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Newslinks for 4/24/2012

Democrats acting as Democrats despite Herald Democrat hype
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What 'America First' vs. partisan agenda examples do the county apparatchiks offer that fulfill their representation of being 'good for everybody'--right before they let slip that they’re 'defining ourselves as Democrats' ?" ...

An Expat Brit Analyzes America's Gun Culture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gary Younge does not refer to it as our culture of course, he calls it our deadly devotion to guns. He opens his piece at the NRA convention Grassroots Activism Breakfast, mentioning that Samuel Richardson (who he never identifies further) gave him a note ..."
"... Samuel Richardson, a man with whom I have not exchanged a word, passes me a note. 'Please read the book Injustice by Adams,' it reads. 'He was [sic] lawyer for US Justice Department who prosecuted Black Panther Case.' Quite why Richardson thinks this book is for me is not clear. There are six other people at the table ... The fact I am the only black person in a room of around 200 may have something to do with it."
"Or it may not ..." ...

Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground and domestic violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the anti-gun groups' sudden number one priority is repealing Stand Your Ground laws in the twenty-five or so states that have them, and stopping any other states from adopting such a law. Actually, some of the vitriol directed against Stand Your Ground is coming from groups for whom anti-gun activism is not their raison d'etre (even if it does tend to be a frequent priority for them). The NAACP, for example, has inserted itself into the debate, according to" ...

Obama, Gun Rights, Abortion, & the Culture of Death (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama administration promotion of abortion and opposition to gun rights gives Americans reason to oppose his reelection." ...

Higher Education Analysis of the Day: Blame the Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kevin Jersey of the Los Angeles Valley College Valley Star has decided to grace us with his thoroughly researched, amply foot-noted fact-based analysis of campus shootings and the broader question of 'gun violence'. Or not. 'Early this month, seven people were killed at Oikos University in Oakland, Calif. A former nursing student, upset that he had been expelled, entered a classroom, told the students to line up against the wall and opened fire. Each of the seven deaths from that day is tragic. But just as tragic is the fact that thousands of Americans are killed each year by guns and nothing is being done about it. This must change.'" ...

Bank Of America, The Second Amendment, And A 46 Year Relationship (updated)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Friday, Kelly McMillan of McMillan International, a manufacturer of firearms and some of the best stocks going, posted on Facebook about the treatment of his company by Bank of America. The bank has not issued any statement or press release refuting Mr. McMillan's version of things. I do have an email in to their press relations office for group commercial banking and will post any response that I get." ...

"UPDATE: As noted in the first paragraph, I reached out to Bank of America for a comment on the McMillan Group International situation. I received a reply from Anne Pace of Bank of America. ..." ...

Public opinion poll: "Most Americans back gun lobby, right to use deadly force"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to a recent news report, a Reuters/ Ipsos poll has found that most Americans support the right to use deadly force to protect themselves - even in public places - and have a favorable view of the National Rifle Association, the main gun-lobby group." ...

Bank of America goes anti-gun, says McMillan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The bank that absorbed Seattle-based SeaFirst Bank back in 1983 has allegedly taken an action that might resonate in downtown Seattle, but to the American firearms community it’s a declaration of war, and gun owners are evidently poised to strike back."

"Bank of America is alleged to have advised McMillan Fiberglass Stocks that, because it now manufactures firearms, its business is no longer welcome. The bank has denied the allegation. It's quickly becoming a case of 'he said/he said,' with some gun owners expressing skepticism, others accepting the report as true." ...

State-by-state concealed carry laws: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From state to state across the nation, varied concealed carry laws that determine the legality of carrying and traveling with a weapon, are about as chaotic as a spinning tornado. Currently, each state in the union has some kind of menacing restriction placed on innocent Americans that concurrently and specifically violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution."

"With no clear federal standard, many state authorities are imposing heavy-handed rules that penalize American citizens for exercising Second Amendment rights that, in the best circumstances, afford them the freedom to carry firearms wherever they go." ...

What can you do, for yourself, right now?
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "Only a fool can’t see that we are headed for a potential showdown."

"To those who will listen, it’s time to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself: 'What am I going to do as this societal and fiscal decay continues to its logical end?'"

"You need to evaluate what you can independently do for yourself, quietly on your own, in the coming weeks and months? And I mean for just yourself, not your mate, family, friends, or neighbors. You’ll be of no help to any of them unless you’ve got your own base well covered first." ...

Wolf Importing Molot Vepr 01 and 02 Models in Right and Left-Handed Versions, in 7.62x54mmR, Too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wolf will be importing Vepr rifles from Russian manufacturer Molot in both Vepr 01 and 02 configurations. They will be importing right- and left-handed versions of these high-end AK variants, and they will be available in standard Russian and Western hunting and varminting calibers, but also the hard-hitting yet wallet-friendly 7.62x54mmR." ...

Izhmash, Manufacturer of AK Rifles, Declared Bankrupt, Russia Taking Over
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Izhmash Machinebuilding Plant, perhaps best known for the AK-47 rifle, has been declared bankrupt. Starting last August Izhmash underwent court-appointed bankruptcy arbitration but was unable to bring their costs down enough to stop wiping out their profits." ...

Gun Review: Colt Delta Elite 10mm: The other worthy caliber for a 1911
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I used to follow the rule that a full-sized 1911 should be in .45 ACP. That rule doesn’t come from some religious belief (The Church of J.M. Browning has a lot of adherents), but rather from experience. The various full-sized 1911s chambered for other cartridges I have tried over the years just haven’t impressed me. But the Colt Delta Elite 10mm handgun is the one exception to that rule." ...

The Iron Age: Do iron sights still serve a purpose?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you look at most of the rifles on the racks on gun shops today, you will find they are set up for one thing, a scope. Many, unless they are a traditional lever action don’t have any sights at all. Well, as a shooter of several decades I can tell you this wasn’t always the case, in fact there was a time when a rifle without some form of iron sights on it was like seeing a leprechaun. How did we get this way? Why? " ...

Question of the Day: Should The Boy Scouts Allow Troop Leaders to Carry?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of our writers (who shall remain nameless) emailed me today about his trip into the wilderness. 'While hiking, I ran into a twenty-something carrying an 16" [modern home sporting rifle] AR. On the way out ran into a fellow with an XD.' Our man was leading a Boy Scout Troop. So he wasn’t carrying, was he? No, he wasn’t. Because The Boy Scouts of America forbids it. ..."

Tim Harmsen’s NRA Show Recap (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Real Secret Service Scandal: Agency Switching to P229 DAK SIGs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Secret Service agents carry SIG SAUER handguns. Specifically, the P229 chambered in .357 SIG. It’s an accurate and dependable gun that fires a fearsome round. Up to this point, all the agents’ SIGs were equipped with a DA/SA trigger. The first shot is double action (ten pound trigger pull, the hammer cocks and drops). The second shot and any shots thereafter are sent downrange via single action (pre-cocked hammer, 4.4 pound trigger pull). We hear that the Secret Service are switching to P229s equipped with the gunmaker’s DAK trigger, which provides a 'safe, reliable and consistent 6.5 pound double-action only trigger pull.' Uh, well, not exactly . . ." ...

Gun Review: M1903A3 Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With lessons learned from the Civil War, the US military needed to replace their aging stock of muzzle-loaders with a modern metallic cartridge-feeding long-arm. The solution came in the form of the Norwegian Krag-Jørgensen, reclassified by the US military as the M1892-99. If you’re familiar with the way modern paint-ball guns are fed, you have a rough idea of the hopper concept used by the Krag. ... The Army used this weapon exclusively in both the Spanish-American War and the Philippine-American War. But he Krag’s overly-complex design was basically outclassed by the Spanish military’s imported German Mausers. That’s because . . ." ...

Shooting Blanks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In many ways, this presidential election features a reversal of a pattern we've gotten used to in recent campaigns. More often than not, it's the Republican who is self-assured and ideologically forthright, while the Democrat apologizes for what he believes, panders awkwardly, and generally acts terrified that the voting public might not like what he has to say. This time around, Barack Obama is the confident candidate, and Mitt Romney is the worried one ... But there is one major exception to this pattern, on an issue that has re-emerged after being dormant for a decade and a half: guns. ..." ...

Positions for the US in the Upcoming Arms Trade Treaty Conf.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "First, this is not a disarmament negotiation; it is an arms trade regulation negotiation. International transfer of conventional armaments is a legitimate commercial and national security activity. Providing defense equipment to reliable partners in a responsible manner actually enhances security, stability, and promotion of the rule of law. We want any Treaty to make it more difficult and expensive to conduct illicit, illegal and destabilizing transfers of arms. But we do not want something that would make legitimate international arms trade more cumbersome than the hurdles United States exporters already face." ...

NRA starting to shoot blanks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Take a sticker,' urges the woman from Ambush Firearms. 'We are giving away two free guns every day to people wearing them.' What your correspondent would do with an semi-automatic rifle, let alone one that also comes in pink, was not obvious."

"Welcome to the annual convention of the National Rifle Association -- this year held in St. Louis."

"It is a yearly celebration of freedom, the Second Amendment right to bear arms, and, above all else, a festival of guns. Seven acres, to be precise, of guns and gear."

"Americans like firearms. According to a report from the Congressional Research Service there were 294 million guns in the country in 2007, up from 192 million in 1994." ...

Guns, Everywhere
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership by civilians in the world. Depending on the state, guns may be allowed in churches, on college campuses, and even in bars. In this week's New Yorker, Jill Lepore writes about the powerful gun lobby and the consequences of America's attachment to deadly weapons. Below, a look at some of the more unusual—and, arguably, more dangerous—gun laws passed in recent years, and the states that passed them first:" ...

KABA Note: Another fantasy filled essay from the New Yorker (MN permitted guns in bars since passage of 'shall-issue', if not before).

FL: Tampa officials still angling for RNC gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Frustrated that state law will not let them regulate handguns during the Republican National Convention, city officials are considering a direct appeal to Gov. Rick Scott."

"Mayor Bob Buckhorn plans to write to the governor, arguing that Scott could suspend the pre-emption section of the state's gun laws using powers granted him by Florida's emergency management laws." ...

Submitter's Note: Yeah, those laws and civil rights can be awfully annoying sometimes.

MI: Showing off gun rights triggers disapproval in Birmingham
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Sean M. Combs, 18, says he's '100 percent sure' he was acting legally when he strolled on Old Woodward Avenue in downtown Birmingham earlier this month with his M-1 rifle strapped to his back, muzzle to the sky."

"What's unsettling is that Combs is right about what the law says and doesn't say."

"He was arrested April 13 on three misdemeanor charges — for brandishing a weapon, resisting and obstructing police, and disturbing the peace — each punishable by up to 93 days in jail." ...

"... but it's not banned by law. 'You can open carry, like the old wild wild West,' says Michigan State Police spokesman Lt. James Shaw. 'It's legal.'" ...
Submitter's Note: Yes, he was within his rights. But we arrested him anyway, since he wouldn't stand for having his rights violated. Oh, that explains everything.

British farmer’s quest to find lost Spitfires in Burma
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The extraordinary plans to dig up the lost squadron were revealed this weekend as David Cameron visits the country."

"Now, David Cundall, 62, of Sandtoft, near Scunthorpe, has spoken about his quest to recover the Spitfires and get them airborne."

"Mr Cundall has spent £130,000 of his own money, visited Burma 12 times, persuaded the country’s notoriously secretive regime to trust him, and all the time sought testimony from a dwindling band of Far East veterans in order to locate the Spitfires."

"Yet his treasure hunt was sparked by little more than a throwaway remark from a group of US veterans, made 15 years ago to his friend and fellow aviation archaeologist Jim Pearce." ...

IA: Johnson County Sheriff Pulkrabek seeks a third term
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The North Liberty Leader reported last week that Johnson County Sheriff Lonnie Pulkrabek plans to seek a third term in office this fall. The article details all of the things that Sheriff Pulkrabek has done for Johnson County residents, and admittedly, he has done some very positive things for the residents he is elected to protect."

"However, the article goes on to highlight Pulkrabek's undying opposition to the 'shall issue' system of issuing weapons permits in Iowa. In the article, Pulkrabek once again bemoans the fact that he has been forced to issue permits to citizens who are not “'aw abiding.' ..." ...

NC: Kissell Endorsed by NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Representative Larry Kissell (NC-08) has again earned the endorsement of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in his campaign for Congress. The NRA cited Kissell’s strong and demonstrated commitment to Second Amendment rights, and his consistent pro-Second Amendment voting record on behalf of North Carolina’s gun owners, hunters and sport shooters." ...

Hearings On Target Range Bill Today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NSSF sent out an alert yesterday that the Senate Environmental and Public Works Subcommittee will hold hearings on S. 1249 - the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act of 2012 - which is sponsored by Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO)."
"The Senate Environment and Public Works subcommittee will hold a hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, April 24, at 10:15 a.m., on several bills important to sportsmen and sprotswomen, including NSSF's priority this legislative session--S. 1249, the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act. ..." ...

Second Amendment Foundation chalks up more legal victories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Federal District Court Judge in Massachusetts has granted summary judgment in a Second Amendment Foundation case challenging that state's denial of firearms licenses to permanent resident aliens."

"U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodcock concluded that 'the Massachusetts firearms regulatory regime as applied to the individual plaintiffs, contravenes the Second Amendment.'" ...

SAF files fourth lawsuit over gun rights for legal alien residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation is back in court for a fourth time since 2008 (when it sued here in Washington) in an effort to secure firearms rights for legal resident aliens."

"This time around, SAF is going after the state of New Mexico and its statutory prohibition on granting a concealed carry permit to anyone who is not a citizen. ..." ...

SAF Sues New Mexico Over Law Barring CCW Permits For Legal Resident Aliens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit in federal district court in New Mexico challenging that state’s prohibition on the issuance of concealed carry permits to legal resident aliens."

"SAF filed the complaint in U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico on behalf of John W. Jackson, an Australian citizen who came to the United States with his wife, an American citizen, in 2007. He obtained permanent resident status in November 2008. ..." ...

MI: Michigan Supreme Court Reaffirms Right to Physically (But Nonlethally) Resist Illegal Police Conduct
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The case is People v. Moreno (Mich. Apr. 23, 2012) (5 to 2). A 2004 Michigan Court of Appeals decision had held the contrary, but the Michigan Supreme Court overruled that precedent."

"Under the old common law rule, people were allowed to use nondeadly force to resist an illegal arrest or search. But, to quote the dissent, 'As of 1999, 39 states had eliminated the common-law right, 'twenty-three by statute and sixteen by judicial decision.' ..." ...

New York City Gun Permits Reserved for the Rich. Again. Still.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control is racist. The laws were designed and created to deprive American minorities of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. ... As our man Brett Solomon will tell you, a law abiding New York City resident has about as much chance of getting a concealed carry permit as winning the lottery. While getting bitten by a shark. As lightning strikes. If, however, you’re extremely wealthy, you’re good to stow. As you peruse the list of contributors to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s previous political campaigns Big Apple concealed carriers, ignore the’s 'one percenters' class warfare crap. Everyone has a right to carry a gun. Everyone . . ." ...

Where’s the ‘Probable Cause’?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The charges brought against George Zimmerman sure look like prosecutorial misconduct. The case as put forward by the prosecutor in the 'affidavit of probable cause' is startlingly weak. As a former chief economist at the U.S. Sentencing Commission, I have read a number of such affidavits, and cannot recall one lacking so much relevant information. The prosecutor has most likely deliberately overcharged, hoping to intimidate Zimmerman into agreeing to a plea bargain. If this case goes to trial, Zimmerman will almost definitely be found "not guilty" on the charge of second-degree murder." ...

NJ: N.J. state troopers face probe for 'Death Race 2012' down Parkway to AC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The State Police are investigating complaints that two troopers escorted a caravan of luxury sports cars at speeds in excess of 100 mph down the Garden State Parkway to Atlantic City last month. The occupants included former Giants running back and sports car enthusiast Brandon Jacobs, according to a source with knowledge of the trip." ...

VA: Roanoke County’s preempted parks ordinance is prompting calls for legal action
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"I recently wrote about a Roanoke County ordinance which seemingly imposes a complete ban on the possession and carrying of firearms inside county parks. As I pointed out in the original article, such an ordinance would be void due to Virginia’s preemption statute."

"However, Roanoke County claims that their ordinance was brought into compliance with the preemption statute by the addition of a clumsily-worded clause in March of 2008. Let’s look at how the evolution of such an ordinance would occur according to Roanoke County …" ...

"Sooner or later, someone is going to be deprived of their liberty because of this ordinance. And many residents of Roanoke County seem to agree with that assessment. Since my original article, numerous parties have expressed interest in mounting a legal challenge to the ordinance." ...

MD: Federal agents raid Patapsco Flea Market
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Vendors at the Patapsco Flea Market have a history of allegedly selling counterfeit and pirated merchandise, according to an affidavit, which outlined the latest accusation that resulted in a raid Sunday by federal Homeland Security Investigations special agents."

"Capping a 2 1/2-year-long investigation into counterfeit apparel and accessories as well as pirated DVDs and musical recordings, federal investigators confiscated numerous items being sold there." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Homeland Security?!?

Ted Nugent to Plead Guilty to AK Bear Hunting Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Rocker Ted Nugent is scheduled for a court hearing in Alaska on Tuesday, when he is expected to plead guilty to transporting a black bear he illegally killed,' the AP reports. '... Nugent was set to participate by telephone in Tuesday’s U.S. District Court proceeding in the southeast Alaska town of Ketchikan, his attorney said.' Wait. Ted gets to phone it in? As this is the second time the Motor City Madman has plead-out to charges of illegal hunting I guess it’s become pretty mundane. Both cases involved stunts—I mean hunts videotaped for his Spirit of the Wild TV show on the Outdoor Channel. This time . . ." ...

WI: Wisconsin Claims Board rejects reimbursement of concealed carry permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The State Claims Board said no to reimbursing $60 to a suburban Milwaukee man, who thought his new concealed weapons' permit should be free." ...

IA: We should protect, defend Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I can't agree with the former Marine (Joe Denemark) whose April 5 letter said, 'If this 'stand your ground' law goes into effect, I am sure a Dodge City mentality will prevail.' That’s the same argument liberal politicians have used when concealed carry requirements were relaxed in 40 some states, when 'stand your ground' became law in some of the same states, when Clinton’s misnamed 'assault rifle' ban expired, etc. None of these Chicken Little prophecies came true." ...

CA: Lack of knowledge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: Qazi N. Uddin’s April 22 commentary, 'Addressing real shooting issue':"

"Uddin would be better informed by reading the Supreme Court ruling on the case of McDonald v. Chicago in June 2010. His interpretation of the Second Amendment has not been affirmed by the High Court."

"Additionally, by reading the High Court ruling on District of Columbia v Heller in 2008, greater understanding may be gained of the citizens’ constitutional right to legally own firearms." ...

Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. — THOMAS PAINE

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