Not long after Wednesday's defeat - it wasn't even close - Obama grabbed the microphone and with weeping parents of Connecticut school shooting victims gathered around him, lambasted his own party for failing to get the job done." ...

A few Things on this Background Check Senate Vote
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Alternate Headline: Thats exactly what I would have said if I lost too"

"Everyone on the left is pissed, repeat pissed that they didnt get this thing passed. Well, to quote Dear Leader… 'We won'… so you can pretty much just get over it." ...

Meng, Gillibrand Slam Congress Over Background Check Failure
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York's Congressional delegation had some harsh words for their colleagues in Congress Wednesday, after the Senate failed to pass an amendment that would have expanded background checks on gun purchases."

"'Today has been one of the most deeply disappointing days of my short time in the U.S. Senate,' Kirsten Gillibrand said. 'Families from coast to coast deserved better from this Congress. The Newtown parents who came to Washington to bravely tell their stories deserved better than this body turning their backs on them. The families of Aurora deserved better. The families of the more than 30 people who die at the hands of gun violence every single day in this country deserved better.'" ...

Concealed carry gun bill worries officials
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A proposed amendment to federal gun law is making some politicians go ballistic."

"U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned community leaders last Sunday about a controversial measure that would allow anyone with a permit to legally carry a concealed weapon in any state."

"The National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Amendment, supported by the National Rifle Association and other gun advocacy groups, is moving forward in Congress and could be voted on as early as this week. The author of the proposed legislation, also known as the Constitutional Concealed Carry Act, is Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas)." ...

Biden Pledges More Executive Action On Guns “Later This Week”
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Vice President Biden told White House allies in the gun control fight Thursday that President Obama will be announcing new executive actions on gun violence in the days after the Senate voted down a gun violence bill."

"On a conference call with 'stakeholders,' Biden told gun control advocates that the fight is not over and that eventual action on gun control will come. Press were not invited to the conference call; a participant provided BuzzFeed with access." ...

BREAKING: Illinois Concealed Carry Bill Fails on the House Floor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Illinois House tonight defeated a concealed weapons proposal favored by gun rights advocates [i.e. the NRA], a setback that could spur negotiations toward finding common ground with lawmakers who back gun control,' reports, oddly, with extreme bias. ..."

NY: Broome legislators pass resolution to oppose SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Broome County legislative chambers reached capacity Thursday evening as concerned citizens filed in to applaud legislators in their decision to support a repeal of the NY SAFE Act."

"With a final vote of 12-3, the advisory resolution did not come easy to all. A heated debate and several considerations preceded thunderous cheering from the crowd, many of whom were waving signs with the word 'REPEAL.'" ...

LA: Gun rights bills head to La. House floor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A House committee has ruled that gun owners’ rights top First Amendment rights."

"The House Committee of the Administration of Criminal Justice Wednesday approved two bills by Rep. Steve Thompson, R-Bossier City, which would make it a felony for anyone to publish names and addresses of people who hold permits to carry concealed weapons. The bills, HB8 and HB98, apply to statewide permits and those issued by sheriffs that are valid in parishes where they are issued." ...

Submitter's Note: Since when is outing gun owners protected by the First Amendment?

CA: Mike Thompson not giving up on gun control issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following defeat of major gun control legislation, Rep. Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, had one simple response -- '(It) isn't over.'"

"The chair of the Congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, Thompson said the Senate's narrow 54-46 rejection of legislation requiring more extensive background checks for gun buyers is a setback but not the end of the fight." ...

NY: Ranzenhofer calls for SAFE Act appeal
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York State Sen. Michael H. Ranzenhofer announced his support Thursday for repeal of the state gun control law enacted in January." ...

PA: Why Do The Philadelphia Police Have 1,356 Full-Auto M-16s?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'An automatic M-16 rifle is missing from one of the Philadelphia Police Department’s main gun-storage units and Commissioner Charles Ramsey has called in federal authorities to investigate,' reports. 'Obviously, this is very, very serious,' Ramsey said. 'And believe me, we will get to the bottom of it, one way or another, I guarantee that.' Cops lose gun. Cops go crazy trying to find it before it turns into another Fast and Furious Brian Terry deal. Another day, another example of why cops should not have a monopoly on the use of ballistic force. OK, it is a fully-automatic 'assault rifle' that went walkies. But here’s the bit that caught my editorial eye . . ." ...

WV: Shirley’s sentence to come
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Sheriff Robert 'Bobby' Shirley will face a sentencing hearing on May 23, before Judge John Preston Bailey at the federal courthouse in Wheeling."

"Shirley pleaded guilty in January to charges of using excessive force under color of law for the 2010 beating of since-convicted bank robber Mark Daniel Haines." ...

IL: Former Edwardsville police chief admits embezzlement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Edwardsville Police Chief James Bedell pleaded guilty to federal charges Wednesday and admitted stealing roughly $138,000 from the city, prosecutors said."

"Bedell pleaded guilty to four counts of embezzlement and theft and admitted that from July 2009 through September 2012, he took cash and money orders from a department lock box that contained vehicle impound fees, prosecutors said. The city charges a $300 fee for towed vehicles." ...

LA: Veteran New Orleans police officer booked with forcible rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Orleans police officer was arrested and booked with forcible rape of a 15 year-old girl, authorities said. Desmond Pratt, 42, a former homicide detective and now a 6th District cop, remained in jail Thursday morning, according to police spokeswoman Remi Braden." ...

CA: Eureka police sergeant accused of excessive force, making false report arrested; Laird on administrative leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Eureka Police Department sergeant was arrested Wednesday following allegations of excessive force by a fellow officer and accusations he filed a false police report."

"Chief Murl Harpham, who announced the arrest of Sgt. Adam Laird at an afternoon press conference, declined to release any information on the exact nature of the incident, other than to say that it occurred one month or more ago." ...

GA: Cop who pointed gun at McDonald's customer will lose certification (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A police officer who was waiting in the drive-thru line at a McDonald's restaurant in Forsyth County is accused of pulling a gun on the customer ahead of him because the officer was angry at having to wait for his food."

"The off-duty officer is Detective Sgt. Scott Biumi, 48, of the DeKalb County Police Department. Biumi is charged with felony aggravated assault on the customer. 11Alive News was not able to reach him for comment Wednesday night." ...

CO: Hunters' group tries to chart new course on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The loudest voices in the gun-control debate that resurfaced after December's Sandy Hook school massacre have come from the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum." ...

NY: Gun Control: WNYC's Full Coverage
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The first major gun control bill failed to pass the Senate. Supporters, like President Obama, called it a 'shameful day.' Opponents said it was a victory for common-sense."

"The New York branch of the NRA has asked a federal judge to block the state’s new gun control measures. The new law, parts of which went into effect on Monday, bans semi-automatic rifles with more than one 'military-style' feature and limits the size of ammunition clips and requires mental health professionals to report patients who pose a danger."

"Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is defending the state in the case and says the new law is not unconstitutional." ...

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. — Winston Churchill

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