Paying Bribes in to Get Your Rights Back in New York City
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Rob Morse
Website: http://slowfacts.wordpress.com
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It isn’t what you know that counts in New York City. It is who you know, and how much you pay them, that counts. In this recent case, ordinary citizens paid a man with political connections so the citizens could get firearms ownership and concealed carry permits. Both the middleman who brokered the New York permits and the corrupt police officers were charged.
It isn’t clear that anyone who obtained a firearms permit committed any criminal act other than having to ransom their rights back from the city. Now I ask, who is guilty here. Is it the politicians, judges and police officers who took rights away from honest citizens, or is it the citizen who bought his rights back?
The judges, police, and politicians are guilty as hell. |
NY: Security Company Hosts Active Shooter Training Seminar
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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In response to recent terror attacks around the world, a new company is working to make every day citizens feel safer. SAFGRU, a professional civilian security company held their first training seminar Saturday. They're helping teach people how to respond in an active shooter situation. Presenters included former Navy SEALS who shared tips and stories, focusing on how to be a leader in a crisis and being aware of your surroundings. Trainees also learned about weapons, self defense and lockdown techniques. |
CA: Concealed Gun Permits Soar in Sacramento County
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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When Scott Jones became sheriff of Sacramento County in 2010, there were approximately 350 civilians licensed to carry concealed handguns in the county. Today there are nearly 8,000. That means statistically, in any sizable gathering – at the grocery store, a ballgame or church – at least one person is likely to be packing legal heat. |
Trooper Who Guards Governor Accused of Beating, Kicking Wife
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A Pennsylvania state trooper on the team that guards the governor has been accused of beating his wife and threatening to kill her during an alcohol-fueled attack after she refused to have sex with him.
Police in Clearfield charged Trooper Terry Drew Jordan on Friday with aggravated assault, making terroristic threats and other crimes.
Charging documents say the 46-year-old member of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf's executive service section hit his wife in the head Thursday at their home and kicked her several times when she was on the ground.
SC: Gun owner Who Ended Manhunt: 'I told him to get down'
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David Williamson
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A Gaston man says his Second Amendment right helped land two men behind bars. Two Lexington County men were arrested after a high-speed chase near Gaston Thursday afternoon. Police say it was a simple attempted traffic stop that turned into a high-speed chase. "This chase started because Gaston police attempted to make a traffic stop on the two individuals due to a seat belt violation," Capt. Adam Myrick with the Lexington County Sheriff's Department said. "Actually, two of them – the passenger and the driver." |
IN: Police On Campuses Bring Out Big Guns
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David Williamson
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He opened fire in Cole Hall at just after 3:05 p.m. Central Standard Time. It was Valentine’s Day, 2008, and Steven Kazmierczak wore a shirt with the word “Terrorist” emblazoned over an image of an assault rifle. He used a shotgun first, blasting round after round into a mass of his fellow Northern Illinois University classmates who had gathered for an oceanography class in a 120-seat auditorium. |
Oops! Chelsea Shot Off Her Mouth on Guns, and Now Hillary has to Pander – and Fails
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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Hillary Clinton has been eagerly exploiting the only progressive issue on which she can position herself to the left of Bernie Sanders. Coming from a largely rural state, Sanders had the sense to respect his constituents’ need for protection and preference for hunting. Hillary made clear in campaigning for the New York primary, where she dealt what could be the deathblow to the Sanders insurgency, that her aim on campaigning on guns was Sanders. |
California's Half-Measures on Guns and Ammo Clips Won't Work
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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As a gun owner, it was interesting reading about the regulations being considered in California. ("California's proposed gun laws won't change our culture of violence, but they will make us safer," editorial, April 22) I take exception to SB 1407, which would require that gun parts like a lower receiver be registered by the owner. This places the burden on the wrong party. There is no way to ensure the buyer will follow through and register a receiver. |
Own A Gun? Real-Life Training Scenarios Eye-Opening
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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Mississippi is, without a doubt, a place where people love their guns. With legislation broadening the places and ways that Mississippians can carry their guns, law enforcement and firearms instructors are putting more and more emphasis on training as an important way to make sure that those who carry are as safe as they can possibly be. |
PA: Public Forum in Elkins Park Takes Aim at Gun Policy
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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DIscussing the finer details of policies involving guns is no easy task, but one Elkins Park group is welcoming the challenge. The Bernard Wolfman Civil Discourse Project will host a forum called "Let's Talk about Guns" on Wednesday, April 27 at the Beth Sholom Congregation. The event, which promotes a respectful dialogue among leading experts about gun policy, is open to the public. On its website, the group stresses "an emphasis on productive conversation — not debate." |
Ritchie Shoots His Way to Midland
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David Williamson
Website: http://inrigare.wordpress.com
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Three generations of shooting is what Dalton Ritchie will be carrying over when he heads to Midland University. Ritchie recently committed and signed his letter of intent to the Warriors to join the trap shooting program coached by four-time Olympian and former U.S. Olympic shooting sports coach Bret Erickson. |
For, in principle, there is no difference between a law prohibiting the wearing of concealed arms, and a law forbidding the wearing such as are exposed; and if the former be unconstitutional, the latter must be so likewise. But it should not be forgotten, that it is not only a part of the right that is secured by the constitution; it is the right entire and complete, as it existed at the adoption of the constitution; and if any portion of that right be impaired, immaterial how small the part may be, and immaterial the order of time at which it be done, it is equally forbidden by the constitution. [Bliss vs. Commonwealth, 12 Ky. (2 Litt.) 90, at 92, and 93, 13 Am. Dec. 251 (1822) |