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Newslinks for 4/27/2006

'Happiness is a warm gun'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The squeeze of a trigger, then the bullet enters the chamber, it's blasted out of the barrel and leaves a hole in the target."

"The kick from the blast pushes my hands back as the casing flies out and hits the floor."

"That's all it takes to end a life. That's all it takes to feel invincible, just the simple squeeze of a trigger."

"Americans have a love affair with guns."

"According to a New York Times article, back in 2000 about 4.5 million guns were being sold in the United States every year."

"The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right of the people to bear arms, but it was written after the Revolutionary War when the British were still a threat to attack the newly independent nation."

Gun law expert rips ID thieves during NRA internet interview; support congressional initiative to combat identity theft
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun law expert John Snyder attacked perpetrators of identity theft recently on the National Rifle Association’s live Internet program,"

"He said the nation’s fastest growing crime is 'a serious potential threat to the rights of the country’s 80 million law-abiding firearm owners.'"

"Host Cam Edwards conducted the interview. He announced last week that an informal Internet poll of the program audience indicated two-thirds of the viewers agree ID theft is a matter of deep concern to them." ...

"[Snyder] is concerned that if a law-abiding gun owner’s identity is stolen by a criminal, that criminal could use the gun owner's good name to acquire a firearm which otherwise the criminal could not obtain." ...

OR: Salem police say shooting death likely self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What started as an argument involving a woman, her estranged boyfriend and her current boyfriend ended with the former boyfriend shot dead Monday night, Salem police said." ...

"Police said Sean C. Dougherty, 38, Rennels' current boyfriend, who lives with her at the northeast Salem apartment, shot Scott after the 6-foot-4, 300-pound man broke through the front door of Rennels' apartment." ...

"[Lt. Jim] Anglemier said an initial investigation indicated that Dougherty and Rennels feared for their safety."

"'After investigating the scene and interviewing the residents of the apartment, we determined the shooting was in self-defense,' Anglemier said." ...

South Africa: Dad screamed like never before
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 30 shells and the shattered windows of two cars bore testimony on Tuesday to the raging gun battle between three robbers and a young man trying to save his father."

"When all the shooting was over, the three intruders lay dead at the Bertrams' house they had been trying to rob in the early hours of Tuesday morning."

"The 23-year-old, who does not want to be identified for fear of revenge attacks, described the gunfight between him and the band of robbers to Beeld on Tuesday, just a few hours after police officers removed the bodies of the three men." ...

"'The police don't protect us and the new firearms act empowers only the criminals,' said the young man." ...

FL: Woman carjacked, son-in-law chases attacker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local woman ... was coming home from a friend's house and while she was pulling into her parking spot a young man pulled up behind her and used a gun to try to steal her car. The woman's son-in-law heard the commotion and came to the rescue." ...

"The man broke the window of the car and pulled the woman onto the pavement. She ran to her house screaming the whole way. Her son-in-law, Michael, is an ex-marine. ..."

"'My son-in-law had gotten back from a trip and had a concealed weapons permit, had his gun on him, came running down here and tried to stop the guy,' said the woman."

"Michael told police he was in fear for his life and fired one round from his 45 caliber handgun. He hit the van and possibly the carjacker." ...

Australia: Man freed after home invasion attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MAN claims an intruder he's accused of bashing with a baseball bat yelled, "I'm going to kill you" as he broke down the door to his Sydney home.

"Darryl Stoneham ... faced Blacktown Local Court today charged with malicious assault inflicting grievous bodily harm."

"The charge related to an alleged attack on David Kuusik, 38, who, according to police facts, broke into Stoneham's home last night." ...

"Outside the court, Stoneham's sister ... said the charges against her brother were 'very unfair'."

"'He (Mr Kuusik) smashed into his home, he did a home invasion, my brother protected himself, they should fix the laws up for innocent people who don't deserve to be treated like this,' she told reporters." ...

Mayors Meet to Fight Illegal Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg and Boston's Mayor Menino hosted a summit to stop the spread of illegal guns in communities, with thirteen mayors from other cities... in attendance. Bloomberg referenced the death of 2 year old David Pacheco, saying, 'The only thing that would have helped that child is if we had the courage to stand up and get the guns off the street. And those who vote against getting guns off the street really are the ones as much responsible as the shooter, because if the shooter didn't have a gun, that child would still be alive.' Fighting words - and the Mayor also blamed Congress for not doing enough. A Harvard professor explained to the Times, '... We have many more handguns and much weaker gun laws than any other country.'" ...

NY: Moms salute anti-gun war
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Their children cut down by stray bullets, two mothers whose young sons died in the street praised Mayor Bloomberg and mayors from 14 other cities yesterday for declaring war on illegal handguns."

"'My tragedy is not going to be the last,' said Joanne Sanabria, whose 2-year-old son, David Pacheco, was mortally wounded by a stray bullet on Easter."

"'As long as you can walk into a store in some states and walk out with a gun, my son won't be the last child shot in this city,' Sanabria told the Daily News as Bloomberg held a summit on gun violence at Gracie Mansion." ...

KABA Note: Ms. Sanabria seems to have left out a few steps in the purchase process; like fill out paperwork, show identification, have a background check performed . . .

School Mass Murder Plots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They have students and parents across the country worried. Five teenagers were charged with threatening to carry out a shooting rampage at Riverton High in southeast Kansas. ... They were arrested following a message about the shooting spree appearing on myspace dot com. ..."

"Identical scares are being played out at other schools across the country. Just outside Tacoma, Washington, a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of plotting to kill fellow students and staff at his high school. ..." ...

"Additionally, in North Pole, Alaska, six 7th graders were arrested over the weekend. They are being accused of plotting to kill students that they felt picked on them, as well as teachers that they did not like, with guns and knives." ...

MA: Teen faces firearms charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local teen is facing firearms charges after police said he was caught with a stolen BB gun in his school bag at Coakley Middle School on Monday afternoon."

"Police spokesman Paul Bishop said school officials overheard students talking about it, and reacted by searching the 14-year-old boy's locker, then his bookbag, where they found a BB pistol."

"'They did a very good job,' Bishop said of the school staff."

"Police went to the school at 2 p.m., and discovered the pistol had been reported stolen during a break-in over the weekend in town, Bishop said."

"The gun was never a danger to other students because it was missing a compressed-gas cylinder it would have needed to be fired, Bishop said." ...

IA: School locked down over toy gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A central Iowa grade school was locked down for a time Tuesday over a report of a firearm. The Polk County Sheriff's Office got a report around midafternoon of some kids carrying and concealing a gun, near a northside Des Moines grade school. Principal Deb Chiodo was told about it, and put Cornell Elementary on lock-down status.

Deputies say they found the kids, got the gun, and quickly determined it was a plastic air-soft pistol that shoots rubber pellets. The deputies told the kids just how unwise it was to play with the lookalike gun near school property and the lockdown was over in about fifteen minutes.

IN: Police say 5th-grader brought gun to school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A fifth-grade student at a Near Northside school faces suspension for bringing a handgun to school today."

"The 11-year-old boy is a student at IPS School 48, 3445 N. Central Ave. He has been sent to the Marion County juvenile detention center."

"Indianapolis Public Schools police said the boy found the .25-caliber pistol in the backyard of his home on Saturday."

"He reportedly brought the gun to school on Wednesday and showed the weapon to other students, who told school officials. IPS police took the boy into custody around noon today."

"The gun was not loaded, according to school spokeswoman Kim Hooper." ...

VA: Defeat of bill is a threat to our rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that Gov. Tim Kaine has vetoed the proposed bill to legalize the transportation of a gun in a locked compartment in a vehicle, an evaluation of the arguments surrounding the defeat of this bill is in order."

"Not only because misinformation abounds and purposeful disinformation was the order of the day, but really because the successful jeopardy of one Constitutional 'right' is a precedent and threat to all such Constitutional 'rights' enjoyed by all Americans."

"The Washington Examiner of April 20, 2006 identified supporters of the proposed bill as 'Concealed-carry Legislation Supporters.' This attempt to characterize the bill as some sort of extension of the Virginia concealed weapons laws and regulations is untrue." ...

AZ: Castle Doctrine law is the right thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now Gov. Janet Napolitano has done the right thing."

"Walk with us through a brief parable. You are driving a delivery truck in heavy traffic when you bump rear-view mirrors with a vehicle in the left lane next to you. The other driver goes ballistic, climbs on your driver's side running board and knocks in your window with a tire iron. You slide across to the passenger side and try to get out, but another large delivery van in the right lane blocks your exit."

"Your antagonist now has released your inside door latch. You draw the concealed firearm you carry under permit and kill your attacker before he can reach you."

"When that happened in Texas, the delivery driver had to prove himself innocent both in the court of public opinion and the state. ..." ...

NH: House reverses course, supports expanded use of deadly force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners and advocates carried the day in the House on Wednesday."

"In a surprise turnaround, the House supported legislation it defeated last month that would give people more leeway to use guns to defend themselves in public places."

"It also voted for a bill to bar the state from taking guns or ammunition from people during a state of emergency."

"'Nothing should chip away at our freedom,' argued Rep. Lynne Ober, R-Hudson. If weapons had been confiscated centuries ago, 'we might have been singing God Save the Queen,' she said." ...

"The bill would allow people to use guns or other weapons in self-defense anywhere where they have a right to be. It would remove the requirement that a person retreat when it's safe to do so." ...

Fla. deadly force law gains popularity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One year after Florida enacted a law protecting people who kill in self defense from being sued, other states are following Florida's lead."

"But some laws backed by the National Rifle Association are causing a controversy. The laws generally enforce a victim's right to retaliate against a would-be criminal and provide immunity from prosecution or civil suit." ...

"Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said the bills give people more leeway to shoot someone instead of resolving disputes without violence."

"Florida's law is at issue in three controversial cases, including that of a tow-truck operator who killed a man who tried to drive his car off the lot without paying a fee. The man was unarmed."

NJ: Weehawken cop's fate is up to jury now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Weehawken Police Officer Alejandro Jaramillo clutched a prayer book yesterday as attorneys gave closing arguments in his trial on charges he murdered a 17-year-old Union City boy by repeatedly slamming his head against the pavement."

"'You can say he slammed his head ... and it still doesn't make it so,' said Jaramillo's attorney, Robert Galantucci, regarding the July 16, 2003, incident in which Jose Luis Ives Jr. suffered multiple skull fractures. ..." ...

"But Ives' younger brothers, who witnessed the incident, said the cop "sucker punched" their brother and knocked him to the ground. Jaramillo then climbed on top of him and repeatedly slammed his head against the pavement, Ives' younger brothers said." ...

MN: Walter Collins’ family goes second round in police brutality case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'This case is about police lying,' said ... an attorney for the family of Walter Kenyon Collins, a 21-year-old Black man who was shot and killed in 2003 by Minneapolis Police Officer Jamie Conway. The second trial in the wrongful death lawsuit ... began on April 20." ...

"Walter Collins' killing was one of three high-profile cases that took place within the span of a week and a half where charges of brutality were leveled against police ..."

"The case revolves around charges made by Collins’ family that Conway shot Collins in cold blood and that police officers and investigators ... attempted to cover up the killing by planting a gun that they claim belonged to Collins." ...

MN: DUI, obstruction charged in Minneapolis police officers' arrest
Submitted by: Bob Gibson

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"Two Minneapolis police officers, who are engaged to each other, were arrested in Columbia Heights early Tuesday after one allegedly drove drunk into the back of a parked truck and the other was twice stunned with a Taser for resisting police."

"Officer Lindsay E. Anderson, 29, drove a car into a parked truck which then crashed into a car ... Later, as she sat in a Columbia Heights squad car, she tried to persuade an officer to release her 'as she was a police officer ...' the report said. When the officer refused, she swore at the officer ... and said she would 'never give any Heights officers a break and that she would be looking for them,' the report said." ...

NY: Police officer faces menacing charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Town of Fallsburg police officer was charged with menacing yesterday after allegedly waving a pistol at a truck he'd been trying to pass."

"Town of Cornwall police said another driver saw the drama unfold in front of him and dialed 911."

"Police said Officer Todd Pezzementi ... was headed east in his car on Orrs Mills Road yesterday morning when he repeatedly tried to pass a truck ..."

"A driver behind Pezzementi ... told police Pezzementi was trying to pass in areas where there were double yellow lines and curves, creating a potential hazard."

"Police said as Conley pulled his truck to the right to make a sharp left-hand turn on Station Road, Pezzementi rode past him, waving a .40-caliber Glock pistol." ...

PA: DNA may clear second convict
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Drew Whitley began packing a bag Tuesday."

"A phone call to his lawyer had confirmed what he saw on the TV news. Whitley ... is likely headed home after more than 16 years in prison because DNA tests cast doubt on whether he killed Noreen Malloy, 22, outside a Duquesne fast-food restaurant in 1988." ...

"A neighbor of Whitley's who worked at the restaurant identified him as the killer ... A former county crime lab worker testified that more than 40 small hairs found in the stocking mask were similar to Whitley's. And death row inmate Gary Lee Starr testified that Whitley confessed to the murder during a jailhouse conversation. Starr was taken off death row in exchange for his testimony." [emphasis added] ...

Canada: Memo to cop: Don't leave stuff in car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Somewhere out there, a police officer is without a gun.

When Surrey RCMP arrived at the 102 Avenue Loop in North Surrey Monday afternoon to investigate a car break-in, they discovered that it wasn't just any car.

It turned out an unmarked police car - not from the Surrey RCMP - was the target.

Even more alarming, however, is that the thief got away with the briefcase that, among other things, had a 9mm police handgun in it.

RCMP are going forward with a criminal investigation with the hope of recovering the stolen gun, but they say they will also ask why a service pistol was left unattended in the vehicle.

Police are not saying which police department the car belonged to.

UK: Police get 'licence to kill' without questions
Submitted by: FWiedner

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"GOVERNMENT lawyers have told police chiefs preparing to 'shoot to kill' suspected suicide bombers that they are likely to escape criminal charges even if they kill an unarmed or innocent person."

"The legal advice is contained in confidential legal papers prepared for the Metropolitan police Special Branch and chief constables."

"More than 150 pages of documents, seen by The Sunday Times, detail Operation Kratos People and Operation Clydesdale, the secret guidelines on dealing with suicide bombers. They provided the justification for the operation that led to the accidental shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, an innocent Brazilian, at Stockwell Tube station in London last July." ...

Submitter's Note: Is it just me or does OOPS just not quite seem to make it as an acceptable response?

New Zealand: Armed raid terrifies family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Flaxmere man who says his children were home alone when their house was wrongly ransacked by Armed Offenders Squad members has written a letter of protest to Prime Minister Helen Clark."

"Terry Ngere's children yesterday re-enacted how an AOS member confronted their sister with a rifle, but it was anything but a game when the armed officers arrived unannounced -and as far as he knows, without reason - last Friday, Mr Ngere said."

"Although police are adamant none of the three younger children was present ... Mr Ngere disputes that."

"He says four of his children were at home when his 19-year-old daughter Christine, answered the door to find AOS officers surrounding the house and a man standing on the fence, pointing a rifle in her direction and telling her to leave." ...

Nepal: Six Locals Protesting Rape, Killing Shot Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six persons were killed when security forces opened fire at demonstrators protesting the rape and murder of a woman who was running a hotel at Belbari of Morang."

"Locals had staged the protest demonstration alleging that five soldiers deployed for the security of a repeater tower at Belbari raped 22-year-old Sapana Gurung on Tuesday night and shot her dead later after she fell unconscious."

"Six persons died and thirty-five are injured when the security personnel opened fire today."

"SP Jagat Bista said the security personnel opened fire in self defence after the agitated crowd attempted to attack the security forces." ...

Trinidad: Frequent Police Killings in Trinidad & Tobago Go Unpunished, Says Amnesty International
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At least 35 people in Trinidad & Tobago died after being shot by the police or while in police custody between 2003 and 2005, but only one officer in the nation has been convicted of murdering a civilian while on duty, a new Amnesty International report published today finds."

"'Police in Trinidad & Tobago have not been held accountable for most of these deaths -- there is a pattern of impunity,' said Curt Goering, Senior Deputy Executive Director of Amnesty International USA (AIUSA). 'The citizens of Trinidad & Tobago suffer the consequences of a justice system that has failed to take questionable police conduct seriously.'" ...

Australia: Kovco wasn't cleaning gun: Nelson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE Australian soldier who died in Iraq was not cleaning his pistol at the time he was killed as has been reported, Defence Minister Brendan Nelson said today." ...

"Dr Nelson said Private Kovco was in his room with two others at the time of the incident and had his 9mm Browning pistol nearby." ...

"Asked if he could guarantee that the defence department would not cover-up any aspect of the incident, Dr Nelson said: 'Can I assure you that is definitely not going to happen.'"

"'I can assure you ... nothing will be concealed at all.'"

"'I'll just emphasise ... there is no evidence that it was anything other than an accident and nor is there any evidence that it involved either of the other two soldiers who were in the room.'" ...

NE: Weapon oversight (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The unicameral has left a huge gap in our security with the half-measure authorizing concealed weapons."

"People can forget their guns, or forget to load them. Some might not even be able to afford the gun and the $100 or so for the permit. We will only be truly safe when everyone is armed."

"State and local governments, along with civic-minded businesses and citizens, must make that happen. Public transportation could carry loaded handguns in handy seat pockets. Fast-food restaurants should have a small shelf of guns next to the carry-out lids; sit-down restaurants could place them in the center of the table with the condiments. Upscale dining establishments could offer complimentary handguns to parties of four or more." ...

PA: Work for gun control (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read state Sen. Leanna M. Washington's letter criticizing Tom Ferrick's April 2 column ("Ferrick's aim was off the mark," April 20). Obviously, she's for handgun control, but anyone knows that the predominately white, deer-hunting, National Rifle Association members in upstate and Western Pennsylvania are hiding behind the Second Amendment, and will never allow that. So how does Philadelphia get all these guns off the streets?"

"Whatever happened to all the passion the national NAACP and the Jesse Jackson types had concerning civil rights and the lynching of blacks? Isn't the black-on-black murder rate sufficient to bring all law-abiding blacks under the gun control umbrella?" ...

MD: Four Members of Navy Rifle Team Earn All-America Honors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four members of the Navy rifle team earned All-America honors, announced late last week. Two Mids, juniors Sarah Bergman and Chris Schneider earned first-team All-America recognition, while Josh Albright and Lisa Kunzelman garnered second-team honors. Albright also earned an honorable mention accolade. The quartet led Navy to a fourth-place finish at last month's NCAA Championships." ...

CT: Hartford Business Owner Caught Providing Illegal Gun Certificates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To get a permit to shoot a gun you first need a certificate showing proof you completed a firearms course with an N.R.A. certified instructor. Bloomfield police recently arrested Patrick Hylton of Hartford for helping people get the certificates without having the training or proper paperwork."

"'They were not going through firearms practicing,' said Captain Jeffrey Blatter, 'they would sign off on a piece of paper and bring it to the police department therefore you had individuals with no experience with a handgun getting pistol permits. He was endangering people out in the streets by not showing these people how to use firearms.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Well Captain, can you name one such incident?

Australia: Teenage victim 'shot at point-blank range'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-YEAR-OLD girl is believed to have cowered behind a doona as a 13-year-old boy armed with a rifle pointed the gun at her head and shot her dead at point-blank range, a court heard yesterday."

"The girl's boyfriend was initially blamed for the killing ... prompting a family member to attack him, leaving him with brain damage."

"Perth Children's Court president Denis Reynolds yesterday refused the 13-year-old bail, despite his age, because of the seriousness of the allegations."

"Prosecutor Linda Black told the court the murder charge against the boy, who has no criminal record and whose well-respected parents sat in the back of the court, was likely to be upgraded to willful murder." ...

Malaysia: Firearms designed in Malaysia a reality soon
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"For four years, the staff at Vita Berapi (M) Sdn Bhd have toiled at research and development."

"But they will enjoy the fruits of their labour soon: The little-known Malaysian company is all set to produce the first made-in-Malaysia range of firearms."

"Vita Berapi managing director Syed Yusoff Syed Abdullah said the company would open its first firearms manufacturing factory in Rawang by the end of the year."

"He said the company hoped to supply its products to the Malaysian armed forces and other security forces."

"'We have seven types of weapons, ranging from sidearms to rifles and even a pistol for sports.'" ...

Australia: Kids and guns alarming mix
Submitted by: Haddock

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"WE can only speculate on the catalyst. But as a generalisation it must be accepted that society is failing children who turn to guns and other weapons and engage in violent crime in alarming numbers."

"Police Minister Judy Spence may take comfort from figures she says show the rate of offences involving children and guns has not changed in the past three years, although the number of offences has risen – risen from two a month in 2002 to three a month in 2004. That is not a response the community expects, or accepts. The Police Minister's reference to an improvement on the rate reported in the 1990s seems a grotesque measure of tolerance. One child wielding a gun is one too many." ...

Australia: Police hunt Sydney hospital gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who threatened a security guard with a pistol in the maternity ward of a Sydney hospital is still on the loose."

"He went to Auburn Hospital, in Sydney's west, to visit a patient just before 9pm (AEST) on Wednesday night."

"The pair argued and the man then threatened the security guard with the weapon, a police spokesman said."

"He fled the hospital before police arrived."

"Police surrounded the hospital but widened their search after a security camera showed the man leaving the building."

"Officers continue to search the suburb for the man, the spokesman said." ...

I have carried a revolver; lots of us do, but they are the most innocent things in the world. — MARK TWAIN

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