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Newslinks for 4/24/2001

Colorado SB225 Raises Gun-Buying Age to 21
Submitted by: Skypod

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Two Denver Democrats, Sen. Doug Linkhart and Rep. Peter Groff, introduced SB225 to make it illegal to sell a handgun to anyone under 21. "The loophole that we haven't closed is that 18-year-olds can still get guns," Linkhart said.

But Dudley Brown, Exec. Dir. of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (, understands what they are doing: "They're using the dead bodies of children to advance the gun-control agenda."

CONTACT THE CO SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE before they vote on the bill next week.

SC AG Condon Says No To Guns in Bars & Restaurants
Submitted by: Skypod

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Attorney General Charlie Condon has ruled that State law prohibiting firearms in bars and restaurants licensed to serve alcohol applies to all citizens, including those persons possessing concealed weapons permits. In Condon's view "the Legislature has the right to ban guns in bars and restaurants which serve alcohol."

To find out the truth about this issue, read GrassRoots GunRights South Carolina's Report on Self-defense at Nice Restaurants.

Overkill On Schools
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"Why are lawmakers adopting punitive approaches to a nonexistent crisis? Because despite the facts, the public largely believes that youth and school violence are on the rise. ... Who is responsible for the public's erroneous belief that school shooters lurk everywhere? In part, the media. ... Though crime dropped 20% nationally from 1990-98, network coverage of crime increased 83% during that period. ... But there is another, less likely, culprit: handgun control advocates."

Water-bombs at SantaFe Highschool
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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At least five water bombs went off on the Santa Fe High School campus Friday, and the school locked down all buildings as police officers searched for other bombs.

~~Hmmmm... going to need a permit to obtain water soon?

Amtrak and DEA Agents Seize Passenger's $640,000
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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"Federal drug task force officers have seized $640,000 in Albuquerque from a woman who reportedly acted nervous on an Amtrak train. ... The money was kept as agents investigate whether it is involved in drug trafficking. Ames was not arrested, and as of Thursday she had not been charged."

~~(I don't know about you but I'd sure act nervous around strangers if I had that much cash on me.)

KABA NOTE: The article doesn't mention if the woman is upset about having her money stolen.

Our Children, Our Schools: Taking Responsibility
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"It may be under attack, but there still is a public school system. You not only have the right but the responsibility to be involved in what's going on." --Steve Otto

KABA NOTE: The children are our future. We cannot refuse to take responsibility for the children today and expect tomorrow to turn out the way we'd like. And if that doesn't inspire you, think of this: YOUR hard-earned money is what is funding the public schools. Isn't it about time to demand a say-so in what goes on there?

Breaking the silence on sexual attacks
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"More than 122,000 sexual assaults were not reported to police in Texas last year, according to a statewide report released Friday that urged victims NOT to remain silent after they are attacked."

Shooting at Calif. School-bus Yard?
Submitted by: Tyree White

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A woman bus driver opened fire today on fellow drivers in a school bus yard, killing one and wounding at least two others. Dispatchers who handled the 911 call could hear gunfire in the background.

~~How could this happen in the communist state of Kalifornia?

Gallup Says: Americans Say Family Is Starting Point for Preventing Another Columbine
Submitted by: John Rich

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A new Gallup Poll has been released upon the subject of school violence, to include the role of guns. When asked what the single most important thing is that can be done to prevent school shootings, surprisingly, family and school issues are listed above more gun control. Perhaps we have finally turned the corner on this issue and people are starting to look at the core issues, instead of just automatically blaming guns as a knee-jerk response.

Don't just enact laws, enforce them
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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"The gun control groups that spend so much time lobbying for new laws might be advised to devote resources to identifying law enforcement authorities who are not enforcing current law and shine the spotlight on them. No prosecutor wants to run for re-election with a reputation of being soft on gun crime."

~~They shouldn't be soft on ANY violent crimes.

Sheep Outnumber Shepherds, But They Still Get Fleeced and Slaughtered
Submitted by: Khreriov

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"Americans are sheep! We make a lot of noise about how we are going to stand up and protect our second amendment rights, but when it comes down to it, we will, as did the Australians, English and Canadians, surrender our weapons to those in power."--Darrel Mulloy

~~He's got a point. Many talk the talk, but all too few walk the walk.

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." --Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771

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