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Newslinks for 4/25/2013

Proposed HIPAA privacy rule on gun background checks open for comments
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That the Obama administration is hostile to the concept of an armed citizenry is a given. That the president was bitterly disappointed by failure of the Senate to pass any new legislation was observable. That his administration pledged 'under the radar' efforts and that his Vice President has been telling supporters to expect Executive Orders are documented." ...

Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Grabber: Home Carry Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My ex-wife used to do it to me all the time. No not that. Although yes, that. I’m talking about changing the subject. When I finally forced her into a reality check, she’d simply move on (dot org). No concessions. New topic, new titanic struggle to face the truth. writer Douglas Anthony Cooper’s done the exact same thing with his response to my post, Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Grabber Pt. 2. The novelist singularly, spectacularly fails to address the issue at hand—the existence of real life defensive gun uses—and sounds off, instead, on the 'issue' of home carry. ..." ...

Fox poll: People want guns, NRA beats politicians
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Fox News Poll has revealed that 61 percent of the nation’s registered voters would want a gun in the home if they were faced with a lockdown as happened in Boston during last week’s manhunt for the Marathon bombers."

"The same poll found that even though the National Rifle Association’s popularity has fallen, the gun rights organization still gets higher marks than either Democrats or Republicans. ..." ...

The Brilliant Gun Confiscation Trap
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Now for the bait and switch. Who decides who is mentally ill? ... Once there is a legal path to any type of confiscation, such as outlined above, the flood gates will open. While it likely starts with those taking prescription medications with known psychotic side effects, it will then expand to almost all that are on medications for psychological reasons, including depression (even seasonal SAD). A small segment of the gun owning population will lose their firearms as they are demonized by the media ..."

"Why would it stop there? It will then be time to consider all who see a psychologist as unfit for owning firearms. Once again it is another relatively small population segment that will not be able to fight back ..." ...

NRA: No sales policy consistent with 2nd Amendment beliefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association says its policy of allowing vendors to display but not sell firearms at its new Great American Outdoor Show next year is in line with its strong support of Second Amendment rights."

"In January, the NRA was one of hundreds of vendors to pull out of the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show after its promoter, Reed Exhibitions, said it would ban the sale or display of assault weapons at the show. The boycott threat led Reed to cancel the show." ...

Bloomberg says interpretation of Constitution must 'change'--Boston is on it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seeing the Boston Marathon bombing and subsequent panic as another opportunity to justify the violation of Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human rights, New York City Mayor and authoritarian megalomaniac Michael Bloomberg stated Monday that we simply can no longer afford the risk of allowing the citizenry to enjoy the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights. From Politicker:" ...

Tori Nonaka Crowned Production Class High Lady
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Production Class High Lady sounds like a bad translation from English to Japanese and back (with some dyxslexia thrown in for good measure). But it’s actually an enormous honor that the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) has bestowed upon Glock Team teen queen Tori Nonaka, who continues to kick major league you-know-what in shooting’s major leagues. Tori took the title at the USPA’s Area 6 Championship (only 47 more areas to go before it gets seriously weird) held at the Ancient City Shooting Range (right?) in St. Augustine, Florida on April 19-21. I’ve asked Glock if Ms. Nonaka would blog her matches for TTAG. I think they thought I said 'nachos.' We’ll see . . ." ...

Fact-Free Crusades for Gun Control...
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Amid all the heated, emotional advocacy of gun control, have you ever heard even one person present convincing hard evidence that tighter gun control laws have in fact reduced murders?"

"Think about all the states, communities within states, as well as foreign countries, that have either tight gun control laws or loose or non-existent gun control laws. With so many variations and so many sources of evidence available, surely there would be some compelling evidence somewhere if tighter gun control laws actually reduced the murder rate."

"And if tighter gun control laws don’t actually reduce the murder rate, then why are we being stampeded toward such laws after every shooting that gets media attention?" ...

Robinson: Let's treat gun violence as terrorism
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The nation demonstrated again last week how resolute it can be when threatened by murderous terrorists — and how helpless when ordered to heel by smug lobbyists for the gun industry." ...

Gun control groups punch back after defeat, targeting GOP sens
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The pro-gun control group founded by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and her husband, Mark Kelly, launched new radio ads Wednesday against two GOP senators who voted last week to block legislation expanding background checks for gun sales."

"Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), the group founded by Giffords and her husband, unveiled new ads that accuse Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., of opposing 'common sense' measures to 'keep guns out of the hands of criminals.'" ...

Gun Control Groups Sharpen Focus on Background Check Foes
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gun control groups are edging toward delivering on promises to attack senators who voted down a proposal to expand background checks for firearms purchases."

"Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Mark Pyror (D-Ark.) are emerging as targets." ...

Gun prohibitionists to launch grisly anti-NRA effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A coalition of anti-gun groups announced that it will protest National Rifle Association lobbyists starting at noon Thursday in Washington, D.C., and the effort will include the hand-delivery of 'post-mortem photos' of Brishell Jones, one of the victims of the infamous March 2010 South Capitol Street massacre in Washington." ...

Owning Guns Doesn't Preserve Freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... now that a handful of cities and counties across Texas have passed similar measures barring local officials from enforcing federal legislation, the link between your Glock and your unbridled freedoms becomes inseparable. 'The Second Amendment was never meant for hunting, although that's what's been said over generations,' Thiess continued. 'It was a means of defense. Yes, self-defense, but also defense against our own government.'"

"Of course, it's difficult to imagine that a government as notably militarized as our own would be cowed by the rifle and .45 gathering dust in the closet. ... " ...

Submitter's Note: The government may indeed not be 'cowed' by the .45 in the closet; this unfortunately means that the time may be coming to dust it off and use it.

Gun repeal, not reform, is what's needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Nothing will actually change until the Second Amendment is repealed. Politicians risk more assassinations, another civil war and needless suffering by thousands of Americans, because right-wing extremists believe whenever the ballot doesn’t work, their treasured military-style weapons will. In my opinion, anything that Congress might be able to pass will be cosmetic and not come close to solving the problem of gun violence in our country." ...

Submitter's Note: First off, you can't "repeal" G-d given rights any more than you can "repeal" the law of gravity. Second, if you think that eliminating the Second Amendment and trying to remove guns from citizens' hands is going to reduce bloodshed, you are barking up the wrong tree.

This is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: Bad Guys Get Guns Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev walked up to the MIT officer’s car and shot him in the head, unprovoked. It appears to be an assassination. But why? How did that fit into their plan? The operating theory: they were short one gun. The older brother had a gun. They wanted to get a gun for the younger brother. The fastest and most efficient way they could think of doing it was a surprise attack on a cop, to take his weapon and go. ..."

Boston Bombers Had One Gun: Ruger 9mm; Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was Unarmed During Final “Shootout”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Even though the Tsarnaev brothers made a violent dash from police, allegedly tossing homemade bombs as they fled, police told ABC News they so far have recovered only a single, semi-automatic handgun from the two men now accused of carrying off the Boston Marathon bombing ...' The revelation means . . ."

"A) there was no assault rifle as reported by both the police (on the radio recordings) and the media and B) it seems increasingly likely the Tsarnaevs killed MIT cop Sean Collier to take his gun—an effort thwarted by his retention holster." ...

OK: Police arrest Ardmore man in attempted robbery
Submitted by: D. Smith

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... "Police say at around noon Tuesday 37-year-old Rusty Deck came in the store on Carter Street southeast wearing a mask and threatened the clerk with a knife demanding money."

"Then the clerk pulled out a handgun and the suspect took off." ...

OH: Resident Shoots 1 of 2 Home Invaders Multiple Times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When two men kicked in the door of an apartment resident in the middle of the night, he decided not to become a victim."

"The resident grabbed a gun and fired several shots at the suspects. One of the suspects was hit multiple times, but still managed to get away." ...

A Tale of Two Good Samaritans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But imagine the story with one slight difference. A guy’s teenage son (OMG a white teenage male…that’s the spree killer demographic!) alerts him to a woman screaming for help. He quickly grabs the gun he keeps by his bed for home defense (You have a gun in your home with a child? Why do you need a gun? Don’t you keep it locked up? Are you paranoid or just irrationally afraid?)"

"The gun owner goes outside (What were you doing? Are you the town watch captain? Why didn’t you call the police and wait? Were you looking for a fight? You’ve just been waiting for a chance to shoot someone, haven’t you?). ..." ...

Chinese Gun Battle [Not Shown] Kills 21 People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In December 2012, five months after James Holmes opened fire on theater-goers in Aurora Colorado, a knife-wielding Chinese madman attacked a primary school. Twenty-two children were wounded. Wounded, not killed. Gun control advocates seized on the story as proof that a gun-free society is safer than one like, say, the United States, whose citizens have a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Ignoring the human rights abuses inflicted on China’s citizenry by its own government. Truth be told, there is no such thing as a gun-free society. The Chinese government has guns. And they’re not afraid to use them . . ." ...

WA: It Should Have Been a DGU: No Loose Ends Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dennis Clark III went to the Pinewood Village apartments in Federal Way, Washington yesterday intending to kill his girlfriend. But what started as domestic violence spiraled into a game of whack-a-witness. The bad guy made three more unexpected stops on his killing rounds — every one of which might have been his last if only one of the victims had had the means to defend themselves . . ." ...

Reid bill would require background checks to purchase explosives
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require background checks to be run on anyone buying explosive powder, a reaction to last week's Boston Marathon bombing."

"Reid introduced the bill, S. 792, for Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been out sick for much of the year. But in a press statement, Lautenberg said the Boston bombing shows that background checks are needed for explosive materials." ...

Why These 2016 Democratic Hopefuls Aren't Shying Away From Gun Control
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The lesson in the Beltway after the somewhat-anticlimactic defeat of Senate gun-control measures last week sounded like a broken record: "You don't mess with the NRA. Second Amendment rights remain a third rail, even in the wake of unspeakable tragedies."

"Yet, even before that series of votes, a trio of Democratic governors -- and 2016 presidential aspirants -- appeared poised to challenge that narrative." ...

NRA ups lobbying spending
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) outspent supporters of new gun controls by hundreds of thousands of dollars as the Senate considered and ultimately rejected legislation, new documents show."

"The NRA, along with its Institute for Legislative Action, spent about $800,000 on lobbying in the first quarter of the year, according to lobbying disclosure records. That’s an increase of roughly $100,000 over the same period last year, when gun legislation was dormant on Capitol Hill." ...

OK: Firearm Instructor Bill Would Make License Renewal Easier
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A bill in Oklahoma that would eliminate an extra step for firearm instructors when renewing their CLEET license has just been signed into law by the governor."

"Richard Holkum is a licensed firearm instructor for Gun Camp USA. When he and other instructors like him need to renew their licenses in Oklahoma, they're required to submit a second finger print."

"'[In] this county you've got to call the sheriff's office to make an appointment, it's about two weeks down the line before you can get in,' said Holkum."

"State Rep. Pat Ownbey said requiring a second fingerprint makes no sense." ...

AR: Arkansas Set to Become Fifth Constitutional Carry State?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not sure if Arkansas Carry is jumping the gun a bit. The gun rights group devotes an entire graph of their celebratory announcement to warning gun owners that this done deal maybe ain’t so done yet ('Arkansas Carry suggests that citizens consult a lawyer before carrying a handgun in public after the act takes effect'). Be that as it may, The Natural State’s new gun bill beats the hell out of Rhode Island’s forthcoming legislative package, which threatens to ban the possession of 'assault rifles.' No grandfathering. Sorry, distracted. Press release . . ." ...

OK: Fallin signs bill expanding aerial hunting of hogs
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Oklahoma landowners would be able to take to the skies to hunt feral hogs and other 'depredating animals' under a bill signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin."

"Fallin signed the bill Wednesday that's intended to help landowners control growing populations of wild hogs that have become a problem in many rural parts of the state. The wild animals are known to tear up cropland, destroy fences and spread diseases." ...

ATF Nominee Faces Retaliation Inquiry
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An independent government watchdog is probing allegations that President Barack Obama’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, B. Todd Jones, improperly retaliated against a whistle-blower while working in his current job as a federal prosecutor in Minnesota."

"The investigation by the Office of Special Counsel is the latest complication surrounding Jones’ nomination to lead the ATF, a 5,000-employee law enforcement agency tasked with regulating the nation’s firearms industry. ..." ...

NY: Walter Calls for Investigation of DCJS and NYSP in Safe Act Case
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman Ray Walter (R,C,I-Amherst) and his colleagues are calling on Acting Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott to review the policies and procedures associated with the implementation and enforcement of the NY SAFE Act. Specifically, Walter is asking that the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the administration of the New York State Police (NYSP) be investigated as to how they have conducted themselves with regard to the SAFE Act’s mental hygiene provisions over the past few months. Specifically, David Lewis, a local Amherst resident, wrongfully had his firearms confiscated and pistol permit revoked on April 1, after the NYSP identified him as the wrong David Lewis." ...

GE Halts Financing for Firearm Retailers as Gun Lenders Vanish
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"General Electric Co. (GE), whose Connecticut headquarters is about 35 minutes by car from the site of the Newtown school massacre, said it tightened rules against providing consumer financing to firearms retailers."

"'Industry changes, new legislation and tragic events that have caused widespread re-examination of policies on firearms' spurred the move by the GE Capital unit, Russell Wilkerson, a spokesman, said yesterday by e-mail." ...

Submitter's comment: And, of course, the president's fingerprints are nowhere to be found.

General Electric halts financing to gun shops
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"General Electric discovered it was financing a small number of firearm purchases in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shootings - despite deciding five years ago to avoid the practice - and moved to stop future loans, the company said on Wednesday." ...

"The GE Capital loans have typically been for relatively small amounts - most firearms cost only several hundred dollars - and have little effect on GE Capital's portfolio."

"The checks after the Newtown shootings, which GE said involved a 'rigorous audit process,' were part of its attempt to distance itself from gun culture." ...

GE Capital to Local Gun Stores: Drop Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Add another large lender to the list of companies that want nothing more to do with the firearms business. GE Capital, the financing arm of the conglomerate, has been providing loans to firearms buyers through local gun stores since 2006. According to, that’s all about to stop. 'This month, Glenn Duncan, owner of Duncan’s Outdoor Store in Bay City, Mich., said he received a letter from GE Capital Retail Bank in which the lender said it had made 'the difficult decision' to stop providing financing services to his store. Other gun dealers have received similar notices.' GE actually stopped adding new gun dealer finance customers back in 2008 ..." ...

NY: Unsolved Queens murder renews debate on microstamping
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A year has passed since Theodore Greene was shot 21 times in front of a building in LeFrak City near the Horace Harding Expressway. But one of the bullet holes is still in the concrete barricade Greene jumped over in an attempt to reach safety." ...

"Elected officials also called on the state legislature to require microstamping, which creates a fingerprint-type etching into a bullet casing in order to trace a gun to the owner."

"'We call upon the state legislature, in particular the senate Republicans, to pass microstamping,' said Peralta, who said he believes this crime would have been solved already had microstamping been in practice in New York." ...

KABA Note: Wasn't CoBIS supposed to do all that?

NY: NYU student busted for building air rifles in dorm room
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An NYU psychology student turned his Manhattan dorm room into an air rifle factory and was arrested on illegal weapons possession raps Monday, law enforcement sources told the Post."

"Bernard Goal, 20, was busted after a startled maintenance crew spotted a pair of realistic looking rifles on his bed while he was out and alerted campus security." ...

"NYPD cops arrested Goal at 2:30 p.m. Monday and hit him with six misdemeanor violations of a local law that prohibits the possession or sale of air rifles and replica firearms, according to a law enforcement source." ...

MN: Minnesota school district gets bulletproof whiteboards
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A Minnesota school district where two students were killed in a 2003 shooting unveiled a new device Tuesday aimed at adding a last-ditch layer of safety for teachers and students: bulletproof whiteboards."

"The Rocori School District has acquired nearly 200 of the whiteboards, made of a material touted by its manufacturer as stronger than that in police-issue bulletproof vests. The 18-by-20-inch whiteboards can be used by teachers for instruction and used as a shield in an emergency." ...

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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