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Newslinks for 4/23/2016

1,000 Shootings In Chicago; CCRKBA Calls On Rahm Emanuel to Resign
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is calling on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign and “admit his incompetence” after Wednesday’s report that there have been 1,000 shootings in Chicago so far this year.

LA: Mitch Landrieu Has A Solution For New Orleans’s Crime Problem….Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you actually thought that Mitch was going to do something productive about fighting crime in New Orleans, you’re sadly mistaken. Instead Mitch and his cronies are going to hold a press conference at the Bunny Friend Playground to announce some a[sic] gun control ordinance. Bunny Friend is where there was a mass shooting in November.

GA: Can This Sheriff Clear 500 Guns From his Streets in 100 Days?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Georgia this past Wednesday, Richmond County Sheriff Rich­ard Roundtree unveiled his ambitious plan to get 500 illegal guns off Au­gus­ta streets in 100 days, and he has the support of local judges and the district attorney to do it.

The announcement came after a recent rise in gun violence and Roundtree’s personal observation of the social issues surrounding crime in his jurisdiction: of this year’s murder victims and suspects, all are males, and seven of the eight victims were black.

SC: Stabbing at Sumter County chicken plant was act of self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Investigators in Sumter County said no charges will be filed in a April 15 stabbing at Pilgrim's Pride chicken plant.

Authorities made the decision to file no charges as they deemed the stabbing to be in self-defense.

Deputies responded to the chicken plant around 7:45am, April 15. When deputies arrived they found a woman suffering from serious stab wounds.

OK: Self-Defense Legislation Passes Senate, Headed to Conference Committee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wednesday night, the Oklahoma Senate passed House Bill 3098 by a 37-9 vote.

Sponsored by state Representative Jeff Coody (R-63), HB 3098 would allow for the open carry of a handgun without having to obtain a permit. Earlier today, the Oklahoma Senate passed House Joint Resolution 1009 by a 39-7 vote. Both HJR 1009 and HB 3098 will now be sent to conference committee for further consideration.

MI: Ionia County Prosecutor rules shooting death as justifiable self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No criminal charges will be filed against a Belding woman who killed her boyfriend in October 2015.

Kylie Vincent, 21, fatally shot her boyfriend, Eric Harrington, 34, of Belding in the early morning hours of Oct. 21, 2015. According to Ionia County Prosecuting Attorney Kyle Butler, Vincent acted in justifiable self-defense.

Even though her boyfriend was not armed with a weapon at the time he was shot, Vincent was in reasonable fear of death or great possible harm, Butler said in a press release.

FL: Back renewed campus-carry efforts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For those of you who don't know me, I am the on-campus rape survivor from FSU who supports the campus carry bill.

Unfortunately for Second Amendment rights, Sens. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla and Andy Gardiner, both took part in killing the bill.

I am disgusted that those who oppose gun rights claim they support women when they only support women who agree with them. Ironically, most of these same people support my right to choose what to do with my body — but not how I choose to protect said body.

Chelsea Clinton: Gun Control Is Possible Because Scalia Died
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Chelsea Clinton claimed that since late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is no longer on the bench, it is now possible to enact more gun control, if her mother Hillary is elected to nominate a liberal justice.

During a campaign event, Chelsea Clinton said, “It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control. With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control.”

Ehline Law Firm PC Shows Its Support for Self Defense Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Larger weapons such as a Howitzer Canon, or 50 caliber machine gun are typically “crew served” firearms. This means they are not bearable arms per se. So this case is very narrowly applicable to a standard infantry rifle being licensed to and used by a USMC reservist, and law abiding citizen. The time, place and manner in which the rifle can or could be used is not at issue. In fact, it can never be certain when or if a firearm may need to be used in defense of self or others. What is certain is many people wish to retain their common law and unalienable rights to keep and bear arms of their choice for a lawful purpose.

Hillary Wants Your Guns, And wants you to help her grab them
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hillary Clinton will continue President Obama’s anti-Second Amendment crusade — and seems to think she can get law-abiding gun owners to help her.

Speaking at a rally in Hartford, Connecticut Thursday, Clinton vowed to end America’s “gun culture” if elected. “We can do this consistent with the Second Amendment,” Clinton claimed.

"We can do this with the support of responsible gun voters," she continued. "And that is exactly what we will do." How exactly Clinton thinks restrictions placed on a freedom guaranteed by the Second Amendment can be consistent with the Second Amendment, she did not say.

NY: Gun Control Is Not A “Women’s Issue” As Senator Gillibrand Claims
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“This debate is relegated to the men. It’s about hunting? It has nothing to do with hunting,” Gillibrand explained on Thrush’s podcast. “Nothing in this debate has to do with hunting, and nothing in this debate has to do with the Second Amendment rights. Nothing… I think – I see the world in the lens of women’s issues. I’m making everything a woman’s issue. I want guns to be a woman’s issue.”

Yes, you heard that right. If you’re a man and you have a firearm, then you should have little to no say in what happens with gun-related legislation.

CT: Extended Sandy Hook lawsuit might just be what the plaintiffs need
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When a Connecticut judge last week allowed family members of Sandy Hook Elementary shooting victims to continue their lawsuit against a gun manufacturer, experts saw the decision as a means to put off deciding the legal merits of the case.

Those experts are undoubtedly right, but several of them also believe extending the case opens the door — just a crack — to the possibility that plaintiffs may score a legal victory.

GA: Will Nathan Deal sign Georgia’s ‘campus carry’ legislation?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Nathan Deal faces another dicey political question as he debates whether to sign legislation that would allow college students to carry guns onto campuses after GOP lawmakers defied his personal request for changes to the measure.

The two-term Republican has already vetoed the controversial “religious liberty” legislation long sought by religious conservatives, and rejecting a second measure with broad support among the GOP base in an election year could further jeopardize his standing in his party.

But Deal has been lukewarm on the “campus carry” measure, and lawmakers ignored his attempt to push for changes that would exempt child-care centers and make other exceptions to the gun rights expansion.

SD: Area Schools Weigh Merits Of Armed Personnel
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For Avon superintendent Tom Culver, the possibility remains for allowing armed personnel in school as a safety measure.

The use of armed individuals, known as sentinels, is authorized under state law. Tri-Valley, located just outside Sioux Falls, became this week the first school district to approve sentinel usage.

The South Dakota Legislature passed the sentinel law in March 2013, shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Connecticut. The South Dakota law allows schools the right to “create, establish, and supervise the arming of school employees, hired security personnel or volunteers.”

Gun Bills Would Help Vets Publicly Challenge FBI Background Checks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) on April 19 introduced the Senate companion of the Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act, noting it would help nearly 200,000 veterans from potentially losing their right to keep and bear arms.

The VA has reportedly declared 260,381 veterans with fiduciary trustees to the background check system as “mentally defective.” According to the Congressional Research Service, more than 99 percent of all names reported to NICS as “mental defective” are provided by the VA.

MA: Longmeadow’s Anti-Gun Proposals Could Come to Your Town!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Tuesday, May 10 from 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m., three anti-gun articles will be up for a possible vote at the Longmeadow Annual Town Meeting.

These proposed articles will create unreasonable restrictions on law-abiding gun owners in the neighboring town of Longmeadow. Please attend the town meeting to support residents in Longmeadow and to prevent the proposed articles below from coming to your town!

TX: No indictment in Pottsboro shooting death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A case that began with the report of a gunshot that killed a man in Pottsboro, ended with a vote Thursday at the Grayson County Justice Center.

“The case came down to a claim of self-defense,” Grayson County District Attorney Joe Brown said in a statement about the grand jury’s decision not to indict Vincent Glen Smith, 62, of Pottsboro, in the shooting death of Charles Eugene Carter, 44.

VA: The Battle Over School Carry in Virginia Continues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of Wednesday’s veto override failures has made me believe that we need to approach school carry from a different angle.

Before continuing, let me make Virginia Citizens Defense League’s position clear: VCDL opposed the two bills that let judges carry in schools, without either a CHP or training, ON PRINCIPLE because we felt that if a judge can carry, so should the rest of us.

TN: Faculty and Staff Campus Carry Bill Passes Senate and House!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This important self-defense legislation would permit full-time employees of state public colleges or universities to carry a handgun while on property owned, operated, or used by the employing college or university if the employee has a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit.

John Stossel discovers New York values are disgustingly anti-Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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John Stossel is an outspoken and unabashed libertarian. He’s a public figure on a major news network, where some people think his ideas about free markets and liberty should end with him being shot in the face. Hence, why he wants a gun permit for self-protection. The problem is that Mr. Stossel lives in New York, which is a bastion of anti-gun sentiment. He found that out quite explicitly when he tried to acquire a carry permit. First, the application is about 50 pages because the applicant must not only know their name, residence, lack of criminal history, etc.—but also know the definitions of other weapons.

Rand Paul Aims to Arm Every Airline Pilot, Introduces Amendment to FAA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is reviving a bill, that died out last year with no co-sponsors, to allow all U.S. airline pilots to carry firearms on board.

The Arm All Pilots Act of 2016 would allow trained pilots to carry a concealed firearm while on duty "on the officer's body, loaded and holstered" throughout the flight, in the cockpit and while traveling to/from their place of residence.

NH: NASCAR Affiliated Lobbyist Now Working to Ban Fan’s Guns in New Hampshire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gloves are off!

Anti gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has hired The DuPont Group, a Concord, NH based lobbying firm to push his gun-ban agenda.

Shockingly, these are the same lobbyists who are employed by the New Hampshire International Motor Speedway, NASCAR and Crotched Mountain Resort.

These two New Hampshire institutions are now tainted by their affiliation with gun ban extremists.

WI: Passage of new law flips switch on automatic knife sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In February, Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill that repealed the state's ban on automatic knives and pre-empted all local government efforts to regulate knives by blade length or other characteristics.

Doug Ritter, the founder of Knife Rights Inc., which spearheaded the legislation, attended the ceremony and presented Walker with a special knife. He calls his group "the second front in the defense of Second Amendment."

Now, any size and kind of knife is legal to carry, concealed or otherwise, and McNeil said he quickly sold out of a bunch of cheap switchblades the first month. He's replaced them with higher quality stock.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. —Dwight D. Eisenhower

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