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Newslinks for 4/23/2004

Glorifying Guns?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Yet the whole notion of marketing Kerry as sympathetic to gun owners has always been a tough sell. For someone like Howard Dean, the question was at least debatable. For Kerry, however, gun-control organizations have rated him as having a perfect record on gun control over his entire political career. Even this spring, when legislation to rein in abusive lawsuits against gun makers was voted on by the Senate, Kerry consistently supported gun-control efforts." ...

"Supporting 'reasonable restrictions' sounds moderate, but is an ownership ban 'reasonable'? And, if so, what exactly does guaranteeing an individual right really mean?"

The Depressive and the Psychopath
Submitted by: Treefroggy

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They said Columbine was about the easy access to guns; it wasn't. They said it was about immature teenagers who were bullied by their classmates; it wasn't. Five years later, a Forensic Psychologist, and expert in Juvenile Psychopaths who worked with the FBI on the case comes to the conclusion that for at least one of the mass murderers it was just a matter of time and where.

Bypassing - or Becoming - the Media?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The NRA isn't happy. Most Big Media outfits are strongly anti-gun, and they tend to exaggerate bad news relating to guns (like their use by criminals) and to ignore the good news about honest people using guns to defend themselves, or for sports and recreation. Sure, there are blogs that track things like that, but they don't have full-time staff, budgets, or the power of TV."

"But now the NRA is getting even. It's setting up its own Web TV channel called NRA News that will provide several hours a day of programming from a pro-gun perspective."

"Of course, there's another agenda, too. Campaign finance laws let media organizations -- even those with strong opinions on the issues, like, say, the New York Times' pronounced hostility to gun ownership -- express their opinions free of spending limits. ..."

Report: Government and contract airport screeners perform poorly
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Airport security screeners perform poorly, whether they're government or privately employed workers, the Homeland Security Department's chief investigator told Congress on Thursday."

"The House aviation subcommittee received reports from Inspector General Clark Kent Ervin, the General Accounting Office and a private firm. The government reports found airport security is lax and all three described the Transportation Security Administration as overly bureaucratic."

"Ervin told lawmakers the TSA screeners and privately contracted airport workers 'performed about the same, which is to say, equally poorly.' "

Consider this: the same people who want to ensure you are completely disarmed and undefended and who insist you rely on them for your very life, are now admitting that they are inept at protecting you.

Remarks By Chris W. Cox, Executive Director, NRA-ILA, At The 2004 Annual Meeting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I took the helm at the Institute for Legislative Action - ILA two years ago, and I’ve got to tell you - people like you in this room amaze me."

"Look at what you did in the last two national elections."

"In 2000, you voted freedom first and you beat Al Gore."

"In 2002, thanks to you, we won 82 percent of our state races, 84 percent of our U.S. Senate races, and 94 percent of our U.S. House races."

"Give yourself credit for the best election cycle in the history of the National Rifle Association!"

How to fight evil
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Jews have experienced violent persecution for thousands of years. There was nothing completely new about the Holocaust – it was an old story, retold on a massive scale. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was something different. It established a different identity for Jews. It recalled the original vision of Jewish identity established in the Bible: Jew as scholar-warrior. It is a vision that Jews must embody; it is a vision that right-minded people everywhere must embody." ...

"A new model of the Jew had been created: not a passive Jew, but a Jew who would battle to the last bullet. But was this truly a new model? Not according to the Old Testament, the Tanach, which clearly calls for Jews to hold a Bible in one hand and a sword in the other. God knows that certain values must be preserved by force of arms. That principle – a strong arm in the defense of morality – is the foundation of both the state of Israel and of the United States."

Renew the weapons ban
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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""That there is still strong opposition to extending the weapons ban in spite of its obvious merits speaks to the power of the nation's gun lobby, which has fought every effort for sensible gun control. ..."

KABA Note: This is a gun banner lie. There have been no merits to the AW ban, obvious or otherwise.

"...The percentage of assault weapons used in crimes since the original ban passed has been reduced by two-thirds. ..."

KABA Note: The percentage of "assault" weapons used in crimes has been absolutely miniscule to begin with. Example: If such a weapon had only been used in a crime one time during any given year, and the next year no "assault" weapons were used in any crimes, the gun banners would crow about a 100 percent reduction in the use of "assault" weapons.

"The need for the ban is painfully obvious. ..."

KABA Note: The need for a muzzle for pseudo-journalistic hacks posing as editors spreading misinformation is painfully obvious as well. But we do have respect for the First Amendment, so we'll just have to suffer through the indignity of being subjected to this ignorance.

NRA Facing Broader Opposition
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"To Jordan, the NRA leadership's response to inner-city gun violence raises questions about the organization's claims to be a gun-safety group. If the NRA really was concerned about gun safety in the U.S., he contends, its leaders would have more to say about the toll that firearms are taking in many city neighborhoods. Instead, he says, 'various NRA leaders have said publicly that if people want to have these wars and kill each other, that they'll be glad to supply them with weapons and ammunition.' "

Big Brother Rent-A-Car
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"You know, of course, that when you rent a car, your every move may be tracked."

"You didn't know?"

"Well, neither do most rental car customers."

"Which is why companies that track you, through car navigation systems and other technology, should tell you they're doing it. A bill written by East Bay Assembly member Ellen Corbett, AB 2840, would require them to do just that. Lawmakers who don't think this is a good idea are hereby eligible for a Big Brother award."

DE: Police seeking pet-store shooter
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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This is a textbook example of how Sarah Brady's pacifist hoplophobic ideas about how to act when confronted by armed criminals. This pet store owner is still in critical condition because he followed Sarah the holplophobe's advice to "don't resist.....give them what they want". Our lock-stepping police, assuming we're too stupid to use a gun for defense and, toeing the PC party line offers a few useless and ineffective tips to future targets.

"Navarro said the wounded victim was at the back of the store and was able to make his way to the front, where police found him bleeding heavily, seated by the front door."

"There were no customers in the store at the time, police said."

" 'The victim did not resist their demands in the attempted robbery,' Navarro said. 'After he was shot, the assailants fled empty-handed and did not tamper with the register or anything else.' "

PA: Handgun at school roils Churchill parents
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Nearly 150 worried parents descended on Shaffer Primary School in Churchill last night to talk to district officials about a third-grader who brought a gun to school on Monday."

"The .25-caliber gun, which the 8-year-old boy showed to his friends in a school bathroom, was unloaded and no one was injured. The boy was suspended through April 30 and ultimately might be expelled, but parents of children at Shaffer are demanding more than his punishment."

"Many want the district to require clear backpacks, install metal detectors and possibly hire security guards at Shaffer, despite assurances from Woodland Hills School Superintendent Ronald Grimm that the building is safe."

These are sheeple breeding sheeple. Instead of educating their children about firearms and teaching them respect for these tools, they would rather bury their and their children's heads in the sand and keep them blind and ignorant and cowardly. That way they will grow up without any self reliance whatsoever.

UK: Public 'happy to carry ID cards'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"David Blunkett has pledged to push ahead with ID card legislation after an opinion poll said most people would be happy to carry one."

"The home secretary said he wanted a bill paving the way for a national ID scheme to become law before the next general election."

"Almost half those surveyed said they would not want to pay for the cards. A £35 fee has been proposed."

"Mr Blunkett said the cards would probably be free for young people and there would be concessions for the elderly and those on low incomes."

In other words the taxpayers will foot the bill. So not only are the British sheep going to be tracked and monitored like true cattle, they will have to foot the bill for this insanity AND pay for those too "underprivileged" to pay the fee themselves.

Ain't Britain a happy place?

AL: House panel OKs gun bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A bill that would help keep the mentally ill from legally buying guns received unanimous support Wednesday from the House Judiciary Committee."

"Sen. Tom Butler, D-Madison, said he now is working with the Rules Committee to get it before the full House for a vote 'as quickly as possible.' "

"Last week, the Senate voted 21-7 for the legislation that would require reporting some involuntary commitments in Alabama to a national database that screens gun purchasers. The bill must pass the House and receive the governor's signature to become law."

MO: Can Missouri's Gov. Holden Hang On?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Holden's first four years as governor, however, have been less than stellar. He threw a million-dollar inaugural party - the most expensive in state history - and left his inaugural committee in the red. His 2003 veto of a concealed-carry gun law, popular with rural voters, was overridden by the GOP-controlled Legislature. Holden also angered Republican legislators by signing an executive order giving state workers collective bargaining rights."

NJ: Church offering gun buyback Sat.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There will be a lot to offer Saturday at a health fair being hosted by Bethel AME Church."

"Fifteen agencies offering a variety of health services and information ranging from HIV screenings to blood pressure tests."

"A gun buyback where amnesty and $50 will be given for handguns from anywhere.

If you live near Millville, NJ, and your handgun collection is stolen from your home tonight or tomorrow, you can check with this church on Saturday and see if they have it. There should be a penalty for encouraging crime this way. Like the loss of tax exempt status, maybe.

AZ: Gun-toting bill adds bars, clubs along with a no-imbibing twist
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"The state House on Wednesday added bars and nightclubs to a bill that would let people take guns into restaurants that serve alcohol."

"But there's a twist. The gun-carriers would not be allowed to drink alcohol."

"The bill, backed by the National Rifle Association and opposed by restaurant groups and liquor wholesalers, gained preliminary approval in the House. It could face a formal vote as early as today."

IL: ISRA Asks: 'Is Gun Control Worth Dying For?'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Rep. William Delgado (D-Chicago) is one of a handful of Illinoisans who believe that gun control is worth dying for. ..."

"Earlier this legislative session, the Illinois Senate passed SB2165 with strong bipartisan support. SB2165 would provide an affirmative defense to a violation of a municipal ordinance that prohibits, regulates, or restricts the private ownership of firearms if the individual who is charged with the violation used the firearm in an act of self-defense or defense of another. ..."

"After passage in the Senate, SB2165 moved to the House for consideration. Delgado utilized parliamentary procedure to hijack the bill to prevent it from being voted on by the full House. SB2165 is now effectively dead."

IA: Gun-Control Group Targets Largest Gun Shows in Iowa
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An Iowa gun-control group is targeting the largest gun shows in Iowa."

"Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence is asking the Iowa State Fair Board to require criminal background checks on people who purchase firearms at the state fairgrounds."

"The regulation would apply to six gun shows held throughout the year at the fairgrounds by Tradeshow Productions, a Montezuma company."

CA: Yet another good case for gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICER Isaac Espinoza was allegedly slain by a 20-year-old who shot him with an AK-47 assault weapon. Espinoza, a South San Francisco resident, was a husband and was the father of a 3-year-old daughter."...

"For years we have heard the refrain that guns on the street are too easily available. And for years, police officers throughout the country have been overwhelmed by the firepower of assault weapons, which have no place outside of a war zone."

Riiiiight - except maybe to save lives. A couple of weeks ago, an "assault" weapon was used in self defense.

India: Preventing Future Genocides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IN a recent address to the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan announced plans to launch an 'Action plan to prevent genocide' involving the entire UN system."

"Warning that 'the risk of genocide remains frighteningly real,' Mr Annan said the action plan is the 'only fitting memorial the UN can offer those whom its inaction in 1994 condemned to die.' "

"Protection of civilians in armed conflict must be improved, including by empowering the UN peace-keepers to use force, not only in self-defence but also to protect local civilians, he said."

Nowhere does he address the issue of civilians defending themselves. No genocide has yet occurred in a population that was not first disarmed!

Italy: In a belated recognition that police can not be everywhere, Italian Senate committee approves "legitimate defense" bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Italian Senate's Justice Committee approved a controversial bill which modifies existing legislation on legitimate defense, allowing people to keep firearms at homes and businesses for use in personal defense and protection of their property."

"Italian opposition MPs voted against the measure while the centrist Daisy party lawmakers and a Democratic Left MP abstained.

"The important modification to article 52 of the penal code focuses around the right of individuals to defend property, including the right to shoot thieves or other illegal trespassers."

"Guido Ziccone dismissed charges that the law would turn the country into a 'Wild West.' "

Even in Italy the antis make the same absurd claims!

FL: Gun club lawsuits settled, bill isn't
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"With a push from Gov. Jeb Bush, state agencies have settled two lawsuits against a Pinellas Park gun range as Florida lawmakers prepare to pass legislation that would have dismissed the cases."

"The settlements end a contentious four-year legal battle capped by the National Rifle Association's push to ban state agencies from ever suing a gun range. NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer called such lawsuits 'back-door gun control.' "

"State House members spent an hour Wednesday debating a watered-down version of the NRA-backed bill (SB 1156) and could pass it today and send it to the governor."

"Bush, an NRA member for 16 years, said he would sign it."

Canada: Random drive-by shooting suspects still on the loose even with $2 BILLION gun registration operation up and running
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RCMP are still looking for three men after a bizarre shooting incident near Saskatoon."

"The drive-by shooting happened Wednesday morning on Highway 11, when the men reportedly fired at a half-ton truck."

"Five bullets hit the door of the truck, narrowly missing the driver. He then lost control of the truck and rolled it into the ditch."

"The bullets did not hit the man, but he was taken to hospital in Saskatoon for injuries he suffered in the rollover."

"Police say the shooting attack appears to be random."

" 'We have not been able to identify a connection between the people who were reported to have shot at the truck to the victim that was in the truck,' says RCMP Cpl. Brian Jones."

CO: Gun ban didn't help
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Second letter on the page

"Jim Spencer's column is a failure in logic that should be pointed out. Assault weapons were banned - yes, illegal - at the time of Columbine. The law did not work. The law will not work."

"Why such an emotional plea for something that didn't even work? So in the face of failed reason, Spencer resorts to the predictable target: emotion. What do Daniel Mauser's shoes have to do with anything?"

NC: Courthouse security will tighten
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Last week, 27-year-old Marcus Dontavin Beatty was sentenced to between 25 and 30 months in prison after a jury found him guilty of illegally carrying a gun on Gurley Street in March 2002. Beatty had a previous conviction for armed robbery."

"But despite his recent successes, Phillips continued Wednesday to blast the state's gun law as hopelessly toothless."

" 'Comparing the state and federal gun statutes is like comparing a modern nuclear weapon to a World War II-vintage, unguided iron bomb,' he said."

"Under the state law, it is not illegal for a convicted felon to have any type of weapon in his or her home or place of business. Only fully automatic guns are prohibited."

PA: NRA endorsed wrong candidate (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I understand that in politics, one hand washes the other, but by endorsing Arlen Specter the NRA is shooting itself in the foot. Here's why."

"Specter, while politically savvy enough not to step directly on the toes of gun owners, believes that the Constitution is a 'living breathing document.' ..."

"Regardless of what Specter might have done for gun owners directly, the long-term effects of Specter's view that the Constitution should not stand in the way of non-Constitutional court decisions, over the protests of the majority of Americans, might very well blow up in the faces of millions of gun owners."

Nigeria: National ID Card: an Epic Drama of Waste
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Exactly a year ago the federal government staged a nationwide drama which resulted in a monumental waste of over $220 million. It was a very spectacular performance, and the theme of the drama: 'National Identity Card Registration' was so compelling that no single Nigerian, not even some resident aliens wanted to be left out of the grand show." ...

"For the teeming masses of Nigerians who have been waiting for a government that will alleviate their poverty, the National Identity card registration was the last thing to expect. And so, on February 18, 2003 when the exercise commenced, people were running helter skelter to find places where they could register. ..."

CA: ‘Denim Day’ shows support for victims of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lunchtime crowd at City Hall Wednesday participated in 'Denim Day,' a public education campaign designed to show support for victims of sexual violence and challenge rape myths."

"Denim Day was established six years ago by the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women as a form of protest against an Italian High Court decision that overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The court stated in its decision that 'jeans cannot be partly removed without the effective help of the person wearing them.' "

Myths they fail to address:

1) A 5' 2", 95 pound woman can easily overcome a 6' 3", 250 pound man with a little training.

2) If you have a gun he will take it away from you.

NC: Board of Commissioners Decides That The Price of Growth is Restriction of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's no surprise that most of the folks who attended Monday's Board of Commissioners public hearing into an ordinance that would set gunfire restrictions didn't like the proposal. Hearings of this sort anywhere always attract folks who believe they have the right to decide where and when to fire their guns."

"Up to a point, this view is reasonable. But thanks to continuing development, outdoor gunfire in much of the county repeatedly disturbs and even frightens some residents. Unexpected gunfire inevitably invokes fear of stray bullets."

"The restrictions that the county commission is considering would balance the rights of residents to the quiet enjoyment of their homes with the rights of gun owners."

Australia: High Ranking Member of UN's Armed Elite Hired for 'Hit' on Gangster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE investigating Melbourne's gangland murders have been told a detective accepted a contract to kill Jason Moran, the violent drug dealer who was murdered in front of his children last June."

"An ethical standards department source [reported] that the Purana taskforce had been tipped off by an underworld informer that the former drug squad detective accepted a $250,000 contract to murder Moran."

"The detective is understood to have obtained a semi-automatic pistol and researched Moran's likely movements in the months before his death."

"The source said the detective did not go through with the murder, and Purana investigators believe Moran was killed by another underworld hitman."

NY: Still A Few Days Left To Sign Up For 4-H Shooting Sports Program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Learning to safely and properly handle a firearm is an important skill for everyone to have! Because of this, the Oswego County 4-H program is now taking applications for the annual 4-H Shooting Sports Program. The Five to eight week courses in archery and blackpowder riflery will start the end of April and teach youth ages 12-19 the fundamentals of marksmanship, safety and ethics."

PA: Neighbor Says Boy who Took Gun to School Where He Could Have Shot Helpless Disarmed Victims to his Heart's Content was Bullied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A third-grade boy suspended for bringing a loaded gun to his suburban Pittsburgh school on Monday was a victim of constant bullying, a neighbor said."

"Officials at Shaffer Primary School in Churchill aren't identifying the 8-year-old boy, who is serving a 10-day suspension and could be expelled."

"But Regina Walker, 42, of North Braddock, said her son knows the boy who brought the gun to school. She was one of 120 parents who met Wednesday night with Woodland Hills School Superintendent Ron Grimm to express their concerns about the incident."

" 'He gets picked on from the time he gets to the corner at the bus stop until he gets to the school,' Walker said."

Boy those victim disarmament zone laws are working well, aren't they!

New Zealand: Firearms licenses
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"South Canterbury firearms license holders may find that they do not have valid license this year says the Canterbury Police Firearms coordinator."

" 'Since February 2004 we have sent out 2417 reminders re licenses due to be renewed. From the Ashburton/ Timaru area on average 17% have been returned as not known at this address,' says Mr Frank Lynch. 'In other words they have not sent us a change of address notification. The average for Canterbury is only 14%.' "

MO: Many applying for concealed firearm permit in the area
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After nearly a month of accepting applications for permits to carry concealed firearms, the Scott County Sheriff’s Department still has under 100 background checks to conduct." ...

"As the longest possible wait for applicants is 45 days, the first permits will be issued on May 15 at the very latest. 'If we have not received the criminal history check back, we have to go ahead and issue the permit,' Bledsoe said. 'Then if something comes back on the background check after that, you have to address it at that time.' "

MI: Off-duty chief halts robbery, proving once again that concealed carry prevents and stops crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Argentine Township police chief was doing some off-duty banking Tuesday afternoon when he walked into a robbery at the Citizens Bank."

"Standing in line, VanKeuren figured the funny looks on the tellers' faces had something to do with the man in a hat, sunglasses and fake teeth talking with a teller."

"VanKeuren, a retired Flint police sergeant, quietly asked the woman in front of him to leave the bank then watched as the odd-looking man passed a note to the teller."

"As soon as he heard the man tell the teller to put the cash in an envelope, VanKeuren pulled out his pistol, walked up to the robber and told him he was under arrest."

This time it was an off-duty cop . . . next time it could be any citizen with a CCW.

UK: Young man caught with converted gun is jailed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An illegal immigrant who was caught in a city flat with a loaded gun was sent to a young offenders institution for six years."

"In passing sentence on Jerome Thomas, Birmingham Recorder John Saunders QC said: 'The possession of illegal firearms has increasingly, over the past few years, become a significant problem in this country.' "

" 'Firearms have been a problem in Birmingham and perhaps a greater problem than some areas of this country.'

"The weapon was later examined and found to be a converted pistol which had one bullet in the chamber of the gun and seven others in the magazine."

Showing once again that where there is a demand suppliers will meet it.

SC: York student charged after officers find gun in "gun-free" victim disarmament zone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A student at York Comprehensive High School was arrested after police said they found a loaded revolver and two boxes of ammunition in his car at the school Tuesday."

"The 16-year-old told authorities he needed the gun for protection. He and his cousin were having problems with 'guys at Northwestern' High School, according to a report at the York County Sheriff's Office."

"The boy was charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol and carrying a weapon on school grounds."

"On Tuesday, a school bus driver reported to the school administrator that students talked about a weapon at school the day before. A female student lead authorities to the 16-year-old who said he had a gun underneath the driver's seat of his car."

NY: .50-caliber gun ban ill-advised
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most sportsmen I know don't see the need to get worked up over New York State Assembly legislation that would ban the sale and ownership of a .50-caliber gun."

"Speaker Sheldon Silver has even gone so far as to assert such a gun could bring down an airliner. I have found no credible evidence in support."

" 'Fifty-caliber guns have no legitimate purpose, and to keep them legal is supporting keeping them legal for terrorists and others,' Silver told the AP. This conjures the mind-boggling image of terrorists and their ilk, whatever their ilk might be, lining up at a gun shop, waiting for their Brady checks, in order to purchase a sniper gun."

Bit by bit the noose tightens . . .

NY: Shooting that shakes up residents used cop's gun stolen from his home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Stunned, chagrined and a little wistful that violence they hoped to escape by living here may have followed them anyway, residents this week reflected about the shooting that's left a man in critical condition."

" 'It's a little too close to home,' said Sages owner Pat Ackerman, referring to the shooting that took place diagonally across from her store window early Friday morning."

"Michael Wilson was shot in the chest inside his car, following a night out at the Tri-State Pub & Grill. His injuries are considered life-threatening, according to police."

"...The handgun [used in the shooting] was taken from a police officer's residence and reported stolen by the Southwick, Mass. Police Department ..."

PA: Catholics voice diverse views on gun ownership
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"Father Greg Swiderski recalls two incidents in his life that caused him to become active in opposition to the possession of guns."

"Father Swiderski was among the members of Confluence Against Gun Violence, a coalition of Pittsburgh organizations, that mobilized to oppose the National Rifle Association leadership and its annual convention and gun show that was held April 16-20 at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Downtown Pittsburgh."

"The confluence sponsored broad-based events that it said were designed 'to educate the public and NRA membership about how the NRA leadership’s racist, bigoted attitudes promote hate and violence and contribute to the widespread fear and violence.' "

Considering gun control's racist roots, this statement is painfully hypocritical.

MO: Man charged with 12 killings had violent past, court records show, but used his hands, not guns, to kill his victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The man accused of strangling a dozen women in what may be the state's largest serial murder case lived in a modest, single-story home at the end of a dead-end street. He often hit golf balls in the back yard and chatted with neighbors about the Kansas City Chiefs."

"That image of a helpful, friendly neighbor unraveled this week when prosecutors announced they had charged Lorenzo Gilyard, 53, with killing 12 women - all but one a prostitute. He faces 10 counts of first-degree murder and two counts of capital murder; prosecutors have not determined whether they will seek the death penalty."


Malaysia: Duo in daring armed robbery at goldsmith’s shop despite Malaysia's draconian gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two robbers pretending to be customers escaped with about RM700,000 in jewellery from a goldsmith's shop at Low Yat Plaza in Jalan Bukit Bintang here yesterday."

"Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Hadi Ho Abdullah said a salesgirl related in her police report that one of the 'customers' had lifted up his blazer to show that he had what seemed like a pistol in his waist."

" 'It was enough to convince her that he was carrying a firearm and to follow the robbers’ demands,' he said."

"He added that police had yet to establish the identity of the two robbers."

KABA Note: Malaysia's gun laws are so strict that possession of a single uncertified bullet can result in the death penalty.

TX: Texas Finalizes Right To Carry Reciprocity with NC! (NRA Alert)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's official -- Texas and North Carolina have finalized a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) reciprocal agreement! Special thanks to the bill's sponsors, Rep. Jack Stick (R-Austin) and Sen. Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls), as well as Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) and Governor Rick Perry (R) for negotiating and signing the agreement. ..."

Nigeria: Porous Border Fuelling Gunrunning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nigeria’s police are cracking down on illegal firearms which, they say, are threatening Africa’s most populous country."

"Tafa Balogun, Nigeria’s police chief, issued an order to crackdown on the illicit firearms three weeks ago. Since then, large numbers of weapons have been retrieved and 105 suspects arrested."

"Balogun has ordered the gun owners to submit their weapons voluntarily to the police or risk being apprehended."

" 'It has been a massive success as large numbers of illegal weapons were recovered from armed robbers, political thugs and firearm manufacturers,' Chris Olakpe, a police spokesman in the Nigerian administrative capital of Abuja, told IPS."

First stage of genocide: disarm the potential victims.

Thrill of the Hunt
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Psychologist's view:

"...I can't understand what a hunter gets out of hunting for sport. It seems to me that it has something to do with the value of power over the more vulnerable, which raises a question about why such a motivation is present in a person. Raising animals to sell, as done on cattle and chicken farms, is a perfectly legitimate business and I understand the motivation of making a profit. I don't understand the motivation in loving to kill an animal for the mere sake of it. Most of us would roundly condemn a person who tortures or kills a cat or a dog; why the double standard with a less domesticated animal?"

"On a political note, I can't help but notice that the President so beloved of animal rights advocates and other silly liberals -- Bill Clinton -- openly advocated restricting guns for human self-defense while freely allowing guns for the purpose of hunting, which he personally enjoyed. It's just another example of how things are incredibly backwards in this society today."

All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land. —WILLIAM KINGDON CLIFFORD

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