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Newslinks for 4/24/2020

Pandemic fuels state-level feuds over gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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COVID-19 has ignited the debate over gun rights as states grapple with whether to allow gun sales while other retailers are forced to shutter.

Stores selling guns and ammunition legally remain open in 45 states, including North Carolina. Sellers and manufacturers are considered essential services that are exempt from stay-at-home orders. Where governors or local officials have ordered stores closed, the National Rifle Association and its allies have sued, saying the mandates restrict Second Amendment rights.

Under Biden, Gun Ownership Would Be a “Heavily Regulated Privilege”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dave Workman, senior editor for (published by the Second Amendment Foundation), reviewed the 3,100-word anti-gun platform available at Joe Biden’s campaign website and called it a recipe “to turn the right to keep and bear arms into a heavily-regulated privilege.”

The de facto Democrat Party candidate for president insists, of course, that he will follow “constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies.” But consider just the first policy: abolishing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act passed in 2005 that keeps gun makers from being held liable for crimes committed when a criminal uses one of their products.

VA: Virginia’s General Assembly Passes Final Gun Control Measures
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the exception of an all-out ban on assault style weapons and high capacity magazines, the final passage of these policies completes the group of eight public safety bills Northam proposed during the 2019 special legislative session. The General Assembly will revisit an assault rifle ban in 2021.

VA: VCDL, SafeSide file lawsuit to open indoor shooting ranges, hearing Friday in Lynchburg
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Attorney General Mark Herring announced Thursday that the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Gun Owners of America, SafeSide Tactical in Lynchburg, and the Association of Virginia Gun Ranges filed a lawsuit challenging Gov. Northam's Executive Order.

FL: AG Ashley Moody Asks Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried to Stop Violating Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody sent a letter to Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried asking her to stop delaying the processing of Concealed Weapons & Firearms License applications. And of course, Nikki Fried falsely denied doing anything wrong.

Clearly, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has exceeded her authority and is unlawfully exercising her own anti-gun political desires. Florida law is very clear and Nikki Fried should take the time to actually read the law.

CA: Judge tosses California ammunition purchase law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal judge on Thursday blocked a California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition, issuing a sharply worded rebuke of “onerous and convoluted” regulations that violate the constitutional right to bear arms.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Association, which asked him to stop the checks and related restrictions on ammo sales.

Heritage Foundation Introducing a Defensive Gun Use Database
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Anti-gun forces are always quick to report the use of firearms in violent crimes – but they never talk about the number of times law-abiding people use a firearm successfully in lawful self-defense. Published in the 1990s, “Point Blank” by Dr. Gary Kleck, a criminologist, and researcher from Florida State University, destroyed the arguments of gun control proponents.

His research revealed that crime among people who carry guns for self-defense is almost nonexistent.

VA: Lawsuit filed against Gov. Northam to reopen Virginia’s gun ranges will be heard in Lynchburg on Friday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Ralph Northam’s executive order related to the coronavirus is being challenged by gun rights organizations.

Citizens Defense League, Gun Owners of America, SafeSide Lynchburg and the Association of Virginia Gun Ranges filed the suit in Lynchburg Circuit Court challenging Executive Order 53, according to Attorney General Mark Herring’s office.

CA: Judge says California law requiring background checks to purchase ammo violates the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal judge in California ruled that a law requiring background checks to purchase ammunition violates the Second Amendment.

Voters approved toughening California firearms laws to include background checks on ammo purchases in 2016, and the restrictions took effect last July. The California Rifle & Pistol Association filed a lawsuit against the state shortly after.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez called the law “onerous and convoluted” and “constitutionally defective.”

NC: Armed protesters appeared at the last Republican convention. Will Charlotte see the same?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Second Amendment activists openly carried rifles, shotguns and handguns outside of the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Could the same scene unfold in Charlotte, when the 2020 Republican National Convention convenes in August?

At least one group that bore firearms in Cleveland said it plans to come to Charlotte if the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t derail the convention. Dale Herndon, director of Bikers for Trump, said the organization expects to be in Charlotte for the RNC unless the Trump campaign tells it to do otherwise.

“Hopefully it will happen and we will be a part of it,” Herndon says. “We do support the Second Amendment...”

FL: Deputies: Mother, 76, shot daughter in self-defense in DeLand
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 76-year-old mother shot her daughter in self-defense at her home near DeLand on Thursday afternoon after warning the younger woman to stop beating her, Volusia County deputies said.

The mother will not be charged with shooting her daughter, Julie Edwards, 54, sheriff’s officials said.

Here Are The U.S. Senators That Used COVID-19 To Push Their Gun Control Agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The COVID-19 panic has been used by would-be state and local authoritarians as an excuse to keep Americans from exercising their right to keep and bear arms. Thankfully, American gun owners have a friend in the White House that has worked to protect their rights on the federal level by declaring the firearms industry to be critical infrastructure. However, this respect for the Second Amendment isn’t uniform in the federal government. There are some federal lawmakers seeking to exploit COVID-19 to pursue their pre-existing gun control agenda.

What Happened To MrGunsnGear’s FaceBook Page?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He had the unmitigated gall and unbridled criminal audacity to visit a rally in North Carolina called “Re-Open North Carolina” and post a live stream of his fellow patriots exercising their God-given rights as human beings confirmed by the First Amendment to the Constitution to peacefully assemble and petition their government for redress.

Future of the US Supreme Court Targeted by Anti-gun Dems
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The potential retirement of two U.S. Supreme Court Justices has liberal Democrats on edge. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is 87 years old and Justice Stephen Breyer is 81.

With core liberal issues on the Supreme Court docket, anti-gunners are desperate to find ways to help Joe Biden become the next U.S. President so he can chose the next Supreme Court replacements. Even CBS is reporting it.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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