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Newslinks for 4/22/2002

MO: President of NMSU wants campus police officers to carry guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The time has come to arm campus safety officers at Northwest Missouri State University," president Dean Hubbard says. "I wasn't interested until now," he said. "But we have to be sensitive to change and do everything we can to make sure this is a safe environment." ... "We don't want or need firearms to police our students, but to protect them against people coming on campus. It just makes sense."

CIA Director Aided Cover-up of Clinton-China Scandal
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"In Trulock’s case, the FBI raided his home in an obvious attempt to intimidate him."

"Oehler was shafted in a different manner ... What the [Clinton] administration finally did was just order Oehler, ‘Shut up!’ Particularly, stop telling the Hill. ... Oehler wouldn’t stop. And Winston Wiley told the NSC that Oehler will not appear on the Hill again ... Oehler came back from vacation. His desk was cleaned out." CIA Director Tenet had shut him down."

CBS Primetime First Monday "Showdown" on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"SPECIAL NIGHT! Monday, April 22, 10/9c"


"In the midst of a case regarding the right to bear arms, the argument among the Brethren becomes personal when Justice Snow informs the Justices that a gun Novelli once owned was used in a drive-by shooting."

Deathbed Confession: U.S. Government Withholding Key Evidence in OKC Bombing
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Elmina Abdul ... Her astonishing story, revealed in this exclusive story for the first time, could blow the lid off what a growing number of people believe is a U.S. government cover-up of vital evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing case. It also exposes an alleged plot ginned up by former Philippine president Fidel Ramos to manipulate Abu Sayyaf as a means of enhancing his personal political power."

OH: Packin' heat: Queen City of the Wild West
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Ohio's law barring concealed weapons was struck down in Hamilton County by a state appeals court last week, allowing anyone to carry in the county except felons, drug addicts, mental incompetents and drunks."

"It's not the good guys who are making Cincinnati look like Dodge City. But some tenderfoots think that if citizens can carry, there will be blood in the streets: shootouts at stoplights, showdowns at Skyline, gunfights at soccer games."

Can you say no to police? Supreme Court will shape warrantless searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"At issue in the case, which will be argued Tuesday, is how police should approach travelers to question or search them, and whether officers are obligated to tell people they have a constitutional right to refuse to cooperate."

"The Bush administration argues that what's at stake ... expected by July, is whether police will be deprived of an essential crime-fighting tool -- consensual search -- just when they need it most to protect public transportation from terrorist attacks."

Messing with the Constitution
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"President Bush has resurrected a bad idea - a victims' rights amendment to the Constitution."

Gun Owners of America April 2002 Newsletter
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader, or copy URL and paste into this form.

GunFree Camp Response
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"I certainly haven't had the likes of Charles Schumer, Dennis Hennigan, Diane Feinstein, Sarah Brady, or your local newspaper editors beating down the door to reserve their place in a GunFree camp."

"The reason the hoplophobic politicians and lobbyists didn't write is because they don't want to live in a gun-free surrounding. They want to keep their guns. They just don't want the loot-producing serfs to have them."

UK: Shopkeeper loses eye after 100th robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Abdul Sattar, 35, who was repeatedly stabbed in the eye and thigh as he confronted two thugs stealing bottles of alcopops, vowed today to close the business he bankrolled with his life savings because it is "too dangerous". He said his store in Norbury, south London, had been robbed 100 times in four years."

"They cut my eye out for less than £6 worth of drink. Why did they do this to me? My customers say I am a good person."

FraudNET: Report Mismanagement of Federal Funds
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The General Accounting Office (GAO) maintains FraudNET to facilitate reporting of allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement of federal funds. If you want to report such allegations, you may do so by filling out a FraudNET Form or by using one of these other methods:"

Email, Fax 202.512.3086, or Write GAO FraudNET, 441 G Street NW, Washington DC 20548

The Bush Administration's “Drugs = Terrorism” Fraud
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"U.S. drug laws have done far more to empower terrorists than Bush & Co. would like to admit. Drug laws are far more effective at putting profit into narcotics than law enforcement is at taking the profit out."

"Government prohibitions make drug trafficking far more risky and far more profitable than it would otherwise be. The only reason that opium is more profitable for terrorists than beer is that the United States and other governments prohibit opium while tolerating beer."

Non-violent Revolution to Expose Corruption and Restore Constitutional Rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It is my hope that Americans in every county in the country will converge upon their courthouses and use The Weidner Method to fight any kind of case. Throughout my 20 years of research about government corruption The Weidner Method is the first solution I have ever encountered. If nothing else, it will expose duplicity and make the entire community aware of it, a necessary first step."

Airport security workers to get makeovers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--What an important expendature of our tax dollars. I feel so much safer knowing that our airport insecurity personnel will now be in fashion as they strip-search 3-year-old girls. That should scare those terrorists away.

Citizens' Survey 2002
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Question 14: "What/whom do you consider the greatest threats to America today?"

Question 15: "If you have additional comments and views on the above issues, please share them with us. And tell us what causes and candidates you have supported in the past"

"All responses are confidential ... Your name, town and home state are optional."

Arm Pilots For Airline Security
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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by U.S. Rep. John Hostettler: "The authority to implement the law lies with Undersecretary of Transportation for Security John Magaw. I hope he will act quickly. Congress, pilots, and, most importantly, the American people support pilots carrying firearms. The terrorists, I expect, do not."

TX: Forum urges protecting youths from media violence
Submitted by: serinde

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"community leaders encouraged their audience Saturday to reduce the amount of violence children watch."

"In modern movies and video games, [Anantha] Babbili said, "violence is often rewarded and seldom has consequences," creating a culture that views it as pure entertainment, even amusing."

"Although watching fictional violence does not mean a person will commit violent acts ... repeated exposure can lead to greater fear, desensitization, misogyny and many other problems."

UK: Robot cameras 'will predict crimes before they happen' (followup)
Submitted by: ed mcghee

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"By learning behaviour patterns, computers could soon alert police when an unmanned camera sees 'suspicious' activity."

"It works by examining images coming in from close circuit television cameras (CCTV) and comparing them to behaviour patterns that have already programmed into its memory.

"The software, called Cromatica, can then mathematically work out what is likely to happen next. And if it is likely to be a crime it can send a warning signal to a security guard or police officer."

CA: New theory in Sepulveda shooting
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"For more than 18 months, investigators pointed to the handle of a Modesto SWAT officer's knife as the likely cause of the shotgun blast that killed 11-year-old Alberto Sepulveda."

"Paul M. Dougherty, president of DWM Laboratory Inc., believes it's more likely the knob on officer David Hawn's radio control box caught the trigger of his 12-gauge shotgun. Both the knife and the radio were hooked to the front of Hawn's vest. Hawns shotgun was pointed at the boy's back."

THE ENEMY WITHIN: U.N. gives aid and comfort to terrorists
Submitted by: Vincent W.Beall

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--The U.N. apparently wants to support terrorism AND take American's guns away.

"Six EU members and the U.N. Human Rights Commission now join the 57 nations of the Islamic Conference in legitimizing suicide bombers."

Protecting ALL the Bill of Rights from those who oppose it
Submitted by: SaveOurGuns

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Do libraries need lie detectors?
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Should professional librarians be concerned with the veracity of the books on their non-fiction shelves?"

"Suppose "Arming America" is the book a student chooses for a high school history book report. Does it matter that his intellectual development may be shaped by a deliberate lie?"

AU: Jail for carrying a handgun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"POLICE Minister Michael Costa has called on the courts to jail anyone caught on the streets of Sydney with an illegal handgun. Mr Costa said gun-running was now more profitable than drug trafficking on the streets of Sydney."

"Criminal gangs are buying the guns for $200 each and then selling them for up to $5000," he said. "Where there is a mark-up like that, people will always take a risk." "Handguns are a menace -- we can't have juvenile fights turning into gun battles in the streets."

Privacy: Watching out for Big Brother
Submitted by: serinde

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The Computers Freedom & Privacy conference has "morphed into an event where participants' worst surveillance nightmares may be poised to come true following the terrorist attacks."

They point to the Patriot Act, "which gives law enforcement unprecedented power to monitor citizens' habits -- including Web and email use."

"Speakers worried that law enforcement agencies could rush to implement technology that's ineffective and invasive -- and that the tech industry would help them."

There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. — Ayn Rand in her must-read novel, Atlas Shrugged

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