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Newslinks for 4/24/2008

Why Liberals Should Love The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Liberals love the Constitution."

"Ask anyone on the street. They'll tell you the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a liberal organization."

"I know liberal couples who give each other pocket size copies of the Constitution for Christmas."

"Ask liberals to list their top five complaints about the Bush Administration, and they will invariably say the words 'shredding' and 'Constitution' in the same sentence. They might also add 'Fourth Amendment' and 'due process.' It's possible they'll talk about 'free speech zones' and 'habeus corpus.'" ...


"Liberals love the Constitution. They especially love the Bill of Rights. They love all the Amendments."

"Except for one: the Second Amendment." ...

Mike Vanderboegh: Texicans
Submitted by: Chris Horton

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"A 'Texican,' prior to 1836, was a person from Texas (then part of Mexico) of non-Mexican (i.e. non-Hispanic) ancestry, usually someone who had been born in the United States (and usually a southerner) and had emigrated to Mexico's northernmost state. A 'Tejano' was, and is, a descendant of the original Spanish and Mexican families who settled the territory from about 1749 onward. Both Texicans and Tejanos fought side by side in the Texas army that won independence from the dictatorship of Santa Anna. In the context of the struggle for Texas independence, all were referred to as 'Texicans.' Later, they were called 'Texians' and finally, 'Texans.'" ...

Compounding a Tragedy: Anti-gunners dance in VT massacre victim's blood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre was celebrated across the United States by the anti-gun crowd. Yes, they chose to celebrate, and it's telling to see protesters using the death of 32 innocent people for political gain by planning 'Lie-ins to Protest Easy Gun.'"

"Nobody should be surprised that the anti-gun left is capable of inconsiderate actions since in the aftermath of the murders they seemed to take joy at the chance to exploit a spree killing ..."

"Their joy was short lived however, since the media and politicians quickly downplayed any increase in restrictive gun laws. It was the first time a spree killing perpetrated with a gun didn't lead to deafening calls for more gun-control ..." ...

ABC News Found Lying about Guns...Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bob Owens of Confederate Yankee has another case of agenda-driven media coverage. This time, it's ABC's Brian Ross and a story they did about Mexican drug gangs getting a hold of American firearms at gun shows and other venues that are perfectly legal but that Ross and ABC see fit to 'prove' what a bad thing the Second Amendment is:" ...

"Owens takes aim at some of the falsehoods in the story and hits the bullseye:" ...

ABC News: Mexican Drug Violence U.S. Constitution's Fault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"True to the liberal penchant for blaming every ill in the world on the USA, ABC News has produced a "report" claiming that the increasing number of guns and drug cartel violence in Mexico is all the fault of… the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That's right, it isn't the drug dealers and killers in Mexico that are at fault, it's James Madison and the Founding Father's fault! Now, before you imagine that I am employing hyperbole in my introduction, just look at the title of their piece: 'U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to Blame?'" ...

NY: Robbery victim kills intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The victim of a robbery in Queens fatally shot one of the three intruders early Tuesday morning with a gun they left behind ..."

"A man and his girlfriend were returning to their ... apartment about 4:50 a.m. when they were confronted by three men ..."

"According to the victim, the men forced the couple into the apartment, where they tied them up with plans to rob the place ..."

"Somehow, the victim was able to get loose and grab a gun one of the suspects had left unattended, he told police. He shot one of his attackers in the head, killing him."

"The other two fled."

"No arrests had been made last night."

"Police continued to question the victim, who neighbors said kept odd hours and was unfriendly." ...

CA: Oakland man shoots home burglar at 8 a.m.
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A 51-year-old man on Tuesday morning shot a suspected burglar who was trying to break into the house he was renting, police said."

"The man, whose name was not released, said he thought the suspect had a gun in his hand and he was afraid of being harmed ..."

"Police said the suspect did not have a gun but was holding a screwdriver he had used to break out a rear window in the home." ...

CA: Oakland police brass say arrests not answer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With Oakland citizens fearful and angry about crime, and some even fighting back against robbers and intruders, a top Oakland police official told city leaders Tuesday night that police alone can't solve the violence." ...

"Hours before the deputy chief addressed the council's public safety committee ... a resident shot and wounded an ex-con who police say was breaking into the resident's home ..." ...

"In addition to Tuesday's shooting by the resident, two Oakland shopkeepers in the past week have shot and injured men who police say were robbing them. Those citizens, police said, were exercising their rights to defend themselves." ...

CA: Oakland: Police say citizens fed up with crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After citizens shot and wounded three suspected criminals in the past week, Oakland police acknowledged Tuesday that residents are fed up with crime and expressed understanding for two shopkeepers and a resident who they say fought back in self-defense."

"'I think they're tired of being infringed upon,' said Officer Roland Holmgren, a police spokesman. 'And they're defending themselves ...'" ...

"'We're going to defend ourselves by any means necessary,' McCullough, who is running for Oakland City Council, said after Tuesday's shooting."

"He said residents and businesses need to arm and defend themselves because Oakland lacks enough police officers and effective anti-crime programs, including productive opportunities for young people." ...

ME: Man in Bradley shooting had a criminal past
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Greenbush man who took his own life after kidnapping his ex-girlfriend and killing 20-year-old Blake Mishou had a history of assault and domestic violence."

"Eric Niles, 19, of Alton had been released on $200 bail just four days before he confronted his ex-girlfriend Kristin Cates, 18, and Mishou in the bedroom of a home in Bradley, according to police." ...

"The state medical examiners office ruled Tuesday that Mishou's death was a homicide and confirmed that he had been killed by a gunshot wound to the head."

"In March, Cates filed domestic assault charges against Niles and had taken out an order of protection against him that forbid him from contacting her or entering any residence she occupied." ...

IN: Blind man 'kept pummeling' intruder until police arrive
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A blind homeowner used the wrestling skills he learned more than 30 years ago to overpower an intruder and hold the man at knifepoint until police arrived Monday morning."

"'I just kind of panicked and just kind of went crazy after that,' Allan Kieta said. 'I've wrestled all my life. My dad's a Marine; he taught me some stuff. You're thinking in your head all this survival stuff.'"

"An Indianapolis police official called it one of the most incredible tales of citizen self-defense that he's heard in years." ...

Submitter's Note: No guns involved; just a positive story illustrating that attitude is the primary factor in home/self defense.

We need fewer guns on campus, not more
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"To allow college, and in some cities, high school students to carry a gun for self-protection is pure folly. If that is the best answer some educators can come up with they ought to enter the business of gun selling and leave the halls of learning to more rational thinkers." ...

OH: Alarmed about being unarmed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio University students wearing empty gun holsters on campus this week may not be carrying concealed weapons but they are armed with a message."

"Through Friday, OU students involved with the national organization Students for Concealed Carry on Campus are joining students at colleges throughout the country in protesting state laws prohibiting licensed concealed firearms on campuses. Students are protesting gun-free zones by displaying holsters - minus the heat."

"Bob Denny, a member of OU's Second Amendment Club, explained why he sees a need to allow concealed weapons on campuses - stating if armed killers were to invade colleges, they would have an upper hand over unarmed citizens." ...

NC: Empty holsters a silent protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Students at college campuses across the Carolinas and the nation are wearing empty gun holsters to class this week to support the legalization of concealed weapons by licensed carriers at school."

"Under North Carolina law, it is a felony to bring any firearm onto school property."

"David Dunn, UNC Charlotte vice chancellor for university relations and community affairs, said there is no talk of changing the statute."

"Protestors say they want to be able to protect themselves should something like the Virginia Tech mass shooting happen again."

"UNC Charlotte protest organizer Jennifer Solesby, 27, said the reaction to the empty black holster hanging from her hip has been minimal." ...

Joyce, Obama, and the Heller case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've mentioned below the Politico article on how, during Obama's time as a Director of the Joyce Foundation, it pumped millions into anti-individual rights scholarship. It also goes into Joyce's essentially 'buying up' law reviews to run exclusively anti-individual rights article, and the effect on the Heller case (i.e., groups filing amici in support of DC had been recipients of millions from the Foundation)."

"Now, Obama's campaign has had to respond. It's really a nonresponse, more like 'well, the Joyce Foundation also gave money to other things, and Obama says he's really not against the Second Amendment, believe him.' ..." ...

H/t to Brent Greer.

MO: Missouri House OKs guns in cars at parking lots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The House gives first-round approval to a bill blocking store owners from barring guns in their customers' parked cars.

It's designed to clarify a law allowing Missourians to carry concealed weapons. That law allows businesses to bar guns from their premises. It has sometimes been interpreted to include parking lots.

Bill supporters say it's possible for Missourians to be barred from taking their gun into a store and prohibited from leaving it in a vehicle while they shop.

Employers could still prevent employees from having a gun in company-owned vehicles.

The measure also includes a provision that makes it harder for someone who is injured during a crime to sue the store in which the crime happened.

NY: Battling gun violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the battle against gun violence, every little bit helps. Microstamping, for instance. Last week, the Assembly passed legislation requiring gun makers to stamp codes on the firing pins of semiautomatic handguns delivered to New York dealers starting in 2010. The Senate should sign on, too."

"It's no crime-fighting panacea, but microstamping would enable police to identify guns by marks imprinted on the shell casings found at crime scenes. Authorities would be able to trace a gun back to its last legal owner, a lead that could help point the way to the perpetrator." ...

KABA Note: And if it makes guns too expensive for the lower classes to afford, well that's just fine with the anti-rights elitists.

VA: For deer hunting, board bans high-powered rifles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The county Board of Supervisors voted 2-1 last night to prohibit deer hunting with high-powered rifles, drawing anger and raised voices from some in the audience."

"'We're going to get you out next term,' said Bill Johnson, addressing the board members." ...

"More than 100 people packed the auditorium ... during last night's public hearing on the rifle issue."

"About 15 people spoke, with some in favor of hunting deer with high-powered rifles and others expressing safety concerns."

"Several of those in favor suggested it was their right to hunt deer with rifles, or that the current practice of shooting from tree stands was relatively safe. ..." ...

WI: For safety's sake, state needs new gun law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It is time Wisconsin adopt some form of a right-to-carry law."

"Wisconsin is one of only two states left in the Union that does not grant its citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon — Illinois is the other. Most of the other 48 states enacted this form of legislation within the last decade. Wisconsin needs to get with the times."

"While it may seem unnerving to some to suggest putting more guns on the streets, statistics gathered from other states show more guns equal less crime. In fact, according to the National Rifle Association, 2005 U.S. Justice Department data shows states with right-to-carry laws, on average, have 22 percent lower total violent crime rates and a 30 percent lower murder rate." ...

KS: Automatic weapons now legal in Kansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Randy Alfrey likes guns."

"'Guns have been an American tradition since this country was found,' he said."

"They've been a tradition in his family too. For as long as he can remember, he's owned guns."

"'I've owned shot guns and rifles since I was 12 and hunted with my dad and uncles,' he said."

"That's why he supports a new law signed by Governor Kathleen Sebelius allowing Kansans to legally own automatic weapons, sawed-off shotguns, and silencers beginning on July 1st. Kaw Valley Gun Club Owner Kevin Ketter is thrilled just thinking about the money he'll make renting out those new weapons." ...

TN: Memphis police officer charged with domestic assault, making false report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Memphis police officer faces charges of domestic assault and making a false report after he was stabbed in a domestic dispute in January."

"Officer M.L. Clark, 29, is on non-enforcement status, which means he's off the streets and relieved of his badge, identification card and weapon."

"According to police, officers responded to a report of a stabbing Downtown on Jan. 13. The victim, Clark, told police he got into a verbal altercation with a panhandler, who stabbed him ..."

"An investigation found that Clark had actually been stabbed during a dispute with a female acquaintance ..."

"Clark, who was indicted by a Shelby County grand jury last week, turned himself in April 16 and was released on $1,000 bond." ...

IL: In Chicago, fears of a long, bloody summer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Nine people were killed in 36 shootings over the weekend in Chicago, reflecting what some community leaders say is a deadly breakdown in discipline among gang members after a crackdown over the past few years put many of their leaders behind bars." ...

"In response to the bloodshed, Chicago police are making a show of force, deploying SWAT officers -- something the department usually doesn't do until the summer -- focusing more attention on areas where gang retaliation is likely and increasing their presence at schools." ...

"Pfleger said the weekend shootings are proof that more needs to be done to fight gun violence." ...

KABA Note: With an outright gun ban in Chicago what 'more' can be done?!?

NC: Ex-Trooper Pleads Guilty to Kidnapping, Extortion
Submitted by: jac

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"A former state trooper pleaded guilty Tuesday to 10 charges, including kidnapping, extortion and sexual battery."

"Michael A. Steele resigned last September amid allegations of inappropriate behavior during traffic stops with three women over a 10-day period in August."

"Steele's sentencing is scheduled for May 20."

"Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall said Steele made sexual advances toward the women and threats that included killing one's husband and her children."

"Woodall said Steele targeted women he thought were Hispanic and in the country illegally so they would not report him." ...

NY: No Probe In Bad Raid In Search For Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the NYPD where hunting for a suspect in a charged assault on the black son of a cop. officers bursted Tuesday night into a Hasidic family in Crown Heights Eastern Parkway apartment, searched the home and arrested the suspected attacker's 20-year-old brother, Aron Ezagui."

"The NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau has announced they will not investigate the allegations that cops broke into the home without a warrant."

"Ezagui told The Post he had just come from a deli when he heard loud banging and people identifying themselves as police. Instead of opening the door, he turned on a camcorder." ...

"Ezagui was ... charged with obstructing governmental administration, but the Brooklyn DA's Office declined to prosecute." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NJ: N.J. Officer Allegedly Performed Sex Acts On Cows
Submitted by: Anonymous

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More charges have been filed against a Burlington County police officer who was recently charged with sexually assaulting three girls.

Authorities announced Moorsetown Officer Robert Melia Jr., 38, has been charged with four counts of animal cruelty after allegedly engaging in sex acts with cows between June and December of 2006.

Melia and his former girlfriend, Heather Lewis were previously charged with three counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of criminal sexual contact with three girls in his Pemberton home from 2003 until 2006.

Melia is being held on $510,000 bail.

IL: Chicago Police Head Blames Guns, Gangs for Weekend Slayings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An outburst of gunfire rattled Chicago during the weekend, with at least nine people killed in 36 separate acts of violence."

"The shootings were reported from Friday until Monday morning, police spokeswoman Monique Bond said Monday. They included gang shootings, drive-by attacks, and even one case in which someone used an AK-47 to shoot up a plumbing supply store."

"Authorities did not immediately say whether any of the shootings were thought to be related."

"Police Superintendent Jody Weis blamed an excess of guns and gangs."

"'There are just too many weapons here,' Weis said Sunday. 'Too many guns, too many gangs.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Even though guns are already illegal in Chicago, according to Jody "Dean Wormer" Weis, the guns are now on double secret probation. One more slip up by these guns and they'll all be expelled.


PA: Safety Measures - Let's redefine gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here in Philly, where curbing the gun-violence epidemic was a staple of Michael Nutter's mayoral campaign, we are witnessing a furor that may reach a national scale. A city judge last week granted the National Rifle Association's restraining order that forestalls Nutter's package of gun control measures, passed by the City Council, and the NRA is calling for Nutter's arrest on the grounds that he's a tyrant practicing 'official oppression.' ..."

"But before dissing the Second Amendment, let's give some thought to those who've had run-ins with violent thugs and used guns in self-defense, or people who wish they'd been able to. ..." ...

OH: Meet, Greet, Shoot, Eat at The Salem Hunting Club of Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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OFCC Forum regulars are all too familiar with the rally cry 'Meet and Greet!', a term often used for members to get together and meet one another while breaking bread.

On July 19, 2008 members will gather in Salem, Ohio for a new type of get together: Meet, Greet, Shoot and Eat!

The Salem Hunting Club of Ohio will be the site for this OFCC hosted social gathering. Members will enjoy a day of camaraderie, various shooting events and then capping the day with a local meal.

For more information, you can look here.

Salem Hunting Club of Ohio
546 Indiana Ave. (off St. Rt. 62)
Salem, Ohio 44460

NJ: Wave of Shootings Hit (sic) Newark
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Violence erupted in New Jersey's largest city Monday night and Tuesday morning, leaving two people dead and three more wounded in separate shootings." ...

"Still, Monday night's homicides brought the 2008 total to 16, 10 fewer than by the same date in 2007."

"'I think it's a positive sign that we're raising people's expectations,' Police Director Garry J. McCarthy said Tuesday. 'Last year, this was the average.'" ...

"Last Friday night, five people were shot and three others stabbed in four separate incidents in Irvington." ...

Submitter's note: And it all happened in the gun-control mecca of New Jersey? Nah...can't be.

You are bound to meet misfortune if you are unarmed because, among other reasons, people despise you....There is simply no comparison between a man who is armed and one who is not. It is unreasonable to expect that an armed man should obey one who is unarmed, or that an unarmed man should remain safe and secure when his servants are armed. In the latter case, there will be suspicion on the one hand and contempt on the other, making cooperation impossible. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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