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Newslinks for 4/26/2012

‘Blood on their hands’ seeks to document truth about Fast and Furious
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That said, the film may not get made. Funding for documentaries has always been difficult to obtain without well-resourced backers, and interest in the film community and among their foundation and individual benefactors in exposing the government’s part in sanctioning 'gunwalking' is practically nonexistent. In order to deal with that reality, McNulty has turned to us. ..." ...

Another Simple Way to Help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Go here, scroll down and enter text similar to the above along with this link."

"Also note the 'Gunwalker Man' linked graphic in the WoG sidebar."

"Look, I'm going to be a pest about this for the next month, because screaming and stamping feet is the only tool I've really got, and it's what resulted in others finally paying attention to Mike's and my incessant noise-making." ...

Scientists Confirm: Guns are Manly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"UCLA anthropologists found that test subjects holding a handgun are significantly more terrifying than people holding tools or other objects. Are you surprised?"

"During the experiment, scientists asked men to hold an object, ranging from hand guns and water guns to saws and paint brushes. The anthropologist took a photograph of each hand and showed them to 600 test subjects, who were then asked to guess the approximate height and strength of the person holding the object." ...

The Fallacy of Gun Control Laws (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Dr. Kyle Scott from Duke University about his recent article The Fallacy of Gun Control Laws. (" ...

Making a Hash of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Harvard historian Jill Lepore has a piece attacking gun rights in the latest New Yorker, and a follow-up post on the magazine’s website. Most of it is basically what you’d expect: some numbers about gun violence, some horrifying anecdotes about people who’ve misused guns, some reporting from a gun range, some artsy writing ('a gun is a machine made to fire a missile that can bore through flesh'), and an overarching history of the gun-rights movement."

"More irksome, however, is Lepore’s analysis of the Second Amendment’s meaning. By leaving out or misrepresenting key historical details, she shortchanges the idea that the Second Amendment protects an individual right." ...

More Support for Gun Rights, Gay Marriage than in 2008 or 2004
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Opinions about a pair of contentious social issues, gun control and gay marriage, have changed substantially since previous presidential campaigns. On gun control, Americans have become more conservative; on gay marriage, they have become more liberal."

"Currently, 49% of Americans say it is more important to protect the rights of Americans to own guns, while 45% say it is more important to control gun ownership. Opinion has been divided since early 2009, shortly after Barack Obama’s election. From 1993 through 2008, majorities had said it was more important to control gun ownership than to protect gun rights." ...

Rick Ector: Why the NRA Doesn’t Include Blacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rick Ector gets LAID. As he should; it’s the name of his website (Legally Armed in Detroit). Rick Ector also gets the fact that the National Rifle Association is not his target demographic. And members of his site’s target demographic—African Americans seeking to exercise their Second Amendment rights in a city that does a passable imitation of a war zone—are not likely to join to the NRA. So whyzzat then? Rick recently wrote his theory on the matter for, some of which I’ll share with you . . ." ...

New York Times Finds World’s Only Anti-2a Hunter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently lauded The New York Times for publishing an article about guns that wasn’t anti-gun. I pointed out that the post was a proverbial black swan. And here’s proof: I Hunt, but the N.R.A. Isn’t for Me. Don’t get me wrong. The NRA and I have our differences. But this? This is odd. 'I'm a hunter and a sportswoman. I own guns, but not for self-defense. I support gun control laws. I would happily vote to repeal the Stand Your Ground law in my home state of Oregon. In other words, the N.R.A. does not represent me.' Clearly. But wait! It gets better/worse . . ." ...

Living in Condition White
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF’s recent Question of the Day on the Boy Scouts and Gun Prohibition got me thinking about the whole question of firearms in our society. On the one hand, why should an organization with a decidedly outdoor/camping/wilderness/survival focus prohibit the carrying of firearms by troop leaders? The answer to this question goes beyond some of the motives and other thoughts attributed to the BSA by a few of the comments to that post and instead provides a window into how American society and the society in many other countries actually operates." ...

Slow news day when Workman is hot item in Seattle Times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat put one out of the park Wednesday morning with a column on the sharply rising number of active concealed pistol licenses in Washington State, in which this columnist was, er, 'liberally quoted.'"

"And quoted accurately, I might add. Did Workman really say 'firearms are dangerous?' Uh, huh, because that happens to be true; if you’re not careful with a firearm, you’ll get an education about 30 seconds after you need it." ...

Why Can’t Foster Parents Carry A Firearm?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A commentator who raises foster children and wishes to remain anonymous writes . . ."

"'The children in the foster care system have been taken from their parents and are now wards of the State. The state needs someone to care for them, but not just anyone. Before you can become a foster parent the agency involved will take your fingerprints and run state and FBI background checks. They’ll check your references and conduct a financial audit. Then there’s a home safety inspection: water temp, smoke detectors, pool fencing and chemicals and medications storage, etc. Part of safety, of course, involves firearms . . ." ...

VIDEO: "Why is Remington doing NBC's job?" (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Colt Introducing the LE6920MP-R with Magpul and Troy Industries For Law Enforcement and the Tactical Public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colt is expanding their catalog again with the addition of another of their LE6920, the LE6920MP-R. This new 6920 comes out of the box decked out with Magpul and Troy Industries furniture for ease-of-tactical. The LE6920MP-R is otherwise very similar to the other Colt 6920s." ...

This Old Gun: Iver Johnson .22 Supershot Sealed Eight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For more than a century, Iver Johnson was a prolific manufacturer of revolvers that claimed a large share of the lower- to mid-priced market. From assembly lines in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Arkansas, the company produced scores of different models that ranged from crude, spur-trigger pocket pistols to full-size double-action revolvers whose fit, finish and features rivaled name-brand wheelguns. Shooter perception varied accordingly. Some considered 'Owlheads' (so-called for the grip embellishment seen on many models) nothing more than cheap marginal revolvers, while others appreciated a relatively inexpensive alternative that was also solid and reliable." ...

Gun Review: Kimber Solo Follow Up (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the first review of the Kimber Solo your author experienced some loading problems, but, like many malfunctions with guns right out-of-the-box, we attributed those to a break-in period and learning curve. After firing 300 rounds of premium grade ammo we think what was initially published was a fair assessment, however, we wanted to see how it performed a second-time-around." ...

Bargain Hunting: the SIG P225/P6
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are a few times when we can write up a SIG and stick it in the bargain bin, such as the P250 and SP2022, but the majority of their firearms are pure premium, and generally cost 50% or more than other service pistols and rifles. One gun we're putting on the short list is the SIG P225, and it's sister model, the German Police P6." ...

Shooting Golf Balls Out of an AR-15 - for Charity (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A North Carolina radio show put on a fundraising event that allowed fans to use a modified AR-15 to shoot golf balls at a complete stranger. All of the proceeds from the event went to the United Service Organizations of North Carolina and the Purple Heart Homes."

"Don't worry too much. Not only was the AR-15 completely safe (albeit painful), they dressed up their live target in ludicrous-looking body armor to make sure he came out of the event with all of his teeth."

"Their AR-15 utilized a special attachment that uses blanks to shoot golf balls up to 250 yards. For a mere $25, you can also transform your lethal AR-15 into a delightful toy that's bound to give you and your buddies more than a few bruises." ...

Gear Review: Sawfly Military Eyewear System (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a huge difference between your basic pair of safety glasses and a 'good' pair of safety glasses. And the difference isn’t just in terms of protection, it’s also about optical clarity and image distortion. Especially in a competition or military environment, a bad pair of safety glasses can mean the difference between a hit and a miss. It can also mean the difference between that flying piece of shrapnel being a minor annoyance or a life changing event. That’s where Revision Military and their eyewear come in…" ...

Quote of the Day: Now Tell Me Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want a Total Ban on Private Gun Ownership Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Guns carried in public by private citizens—open or concealed—threaten public and private safety.' – Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director, Violence Policy Center ..."

NY: Anti-Violence Group 'Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E.' Leads Rally To Albany (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"PIX 11 News' Victory over Violence Campaign is now taking aim at gun violence. PIX 11 Morning news is trying to make neighborhoods safer by getting guns off the streets and we are bringing you the stories from different communities all across the city. In Harlem outraged activists and mothers say the have had enough of gun violence and they are doing something about it." ...

NY: Group protests 'Stand Your Ground' bill
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New Yorkers are taking a stand against the Stand Your Ground Bill."

"New Yorkers Against Gun Violence are urging lawmakers to withdraw the stand your ground legislation from consideration in New York ..." ...

"The group says justifiable homicides in Florida have tripled since the state passed the bill."

KABA Note: Yeah, well, not quite. As shown here, when you control for the rise in police justifiable homicides over that period the actual increase in "civilian" justifiable homicides is 27%.

NY: The Remarks Of Speaker Sheldon Silver to New Yorkers Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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"Thank you, Jackie [Hilly] for your kind words, but more important, we thank you for your care, for your perseverance and for your tireless leadership in the campaign for sensible gun control."

"I am delighted to once again welcome the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence to our state capital."

"I and my Assembly Majority colleagues greatly admire and respect you, and we are proud to work with you to fashion strong, intelligent gun legislation for our state." ...

KABA Note: Well at least they've given up the pretense that it is about "reducing violence" or "saving the children".

OH: Rep. Michael DeBose (D), remembered for becoming pro-concealed carry after mugging, dies at 58
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that State Rep. Michael DeBose, a Cleveland Democrat, has passed away at the age of 58." ...

"In his first years in office, DeBose had a solid history of anti-gun votes in the Ohio legislature. But all that changed on May 1, 2007, after he was the victim of a violent robbery attempt:" ...

MI: Harper Woods police officer witnesses fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Harper Woods, a police officer becomes the prime witness to a fatal shooting. It happened in an alley ..."

"The alleged shooter is in jail. Police tell us that they will hold him for 72 hours while a decision is made on whether charges will be filed. The problem is this person could also be a potential victim."

"A Harper Woods police officer says that he saw a couple walking in a dark alley and a man following them. That did not sit right with this officer, so he turned his car around and followed them. That's when this officer witnessed the man who was part of the couple shoot and kill the guy that was following them." ...

"Witnesses told us that this couple had just left the ATM and after that is when they were followed." ...

Should People Be Allowed to Carry Guns Openly?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill currently making its way through the Oklahoma state legislature would allow citizens of the state to openly carry loaded handguns without a permit. Only six states and the District of Columbia expressly prohibit this practice, with the remaining states either specifically allowing open carry or having no law on the books prohibiting it. In recent years, the practice of openly carrying a gun has grown in popularity, as legislation that would permit it has been introduced in places like Texas, South Carolina, and Arkansas—some of the last states that have held out against it." ...

Open Carry Laws Benefit Public Safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first thing I noticed about the question for this debate was the way it is worded. "Should people be 'allowed' to carry guns openly?" Using the phrase 'allowed' implies that open carry is a privilege that the state grants to citizens. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The right to openly bear arms for security and self-defense is enshrined not only in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution but also in a majority of state constitutions." ...

An Armed Society is Truly a Polite Society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever hear of the Second Amendment? I can think of no reason for not carrying guns openly. In fact, there are only seven states and the District of Columbia that continue to infringe on the Second Amendment by not allowing open carry. Fourteen states allow open carry with a license along with 29 states that allow unlicensed open carry, including four states—Arizona, Arkansas, Vermont, and Wyoming—which require no permits for carrying openly or concealed. If open carry were a big problem, wouldn't some of these states repeal these laws instead of trending toward open carry in more states?" ...

Carrying a Firearm Puts the Community at Risk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Openly carrying a loaded weapon in public is best left to highly trained individuals like law enforcement professionals. Before we give a law enforcement officer the awesome responsibility of carrying a firearm, we require that officer to have extensive training. This process ensures that he or she can shoot straight and has the judgment to use that weapon responsibly."

"If you want to use a firearm in your home, the risk is primarily to yourself and your family. Out in the community, however, there should be vigorous standards to protect the rest of us from any potential misuse of your weapon. George Zimmerman forever put to rest the idea that untrained individuals have the judgment to police their neighborhoods with guns." ...

Open Carry Is an Invitation to Chaos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The proposal to allow open carry in Oklahoma is unnecessary, redundant, not well thought out, and will lead to dire unintended consequences for Oklahoma citizens and visitors to the state."

"Oklahoma already permits concealed carry, with a brief course of instruction. To now allow open carry (one proposal would even allow unlicensed open carry), i.e., to put more guns into the hands of more people, is an invitation to chaos, especially given the disparity in who will be armed and who won't." ...

America's Gun Culture and Its Effect on the 2012 Election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the mid-1980s, an Austrian factory manager and curtain rod manufacturer named Gaston Glock introduced American consumers to a handgun that was lightweight, efficient, and could hold more bullets than the traditional six-round revolver. Soon, many police forces and private gun owners were hooked, and despite a number of challenges and controversies, the Glock handgun became a ubiquitous part of American culture, says Paul M. Barrett in his new book, Glock: The Rise of America's Gun. Barrett, an assistant managing editor of Bloomberg Businessweek, recently spoke with U.S. News about Glock's business and cultural legacy and how the weapon affected America's gun control debate. Excerpts:" ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Endorses Carl F. Becker for Delaware County Judge
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association announces the endorsement of Carl F. Becker for re-election as Delaware County Judge. Our endorsement is based upon his record of treating pistol license applicants fairly during his current tenure as County Judge. ..."

NRA President David Keene on President Obama’s Use of Executive Powers (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ginny Simone talks to NRA President David Keene about President Obama’s reckless use of Executive Powers." ...

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell Seeks to Tighten Background Checks for Nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, on the 5-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, Gov. Bob McDonnell sent a letter to every governor in the country asking them to support stricter reporting standards for federal background checks."

"Many believe that the Va. Tech shooter, [redacted], who killed 32 people and wounded 17 others, would have been prohibited from purchasing the two firearms he used during the rampage if his mental health records were logged into the National Instant
Criminal Background Check System."

"Prior to the massacre [redacted] was found to be 'an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness.' However, he was only ordered to undergo outpatient mental-health treatment by the court." ...

NY: County eyes purchase of Calverton Shooting Range for trap & skeet facility
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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"The county legislature Tuesday approved initial steps to seek acquisition of the Calverton Shooting Range for the purpose of relocating the county's trap and skeet range from Southaven Park in Yaphank." ...

"The measure was introduced by Legislator Kate Browning (WF-Shirley) whose Third District hosts the county's current trap and skeet facility. Responding to constituent opposition to the continued operation of the county facility at Southaven Park, Browning has been shopping for other locations."

"'I am strongly opposed to it,' Romaine said Wednesday. 'I understand Kate Browning's problem. But you don't substitute one problem for another,' he said. The Calverton Shooting Range is also surrounded by homes, he said." ...

Reid to try end run around Heller on judicial nominee Cadish
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Harry Reid said Wednesday that he plans to ask Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy to consider making an exception to the Senate’s usual process and move Elissa Cadish’s judicial nomination to the Nevada federal bench ahead over Sen. Dean Heller’s objections."

"But he didn’t sound that optimistic that anything would come of it."

"'I am going to visit with Pat and go over it,' Reid said. 'But I don't think he will do it.'" ...

BREAKING! Rep. Young wants ATF explanation about AK records checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alaska Congressman Don Young today demanded to know why agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have been asking gun shop owners in the 49th State for copies of their gun sales records."

"As this column reported, ATF agents had contacted gun shops in Anchorage for the bound books which contain information on gun buyers. Federal law prohibits federal agents from doing that, and they know it. Gun rights activists across the Northwest are furious." ...

MO: Charges dropped against Mo. man who showed gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A prosecutor has dropped charges against a Cape Girardeau man for showing a gun during an altercation at a gas station, a decision that the man’s attorney calls a victory for Second Amendment rights." ...

Submitter's Note: My first carry class instructor (a former prosecutor) called it the race to the courthouse. "Remember" he said "whoever gets through to the police first is the victim."

UT: Fired for punching woman, former UHP officer hired by Ogden PD
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"A Utah Highway Patrol trooper who was caught on tape punching a woman multiple times after a chase and was later fired for it has a new job as a peace officer."

"Andrew Davenport was hired by the Ogden Police Department in June 2011, months after he was let go by the Utah Highway Patrol as a result of the allegation of excessive use of force during a pursuit on Aug. 28, 2010." ...


Submitter's note: This was obvious assault by the officer and he should have been charged.

TX: Police Don’t Like It When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Via Radley Balko, certain Dallas residents are upset that they are getting 'nitpicked' for speeding and other traffic violations caught by camera. Normally, I would be quite sympathetic. But not in this case. You see, those who are upset about getting punished for violating traffic laws are Dallas police:" ...

George Zimmerman Bought Kel-Tec P4-9 to Defend Against a Pit Bull
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A pit bull named Big Boi began menacing George and Shellie Zimmerman in the fall of 2009,' reports in an excellent post about the background to the Trayvon Martin homicide." ...

Self-Defense Under Attack
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Critics of Florida's self-defense law object to its recognition of a right to "stand your ground" in public places, which eliminated the duty to retreat from an assailant. Yet many of these critics seem to believe they have a duty to stand their ground and never retreat, using George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin as a weapon to attack Florida's law, no matter what the evidence shows."

"The emphasis on the right to stand your ground is puzzling in the context of the Martin case, since Zimmerman's defense does not seem to rely on it. ..." ...

History lesson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: Qazi N. Uddin’s April 22 commentary, 'Addressing real shooting issue':"

"Uddin says that 'In a democracy, people's freedom does not come from the barrels of guns.' I wish Gen. Washington and his army had known that in 1775. We would have saved a lot of lives and treasure."

"More recently, South Korea had to repel the North Korean invaders in 1950 with the help of the U.N. Need I mention World War II?" ...

Bank of America hates the Second Amendment, dumps firearms company's account
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone who treasures their 2nd Amendment Rights that has an account with Bank of America, take out all your money and put it in another gun-friendly bank." ...

Kelly McMillan On NRA News (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cam Edwards of NRA News interviewed Kelly McMillan of McMillan Group International on Monday about the Bank of America's decision to drop his company as a customer. Mr. McMillan noted a few things that haven't come out about the story before."

"First, his company and a bank representative have had a regular meeting about this time of the year to do a review. Because of this, he didn't go into the meeting expecting what happened. He said it hit him 'like a kick in the stomach.'" ...

HI: Hawaii Sees Record High Gun Permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hawaii's Department for the Attorney General has released a report revealing that the state issued a record-high number of firearm permits in 2011."

"We can understand the motivation behind this trend. The only thing better than sunbathing, perfect weather, and beautiful people in swimsuits is sipping a pina colada on a shooting range." ...

WA: Washington sees a sharp increase in concealed weapon permits (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are 360,000 Washingtonians who have a permit to carry a concealed gun. That number is up up sharply, especially in the last several months. Just a few years ago, the total was just 230,000."

"In other words, 1 in 14 Washingtonians has a gun permit – that’s nearly three times the rate of Texas." ...

WA: Midday Scan: Washington's surprising gun-toting frenzy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the American West, the gun issue has a chilling effect on political discourse. It's life, liberty, and Smith & Wesson. (Because Midday Scan's timorous author fears the gun-toting masses, he will not quibble with the Second Amendment.) So how do the peaceable denizens of the Pacific Northwest respond to a spate of gun-related deaths? By racing out to the gun store, of course. It's Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopia meets High Noon." ...

MO: Question of the Day: Have You Ever “Showed” Your Gun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's a thin line between having your gun seen and brandishing it. The distinction is usually in the eye of the beholder – and, as James 'Junior' Swift has found out, the local prosecutor. 'Swift was facing the charge (unlawful weapon use) after being involved in an altercation last November when he was accused of reaching into his car and putting his gun in his waistband following an argument about moving his car at a gas station.' Setting aside for a moment the wisdom of Mexican carry . . ." ...

CA: Why California Gun Laws Suck, Now More Than Ever (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You can get a gun in California—subject to a farrago of gun laws that proscribe certain firearms (I’m looking at you AR-10) and restrict which magazines a resident may purchase, carry or think about (CA mags must be 10 rounds or less). You can also get a concealed carry license—depending on who you are and where you live. But no matter how you slice it, it’s GD hard to tool-up in the Golden State. According to KTXL-TV, Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones reckons that’s not good. ..."

My New JP Enterprises Rifle!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Way back in January at Shot Show I met John Paul in person in his vendor booth. I had emailed him ahead of time with an introduction that I wanted to shoot one of his rifles for my new 3 Gun adventure. JP rifles were on my Christmas wish list last December. To see a selection of rifles they make in person was impressive. I also was drooling over what I called his "sniper" long range rifles. Perhaps when I am rich and famous I can get one of those. Okay, just rich. I followed up with him after the show and we discussed all of the custom details I wanted."

"I figured this was a one time opportunity to get the
best of everything and have the coolest rifle out in the field. Well at least I think so." ...

Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they knew that only when people are armed could they truly be thought of as free citizens. And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to keep and bear arms are intending to deprive you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these elitists know that it is always best to disarm victims before you enslave them. — Charley Reese

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